TWENTY ONE | Besties

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"So, Clifford Blossom is the reason that your dad is in prison?" Mariah questioned Veronica as the two walked down the school hallways. Veronica nodded. "According to Archie, yes," she answered. "When did Archie even hear this?" Was Mariah's next question.

The brunette sighed, "He said that he overheard it when he was looking for you at the banquet. He also told me what that bitch said to you. Are you okay?" She said. Mariah scoffed incredulously, "You just found out that my best friend's dad might be the reason your dad is in prison and you're asking me if I'm okay?"

Veronica rolled her eyes playfully and nudged her friend. "Yeah well, I'd like to take a break from my drama filled life by indulging in yours," Veronica said. "How about we stay away from the drama in our lives and indulge ourselves into something else?" Mariah suggested. Veronica narrowed her eyes in suspicion, "Yeah, like what?"

"Well, since you asked," Mariah started causing Veronica to roll her eyes in amusement. "Jughead's birthday is tomorrow and I got him an amazing present but, I want to do something special for him."

"Jughead's birthday is tomorrow? How do you know?" Veronica asked with wide eyes. Mariah rolled her eyes and a sigh fell from her lips. "I'm his best friend. I've made it my duty to learn everything about him on my own since he tells me next to nothing about himself," the blonde answered, a scowl on her face as she thought about Jughead and how reserved he could be.

Veronica chuckled quietly. "Yeah, you have a knack for invading people's privacy and personal lives," she admitted. Mariah stuck her tongue out at the girl and Veronica reciprocated the action. "I'll have you know, I do not invade people's personal lives. I simply observe details," she stated matter of factly. "No you pry. But that's one of my favorite attributes of yours," Veronica said. Mariah nodded approvingly, "Thank you."

"So, what do you have in mind for Jughead?" Veronica asked, successfully changing the subject. Mariah was thoughtful for a moment, her mind swimming with possibilities. She repeatedly shook her head 'no' at some of her ideas, knowing that the beanie wearing boy wouldn't like any of them. Veronica watched her expectantly and Mariah sighed. A frown came to her face and she glanced at Veronica and shrugged her shoulders.

"I don't know. But, I'll let you know if I think of something," Mariah said and Veronica nodded. The two girls departed and Mariah trudged down the hallway, thinking about Jughead. She spotted the boy on her mind and smiled widely, quickly making her way over to the dark haired boy. Mariah placed her hands on his shoulders and leaned her head next to his. "Hello almost birthday boy," she exclaimed.

Mariah released his shoulders and fell into step with him as he continued walking. Jughead looked at her distastefully and groaned slightly. "How did you know?" He grumbled quietly. "As your best friend It's my job to know everything about you," she answered with a smile.

"How many times do I have to tell you that you're not my best friend?" Jughead snapped. Mariah glared at him, "Forsythe Pendleton Jones III, why must you pretend that we're not friends?"

Jughead gasped quietly and looked at her with a horrified expression before gripping onto her forearm. "How the hell do you know my full name?" He questioned in shock. She shrugged nonchalantly, "I told you, I know everything." Jughead released her arm and scooted away from her. "That's borderline creepy," he said and she shrugged before letting a smile overtake her face once again.

"I got you the best birthday present ever. You'll love it. And I know you don't like your birthday and what not, but, I have made it my duty to give you the best birthday ever!" The blonde said brightly. Jughead sighed and then smiled a small smile. "That's nice of you Mariah and I appreciate it, I do. But, I don't want a present or any sort of surprise. What I want is to know where you're getting your information about me from because you're really starting to freak me out," the boy said.

Mariah smiled at him. "A good magician never reveals their secrets," she sated simply. "You're not a magician," he deadpanned. "Are you sure?" She questioned, slightly tilting her head to the side. He stared hard at her, "Yes."

