𝗶𝘃. 𝗺𝗲𝗲𝘁 𝗺𝗲 𝗯𝘆 𝘁𝗵𝗲 𝗯𝗮𝘆𝗼𝘂

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chapter four

meet me by the bayou


        JORDANNA AIMLESSLY WANDERED down the hallways of her current 'home', her phone pressed up to her ear as she paced. An annoyed scowl fell upon her features as the call went straight to voicemail. The witch took a deep breath before she spoke calmly into the device.

        "Listen here you bunny munching bastard! I will kill every single forest animal and you will be forced to eat people!" She rushed out. "Why the fuck do you have a fucking phone if you don't fucking answer it?"

        She sighed deeply, "I love you. Call me back Stef, or I will kill your brother. Bye!"

        At the moment for Jordanna, life was okay, she wouldn't go as far to say good ━ she's still pregnant after all, and has no idea on how to do the whole 'mom' thing.

        Scary times.

        But, yeah, it was going okay. Klaus had caved and she had managed to drag him around New Orleans on little late night walks . . . or rendezvous, she had also persuaded him to take her for lunch a few times, claiming the baby needed a better appetite than the shit Hayley had cooked for her.

        But don't tell Hayley she said that, if there was one thing the Marshall werewolf could do it was complain, and if she heard that Jordanna had deemed her food 'shit' or 'something that came out a horses ass' she would complain until her last living breath.

        Jordanna's jaw ticked as she stepped into the doorway of the study that Klaus demanded as his own. Her head tilted, tongue poking the side of her mouth as she noticed Camille stood, leaning against the tall archway, watching Klaus, who was staring at a large painting in front of himself and the blonde.

        "Over the course of my life, I've encountered no shortage of those who would presume to speak of good and evil. Such terms mean nothing. People do what is in their best interest, regardless of who gets hurt. Is it evil to take what one wants? To satisfy hunger, even if doing so will cause another suffering? What some would call evil, I believe to be an appropriate response to a harsh and unfair world."

           Oh, he definitely likes the sound of his own voice.

          "No offense, but I'm not sure why you've invited me here," Cami voiced in confusion.

        Jordanna rolled her eyes as she made her way into the room, eyes glaring holes into the back of Cami's head as she spoke, "I thought I smelt cheap perfume." Her head turned to Klaus with raised eyebrows. "Why is she here?"

        "Because she is my friend," Klaus smiled slyly earning a scoff from Jordanna as she made her way over to his desk, taking a seat atop of it as she glared at the two in annoyance. "And I sense that you have the capacity for understanding someone of my . . . complexity. You see, I returned to New Orleans to investigate a threat posed against me. What I found was a young woman, pregnant, in need of protection. My brother, always the do-gooder, tried to manipulate me into helping her, he thought it might redeem me━"

        Jordanna scoffed again. "In need of protection? Really? Also, don't lie to yourself, Nik, Elijah didn't manipulate you to help, you did that all on your own, you know why? Because you care." She turned to Cami with a blunt look on her face. "He cares and he's a liar because he's too pussy to admit he cares for someone other than himself. You'll only be wasting your own time so . . . toodaloo, so long. Bye now."

        "-If we could just sound her out, that'd be great."  Klaus spoke, side eyeing Jordanna. He didn't want it revealed yet that she was the one pregnant and in need of 'protection', but if you thought about it, what would happen, really? "Trouble is, I've since learned of another young woman, a girl, really. One with vast potential, held in captivity by a tyrant. I want to help both of these women, protect one and free the other. So, tell me, Cami. Does that sound evil to you?"

        "Do you like the sound of your own voice or something?" Jordanna rolled her eyes as she crossed one leg over the other, every single word of what he had just said went through one ear and out the other.

        Klaus rolled his own eyes in retaliation as the blonde human spoke, "I don't believe in evil as a diagnosis. I think you have unstable personal relationships, stress-related paranoia, chronic anger issues, fear of abandonment. I think you could benefit from talking to someone. Professionally."

