✭ the creatures part ii

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{{that-one-roleplayer sorry it's late! i've now got six ocs, including adrienne- 3 guys and 3 gals}}

-- The Witch --
OC 2/6

;; Name: Veronica Amara Tallis

;; Age: 16

;; Grade: Sophomore

;; Gender: Female

;; Sexuality: Straight

;; Appearance/Face Claim:

;; Personality: Let's just say she knows where she stands. When you first meet her, she seems to be quiet and content with all the things she's got going for her. She knows her morals and can defend herself in most situations. She lets loose when she's around her closest friends, usually always doing the most stupid of things. She's pretty reckless, impulsive when it comes to a lot of things. Opens her mouth at the wrong times. She's a daredevil, does anything for the fun of it, and has a twang of sarcasm to her. She's rebellious, sly and fearless. She craves adventure at every twist and turn, loyal to everyone she's ever cared about. But only to anyone she's ever cared about. And she's honest, quick-witted and extremely intelligent.

But what she lacks in confidence with social situations, she makes up in wit and strategy. She's a planner, but most of the 'best' plans she comes up with are often accidental and risky to pull off. She relies on herself, as well as doing her best save her loved ones at all costs. Of course, that doesn't stop her from making sure her own ass is saved before anything else. Yes, she loves her friends, but she wants to live to the fullest as well. She'd do as much to save herself as she would for her friends. Equality and all that.

She can be pretty lazy, especially when it comes to practicing... anything. She's a procrastinator, hates practicing magic, but since she commits, she practices anyway. She's actually a really nice person when you get to know her. Or when she gets to know you. She's generous and has an amazing sense of humour, independent and doesn't need anyone else in her life. She's a firm 'believer' in business in the front, party in the back, because she knows how to have fun when the opportunity comes.

And let's not forget that she used to be a massive kleptomaniac, world-reknowned pessimistic dork. And the very dirty-minded queen of revenge. If she were a Disney character, she'd be Abu, Mushu or Mulan.

;; Fears: She doesn't make her fears and such obvious, but practically everyone knows that she's deathly afraid of spiders. Cliché, I know, but it's completely true. And blackberry bushes.

;; Deadly Weakness: A prick on the finger from a thorn of a blackberry bush.

;; Specialty Magic: Let's just say she's better at defensive spells than the more offensive ones.

;; Crush: Hah. Veronica keeps all those rare crushes a secret.

;; Relationship Status: Single and independent.

;; Hobbies: She's one of those types of people who wants to be amazing at magic, but cba practicing the magic. Neverless, she does it and when she does, she succeeds and she loves the feeling.
She's also been learning both the piano and flute since a very young age, and let me just say, her singing isn't the worst thing on earth. She does like singing.
She's also a volleyball player. Hey. How else is a girl gonna keep fit? She's only started recently, only starting when she was 12.

;; Likes: She likes feeling extremely powerful when it comes to magic, volleyball, flute and piano. She's actually that person who likes to lay outside amongst the grass, and watches the stars and the moon all go by. She likes stargazing, and astronomy. As well as that, she likes parties, graffiti and piercings and tattoos. She likes spending time with her friends and family, and especially when her older brother comes and visits. He's always in Europe these days, and Veronica gets really excited when she sees him.

;; Dislikes: She hates fish. Of any kind, she hates the look, the taste. She just hates fish. She also despises homework, too sunny days, too rainy days, ducks and people who try too hard. She hates anyone supposedly considered 'popular', and she thinks that vampires and werewolves and all that are absolute bullshit. But she's warming up to the idea ever since she found out she was a witch.

;; Other:
> She was born on July 29th, making her a Leo.
> She's almost vegetarian. If only chicken weren't a thing.
> She's Albanian.
> She's fairly new to the whole 'witch thing'.
> She has a tattoo of the word ANGEL on her left collarbone.


-- The Humans --
OC 3/6

;; Name: Theo Bryson del Rosario

;; Age: 17

;; Grade: Junior

;; Gender: Male

;; Sexuality: Pansexual... maybe... maybe bi-curious... who knows?

;; Appearance/Face Claim:

;; Personality: He's the guy you expect to be a giant dickwad, but he really isn't. He enjoys parties, he likes some girls, but he prefers pizza at game night with his mates. At someone else's house, because his parents are weird as all hell, and prefer to stay inside for some reason. He's flirty when he wants to be, a little bit of a dick when he really needs to and just a guy who radiates smiles, sports and sweat wherever he goes. But, like everyone else in this damn universe, he's got the bad stuff locked deep within himself. Bottled up anger.

