019. daphne's transe

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APRIL 2020.

April 2nd, 3:29pm

We landed a few minutes ago

ms mimosa 🍾
how was your flight???

ms mimosa 🍾
heyyyyy when did you guys get the
chance to change my name?????

selener πŸ‘€
About six mimosa's in.

mrs deadpool
I will never forgive myself for missing
that London trip.

mrs deadpool
I feel like Phoebe in that one episode of
Friends when she's pregnant so she can't
go to London. Except I birthed my kids like
a million years ago.

blondie πŸ‘±β€β™€οΈ

selener πŸ‘€
you missed a lot though blake.

selener πŸ‘€
hailee broke up with tom after he
was humiliated infront of like 70,000
people, then she got like extremely
drunk (as we all did) and that was funny,
we went to like three of the band's parties.
taylor obviously performing with daphne,
and a lot fucking more.

ms mimosa🍾
try 90k

mrs deadpool
I sad now πŸ₯²

mrs deadpool
Of course I had to miss my favorite
ship coming to life.


haiz🧸 is typing...

you've been typing pretty long

she's fucking mean.

and she's fucking harry styles

yeah cause that's the only reason
you're not together

ms mimosa 🍾
Leave her be, Sel. She just got out of
a relationship.

so? daph would fuck her if she asked.

mrs deadpool
Yes, rebound this shit up. You're
both young and hot cmon.

ms mimosa 🍾
speaking of ur relationship, how did
it go at tom's house??? you okay??


i apologized for what happened but then
he said i was taking her side and was a
disappointment so i just packed my stuff
and left bc he was just being so passive

Okay what the hell?

i hate that holland.

ms mimosa 🍾
i'm soooo glad ur out of that relationship.
he was holding u back fr!!!!! you're nowhere
near a "disappointment".

yeah idk it's just a weird

mrs deadpool
You have somewhere to stay

yeah i'm staying with atlas and phoebe

mrs deadpool

but atlas is acting so weird he keeps
glaring at me and then he's been like
ignoring me

selener πŸ‘€
what the hell

blondie πŸ‘±β€β™€οΈ
I noticed that when we were there
yesterday. You think it's bc you like
unfollowed the band bc of Tom?

mrs deadpool
* T*m

ms mimosa 🍾
he's probably just being protective of
phoebe since she was so upset w you
like ignoring her and shit

i feel bad about that. but i just didn't
want tom to leave me yknow

ms mimosa 🍾
we know that

mrs deadpool
Haiz why am I seeing so many pics
of you and Alex Rivers???!??

selener πŸ‘€
They're like the best friends ever

mrs deadpool
You never mentioned anything????

we are NOT best friends

i barely have any tolerance for him
he's just been hanging out w me a lot

ms mimosa 🍾
oh yeah??????????? tell them
who were w rn

phoebs and ari

and alex and atlas and leon
and daphne

mrs deadpool
You're so in love.


haiz 🧸
that is a very catchy song.

ms mimosa 🍾
for real.

mrs deadpool
I could listen to it every single day

I have a gift πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ


how did we get off the subject
of hailee being in love with alex

mrs deadpool
Taylor can distract anyone

mrs deadpool
Anyways. It doesn't have to be like
real love. Just have a hook up

i have literally never had a hookup
you guys know that. i'm too awk for
that. and too obsessed w romance.

ms mimosa 🍾
was ur last bf screaming at you all
the time ur idea of romance???

selener πŸ‘€

haiz🧸 is typing....

mrs deadpool
Let's just move on from this and
whatever. I have to go anyways,
I'll see you guys next week when
we're all in LA?


see you

ms mimosa🍾
ofc <333
seen by all


You okay?

Listen, I know Daphne Ryder and her
"crew" is kind of a sore subject for you
right now, as is your love life. But we
all love you so if we say something about
anything is just us wanting something
good for you. Because you deserve the
absolute best, Haiz. Truly.

i know and i know i'm being weird
i do love you guys and know you
mean the best it's just idk

You know you can tell me


THE SOUND OF RAIN was echoing throughout the twenty two story hotel. It was a typical windy and wet weather. The world was buzzing outside her hotel window, thousands of people passing by. They all had their own lives with their own people. It was really crazy once you sat and thought about how small you are in the world- especially to all those people.

The fatigued actress had counted thirty two people without umbrellas, sprinting in the rain across the pavements. It was quite an interesting and entertaining watch from her hotel room. Especially as she cuddled against the crème arm chair, resting her head on her first.

It had been an hour since Ariana and Selena had left for the airport to board their flight back to Los Angeles. They had offered to have her occupy the seat in between them but she had reluctantly declined, after Phoebe convinced her otherwise. Hailee didn't have anything major going on for at least another few days, which is what she had originally planned on doing anyways- before her and Tom were over.

The band was off to France in just a couple of hours, but she had absolutely no idea where the band had gone. Phoebe, however, had left to get them coffee's less than half an hour ago so it was no surprise when she heard the hotel door opening. "Honey, I'm home."

