[ love language headcanons - playable characters ]

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LOVE LANGUAGE HEADCANONS ; playable characters


WARNINGS ; swearing, lots of it. these headcanons are once again repetitive and messy, still getting used to the swing of it so bare with me fellas. and there are also a lot weird stuff mentioned, like a shit joke and being covered in condiments but this is monster prom and this is the kinda stuff you dive into when watching or playing the game. so, i hope you enjoy!


► one of her main love languages are words of affirmations, she cannot stop talking about you or complimenting you. she thinks you're absolutely incredible and will keep telling you how she thinks you look amazing. if any of her compliments make you uncomfortable she'll stop.
     ► though, if you ever send her a single compliment you're making her become an absolutely flustered mess. a single compliment for her makes her heart soar. even despite her high grades and how she gets applause for them, she can still get bashful from compliments.

►her second main love language is acts of service, she doesn't mind doing anything time-consuming when it comes to you. she always remembers the little details about you, not in a creepy manner, more so simple friendly details. like, what you mainly use when drinking coffee or tea and what time your favourite show is.
      ► do the same for her like remembering to cook what her favourite meal is, she's starstruck. vicky is used to giving rather than receiving, not in a present sense, more so she's used to doing things for others that when she sees you willingly pay for her electrical bills she's over the moon and further in love. but she was already so deep in love, to begin with, so there's not much of a difference. nevertheless, she's even more in love with you. she's got pretty high electrical bills though, you gotta admit though.

► for susanne, physical affection is her main love language, she absolutely adores you so she'll smother you with affection. she especially loves to hold your hand or wrap an arm around your shoulder. of course, she understands boundaries and avoids crossing them and she'll make sure to stop immediately if you ask her to. nonetheless, susanne is a very affectionate person. also, expect tackle hugs if you're fine with it.
     ►whenever you're cuddling, she prefers to be the little spoon but doesn't mind being the big spoon. if you're shorter than her, and she's the little spoon she finds it adorable how you cling onto her like a koala but it's comforting to her. if you're taller and the big spoon, she finds it very nice to be held in the arms of someone. it's like she's resting on a cloud. susanne finds it very comforting to be around you, she's very energetic but she likes to recharge with you in peaceful intimate moments.

►quality time is her second main love language, susanne loves to dabble in danger and she'll love it if you're willing to accompany her in the chaos that she can stir with others. her adventures mostly consist of playing pranks on unfortunate souls who come walking into them. one time, you pranked damien, dahlia and aaravi all together. you don't know how but you and susanne did, it was worth it to see them covered in condiments. except for the running part, the running part was not fun.
    ► ever feel like exploring the woodlands of camp spooky even further? susanne is willing to accompany you on your mini-voyage. all you need is a map, some food and you two will be off on your adventure. susanne basks in your presence, she just enjoys being around you and any stupid shenanigans with you are very cherished.


► this woman will not shut up about you. you're her everything to you so she will not stop blabbering on and on about how incredible you are. and since she's known for her love for video games, whenever you ever accomplish something in the games she'll shower you in compliments. also likes to be pretty flirtatious with you, but if you got any boundaries she's quick to stop and respect your wishes.
    ► if you're a flirtatious type though or just feel like sending her a compliment back, she's a bit surprised and flustered but she's quick to shoot a compliment or a pick-up line right back art you. if you're willing to, keep sending her compliments or pick-up lines. she'll be able to counter them but if you manage to keep it up, just see how long it is until she'll start a fire.

► do mischievous things with her please, she wants to get into trouble with you. amira won't put the both of you in jeopardizing situations but like susanne, she'll drag you along to play pranks with her or do some other harmless misdeeds around the city with you after school. or maybe you can do devious things with her and skip a period to hang out in the bathrooms too.
     ► even if her ideas of hanging out with her are more intense and eventful, fun too. she'll do anything that you find interest, hiking? yeah, let's go. swimming? she'll probably not dip her head in but let's go. crocheting? she'll probably manage to hurt herself but fuck yeah will she do it. as long as she's with you.

► despite that they can attract others without lifting a finger was pretty annoying, but now that they're with you they're wrapped around your finger. if you don't mind, sawyer will most likely cling onto you whenever they can. however, they mostly do it in private. they love to rest their head on your shoulders and wrap their arms around your waist.
     ► will melt at your touch, just hold their hand or kiss their cheek and they will lose their usually calm and collected composure, they just find you very lovely okay. sawyer does like cuddling in private a lot too, they'll be the big spoon and wrap their tail around your wrist and revel during the moment.

