FIVE | Cheer Tryouts and School Dances

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After a long and awful day of school, the torture was finally over. Now, Mariah had to endure the tortures of cheerleading tryouts. She loved cheerleading and always had but, she wasn't looking forward to sitting through the entire thing.

As she walked into the gym, she saw the other girls trying out, the current cheerleaders, and the boys basketball team. Mariah released a breath and walked off to the side to start stretching.

When the tryouts finally began, she grew excited. Her turn came and she walked to the center of the gym and started her routine. She ended it with a toe touche and a back tuck, and she smiled when she was done. Cheryl and the other girls smiled and clapped for her and she thanked them.

"That was amazing Mariah, unsurprisingly," Cheryl said with a proud smile. "Thank you Cheryl," Mariah replied before going to sit. "Next up are Betty Cooper and Veronica Lodge," Cheryl called.

The two girls walked to the center of the floor and did their routine. When they were finished, Mariah clapped for them and didn't stop when she realized she was the only one doing so.

"Hmm. Ladies, where's the heat? Where's the sizzle?" Cheryl asked them, unimpressed. "Well you haven't seen our big finish yet," Veronica said as she grabbed Betty's arm. She pulled her closer and kissed her. Mariah rolled her eyes at Veronica's antics but smiled nonetheless. Cheryl rolled her eyes and handed her clipboard to Tina Patel and then crossed her arms over her chest.

"Check your sell-by date, ladies, faux lesbian kissing hasn't been taboo since 1994. So let's see if you do better with the interview portion of our audition," Cheryl said. Mariah scrunched her nose in confusion. Interview? What interview?

"Betty, how's your sister doing?" Cheryl asked. "Um, Polly's fine, thanks for asking," Betty replied awkwardly. "Veronica, has Betty told you about her sister yet?" Cheryl fired. "Uh, no," Veronica replied.

"Go ahead Betty. Tell Veronica about your sister and my dear brother," Cheryl commanded. "All right Cheryl, I think the 'interview' is over," Mariah interjected, standing up. "No it isn't. It just started. Now go on Betty," Cheryl said.

"Polly and Jason dated," Betty said quietly. Cheryl scoffed, "I wouldn't say 'dated'," Cheryl said. "It didn't end well," Betty elaborated. "In fact, Jason's probably the reason your sister had a nervous breakdown and now lives in a group home, isn't it?" Cheryl continued.

"That's what my parents think," Betty replied in the same quiet tone. "What do you have to say about that, Betty? Go ahead, the floor is yours. Whatever you've been dying to spew about Jason and how he treated Polly, unleash it. Destroy me. Tear me a new one. Rip me to shreds. Annihilate me," Cheryl continued, taunting her.

Mariah could see Betty clench her fists, and she grew nervous. She prepared herself to stop any fight from occurring. "I just..." Betty started. "Finally," Cheryl whispered in a pleased voice. Betty unclenched her hands and relaxed them.

"I just wanted to say I'm sorry about what happened to Jason. I can't even imagine what you and your family must be going through," Betty finished. "Right," Cheryl said quietly, looking down. Her eyes then moved to Mariah, who held a sad expression on her face. Cheryl faced the two girls and shook her head, placing a fake smile on her face.

"Mariah and Veronica, welcome to the River Vixens. Betty, better luck next time," Cheryl said with an attitude. Betty looked upset and Veronica spoke. "Wait what, why? Because you couldn't bully Betty into being a bitch?" She asked.

"I need girls with fire on my squad," Cheryl answered. Mariah watched on, waiting to hear Veronica's next words, which she was sure wouldn't be pleasant. "I know what you need, Cheryl, because I know who you are. You would rather people fear than like you, so you traffic in terror and intimidation. You're rich, so you've never been held accountable, but I'm living proof. That certainty, that entitlement you wear on your head like a crown? It won't last. Eventually there will be a reckoning. Or, maybe that reckoning is now," Veronica took a few steps closer to a pissed off Cheryl.