        Jordanna snorted in amusement. "Aw, Nik, you need a therapist."

        Klaus shot her a look. "You say that like you don't." Jordanna narrowed her eyes at him when he turned back to Camille. "I think I prefer to talk to you. So, I'm going to offer you a job as my stenographer."

         "Sorry, am I the only one who thinks this is fucking weird?" Jordanna voiced, glancing between the two ferociously. "You," she pointed at Klaus. "Would rather talk to Blondie McBlonderson about your life problems? But not me . . . your girlfriend," she spoke slowly. "I'm sorry, what?"

        Klaus strode over to her, hand bracing the side of her neck ━ he looked down at her, giving her a look. "We need her." He told her, voice hushed.

        "Oh, yeah, because a little blonde waitress is gonna be so fucking helpful." Jordanna gave him a look of disbelief. "What's she going to help you with, Nik? Help your ego?"

         "Just trust me on this, would you?"

        Jordanna's tongue ran across her teeth as the words left his mouth. Is he serious? Jordanna did not want to have to put up with her all the time, she's supposed to be his spy for Marcel not Klaus' fucking best friend. She narrowed her eyes down at him as he took a seat at the desk next to her ━ the Mikaelson simply smirked up at her, earning a glare.

        At the not so amused look on her face, Klaus sent her a reassuring nod, a silent trust me.

        She trusted him, but she so did not trust him.

        Cami tilted her head at the pair before she cleared her throat and got back to the point. "Okay. What are we writing?" She asked hesitantly, eyes flickering between the pair.

        "My memoirs, of course," Klaus grinned, stating, what he assumed was, the obvious. "Someone should know my story and it will give us time to discuss other riveting subjects. Like your handsome suitor, Marcel."

        "Excuse me?" Cami scoffed in offense. "My private life is-"

         Klaus simply rolled his eyes. "Your private life is, as it turns out, essential to my plans. You see, Marcel wants you. And, because of that, he will trust you, which serves me." The Mikaelson rose from his seat, making his way over to the painting. "The thing is, the French Quarter is on the verge of war. On one side there's me, and on the other, Marcel. Along with a very powerful witch and an army of vampires."

        "What?" Cami began screeching at the sudden revelation.

       Jordanna threw her head back in annoyance, rubbing at her temples as a searing pain rang through her head. "He said: there's a war, bla bla bla, a witch and an army of vampires, keep up," she rolled her eyes eccentrically. "Also, can you shut the fuck up with the screaming? That was very loud for no reason at all."

        Klaus vamp sped in front of Cami, pushing the blonde against the wall, his eyes on hers as he began to compel her. "You're frightened, don't be."

        Jordanna narrowed her eyes at Klaus' hands that rested either side of Cami's face. The witch lifted her own hand, sending his arms back to the side of his body ━ with another look she put some distance between him and the blonde, shrugging as Klaus looked over at her with raised eyebrows.

        "I'm not scared anymore. That's amazing . . . how did you?-" Cami looked over at Klaus in astonishment.

        Jordanna scoffed, "can we just kill her, please?"

         Cami looked over at Klaus alarmed as the hybrid sent his witch a pointed look.

        "What?" Jordanna rolled her eyes at the looks she received. "She looks at you funny, it's unsettling."


        "Don't worry," Klaus patted Cami's shoulder. "She won't kill you."

        "Yet," Jordanna mouthed to the blonde with a smirk.

        "And to answer your question, it's compulsion," Klaus informed the blonde as he took his seat at the desk once again. "It's a neat bit of vampire trickery. We'll tell you all about it. But first, let's talk a little more about Marcel."

          Cami stared at the two warily as Jordanna smiled eerily in her direction.


        Jordanna sat flipping through a magazine in annoyance. Klaus was out again, presumably talking to Camille about Marcel and if it was the former, she wasn't going to be happy, she had already taken to ignoring him, but if he was still seeking out the blonde for his 'plans,' as he called them, she'd do a lot more than ignore him.

