♡ cuffed

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( -amortentiaa )

' i ain't got a lot of money, but i got a lot of style. '

' from now on, these eyes will not be blinded by the light. '

' so maybe i don't know. '

' it's been a real slice. '

Megara Eliana 'Meg' Garrison




Magdalena Zalejska

Girl is a badass, and she knows it. Meg is the master of rolling her eyes, and being done with peoples' bullshit. Yeah, a lot of people apparently 'like' her, but she doesn't need a partner to be the way she is. Meg is self-confident, always walks around with her head held high, and tends to make quite a few of the boys swoon. She isn't your typical teenage girl, though. She's hot, she knows it, everyone else knows it, and she's not a virgin. She's very independent, and very headstrong. Also very stubborn. She's sassy, sarcastic, sly, cynical and will not flirt no matter how hot you are. She's blunt, and will straight-up walk away from you if your conversation is boring her. So she lets her anger out by flicking random people who get on her nerves off. She can downright mean sometimes, and not a thought comes through her head about the other person's feelings. Nor does she care. She's a hell of a fun time, and is always down for anything, illegal or not. She'll probably sway to doing it if it were illegal. Anything to piss the adults off. Call it payback for the adults pissing her off.
A little bit of a smartass, ironically not a teacher's pet, mainly because rules legit don't exist for her. She's anywhere for her own benefit and doing anything for the fun of it. She always looks bored, though let's all just remember she's a master actress, and knows how to master the art of masking emotions on her face. Fearless in every way, she's an obvious rebel and an even more obvious daredevil. Tell her to do something, and if she thinks you're not a self-loathing idiot with no brain, she'll probably do it.

Meg is independent and carefree. She can't be told what to do, because she simply won't listen. She's overconfident and sometimes arrogant, and she still won't care about fragile emotions.

Obviously not one of the nicest people around, hell, not even close. She's more seductive than flirty, but again, she needs no man to 'save' her, okay? The closest thing to a relationship she's going to get is her beloved motorcycle. However she is highly impulsive, and usually says the wrong things at the wrong times, but hey! Hate the sin, love the sinner, right? Because that's exactly what you have to do around her. And if you're asking, no she does not have a soft spot anywhere in herself. What you see is what you get. And if you don't like it, suck it up.

But Meg also kinda cares. Because she is also an amazing rant receiver, and is always a call away. Her solution to your problem? Shitty advice, and alcohol. But she'll be there for you. She just has to trust you, you need to not piss her off, and you have to put up with her.

Meg had always lived a relatively normal life. She wasn't rich, but she wasn't poor. She was a happy medium. She wasn't the oldest, so everyone always treated her like some child. The baby of the family, up until she turned 14. Then she started purposefully making her parents disappointed in her, thinking they'd finally stop treating her like kid if she did all the bullshit things. She started sneaking out of the house, staying put for too long, and never really listened to anything anyone ever told her.

Then there was her older brother, Achilles. He was her example of what to be. But the guy was a dick to her, so she was a bitch back. There was really no reason to rebel against her parents. She just really wanted their attention. And she was at the stage that she started to find her family incredibly annoying. She never really grew out of that phase, to be frank.

5 ft 7 inches

122 lbs

Well, why the fuck not? Not only is it a reason to not see her parents for a while, but her parents who hate her if she knew she was doing this. And that's a bonus.
Plus, Meg has always been one for a good mystery. And there was no way this voicemail couldn't be considered cryptic. She loves mysteries, and she is here for this one.

eeep aesthetic coming soon skkrt skkrt

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