"Thank God, I've never craved coffee so much at five in the evening." Hailee spoke as she turned in the chair, facing Phoebe who was trotting her way over towards her. She plopped down on the arm rest of the chair, not really caring if her knee high boots or mini skirt got the thing wet.

This was something Hailee noticed a lot. The band (and Phoebe) seemed to not have too many cares when it came to the hotel rooms. It was something that intrigued her the more she thought about it. It was interesting to have a carefree attitude- sure, but to act the way they did was quite mesmerizing.

"Why did I never realize how sexy british accents are? I think I almost fell for every person who crossed my path," Phoebe told Hailee as she followed her gaze out the window. Hailee noticed the lipstick on her coffee cup, before taking a sip of her own.

"This is why I shouldn't let you be alone in this country," The voice shouted from the door as the women heard loud footsteps, all squeaky from the dewy atmosphere. Phoebe giggled as she reached out her arms, Atlas coming from behind and kissing her passionately.

Hailee smiled as she shook her head and took another sip of her iced coffee. Despite the cold day and soon to be nightfall, she was craving an iced coffee. Especially since she hadn't had one in days. Just booze. The effect of being friends with Daphne Ryder's band.

"You two strip and have a pillow fight in your underwear yet?" Alex asked as he threw down his leather jacket, it was covered in water- obviously ruined. Hailee had no doubt he could afford a new one though, he probably could buy a million.

"Obviously, you just missed it." Phoebe played along as Atlas picked her up from the arm chair, carrying her bridal style as Leon and Daphne entered the room. Those two always seemed to be together, there was some sort of special bond between the two of them. Whether they acted like it or not.

"Fuck. Are you serious?" Himbo.

"Oink oink," Phoebe oinked in which made Atlas do the same, Leon pushing up his nose in participation. Daphne was barely paying attention as she opened a window, leaning out as the rain started to slow. Her body leaned backwards on the wall, anything above her waist looking out as her eyes gleamed into the gray sky. A cigarette was suddenly in between her lips, one Hailee never actually saw her lit. It was like she was magic.

The rain had completely stopped moments after she positioned herself the way she did, again- fucking magical. Daphne Ryder had some sort of spell on the world, one that made everyone bow down to her at any given moment. Despite finding Daphne a narcissistic and selfish individual, Hailee would be lying if she said she didn't find herself under that trance every once in awhile. She disliked the advantage she had over her but she had it over everyone, and Hailee just had to get used to that.

The door suddenly opened again. Not that the penthouse suite wasn't big enough for the amount of people entering, but the living room was starting to get a little cozy.

Alex took his seat on the couch, Leon taking the one beside him as he crossed his arms. Atlas was twirling around Phoebe who was in a fit of laughter as Alex picked up the guitar. He began to play a few chords, all unrecognizable.

"You like that?" His voice soothed as his eyes wandered over towards Hailee's who was watching him play intently. He did it as if it was a way of life, it was something he could do in his sleep blindfolded with handcuffs. "Yeah, it's pretty. Is it new?"

"Yep. Just recorded it at the studio. Daph wrote it last night," He responded as his eyes made their way back to his guitar. Playing the next few chords as the room went silent, the man who opened the door now in the living room. He looked way more formal than the rest of the band, a pair of trousers with a gray t-shirt, with a matching black blazer.

"Followed us?" Atlas questioned as he sat down Phoebe, who blew her hair out of her face and flashed him a slight smile. There was a hint of sarcasm on his tongue, as if this was a planned meeting.

The man seemed to be in his mid forties, he was wrinkled but he pulled it off. A "silver fox" as they say. Followed behind him was someone Hailee did have the pleasure of recognizing, Bonnie- the tour manager.

"You four were supposed to have a conversation with Mr. Damocles." Bonnie's loud voice erupted in the room like a lighting bolt, despite her very short self, she had the voice of a man blasting heavy metal at full blast in his earbuds.

"Why do you think we left?" Leon commented, making Bonnie scold him. Mr. Damocles glanced around the room as his eyes landed on Hailee, and then Phoebe. His eyes darted towards Alex who was looking up at him with an unreadable facial expression. "Friends of yours?"

"Why the hell are you looking at me?" Alex shoved his guitar down as he crossed his arm. He looked like a toddler who had just gotten his favorite toy taken from him. His lips pursed as Atlas laughed, smacking his shoulder as he came over to sit on the edge of the couch- making him scoot over. Phoebe too made her way over, coming to share the chair with Hailee.

"Daphne Ryder, get your head in the fucking window." Bonnie shouted as Daphne's head tipped forward, so she was no longer looking at the sky. She pressed herself forward to have her head slightly in the room. "Don't fucking tell me what to do."

The stubby red head rolled her eyes as she crossed her arms, standing infront of the television as she glanced over at the two women who didn't happen to be in the band. "You ladies wanna go get your hair done or something?"