        One of these days Jordanna was going to let the jealously get the better of her and she'd do something slightly drastic ━ like kill Blondie perhaps.

        Klaus wouldn't even be able to get mad, back in Mystic Falls he killed a man for flirting with Jordanna. It was extremely messy, but yet, somehow, still a turn on.

        Jordanna pursed her lips, eyes flickering up for just a moment to look at the older woman. "I already told you I feel fine." She told her dryly, looking back down at her magazine.

        Agnes sighed, "you are overdue for a check up."

        "What's she gonna do? Pop into the Quarter for a quick ultrasound? A pregnant witch escorted by a werewolf and a witch? Nothing to see here," Hayley retorted sarcastically.

         Jordanna snorted before her attention was caught by Rebekah, who sat at the other side of the room, typing away on her laptop. "A lot of women would kill to have a child. It strikes me as odd that you're not taking better care of yours."

        Jordanna sighed, resting her head on the back of the couch as Hayley looked down at the witch with raised eyebrows. "I'm not not taking care of it, Rebekah. I just don't see the point of going if nothing's wrong with me." Jordanna told the blonde, turning her head to glance over at her. 

         "I know a doctor out in the Bayou, off the beaten path. Now, I took the liberty of making an appointment for you. Tonight, after-hours, just us. Vampires will never get word of it."

        Jordanna narrowed her eyes in distrust, "only if Hayley comes."

        Agnes hesitantly nodded her head. "Of course, I understand."

        Jordanna smiled falsely in Agnes' direction. "Bayou baby doctor it is. Get up." The witch held her hand out and dragged Hayley off of the couch. "I'll be out in a minute, okay?" Agnes and Hayley both nodded before making their exit.

        Jordanna made her way over to the blonde Mikaelson, her head tilted at the satellite photos of the French Quarter on the screen.

        Not even a second later Klaus made his way into the room, must be back from his little trip to see Camille. "Please, sister, tell me you're not still at it with the internet search. How does one begin anyway? Just type in anonymous attic?" The Mikaelson mocked, laughing as he poured himself a scotch.

        "Shut up, Nik," Jordanna rolled her eyes, shooting him an annoyed look at his unnecessary comment.

        "Someone has to find Elijah, even if I have to search every bloody attic in New Orleans," Rebekah replied bitterly, not looking up from the screen.

        "Like looking for a needle in a rather large pile of needles," Klaus spoke teasingly, Jordanna rolled her eyes, unamused.

         "I remember the details about the attic Marcel took me to. There was shutters on the windows behind Elijah's coffin," Rebekah sighed, continuing to look down at the screen.

        "Well, that should narrow it down immensely," Klaus took a seat across from the blonde. "Myself, I prefer actual strategy as opposed to mind-numbing labour. Marcel's delay in returning our brother makes me suspect he's no longer in charge of the situation. If Davina's loyalty to Marcel is strained, perhaps the young witch will be open to discussing a new alliance.

        The blonde smiled bitterly towards her brother. "As usual, your power grabs are more important than rescuing your brother.

        "I prefer to think of it as killing two birds with one stone," Klaus retorted, smirking. "Rob Marcel of his secret weapon, bring our brother home."

        Rebekah smiled tightly, unpleased with her brother as Jordanna shook her head, turning to leave the room when Klaus grabbed her hand and dragged her down, placing a swift kiss on her cheek. Jordanna rolled her eyes and roughly pulled her hand from his, shooting him a bitter look before she made her way out of the room ━ finding Hayley in the hallway, leaning on the door as she made her way over to the witch.

        "You sure about this?" Hayley whispered down to Jordanna as they made their way out of the house.

        "Absolutely not." The witch scoffed. "Just try not to die, okay?"

        Hayley chuckled dryly. "I'll try."


        Jordanna's eyes scanned the Bayou as Agnes finally drove up to the doctors office. Jordanna sucked her teeth while Agnes shut off the engine, the sound of owls hooting rang through her ears.

        "This is the doctors office?" Hayley questioned sceptically from the backseat.

