☙ once upon a time

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{{PaleYellowBrightBlue i don't know if you got this at all, but i'm tagging you again just in case}}

;; NAME:
Atalanta Madison Solace

;; AGE:
Newly 17






She's a free-spirited girl with a kindred spirit, with that mean streak and skepticism that everyone has. She usually runs her mouth, brutally honest to the point of rudeness. But she doesn't mean it, really. It just... falls out her mouth before she stops herself. Like the graceful lady she was descended from, she's open-minded and gives everyone a chance, as well as being confident in her passions and believes as long as you do what you love, someone out there will appreciate it. She can be very sarcastic and sassy- cheeky- when she wants to be, but that's usually only to people she knows well. She's very sneaky and clever, and maybe that confidence memtioned can come off as a small sliver of arrogance.

She craves adventure at every corner, always seeming to want more than what is given. She knows that life is short, and she knows she has to live life to the fullest; so that's exactly what she wants to do. She has a little bit of an impulsive mind- she calls it 'daredevil-ish'- and does things without thinking of the consequences. She takes a chance on things, and tales risks. It actually doesn't help that she isn't a compulsive liar. She's been caught many times, and most of the times, she puts on a brave face and pretends not to care. She really does. She's a convincing actress.

As the youngest in her family, she was always the outrageous one. She was always irresponsible, and passionate about everything she's ever did. She doesn't give up on anything without putting up a fight. Everyone she's ever met have always left some sort of carving into a place in her heart. No one is irreplaceable to her. She's forever loyal to the people that hold her dearly in their hearts as she does theirs'. She has a way with words, always able to persuade anyone with nearly everything. It's not manipulation. It's just mock innocence. And taking risks that won't be mentioned until they're done. Like Odessa, she liked seeing smiles on peoples' faces, and making people happy. She just has a different method.

She's descended from Odessa. You think she doesn't love dance? Well, to be completely honest, she likes dance. Odessa loved dance. Atlanta only likes dance. She's actually more in love with singing. Cliché and all, but it was true. Ballet just wasn't her priority. Singing was. Where Odessa loved ballet, Atalanta loved music.

She's that kind of person who seems to get only get bored of things. Not actually dislike them. Just gets bored of things easily. She likes trying new things for the fun, and the experience. If she does it too often, it gets boring. The only thing she truly doesn't like is being told what to do. No one tells her what to do without her putting up a fight.

Honestly, she craves adventure, but is so afraid of the unknown. She's also scared of disappointing anyone. Even the people she doesn't know, or the people she dislikes. Along with that, afraid of the dark. She just feels very uncomfortable not knowing what was in front of her.

There's not much to say. The excitement happened to her parents, not to her. She's the youngest of 3, with her older sister Ianessa and her older brother, Romanos. Her father left his affluent childhood behind to elope with her mother, a mere commoner in his presence.

All of Atalanta's family has always had their 'thing'. More often than not, it was dance. At the rare occasion, her family puts their thoughts on something that isn't dance, and ever week since she turned 15, her parents, Ianessa and Romanos would watch her busk in the town. She'd always get stage fright, but she'd get over it by the time she was halfway through her first song.

Coincidentally, once while she was busking, she met a boy. They loved each other dearly, but he unfortunately moved, and they never saw each other again. She eventually got over him, but she still misses him.

And side note, if you can't tell be the names, she's a little bit Greek.

"I'm an damsel, I'm in distress. I can handle this. Have a nice day."

Roman Holiday by Halsey

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

I follow Rylee! And I also follow Tonks! They are both amazing roleplayers, both from stalking them in the newsfeed and actually roleplaying with them. And I'd like to give them a round of applause for helping with this magically fantastic roleplay.


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Okay, shoot me... but the first time I've watched Anastasia was 2 days ago. I know! I know! I'm a little late to the party, but better late than never, right? Plus, the first time I actually heard this particular song was a few years ago, when I did a ballet solo to it.
Anyway, I love this song so much. The movie was of course inaccurate to what actually happened in real life, and yet, I still manage to only think sad thoughts when those first few notes play. It's so beautifully written and composed.


{{ said in atalanta's pov }}

As much as I think it's going to be quite the experience, I can't help but think it's a little superficial. A little sad that they're forcing the princes to find love with strangers in some time limit. But, if they're okay with it, I'm sure it won't be too bad.

I'll be honest. I've only ever heard their names. I've never actually heard anything about them, other than the fact that all the princes are 'illegitimate'. I've probably got that wrong, but I don't think I have an opinion I don't know much about.

I think I relate to Odessa... in some way. Where she loved dance, I love music. I completely understand doing what you love, and like her, I take a chance on anybody. She did everything to make people happy. I hope she made herself happy as she could, as well.

See? I want people to be happy. Just like Odessa. Maybe a more curious version of Odessa.

That's a good question... I actually don't know. I would say all the good things like less poverty, or more education, or something, but that's unrealistic. Baby steps. I'd probably try and help out with lessening poverty, and such.

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