And since he actually outdoors instead of indoors, he loves sports, and is generally a fairly active person. He's fun-loving, thrill-seeking and wants adventure at every turn, so you can kind of imagine what he thinks of his small, small town. He thinks before he does anything, kind and generous to the core. Loyal and generally quite sweet, he marches to the beat of his own drum, it's hard not to like him. And- to add on to Mr Perfection- he's dangerously selfless. He'll jump in front of a bullet for an absolute stranger if he's watching. Gets him into trouble sometimes. Rarely though, because he's a good boy...

... with a hell of a lot of rage. He keeps his anger and general emotions bottled up, and when they're out, he bursts and no one knows what to do. He's annoyingly smart at times, gets angry at the littlest of things, but- as mentioned- bottles it up and leaves the situation for another day. He's a procrastinator and irresponsible, though thinks nothing of it. He can be a little nosy, and a little stupid. Okay, really stupid. He does stupid things. He's also competitive. So if he cheats, he's extremely sneaky about it. Highly ambitious and tough, don't mess with his friends and family. He'd die for them.

But despite all that, he knows his craft and for what it's worth, he cares and trusts a lot of people. If he were a Disney character, he'd probably be Aladdin. Not afraid to take a leap of faith, goes for his goal against all odds and of course, loyal and trustworthy to the core.

;; Fears: As a jock-y, douchbag-ish male, he hates telling anyone his fears. But practically everyone knows he has a massive fear of dogs. Mainly because he was maimed by a dog when he was really little.
And he's secretly deathly aftaid of falling and any creatures under the sea, but let's not talk about that.

;; Crush: No one. He's fine. Definitely doesn't have a small thing for Veronica. Nope. (Veronica and open)

;; Relationship Status: Single, and doesn't really care.

;; Hobbies: He likes sports. Of all kinds. Specifically basketball. And- don't tell- but he loves boxing. Possibly more than basketball. His favourite way to let off steam.
Anything else? If gaming were a 'real sport' (totally is, in his opinion), he'd be world champion.
And reading! He likes reading, and he's been doing a little self-taught guitar on the side.
Of course, he does rides a skateboard, and he steals his brother's motorcycle sometimes.

;; Likes: Okay. He likes basketball, boxing, video games, playing his guitar, flirting with girls but never sex-ing them up, going to the skatepark, and stealing his brother's motorcycle. He also likes going out for pizza with friends, hanging out with friends, in general. And again, he's smart. He likes reading and learning about chemicals and such.

;; Dislikes: He doesn't like anything to do with the word 'maths'. And he hates art, mainly because he isn't good at it. And- this may be hard to believe- but he hates chocolate. He'll only eat dark chocolate. And nothing else. He's not the biggest sweet tooth around.

;; Other:
> He was born on April 9th, making him an Aries.
> He's moved around the place a lot since he was young.
> He has an older brother, named Todd, and two younger sisters, named Theresa and Tracie.
> His father's Portugese, but he and his siblings were born in Florida.

OC 4/6

;; Name: Rio Darren Dean

;; Age: 16

;; Grade: Sophomore

;; Gender: Male

;; Sexuality: Straight

;; Appearance/Face Claim:

;; Personality: Mr Nerdy-Kinda-Nice-But-Not-Really Guy over here. The last person you'd expect to be a hacker. He's incredibly smart, responsible, though very immature and undeniably dirty-minded. He's a completely different person in front of someone with authority, than say, to someone he considers a close friend. He's sly, sneaky and can be a little bit of a player when he wants to be, but most of the time, it's mostly because he always forgets he either has a girlfriend or he's on a date with a potential girlfriend. He's just very afraid of commitment. And relationships. And disappointing anybody.

If you were to put him in a high school clique, Rio would probably be a typical nerd. Not popular at all. And he's completely okay with it, seeing as he considers himself 'a lone wolf' and 'someone nobody can trust'. He likes things exactly the way they're meant to be, a perfectionist and someone who looks at the smallest of details. Sometimes that's a good thing, sometimes it's the worst thing. He can be a little on the arrogant side, but thankfully, he isn't an impulsive idiot *coughs* theo *coughs*.

He's usually very pessimistic, and extremely blunt his feelings, which typically aren't good ones. He has a fiery temper, and usually gets what he wants through the art of manipulation and the pretend innocence he puts up with to please his parents. Or grandparents. He may be a little bit of a dick, but he's very romantic, and deep down in his twisted, bitter soul, he does care deeply for the people he cares about. He'd take a bullet for them.