►they'll be able to do things like watering any plants you have, if you have pets they'll feed them if you forget to, wash your dishes if there's not too many and occasionally pick up your mail. they don't mind doing these time-consuming tasks for you
      ► if you do the opposite with them, like baking their favourite pastries or cleaning up a certain area of their home they'll just stare at you. a stare of lovingness and adoration for you, they like that you're not just doing these things because you're under their spell but more so, you genuinely want to help them. and the fact makes them even more lovestruck.


► oz will give you gifts, no discussion needed. he's honestly so surprised yet happy that you're with him so he can't stop himself from purchasing things that he thinks would suit you well. he buys small plushies, pins and stickers. they're pretty cute gifts for an incarnation of fear but hey, it's not that you mind. you think it's adorable. however, if you're overwhelmed by the number of gifts he gets you he'll dial it back no worries. but still, he'll give you gifts whenever he sees something that he thinks you'll like.
► gives oz a gift, something emotionally-charged and hand-crafted from you. he may like giving gifts to you, but if you take the time to make him one? he's going to become a mess as his soul swells with adoration. i personally see him as someone interested in a lot of media, so he loves it, if you get him merch from some sort of material he likes. but any gift from you is really nice.

► doesn't do much of anything extravagant like susanne and amira, prefers to spend time with you at home. chilling in the living room or the bedroom is one of his favourite thing to do with you because there are so many things you both could do together. he's willing to do anything that's on your mind, laying down and embracing each other in silence or listening to music while dancing like no tomorrow he's up for it.
     ►though, his favourite thing to do with you is to be bundled in blankets seated next to each other while you guys binge watch movies. he likes a lot of genres, his favourites are preferably ones that get your heart racing. the usual thriller, suspense, dark, horror stuff. he can still get jumpy and fearful watching them, but at least you can get scared together, there's comfort in that.

►for being a mummy, with limbs that could fall off, wrapped together in bandages to be prevented from being lost, abdu is very affectionate to his s/o. he's often very cool to the touch so you're his first option if he ever needs any warmth. will gives you lots of cheek kisses too, get ready for that.
     ►likes to lazily lean himself on you, you might tip over and he does it very unexpectedly so you better be prepared to be able to withstand his tall structure. also will be the little spoon if you're fine with that, he feels protected in the embrace of another and with you, he feels so safe in your arms.

►this mummy gonna occasionally gift you with something he thinks you'll like, which is usually him buying you fast food from a restaurant. other than that, he also makes hand-crafted gifts for you, though they are sometimes strange. like one time, he made you a crown made out of candy wrappers? you won't question the logic to that, it's still nice.
     ►abdu's already swooning if you buy him the smallest of a gift, he keeps his placid charade on pretty decently but he averts his eyes from you frantically as he accepts it. you once gave him a small crystal quartz elephant that was at ten dollars. and when you came over to his house, you saw that gift proudly displayed on his bedside. another time, you bought him a plush of his favourite animal and he managed to stuff it in his backpack neatly. his antics are very endearing and heart-warming, honestly.


►not surprising at all, but brian fears he scares off others with his looming height, maimed face and other zombie-like features. when you got into the relationship the first thing he did was embrace you tight in private and he didn't let go of you for a while. from that, he'll cling onto you if you let him do so. and if you ever manage to sleep together and you decide to wake up early and go to do something, he'll whine and complain about you to come back so he can get more hugs from you.
     ► big spoon, that's all. this man will provide very relaxing cuddles, he'll run his fingers through your hair and occasionally hum very lowly. though, whenever it's time to wake up both of your limbs are entangled together in a mess with the blanket sprawled somewhere. and if brian is still asleep, you may have to maneuver yourself carefully out of his arms if you have intentions of doing something.

►brian can cook pretty well so he doesn't have much of a problem with making a quick meal if you ever forget to eat or if you are craving any sort of sustenance. he's not the best at baking though, nevertheless, brian tries. that can lead to a bit of disaster though, there was one time when brian gave you a cookie, damien stole it and the demon had to be stationed in the bathroom for a while from what brian must've accidentally put in there.
     ► sew his clothes together or his limbs, he's prone to having something tear and you can tell he goes through a bit of trouble whenever he's gone for the entirety of a period. if you're not the best or pretty experienced at sewing, he'll still appreciate very much you willing to help him with his endeavours.

A/N ; you have no idea the pure brainrot making this IRBAOSBAI. quick question tho fellas, should i make the headcanons short and more frequent or lengthy and few??

like more bulletpoints for headcanons but they're less detailed and more direct or less bulletpoints but have detail? just wondering in case theres a preference.

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