♡ finding my fairytale

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{{RunedHearts }}

•• Name: Althea Kristianna 'Thea' Vitalis

•• Fairytale Name: Megara aka Meg

•• Age: 19

•• Gender: Female

•• Sexuality: She swings both ways.

•• Real Life Job/Role: Student, majored in drama

•• Fairytale Job/Role: A slave to Hades. She had to do his bidding.

•• Real Life Relationship Status: Single and dosen't care. But flirts like hell.

•• Fairytale Relationship Status: Married and kind of a goddess.

•• Appearance/Face Claim:

•• Personality: She's rough around the edges, mischievous and mysterious and definitely a flirt. She's headstrong and won't be tamed or controlled. Manipulative is practically her job, and don't expect any feelings from her. She cares about herself and no one else. She's cynical, sassy, sly and sarcastic, so don't take anything she says to heart. She probably justs really dosen't like you. Having said that, she's independent, a compulsive liar and craves adventure. She's a rebel and a daredevil 110% and if you offend or make her mad in any way, she'll cut you. She has four walls guarding her at all times, even though the last time she made out with someone was last night. Let's not talk about her major trust and commitment issues. She can't he helped.

•• Hobbies/Skills: Her skills at manipulation, lying and pretending to have human feelings lead her to be an amazing actress. She's somewhat musically talented, and can run long distances. If raising an eyebrow and being skeptical were an Olympic sport, she'd be world champ.

•• Fairytale Weapons/Powers: This chick dosen't need powers or weapons. I guess the powers of persuasion.

•• Real Life Family:
-Charissa Vitalis~ MOTHER /alive/
-Jaysen Vitalis~ FATHER /alive/
-Markos Vitalis~ OLDER BROTHER /alive/

•• First Sign of Transformation: She's been having slight amnesia

•• Second Sign: She was already descended from Greek to begin with, but she never knew how to speak it. Now she's just spouting out Greek sentences all over the place.

•• Third Sign: She's hallucinating Hercules everywhere.

•• Any Other Signs: Her eyes have changed from hazel to purple.

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