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Malia woke up in a dark place. She opened her eyes and looked around. Everything was black around her. She lowered her head and realized that she was several meters above the ground. She turned her head and noticed that she was trapped inside a huge spider's web. She struggled to get out.

"She's awake." A voice said in the distance.

Malia stopped and tried to pinpoint the source of the noise. Footsteps sounded very clearly. She looked down and saw Nolan in front of her. A thin smile stretched his lips. Suspicious, Malia frowned her eyebrows and continued to struggle to free herself from the trap.

"Perfect." Another voice said.

Malia squinted through the semi-darkness and noticed a figure behind Nolan.

Meagan appeared.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]



"Found something ?" Scott asked, returning to the Nemeton.

Stiles and Lydia shook their heads.

"How is it possible?" Stiles asked. "She was right there and now she's gone ? I thought we were done with the Ghost Riders."

"It's not them." Lydia said. "It's Meagan."

"Why Malia ?" Scott asked.

She sighed.

"I really have no idea."

"Scott, did you catch her scent ?" Stiles asked.

"No, I have nothing. I can't even hear her phone ringing."

Parrish joined them. He had put on his clothes.

"I don't want to complicate the situation, but I think we should warn the police." He said.

"You're the sheriff deputy and I'm working for the FBI somehow." Stiles replied. "We don't need an extra team."

"You're an intern."

"That's why I said somehow." Stiles retorted, annoyingly.

Lydia narrowed her eyes while looking at the forest around her.

"I don't think we're looking for her at the right place." She said.

"You want us to go inside the tunnels ?" Stiles asked.

"Think about it, that's probably where the breach is. If Meagan is there with Malia, then we have to go."

"What if it's a trap ?"

"We'll never know if we don't try." She retorted. "We have no reason to hesitate. Scott is an alpha, I'm a banshee, Parrish is a hellhound and you have your bat."

"Not anymore." Stiles said. "I gave it to Mason."

"In that case, stay behind me."

She took his hand and they all headed to the tunnels.


"What ?" Liam retorted, surprised.

"You heard me perfectly." Ava said. "I want you to bite me."

She pushed her hair back to clear her neck. Liam frowned.

"Really ?" He asked. "Do you think I'm a vampire or something ?"

Ava rolled her eyes.

"The answer is no, I won't bite you."

"It wasn't really a question, idiot." She said.

"I'm a Beta, I can't go around and turn people into werewolves when I'm still learning how to be one ! In case it didn't not cross your mind, there could be consequences."

"More serious consequences than my twin brother being controlled by a demon ? I don't think so."

"There must be another solution. You're a shapeshifter, why don't you just turn into a werewolf ?"

"Do you really think I would be here if I could do that ? I currently don't have enough power to shift into anything that's not a human."

"There must be another way."

"What do you have in mind ?"

"I could help you be stronger." Liam said.

Ava raised an eyebrow.

"And how exactly ?" She asked. "By fighting against me?"


Ava burst out laughing.

"You're really funny, but you're wasting my time."

She walked towards the door, but Liam blocked her way.

"Show me what you can do." He said.

Annoyed, Ava pushed him against the door and he fell to the ground, breaking a shelf.

"Uh, what are you two doing ?" Mason asked in the hallway.

Liam stood up, massaging his skull. Ava folded her arms on her chest.

"Maybe you want another demonstration?" She retorted, amused.

Suddenly, Liam took her by surprise and she fell on the ground. He immobilized her by positioning himself on top of her.

"What do you say now ?" He asked.

They stared at each other for long seconds. Ava looked down at Liam's shirtless body.

Mason opened the door.

"You could have told me you wanted to be alone for this."


"You are a werewolf." Meagan said, watching Malia, curiously. "That's interesting."

"Coyote." Malia corrected. "A werecoyote."

"You must be very strong."

Meagan raised a hand in her direction and pulled down the spiderweb.

"You are not afraid of me." She said, approaching Malia.

She smiled.

"You love insects."

Cockroaches crawled on her arm before climbing onto Malia's body.

"And insects love you." Meagan added.

Cockroaches crawled on Malia's neck and chin.

"As I was expected, you're the one I was looking for."

"What do you mean ?" Malia asked, confused.

"You are the Queen."


"An exchange ritual ?" Scott asked as he was walking through the tunnels, his phone in his hand.

"That's right." Deaton replied, appearing across the screen.

Sitting in his office, he was holding an old book in his hands.

"I think we were wrong about Meagan. She's not just looking for hosts to control. I think it's more than that, it's a competition."

