Part Four

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"I'm home," Eul called out tiredly as she entered the door of her home. She immediately kicked her shoes off of her feet, sighing in relief as her feet were finally able to lay flat across the ground. She threw her bag across the floor and shrugged her jacket off, too tired to put her things in its proper place.

She thought it was a bit strange that it was so quiet in her apartment considering Uri was with Jungkook, and even more strange that neither of them had welcomed her home.

A look of disgust painted across her face as she tread through the mess surrounding her. Blankets, pillows, empty soda cans, candy wrappers, and potato chip bags littered the floor. Jungkook must've brought all of this junk food over. He always spoils Uri with snacks whenever he watches him.

Eul was prepared to scold the both of them for leaving such a mess, but as soon as she found them, all of her annoyance faded away to be replaced with softness. On her couch was a sleeping Jungkook, his one leg hanging over the back of the couch, his mouth wide open as soft snores sounded from him, and his arms wrapped protectively around Uri. The smaller boy was cuddled up to Jungkook's side, looking perfectly content as he slept.

Eul chuckled as she found a blanket to cover up the two boys. Jungkook stirred slightly as she tucked them in. She could always make them clean up their mess tomorrow; they obviously wore themselves out tonight.

The next morning, Eul wakes up to the smell of freshly brewed coffee and bacon. Forgetting the fact that Jungkook had fallen asleep at her house the night before, Eul rushes out of bed, worried that Uri tried to cook on his own, and might at any moment burn the apartment down. She grabs a blanket from her bed, preparing for the worst case scenario; having to stomp out a fire.

The calm and peaceful sight she sees when she enters the kitchen definitely wasn't what she was expecting, but she definitely wasn't complaining.

"Good morning, Noona," Jungkook smiles as he flips over a strip of bacon. Eul blinks in surprise. Breakfast itself is a rarity for Eul, but having someone else cook it for her, this had to be the first time in years, and she couldn't be more delighted.

Eul held a hand to her stomach as it growled angrily. Jungkook eyed her before chuckling to himself. "Don't worry, it's almost done."

Eul smiled sheepishly before pulling out a chair from her dining table and taking a seat. It didn't take long to notice that the mess she came home to last night had been cleaned. "Looks like you've been busy this morning," Eul noticed.

"I didn't want to leave you with the mess that we made."

"Well that saves me the trouble of having to lecture you about it."

"A 'thank you' for all of my hard work would be nice," Jungkook teased as he walked over to the table, setting down a plate of bacon, eggs, and pancakes in front of Eul.

Eul quickly snatched a slice of bacon, and took a bite. "Me not nagging you should be enough. You ask for a lot." Jungkook only rolls his eyes in response before calling Uri to breakfast. It doesn't take long for Uri to groggily trudge his way to the table. Eul smiled at the boy's mess of locks and the way he ate his food with his eyes barely open. The poor kid must've been worn out from hanging out with Jungkook.

"So how did your interview go yesterday?" Jungkook inquired.

Eul hummed in response, not knowing how to answer that since she had been asking herself the same exact question. "I would like to think I did a good job, but those old farts that interviewed me didn't seem very impressed," she sighed, "I don't know if that was because of all the plastic surgery they've had or if they just really hated me."

"Probably a little bit of both," Jungkook retorted, to which Eul kicked him under the table for. "You know I'm just teasing. I'm sure you did fine, Noona! They'll probably be calling to tell you you've got the job any minute." Eul smiled at the younger's encouragement. For all the times Jungkook teased her or annoyed her, there were small moments, like now, when he could be serious and comforting. He could be the family she needed, the family she had wished to have for so long.

After breakfast, Jungkook began to stack everyone's plates and bring them to the sink. "I would wash them for you, but I don't want to be late for work."

"It's fine," Eul waves it off, "me and Uri can take care of it. You've done more than necessary already. Thanks, Kookie!"

Jungkook gives her a toothy, crinkle eyed smile in response. "See ya later," he calls out before grabbing his backpack and heading out the door.

"Yeah, they'll be calling about the job any minute now," Eul tried reassuring herself. Though she told herself that she had survived without this job and she would continue to do so even if she didn't get it, she couldn't help but think about how much more stable and well-paying it would be. She wouldn't have to rely on the generosity of others tips anymore. She would have a set amount of pay no matter what. She could pay off her school debt so much quicker. This job could help her in so many ways, how could she not be anxious about the outcome?

The next week was a rough one. Since she wasn't allowed to use her phone at work, putting her phone in her locker while it was on silent made her cringe. She had the company's number, and of course could always call them back, but would that seem less professional?

Focusing on her classes was a challenge too. Any time her phone would vibrate in her pocket, she would nearly jump out of her seat. Anxious thoughts racked her brain day and night. Who knew waiting for a phone call could cause so much stress, but it would come any minute now, right?

Eul had just finished clocking out. She now stood at her locker, untying the strings of her apron only to lazily fold the cloth and stuff it into her assigned cubby. She grabbed her bag that held all of her personal belongings and swung it across her shoulder. After closing her locker door and walking back out to the dining area of the restaurant, she passed Jungkook and ruffled his hair. He sighed as he attempted to flatten it back out.

"Why do you always do-" before he could finish his sentence, Eul's ringer begin to go off. Her full attention was on her phone, as it usually would turn anytime she received a call for the past week. Jungkook would've been annoyed by how she completely blocked out his presence if it weren't for the fact that he too was rigid in his eager expectation. You would think that due to his anxiety and equal excitement matching Eul's that he were dependent on her getting the job.

When Eul pulled out her phone to see the entertainment company's name on her screen, both her and Jungkook froze for a moment, staring at each other with uneasy looks. "Hurry and answer it," Jungkook urged her, worried that his insides might implode due to the anticipation building up.

"Oh, right!" Eul fumbled with her phone in her haste to try and answer the call, nearly dropping the device. "Hello?" She put the phone to her ear, her heart pounding hard against her chest.

"Yes, hello. This is Kim Dahyun calling from Goraku Entertainment. Is this Miss No Eul?"

Eul felt as if her response was stuck somewhere in her throat and she were about to choke on it if she didn't spit it out. "Y-Yes. This is she."

All of the professionalism held in the receptionist's voice previously was thrown away as soon as Eul's identity was confirmed. Eul held the phone away from her ear and cringed as an excited, deafening squeal rang out from the other line. "Eul, as soon as they told me to call you, I had to run into the bathroom to deliver the news to you so they wouldn't judge me for screaming!"

"What news?" She gripped her phone tighter in her hand. It felt as if even the world had stopped spinning just so it could hear what Dahyun would say next.

"Congratulations, Eul! You got the job."

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