In a nutshell, if he were a Disney character, he'd probably be Cogsworth from Beauty and the Beast. He's a smart hacker boy, who has a secret hopeless romantic streak and hates everything else.

;; Fears: He makes it seem that he's afraid of nothing. Everybody knows that he's deathly scared of snakes. And for some reason, anything that flies. He hates flies. Flies are spies from Hell.

;; Crush: Nope.

;; Relationship Status: Ahahahaha, no.

;; Hobbies: He enjoys hacking things for money, drawing and staying indoors while everybody else is out drinking.
He likes reading and writing, specifically poems and stories about mythical and magical creatures.
He does track and field, making him a very quick on his feet.
Other than track, he doesn't really have any out-of-school activities.

;; Likes: He likes hacking, drawing, reading, and smoking a ciggie every once in a while. He likes poetry and sci-fi stories, and likes running. Keeps him fit and likes to pretend he's actually running away from his problems.

;; Dislikes: Everything else in life.

;; Other:
> His birthday's on October 15th, which makes him a Libra.
> He's allergic to gluten.
> His family is made up of academics, so you can imagine their faces when they found out that he had hacked into the school system once.
> He has a tattoo on the inside of his lip. Don't ask. Okay, it was a dare.

-- The Hunters --
OC 5/6

;; Name: Arabella Rosanna Velos
Some people call her by her nickname 'Bella', but that list of people are very limited.

;; Age: 17

;; Grade: Junior

;; Gender: Female

;; Sexuality: Bisexual

;; Appearance/Face Claim:

;; Personality: This chick's undoubtedly a pure badass, with a smirk to match and humour dryer than the wit of her peers. She's independent, a leader in her own twisted way, and knows what she wants in life. She's highkey a feminist (sorrynotsorry), needs no one in 'times of need', headstrong and confident. She takes absolutely nothing seriously. She's strong, sassy, sarcastic and sly with that little touch of cockiness, and whole lot of blunt. Not afraid to say what she really feels. She can be very passive aggressive, and will fuck you up in the most discreet ways possible if you do so much as touch a hair on the head of a person she genuinely cares about.

Brutally honest, and a little bit on blunter side of the spectrum, she thinks there's no point in sugar-coating anything. She's a survivor who is not afraid to get her hands dirty, and seemingly never wipes that devious smirk and arched eyebrow off her face. She always looks likes she's planning something, even though in reality, she doesn't plan for anything. She's anywhere for her own benefit and doing anything for the fun of it. She always looks bored, though let's all just remember she's a master actress, and knows how to master the art of masking emotions on her face. Fearless in every way, she's an obvious rebel and an even more obvious daredevil. Tell her to do something, and if she thinks you're not a self-loathing idiot with no brain, she'll probably do it.

Obviously not one of the nicest people around, hell, not even close. She's more seductive than flirty, but again, she needs no man to 'save' her, okay? However she is highly impulsive, craves adventure, and usually says the wrong things at the wrong times, but hey! Hate the sin, love the sinner, right? Because that's exactly what you have to do around her. And if you're asking, no she does not have a soft spot anywhere in herself. What you see is what you get with Arabella. And if you don't like it, suck it up. Don't get it twisted, though. She still likes making friends.

In conclusion. We all know which Disney character she'd be. Hi Meg.

;; Fears: The bitch is actually fearless. Except the sound of silence, the dark and clowns gives her the creeps. But that's pretty much it.

;; Preferred Weapons: Bows and arrows, all the way. Actually, just any long-range weapon, because she is an amazing marksman. And a pretty fuckin' fantastic sharpshooter. She owns a few glocks.

;; Specialty Kill: Mostly Werewolves. But she actually gets a big kick out of killing Gorgons.

;; Crush: The words 'Arabella' and 'romance' don't belong in a sentence. So in other words, are you stupid?

;; Relationship Status: Ahahahahahaha, no. No chance. No way.

;; Hobbies: She loves target practice.
She loves dancing
And music. She knows how to play the ukulele and the drums
Her family (*coughs* her uncle flynn and mother *coughs*) had gotten her into gymnastics, dance, karate and, of course, archery at a very young age. And she still does it to this day.
And in her spare time, she likes to just relax in the open air, with headphones in as music blares through her ears while she reads a book.