"A competition ?" Lydia asked, behind Scott. "You mean a confrontation ?"

"Kind of." Deaton said, flipping through the pages of his book. "If we use insects as a reference, we can notice a similarity that ants and bees have. They choose their queen by eliminating the weak ones."

"I thought Meagan was the queen." Stiles said.

"I don't think she is anymore."

"What does all this have to do with Malia ?" Scott asked.

"That's what I'm trying to understand. Did you notice anything strange about Malia lately ?"

"No really ? She grunted a few times at my dog, but that's all."

Lydia stopped walking. Parrish, Stiles and Scott turned towards her.

"Lydia ?" Stiles asked.

"The night we were at the high school, Malia ate a cockroach."

She grabbed Scott's phone.

"She swallowed it and nothing happened !"

"She might be the chosen one." Deaton said. "You have to find her before Meagan does."


"A demon ?" Corey asked in the library. "How many supernatural beings are in this school exactly ?"

"I think there are even more in the city." Mason replied, sitting in front of him.

"I guess it inspires you a lot for your novel."

"My novels."

Corey raised his eyebrows.

"I'm currently working on the second book of the series." Mason added, proudly.

"Am I also in your story ?"

Mason smiled.

"You are my main inspiration."

They leaned forward and kissed.

"Do you think Liam is still in danger?" Corey asked.

"Dave is even more in danger than him. This demon might kill him."

"You're very worried about him."

"He's my friend."

"I know."

Mason put his hand on Corey's.

"I'll be more worried if you were in danger."

Corey smiled.

"I'm thinking a lot about Liam." Mason added. "This year was supposed to be a break in our lives. We were supposed to be normal teenagers and now he has lot of weight to bear on his shoulders again."


"Right there !" Parrish exclaimed. "Follow me."

He eyes glowed as he headed towards a long, dark and damp hallway. Scott used the light of his phone to move forward. Behind him, Stiles and Lydia were holding hands.

"Behind this wall." Jordan said. "There is something."

He stepped back.

"Stay away."

They moved away from him before he turned into a hellhound. Flames flashed around him, illuminating the entire corridor. He groaned then lunged at the wall, breaking it partially, making a hole big enough to cross. He stepped into the second tunnel and frowned. He had walked in a giant spider's web.

Suddenly Lydia became uneasy and lost balance. Stiles helped her crouch down to the floor so she could rest. She held her head.

"Lydia ?" Stiles asked, worried. "What's going on ? Did you see something ?"

"She was here." She said.

She looked up at Scott.

"Malia was here. With Meagan and Nolan."

"What else did you see ?" Scott asked.

"I heard a sentence."

"What did it say?" Parrish asked.

"It's the final phase."

Lydia got up. Stiles wrapped her arm around his neck to support her.

"We don't have much time." She said.

Scott nodded and clenched his jaw.

Suddenly, they heard footsteps behind them.

"What is that ?" Stiles asked.

Scott turned his phone towards the noise. A dozen of giant scorpions were heading towards them.

"Shit." Stiles whispered.

"Stiles, Lydia, go." Scott said. "I'll stay with Parrish."

"You forget our promise to never be separated again." Stiles replied.

A scorpion jumped on the ceiling and crawled towards them while brandishing its dart.

"Good luck, buddy !" Stiles exclaimed before running with Lydia towards a safer tunnel.


"You know what, Liam ?" Ava said, grabbing a bottle of water. "I'm disappointed I didn't fight with you earlier, I really love to beat you up."

Liam approached her. They were in the weight room and were breathing heavily due to the physical exertion.

"Did you just call me by my name ?" He asked.

Ava smiled.

"I shouldn't get used to it."

"Do you want to go the restaurant ?"

Ava spit out the water she was drinking and put a hand on her mouth.

"Is it a date ?" She asked.

"No, I'm just hungry."

Ava laughed.

"Let's eat then, idiot."


A scorpion jumped on Parrish. He hit him with his arm and propelled him against a wall where the insect crashed. Scott roared. His eyes turned suddenly red. He avoided the sting of two scorpions by jumping over them.

The two of them were fighting ruthlessly against the giant creatures.

Parrish was pushed by a scorpion and fell into the tunnel where the spider's web was. He felt things climbing on his arms. Centipedes. He screamed.

"Parrish !" Scott exclaimed.

"Scott, don't stay here !" Jordan yelled. "Go find Malia, I'll be okay !"

A few seconds later, the tunnel caught fire and he jumped into another tunnel protecting his face with his arms. Shredded scorpions flew beside him.