"And maybe, that reckoning, is me. Betty and I come as a matching set. You want one, you take us both. You wanted fire? Sorry Cheryl bombshell, my specialty's ice," Veronica concluded with a hard look on her face. Cheryl took in a breath and her face matched Veronica's.

"All right, fine. Welcome to the team girls," Cheryl said angrily. "Now, everyone who made the team, go to the locker room and find a uniform that fits. Everyone else, better luck next year," Cheryl said, standing up along with Tina, and Ginger Lopez. The girls dispersed and Cheryl made her way over to Mariah.

"Can you believe her? Who does she think she is, talking to me like that? Unbelievable," Cheryl said before proceeding to walk away without letting Mariah speak. Mariah laughed and shook her head, before making her way to the locker room.

When she entered, she made her way over to Betty and Veronica. "Congratulations girls. We're River Vixens!" She said to them excitedly. Betty smiled, "I know I can't believe it. This is like a dream come true." Veronica smiled too and looked at Mariah. "You did amazing," she told the girl and Betty nodded in agreement. "Well, thirteen years of cheerleading is really helpful," she replied back, smiling. The other two girls laughed in response.

"I'm gonna go find a uniform. I'll see you guys later," Mariah concluded, giving the girls a wave before walking off. She went through the boxes until she found a uniform that looked like it would fit. She tried it on and realized it was too big. She looked for another one and tried it on next. It fit a lot better than the first. "This will do," she mumbled to herself, grabbing her things and exiting the locker room.

(*AN. Pretend she's wearing a River Vixens uniform. Use your imagination)

She walked outside towards the football field and walked along the track. She thought about her mess of a life and the mistakes that she's made. She thought about the events of New York, that led to her moving back to Riverdale. She thought about Archie and the fact that he would probably hate her forever. That thought upset her, more than she would care to admit.

She then thought about Jason. She missed him so much. She missed talking to him and telling him about her life and problems. He always gave her good advice and he always listened to her when she spoke. Mariah always tried to help Jason out in any way possible. Whether it be with football, girls, or his overbearing parents. They helped each other out. Mariah, Jason, and Cheryl were always there for one another.

She didn't realize that she was crying until she heard a whistle being blown and she snapped out of her reverie. She quickly wiped the tears away as she continued walking. Now, had she been watching where she was going, she would have realized that she was on the verge of running into someone.

She bumped into someone's back and almost fell, but she quickly regained her footing. "I'm so sorry. I wasn't looking where I was going," Mariah said and she looked up, her eyes meeting Betty's. Betty smiled and shook her head. "It's totally fine. No worries," she said.

Mariah looked over and saw Veronica and Archie. Her breath caught in her throat and Archie shifted on his feet. Mariah cleared her throat before speaking. "Hey Veronica, Archie. What are you guys talking about?" She asked, trying to make conversation. It came to her attention that she must have interrupted a conversation between the three.

"Oh, uh, we were just talking about the dance. Betty was just asking Archie if he wanted to go to the dance. With the both of us," Veronica said smiling, slightly uncomfortable. Mariah scrunched up her nose, Archie finding the action adorable. "You asked Archie to go to the dance with the both of you?" She questioned Betty in confusion.

"Yeah, well like I was telling Veronica, it's her first dance at Riverdale High and I wanted her to be able to go with some friends," Betty tried to explain. "You should come with us. It'll be fun," Betty added. Mariah stared at Betty and shook her head.

"Thanks, but no thanks. A school dance is the last place I wanna spend my time," she said. "Oh come on. It'll be fun, plus Archie's coming with us. Right Archiekins?" Veronica asked. Archie looked between the three girls, his eyes landing on Mariah, and staying there, before they shifted back to Veronica. "Uh, yeah. Sure," he replied nodding.

Mariah nodded her head. "Well, I don't know. If I go, Cheryl will probably keep me at her side the whole night. Speaking of, she's probably gonna force me to go anyway. So, I guess I'll see you guys there," Mariah said.