Mariah smirked and continued walking alongside him and he looked away from her. "Whatever floats your boat. Just know that your present is nonrefundable so, you have to accept it," she said. He kept his eyes glued in front of him, not sparing her a glance. She took this as her opportunity to walk away from him, the boy too deep in thought to notice. "Look--" he started before cutting himself off upon realizing that his friend was no longer next to him.

Jughead furrowed his eyebrows and glanced around the hallway not seeing the blonde girl. A thought crossed his mind and he shook his head defiantly. "She's not a magician," he muttered to himself before continuing to walk to his next class.


Lunch rolled around and Mariah was pleased to see her friends eating in the cafeteria and not outside. She made her way to Archie, Betty, Veronica, and Kevin who seemed to be having a conversation. She placed her tray next to Archie's and sat down next to the redhead. "Hey," she said. He smiled at her in response and she placed a chaste kiss on his lips.

She began to eat her lunch and Archie's smile widened significantly. Veronica smirked at him and he rolled his eyes upon noticing. "So what are we talking about?" Mariah asked putting a spoonful of macaroni and cheese into her mouth. "I want to throw Jughead a birthday party!" Betty exclaimed, smiling happily.

Mariah looked up at her and shook her head. "Uh uh. Bad idea. He would hate that," she said. "Thank you," Archie mumbled. "How do you know?" Betty asked. Veronica spoke before Mariah could open her mouth, "Because she considers herself his best friend and now knows everything about him." Mariah nodded her head in agreement, pointing her spoon at the brunette.

Archie made sputtering noises as if he was choking and Mariah turned her attention to him, raising an eyebrow in concern. The boy took a sip of his water and looked at her. "I'm Jughead's best friend," he said. Betty smiled in slight amusement and Veronica shook her head at him, her eyes wide.

Mariah laughed humorlessly, "Oh Archie. My dear old, naive Archie. You should know by now that that isn't true. Not in the slightest," she said. She turned back to her food and began eating again. "Mar, what are you talking about? Jughead and I have been friends for a lot longer than you two have. I mean, no offence, but you don't have the same bond that we do," Archie defended.

"Idiot," Veronica muttered shaking her head. Mariah smiled a tight-lipped smile and looked at him again. "I'll put it simply, Archibald, you've been replaced. By me. And no offense to you, Archie, but you don't have the bond that we have. We have a lot more in common than you'd think. He won't admit it because he's stubborn as hell, but we're best friends and I'm like ninety nine percent sure that he likes me more than he likes you. No offense." She shrugged.

"Betty, back me up here," Archie said looking at her. Betty shrugged and smiled sheepishly, "You and Jughead are great friends and he still considers you his best friend. But, believe it or not, Mariah weaseled her way into his life and, though he won't give her the satisfaction by admitting it, he definitely considers her his best friend too, or at least, very close friend. He told me, but don't tell him that I told you that," Betty said.

Archie glared at her and Mariah smiled appreciatively. "Anyway, back to Jughead's party. I'm thinking a quaint gathering, inner circle only," Veronica said. Kevin's eyes widened, "Oh, my God, don't turn around," he said. The four did exactly what he said not to and their eyes fell on Chuck Clayton. He walked over to Ethel and Betty stood from her seat and walked over to where they stood.

After an intense moment, Betty walked back over to where her friends sat. "What was he doing? Accosting her?" Veronica questioned. "No, he was apologizing," Betty answered. Mariah tuned the rest of the conversation out and focused her attention on her food. "Mariah, you are coming to the party, right?" Betty asked hopefully. Mariah's head snapped up to the other blonde and she shook her head slowly. "Uh, I don't know. Parties aren't really my thing," she muttered.

Her eyes met Veronica's and the dark haired girl looked sympathetically at the blonde. "Oh come on, it'll be great. And Jughead would definitely want you there," Betty said. "Yeah, you have to be there for your best friend," Archie mocked with a smirk. Mariah glared at him briefly before looking down at her discarded food.