Scott got up and coughed because of the smoke. He stepped into the tunnel that led to a large room that contained a ladder to access the exit. He took a step forward and then stopped. Things crawled under his feet.

He felt paws on his shoulder and noticed an ant. She bit him through his jacket. He killed her and fell back under the effect of surprise.

He widened his eyes when he realized he was in a nest of red ants.


"Why are you doing this ?" Malia asked, attached to a cocoon in the shape of a chair.

Meagan ignored her and asked Nolan to tie her more firmly.

"Stay quiet." He said.

He then approached Meagan and they kissed each other. Malia grimaced as worms crawled through Meagan's hair. They ended the kiss.

"Are you ready ?" She asked.

"Yes, my quee-"

A dart pierced his abdomen. Blood flowed from his mouth.

"Stop !" Malia screamed. "You are killing him !"

"If the king is weak, the queen is better alone."

Meagan removed the dart from Nolan's body. He fell on the floor. She turned towards Malia.

"Stay away from me !" The werecoyote grunted, managing to free herself thanks to her claws.

She escaped.

"There will only be one left." Meagan whispered as her eyes turned all black.

She followed Malia.

"It's the final phase."


"Do you want something, sir ?" A waiter asked Liam, sitting at a table.

"No, I'm waiting for someone, thank you."

The waiter went away. A few minutes later, Ava appeared. She was wearing a green dress and her hair cascaded down her bare shoulders.

She was beautiful.

Liam's eyes widened when he saw her.

"I hope I haven't been too long." She said.

"Uh, no, not at all." Liam stammered. "Your style is different. I like it."

"Thank you." She replied, smiling.

The waiter came back to take their order.

"Do you want something else ?" He asked, after bringing them their plates.

"You can leave us alone, thanks." Ava said.

The waiter went away and she turned towards Liam who was uncomfortable.

"I'm happy to be with you tonight, you know." She added.

She caressed Liam's hand. He stiffened, surprised.

"Uh, me too ?"

"You probaly didn't realize, but... I like you, Liam."

She touched his leg under the table.

"A lot."

Liam dropped his plate on his lap.

He stepped back and stood up suddenly under the confused gaze of the people inside the restaurant.

"Something's wrong ?" Ava asked with a sensual voice.

"Uh, I... I'll be right back." Liam said before heading to the restroom.

Panicked, he turned on the tap and tried to mop his pants. He then took a deep breath and looked at himself in the mirror.

"Calm down, Liam." He whispered. "It's not a date."

"That's really what you think ?" A voice said behind him.

He turned around.

The demon was standing in front of him.


Stiles and Lydia ran to escape the mutant insects that were threatened them.

"Watch out !" Lydia shouted.

He jumped and turned around. A hive of bees was heading towards him.

Lydia pushed him and reached out both her hands in front of her while opening her mouth. Stiles plugged his ears. A powerful, high-pitched sound escaped, repelling and killing the bees.

"Come on !" Lydia said, leaving.

Stiles stood up and stared at her with admiration.

"That was super hot if you ask me !" He exclaimed, running behind her.

Suddenly, Lydia stopped running and Stiles too. Nolan was in front of them, one hand resting on his abdomen.

"H-Help me." He murmured.

He held out a bloody hand to Lydia. Stiles hit him in the face. Nolan fell to the ground.

"What are you doing ?" Lydia exclaimed.

"What ? I wasn't going to let that crazy dude put his hands on my girlfriend !"

Lydia stooped down towards Nolan.

"No, Stiles, it's really Nolan."

She shook his arm.

"Hey, Nolan, do you hear me ? What happened ? Where is Meagan ?"

"She will kill us." He said. "She will kill all of us."


Liam felt wind around him. When he opened his eyes, he was on the roof of the restaurant. He felt a slight sensation of vertigo.

"Don't get too close." The demon said, behind him. "You could fall."

It smiled revealing a row of sharp teeth.

"What do you want from me ?" Liam asked, trying to hide his fear.

"I want your powers."

"Why ? You already have powers and you use them for very bad reasons."

"I hate those who never use their abilities like you."

The demon approached Liam.

"You fell into my trap again."

Liam remained silent.

"You really like this girl, don't you ?"

"What did you do to Dave ?" Liam retorted dryly.

"Dave ?" The demon chuckled hysterically. "You're here in this incredible place and you asking me where's Dave ?"

He paused.

"I am Dave."


"Malia ?" Meagan said, walking in a tunnel. "It's useless to hide."

A few meters away, Malia was hidden behind a wall.