;; Likes: She genuinely loves archery, and going into a shooting or gun range. She loves dancing, and listening to music (music in general), and playing her drums and ukulele. She's that girl that will secretly dance around her room while mouthing the words to a song while it plays through speakers. She likes practicing combat with Aaron, and uses her dad's punching bag whenever she needs to let off some steam. Of course, she also likes shooting a bow and arrow or throwing knives if she does get angry at something. She likes parties. And Starbucks. And mojitos.

;; Dislikes: She makes it pretty obvious if she hates something. But everyone knows she hates fuckbois, homophobia and, for some reason, she hates tea. Just all the teas that aren't ice teas.

;; Other:
> She was born on November 22, which makes her a Sagittarius.
> She is the one of the only hunters in her family. The only others in her family are her Uncle Flynn and her mother, Alessandra.
> She is of Greek descent. Her family always jokes about the fact that they were descendants of the god Apollo, in which Bella calls bullshit.
> She has a few tattoos, and piercings. She plans on dying her hair.

OC 6/6

;; Name: Aaron Jacque Curis

;; Age: 18

;; Grade: Senior

;; Gender: Male

;; Sexuality: Straight-ish

;; Appearance/Face Claim:

;; Personality: He looks like your average Mr Nice Guy. Yeah, he's not. He can be very sweet and romantic, but he's a dick to everyone most of the time. He has four walls guarding him at all times, always careful not to open up to someone too soon. He likes meeting new people, and he likes going to parties... he just prefers staking a vampire through the heart more. He's very sarcastic, and takes orders from only one person. That person would be himself. He has a very dirty mind, very brave and knows when to hold his tongue and act serious for once. He knows his priorities and he'd rather save someone from a vampire attack than go on a date with the 'hottest, most popular girl in school'.

He's very confident; very self-assured when it comes to anything sports-related. He's also pretty smart, maintaining an A average all through high school, making him practically perfect in every way. Except not really, because everyone has their dark sides. Including him. He's pretty arrogant, and can be a little selfish with anything and everything he does. His temper matches to no one but The Incredible Hulk. One minute he's all happy-go-lucky, the next, he's punching a tree with his bare fist. Or an actual punching bag with some boxing gloves if he manages to contain said immediate anger. He's a tease, flirts but never 'pleases' his targets. And when revenge is on his brain, it's the only thing there.

His anger and general feelings are certainly not bottled up, as he always somehow manages to find ways to express his feelings, whether it be through just talking, to his performance. Seemingly, the amount of passion he has in the performance that night, the bigger the flame. Most nights, the flames are pretty giant. But sometimes, it looks like he had just had a quick smoke before the show. He's a procrastinator and a half, a little uptight and a little bit of a control freak. And weirdly secretive.

If we're still doing the Disney character thing, he's probably a mix between Flynn Rider/Eugene Fitzherbert and John Smith, with a hint of Milo Thatch. The right mix of mischevious, good-hearted and intelligent.

;; Fears: He's not scared of a lot. Mostly scared of snake venom and drowning. And that's it.

;; Preferred Weapons: He likes spears, stakes and guns. Mostly spears. Sometimes daggers.

;; Specialty Kill: Vampires and Werewolves. Especially Vampires.

But he's always wanted to kill Sirens.

;; Crush: Again. Wut?

;; Relationship Status: No.

;; Hobbies: Practice makes perfect. And you've gotta be perfect if you want to be a successful hunter. He also likes photography and filming and editing videos, and recently got into graphic design. He likes playing with his (sister's) guitar, and riding his skateboard around the park.

;; Likes: He likes all the mundane things. Killing supernatural creatures, the feeling of satisfaction when he has a new trophy like a Gorgon's head or something, and practicing combat with a dummy and Bella in the basement. Oh, and anything dangerous. Of course, he also likes graphics and photography, and he's always loved Physics and Chemistry. They're his two favourite subjects. And- like any normal teenager- he likes parties. A lot. Especially keggers.

;; Dislikes: He hates practicing with long-range weapons. He knows he has to, he just hates it. He hates being lectured or told what to do in general. And he doesn't like coffee. It just doesn't do anything for him.

;; Other:
> He was born on September 7th, making him a Virgo.
> He's from a long line of hunters, and he's just continuing on with the legacy.
> He's a troublemaker.
> He's been training since he was 14. He did all the flexible, sporty, stamina stuff when he was younger.

welp. time to make a creative, very detailed selected form. yay. *shoots self*

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