"I just don't have good experiences with parties. And I'd rather not go to another," Mariah mumbled. Archie gave her a concerned look and Betty sighed. "It's okay, Mar. You don't have to go," Veronica said. Kevin opened his mouth to protest but Veronica cut him off with a glare. "Uh, yeah she does. It's for Jughead," Betty replied with furrowed eyebrows.

"Betty, if she doesn't want to go, she doesn't have to go," Veronica said, giving the girl a look. Betty's face grew even more confused and Archie looked at his girlfriend. "What's all this about?" He asked her. Mariah shook her head, "Nothing. I just don't like parties," she answered. "But you went to that Blossom banquet," he replied.

"That technically wasn't a party," Mariah muttered. "Mar--" Archie began but Mariah cut him off. "Just drop it, will you? I'll be at that damn party, okay? You happy?" She exclaimed. She stood from her seat and picked up her tray. She dumped it's contents into the trashcan and stalked out of the cafeteria.

Betty, Archie, and Kevin looked questioningly at Veronica and the brunette just shook her head dismissively. She did not want to talk about it.


Cheryl counted the girls off as they reviewed their cheer routine after school at cheerleading practice. Mariah was bored of the routine and wanted to take a break but the redhead wouldn't let her. She went through the motions of the routine as with false enthusiasm though her movements were somewhat sluggish.

After doing the herkie instilled in the routine, Cheryl stopped the girls from continuing and Mariah sighed contently. Although, she wanted the practice to be over, she knew that Cheryl would keep them there for as long as she deemed necessary. Veronica entered the gym and Cheryl was far from pleased when she saw her.

"You're late, Veronica. We've already reviewed the new choreography for homecoming. That means you'll be in the back, where your presence will do the least amount of damage," Cheryl said. "With you front and center, no doubt," Veronica replied snarkily. "But of course. I do have the maddest skills on the squad," the redhead replied.

Mariah scoffed out a laugh and Cheryl turned to glare at her, knowing that the noise came from her. The blonde held up her hands in defense. "And because you're a Blossom, we have to accept whatever you say as gospel truth?" Veronica questioned. Mariah sat on the ground and sighed, she knew this confrontation would take a while. "You're welcome to challenge me, Veronica. But you'll lose," Cheryl stated matter of factly.

"We live in a democratic society, Cheryl," she began. "Debatable," Mariah muttered. "Let's let the Vixens decide who's cherry on top," Veronica concluded. "Challenge accepted," Cheryl smiled falsely. "Great," Veronica replied. Mariah groaned in annoyance and Betty helped her stand. The two walked off to the sidelines along with the rest of the Vixens as Veronica and Cheryl walked to the center of the gym.

Cheryl snapped her fingers and Tina started the music. Veronica went first and Mariah looked down at her nails. She couldn't care less about this competition and just wanted to go home. Before she knew it the music stopped and Veronica was posed on the ground. "All those for Cheryl?" Betty asked and nobody said anything. "Mariah!" Cheryl whisper shouted.

"I'll admit, I was not paying attention. Sorry," Mariah said, muttering the last part. She shrugged and raised her hand anyway. "All those for Veronica?" Betty asked next and the rest of the team cheered. Mariah rolled her eyes again in annoyance at their loud and unnecessary cheering. They could've just raised their hands like she did.

"Never cross a Lodge," Veronica said. "Come on girls." The team followed behind Veronica and Betty and Mariah groaned. She reluctantly followed as well turning to give Cheryl an apologetic smile. The redhead had a scowl on her face and she turned to Ginger and Tina. The two were about to get eaten alive and Mariah contemplated on staying to watch the show.

She decided against it and exited the gym, hoping that she could go home soon.


If you guys are reading this, that means that you've finished the chapter. I almost didn't publish this chapter today because I'm sad and didn't feel like editing or updating or doing anything on here. But I did anyways. Thank you all for reading and I hope you guys enjoyed it. What's up with Mariah and parties? Stay tuned and you'll find out. Have a great day everyone!

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