Meagan stopped and smiled. A butterfly flew near Malia.

"I can see you."

Malia came out of her hiding spot. Her eyes turned blue. She jumped at Meagan. The two girls began a raging fight. Malia got bitten by many insects as she was hitting Meagan several times. She groaned and dig her claws into her chest.

Meagan screamed and fell on her knees. She opened her mouth and hundreds of butterflies came out of it before disappearing. Malia stepped back and covered her face with her hands.

When the last butterfly flew away, Meagan fainted.

Calm had returned. Out of breath, Malia recognized the voices of Stiles and Lydia screaming her name in an upper tunnel.

She ran to join them.


Liam stepped back, surprised. He frowned.

"You think I've been kidnapped and forced to do horrible things ?" Dave said. "Well, that's not the case.

"But, Ava said-"

"My sister says a lot of things, but she's not always right."

"Did you think about what she's going to think about you ? She's going to be very hurt."

"The only one who will be hurt tonight is you, Liam. I've never liked you, you know. You were right not to trust me."

Dave stepped forward. Liam stepped back again, he was getting dangerously close to the edge of the building.

"Don't worry. I'll tell Mason you fought with dignity."

He pushed Liam who fell and instinctively clung to the edge.

He remembered the night he was attacked by a Wendigo.

"No !" A voice yelled.

Ava ran in their direction. Dave turned around.

"Hi, sister."

"Ava !" Liam exclaimed.

He was beginning to slip.

"Don't listen to him !" He shouted.

"Come with me, Ava." Dave said. "We can do great things together."

"You're a demon." She said, without any emotion. "We're different."

"That's not right. You're a part of me just as I'm a part of you."

"You're wrong." She retorted.

He stretched an arm towards her. Part of his face was human and the other was monstrous.

"Please." He said. "Come with me."

"Ava !" Liam screamed, exhausted.

"I'm sorry." She whispered, tears in her eyes.

Dave frowned. Ava took a dagger out of the pocket of her jeans and thrust it into her chest. She collapsed on the ground. Dave screamed before getting disintegrated. A black dust flew into the starry sky.

Liam screamed louder and reunited his last remaining forces to climb to the roof. He rushed towards Ava's lifeless body.

"Ava !" He shouted. "Ava, open your eyes !"

He grabbed her hand and concentrated in order to take her pain.

Nothing happened.

He fell to the ground, devastated.

Ava's finger moved.

Liam grabbed her hand again. Ava grabbed his fingers.


Trapped with the ants, Scott began to crawl along his legs and arms. He crushed some with his feet, but others climbed on his face. He uttered a grunt of distress.

At the same time, the ground began to tremble behind him, splitting. The ants fell through the cracks and Scott clutched at a rock. A flash of lightning gushed into the room followed by the most total silence. The ground closed slowly. Scott sighed and stood up. He noticed a figure standing in front of him. The person was holding a long spear.

Scott raised his eyebrows.

"Kira ?" He said, shocked.

The person looked at him.

"Scott !" Kira exclaimed.

He widened his eyes and she ran in his direction. She jumped into his arms and he hugged her, still surprised. She pulled away from him and suddenly pressed her lips on his.

They ended their kiss and she smiled at him.

"Scott !" Malia shouted, running towards him.

She kissed him in front of Kira who blinked at them in total confusion.

"Kira ?" Lydia asked as she approached them, followed by Stiles and Nolan. "You came back ?"

"Yes." She replied while staring at Scott. "I'm back."

He looked at her uncomfortably.

"Alright, let's get out of here !" Stiles exclaimed.

"Wait." Lydia said. "Where is Parrish ?"

At the same moment, Jordan appeared, holding Meagan's body in his arms.

"She's no longer possessed." He said. "I think she's still alive."


"Parrish will take Meagan and Nolan to the hospital." Stiles said as he climbed into his Jeep. "Anybody else feels injured ?"

He turned towards the back seat. Scott and Malia shook their heads and Kira, sitting next to them, tried not to look embarrassed.

"Malia ?" Lydia asked. "Are you sure you're okay ?"

"Yes. I'm fine."

"Awesome." Stiles said, starting the engine. "What if we pretended we all have a normal life and nothing happened. Who wants to go the the movie theater ?"

In the distance, a butterfly was following the car on the highway.

And that's a wrap for Season 7A !

Thoughts on this finale ?

Favorite moment ?

What are you expecting for Season 7B ?

I want to thank everyone who is spending time reading this story.

Thanks for your feedback and support. You guys are amazing.

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