[ miss you - miranda vanderbilt ]

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MISS YOU ; miranda vanderbilt


WARNINGS ; subtle mentions of anxiousness, a bit angsty and some minor cursing, if i miss anything, let me know!Β 

It's been too long since you've seen her, Miranda, that is. After all, high school and college came to their ultimate end. You were both somewhat matured, but you both drifted away from each other, unintentionally. Her royal duties for the underwater kingdom supposedly became busier, probably harder and heavier to manage too. You supposed Miranda was more capable than ever now though, Miranda could take on any job by now, even if her methods were a bit harsh.

Chuckles part your lips at the nostalgia that drifts back into your ponderings. The Miranda you knew high school was full of a dangerous liveliness, one that strongly emanated from her. You were inclined to her, a desire to inquire if she was all ferocious sweetness. Your relationship with her at first was rocky. Miranda insulted you on how lowly you dressed, and with your partially crushed spirit, you swore you would've punched her if her guards hadn't lingered nearby.

Though, persistent you were to her. You kept coming back and back to vie for her attention that blossomed your friendship with her. With the gradually sinking fact of an unspoken mutual yearn for each other, the hope for words touched with love and the affections of a kiss. When she mustered the courage to confess her pinings, you had both gotten what you wanted when you embraced each other warmly and closely. How gloomy that the love they experienced all felt so strange nowadays.

That didn't matter now, wasn't it all bestowed in the past? You would be meeting Miranda again, seeing how much she's grown ever since you lost touch with each other in the aftermath of your college years. Yet, would Miranda be the same as she once was? Would she change into someone unfamiliar? Somebody, you didn't know? The question was venomous, instilling a fear that knotted tightly in your chest. The change that came with time wasn't so bad, but you were worried if she still wanted to be with you. Or spend time with you in general. You took a deep breath, trying to clear your thoughts from those that currently nagged you.

There you sat, worriedly fidgeting with your fingers as you waited for her encounter. It was miraculous how you came into contact again with her when you scrolled past her phone number. Her contact name only had hearts, causing you to fondly reminisce about how you spent your early mornings talking with her. You shot her a text, one that was somewhat lengthy, though you offered to hang out again at her favourite park. To which she agreed too. When you arrived, you were excited about her arrival. So, you waited.

And you waited.

The more you dwelled on the park bench, the more you wondered if you got stood-up, all because you wanted to reconnect with her. You sucked the air through the gaps of your teeth, observing your surroundings for any signs of her familiar face. Why hadn't Miranda declined your offer in the first place? She was straight-forward. Or did she do so not to hurt your feelings? It was painful how it almost made sense of her character to do so, letting a sigh fall from your lips, you hoisted yourself off the bench. However, then you hear it. You hear her.

"[Y/N!]" Her voice rings melodically in your ears.

Hastily, you spin around to catch even a glimpse of her welcoming familiarity. Your eyes widen at her figure, a smile curling on your lips. Al your previous thoughts dissipate within a matter of time. Miranda's here, here to see you. Her pink hair is all messy, but you still miss running your fingers through them. Miranda still adorns her elegant clothes, wearing a baby blue dress with mesh fabric overtops a white shirt with frilled cuffs. There's a bit of stain on there, they're not too noticeable, but you could tell she was in a rush. Her grin remains evident on her face, but everything about her seems tired or sore.

Immediately, you vault over the bench and rush over to her. Laughter parts your lips as she embraces you tightly, in fear of drifting apart from you once more. Her head is buried into your chest, sighing contently at the warmth that emits from your body. You pull away from the hug after a good minute, entwining your hand with hers as she uses her other to caress your cheek.

"Darling, I missed you! I'm so sorry I've never texted or called!" Miranda cries, eyes glimmering with hysteria and apologies. "I've been so busy helping my sisters run and protect our kingdom, I never got the time too and-"

You cut her off with a soft chuckle, "Miri! It's alright, I promise you. What matters is that we're here now."

Miranda smiles at you, chuckling along. "You have a point, dear."

Miri pauses for a moment, eyes examining you intently. Her tongue clicks as she shakes her head. "We're reunited, but you're dressed still in clothes fit for a peasant?"

You gasp at her, checking out your jacket and other articles of clothing. "Hey! I'm sorry I didn't expect you to wear fancy stuff!" You protest.

"Nonsense!" Miranda criticized, waving her arm in the air. "You never know when you'll get dragged into battle! So, you must at least be in style!"

You're dumbfounded, unsure of how to respond to the statement that spills from her lips. Abruptly, Miranda begins to drag you away from your meeting spot.

"We're going shopping this instant, [Y/N!]" Miranda cries, pumping her fist in the air childishly as you tread down the sidewalk.

You stare at her, abundances of admiration within your gaze. With the passing years, nothing seemed to change about her. Sure, she looked different than you previously known. But did that matter? Not in the slightest. Miranda would still be with you, right by your side. Manging to envelop the atmosphere with her infectious energy.

And right then and there, while Miranda carried you along to the nearest store. You swore you fell in love with her all over again.Β 

A/N ; sorry if this is a bit messily written, just wanted to get something out here!

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