"Jesus christ, just start fucking talking." Daphne's voice was thick from the window as she was now almost completely in the room, all except her head. Her body was leaned, one foot on the wall as she balanced on the other. Her arms were crossed over her black cami, which only made her boobs pop. The cigarette still pressed between her lips as a glare was present on her face.

Hailee felt her gaze lower slightly on the girl before looking back over at the team of two. Bonnie shook her head as she whispered something to the man and made her way toward the couch, standing beside it to let him have the floor. Hailee and Phoebe shared a glance before looking back over at the man, who had a binder in his hand. He opened it as he flipped a few pages. "So you do know that even with your small amount of tour dates so far, you're already the best selling tour in several years?"

There was a couple of "of course"s "no shit"s and "it's because of the sexy guitarist"s. The last one specifically coming from the middle of the couch.

"To get the most amount of publicity possible, we believe meet and greets would be the best option. Also taking over the stadium's social media accounts. We would like to implement them for a few hundred more for the rest of the US dates, and Latin America. Considering there is enough time to add this addition."

"No," Was heard from the window as they all glanced over at the long haired woman. She seemed done with the conversation as she picked herself up, sitting on the windowsill. This only flashed her muscular arms, which Hailee was quick to notice.

The stupid Daphne Ryder transe.

"Daphne," Bonnie's voice snapped. Despite knowing it would do nothing, she wanted to make her case clear. Even though Daphne had no care or intention to do anything that she didn't want to. "You're not gonna be the biggest rockstar in the world if you don't change it up."

"We're going on tour for the first time in seven fucking years, tell me that's not switching it up." Leon practically plunged at the team with his words. They all seemed annoyed, despite still having a care free vibe to them. It was probably because they were all high. As per usual.

"Social media," The man clapped. "It's hot, it's what everyone's using. The fans can post the pictures with their favorite band to their Instagram, Twitter, whatever. It's what's going to make you four stars."

Bad choice of words, very bad.

"Watch your fucking mouth," Atlas growled from the couch as he pointed his finger at the man, who seemed to have gotten the message a little too well. He shifted and gulped before looking around at the room.

Alex muttered something inaudible at the man which made his eyes widen, stepping back before closing his binder. "I should go." Bonnie couldn't even open her mouth before he was sprinting towards the door, attempting to get away from the men and woman who looked like they could kill him in seconds.

"Jesus you guys, that's like the seventeenth person you've already scared away this tour." Bonnie groaned as she stood where he previously stood, shaking her head. "You don't call four legends who've sold out Wembley four nights in a row, people who need to "become stars". Fucking lunatic, that one."

Alex's words made Bonnie shake her head as she looked over at Daphne. She continued with the cigarette between her lips, looking up at the sky like she was before. She looked perfect. As always.

"You guys need to do this. You need to change something if you don't want to get beat out by U2 for the biggest rock band currently," This caused the whole room to start going on about how Bono is a 'fucking cocksucker'.

"Why're you pressing this so much, Bon?" Daphne's voice echoed throughout the room as it went silent. All eyes landed on the woman who pulled her way into the room, swinging with one arm as she landed on the ground. Her left hand held her cigarette as the other wrapped around herself. She had annoyance spiking all over the place. "You got a stick up your ass? Not getting any? You need me to help you with that?"

"Fuck you," Bonnie called out as she made her way towards the door.

"Everyone wants to."

"No way to speak to your moneymakers, Bon," Alex called out.

The door was slammed as the band let out huffs, Phoebe and Hailee sharing a glance before looking back over at the band. Daphne had already jumped out the window, climbing over to the balcony connected to the glass patio doors. She stood their leaning, watching over the city of London. It was pitch black out by now, the view was nothing interesting.

"I've never been so turned off by a woman in my whole life," Alex shrugged as he stood up.

"Do you have no shame?" Hailee questioned as she did the same, playing with her hair in the process. He shrugged at her as his lips formed into his infamous smirk. "Why should I?"

She only shook her head in response as Phoebe wrapped her arm around Hailee, looking over at the boys. "Hot tub, anyone?"

The group all simultaneously agreed all except for Hailee who excused herself to begin packing. Considering they were boarding for a flight in just two hours, and none of them had remotely packed. Someone had to be responsible here.

The group has left within five minutes, heading up to the roof where an apparent hot tub was for the penthouse suite residents only. Hailee sighed as she made her way over to the bed her and Phoebe had shared. Atlas and Alex shared in the room going off the mini kitchen, the two could hear them slapping eachother all night. Anytime they accidentally touched eachother under the covers they jumped out of the bed and slapped the one who did so.

Hailee brushed a hand through her hair as her eyes were stuck on the woman stood on the balcony still. She didn't know what went over her to do what she did next. She didn't know why she wanted to go see her, and attempt to make conversation with her. It was fools play.

But then again, Hailee was a fool.

i'm starting to fall in love.... um.

anyways... i have new fics coming soon.
also request anything for this fic that you
would like to see. i'm always down to read
it and get ideas.

also also also this chapter sucks i know. but
first official daphlee interaction next chapter.


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