"Yes, we will definitely see you there," Veronica replied. Mariah nodded again and went to turn away when she noticed the jersey in Archie's hand. It was then that she really took in his attire. "You play football, since when? She asked him. "I've played for a while now which you would know if you bothered to keep in touch," he snapped, instantly regretting it when he saw her face fall. He didn't know why he felt bad, she deserved it. At least, he thought she did.

"Oh, well that's great," she said with a weak smile. She inspected the jersey further, noticing the number, though she couldn't see it too well. She narrowed her eyes and grabbed it from his hand and opened it up to get a closer look at it. The number nine displayed proudly on it. Mariah frowned, she had seen that jersey before. When Jason made varsity, he was so excited. He took numerous pictures with his jersey on and sent them to Mariah. She was so overjoyed when he told her the news.

"That's Jason's number," she stated as she looked up at him. "This is Jason's jersey," Mariah continued. Archie nodded his head slowly. "Yeah. Coach just gave it to me. He put me on varsity," Archie explained. "Are you gonna wear it?" Mariah asked him in disbelief. The thought of Archie or anyone else wearing the jersey angered her.

Archie looked at the jersey and then back at Mariah. Betty and Veronica stood quietly, watching the scene unfold. "Well, yeah. Coach said--" Archie didn't finish his sentence because Mariah threw the jersey back in his face and stormed off.

She wanted to go yell at the coach for being so inconsiderate. For not thinking about his actions and how they would affect others. But, she decided against it. Who knows what she would say in her angered fit of rage? Probably something that could get her suspended and her mom would kill her if she got suspended. Archie contemplated going after her. He didn't like seeing her upset. But he eventually decided against it. "I gotta get back to practice. I'll see you guys later," he said, heading back to the field.


Amara Coleman drove up to the school, which her daughter was waiting in front of. As soon as she saw her daughter she smiled. Mariah walked to the car and got inside, her mom driving away when her seatbelt was on. "You made the team! I knew you would. I'm so happy for you," her mother said. "Thanks mom," Mariah replied. The two made small talk as they drove home. The rest of the week went by the same. It was absolutely horrible but surprisingly, Mariah survived.


On Saturday morning, Mariah was sleeping peacefully. That is, until Cheryl barged into her room, holding a stack of dresses. She roughly shook Mariah awake and the blonde groaned. "Get up, take a shower, and try some of these on," Cheryl commanded.

"What? No hello? You just barged into my room!" Mariah exclaimed tiredly. "Did I stutter? Get up. Take a shower. And try on some dresses," Cheryl repeated slowly. Mariah crossed her arms over her chest defiantly. "Please," Cheryl begged. Mariah sighed, "I don't wanna go to the dance," she complained. "You have to. I don't wanna go alone," Cheryl said in a pleading tone.

Mariah sighed and went to take a shower, grabbing a few dresses as she went. Cheryl clapped her hands excitedly with a small squeal. Mariah showered and afterwards, tried on the first dress. After the two had a mini fashion show, Mariah finally decided on a dress.

After the two girls were dressed, they did each other's hair and makeup. When they were done, they took numerous pictures before heading downstairs. Her mother awaited them and laughed in delight when she saw the two girls. "Oh you both look so beautiful. Absolutely stunning. I'm gonna take pictures," she said. The two girls groaned. "Oh shut up and smile," Ms. Coleman said. The girls complied and endured more pictures.

Then, they said their goodbyes and were off to the dance. When they got there, the music was loud and there were many bodies dancing. "Cheryl, I don't wanna be here. There are too many people," Mariah said, pulling Cheryl's arm. "Mar, you'll be fine. I'm right here with you," Cheryl said, offering her a smile. Mariah nodded once and let Cheryl lead her away.

Mariah scanned the dance and looked at the different people. Tina, or maybe it was Ginger, Mariah didn't know or care, was talking about something stupid and Mariah was preparing to run for the hills. She saw Betty, Archie, and Veronica and thought about going to talk to them, but doesn't. She noticed Archie go and talk to a teacher, the same teacher that she saw him looking at during the assembly. Ms. Grundy or something.

Cheryl broke away from the group and went on stage in order to introduce Josie and the Pussycats. "Good evening, friends. Are you all having a good time?" She asked. The audience cheered and she motioned for them to quiet down and she continued.

She kept on speaking and Mariah looked around the room, her eyes landing on Betty. She began to make her way over to her but then Archie walked back over to Betty. Mariah stopped in her tracks and turned back to the stage as Cheryl finished. "This one's for you, JJ. I give you Josie and the Pussycats," Cheryl said and the crowd cheered. The three girls on stage began to sing.

Betty and Archie dance and talk as Mariah watched. As if sensing eyes on him, Archie looked over at Mariah and froze. It was the first time he saw her that night and he thought that she looked beautiful. He's never seen anyone look so amazing. Mariah looked away from the two and made her way back to Cheryl.

Betty noticed Archie staring and looked behind her and saw Mariah's retreating figure. She sighed and pulled away from Archie as the song ended.


After the dance, Mariah went to Cheryl's house for an after party. She would much rather be at home in her bed but Cheryl insisted that she came. She instantly regretted coming when she noticed that Archie and Betty were there. Not to mention Veronica.

People gathered into a room and Cheryl began to speak. "It's game time at Chez Blossom, kiddies. We're going old school tonight. Seven Minutes in Heaven. Who wants to tryst in the Closet of Love first? My vote is "A" for Archie. Anyone care to second it?" Cheryl started.

"Cher, what are you doing?" Mariah whispered, only to be ignored. Archie began to object but, he's interrupted by Reggie the douche. "Yes, Andrews! Yes," Reggie laughed. "All right. Gather around kids. Let's see who's riding the ginger stallion tonight," Cheryl said. Archie looked at Mariah, part of him hoping that it landed on her, the other part hoping that it didn't.

The bottle is spun and it goes around a few times before landing on Veronica. "Oh, no way!" Reggie snickered. Betty and Veronica look at one another. "It's clearly pointing to, the new girl. This should be fun," Cheryl said smirking. Mariah looked at her in exasperation before looking at Veronica.

"Um, I'm not doing this," Veronica said. "That's up to you. But, if you don't, house rules decree the hostess gets to take your turn. But, I'm not really in the mood for a hook up tonight so, Mariah can take my place," Cheryl said.

Mariah took in a sharp breath and choked on it. She looked at Cheryl as if the girl was a psychopath and Cheryl smiled, a sickly sweet smile. Veronica looked at Cheryl with a glare. "You know, that sounds a lot better than me going into that closet with Archie," she told Cheryl, a similar smile on her face.

"Uh, no it doesn't," Mariah and Archie object at the same time. "Are you giving up your turn?" Cheryl asked Veronica. Veronica looked at Mariah, who's shaking her head. She then looked at Archie, who had a pleading look on his face. Next, she glanced at Betty out of the corner of her eye, who just looked sad. She sighed deeply before facing Cheryl, who now wore a smirk.

"Yes, I am," she said confidently. Cheryl continued to smirk as she spoke, "All right. Mariah, Archie, your closet awaits you," she told them. "No. I'm not doing this," Mariah said quickly. "Yes you are, you have to. House rules, now go. Don't make this hard for yourselves," Cheryl said. Mariah glared, long and hard at her best friend and Cheryl just winked.

Mariah stood and walked to the closet. Archie reluctantly following. "Fine. Let's get this over with," she mumbled.


And that's chapter five. I left it on a cliffhanger because I love torturing you guys. Just kidding (not really). But I hope you all enjoyed. Thank you all so much for getting Capsize to over 6k reads. I literally love you guys so much. Next chapter will have Mariah and Archie fluff? Idk there might be a little fluff so stay tuned. I might update more because it's Spring Break now but who knows? Until the next chapter my loves. ;)

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