        Agnes smiled, though it seemed off. "Dr. Paige is only this far out because Marcel's men kept terrorizing her patients. Go! She won't bite."

         "Yeah? Well I do," Jordanna mumbled, getting out of the car. Hayley quietly chuckled to herself at the memory of Jordanna biting her when they first met whilst the elder witch grumbled something under her breath, shooing the two off.

        Jordanna narrowed her eyes as she slammed the car door shut, why the fuck isn't witch bitch moving?


         Hayley grinned, staring down at Jordanna as she pulled her jacket tighter to her. "Why are we always in the woods? I hate the fucking woods, it's just dirt and things that smell like dirt," Jordanna grumbled, turning to the older brunette besides her.

          "Stop complaining," Hayley snorted, putting her hand on the witch's shoulder. "It'll be worth it when we see how baby Mikaelson's doing."

        "Yeah, yeah. Whatever," Jordanna dismissively waved a hand as they walked up the steps of the clinic. "And it's baby Jones."

        The witch pulled her phone from her jacket pocket as it buzzed.

Carebear: tell me how it goes, okay? I want pictures, that little one you get from the ultrasound. good luck, tell baby JJ aunt Caroline said hi

Carebear : also i know you don't open your emails so open them!! bonnie sent you an email, ok i'm going now bye


        Jordanna awkwardly looked up at the ceiling as Dr. Paige did her ultrasound. It was a bit awkward, don't you think? I mean, her just lying there while this doctor put this cold gel on her stomach.

        "Your baby's heart rate is perfect." The doctor smiled looking down at the witch.

        Jordanna smiled proudly. "Obviously."

        Hayley grinned giddily, earning a look from the Bayou doctor.

        "Are you the partner?" Dr. Paige smiled in Hayley's direction as Jordanna snorted.

        "She is," Jordanna winked teasingly in Hayley's direction. "That's right. We're lovers."

        "Uh ━ no. I-I'm just a friend actually," Hayley smiled awkwardly, scratching her head.

        "Oh! Forgive me," Dr. Paige smiled sheepishly as she handed Jordanna a tissue for the gel. "I would assume the father would be here."

        That earnt an eruption of chuckles from Jordanna. "Nope. He's either spending his day with plain Jane or plotting something."

         The doctor chuckled lightly as Jordanna shrugged her jacket back on. The Marshall werewolf helped her get up from the table, causing her sweater to fall down her shoulder ━ the crescent birthmark on Hayley's shoulder showing.

        "That's a unique birthmark."

         "We're pretty much done here, right?" Hayley pulled the fabric back over her shoulder uncomfortably. 

        Jordanna carefully watched the doctor just as she received a text from the blonde Mikaelson. 

Bex: where are you?

        Dr. Paige looked back down at Jordanna. "Your blood pressure is a bit high, I've got something for it."

        Jordanna and Hayley shared another cautious look as the doctor walked to Agnes, who was in the next room. Jordanna bit the side of her cheek as she texted Rebekah back.

: bayou clinic with some crazy doctor

        Suddenly, Jordanna's head snapped up at the sound of a wolf howling loudly. Hayley looked at Jordanna in suspicion as the witch made her way over to the window. 

        "Can your cousins shut the fuck up?" She mumbled, passing the werewolf as she reached the window ━ she pulled the blinds open that draped over it, blocking the clear view, her head tilted at the sight of car lights approaching.

         "Great, the fuckin' Suicide Squad is here to kill us," Jordanna groaned, putting her phone in her pocket. 

        Dr. Paige soon returned with the medication, resulting in a shake of the head from Jordanna. "Ah, shit. Not a pill person." The Jones witch shrugged, face remaining calm. "I prefer my pills crushed . . . Sorry."

        The doctor laughed nervously. "Neither am I, truth be told."

        Dr. Paige turned and placed the medicine on the table and started doing God knows what. But was soon distracted as a group of burly looking men walked into the clinic and whispered something to Agnes.

         Hayley turned to see Dr. Paige with a long syringe in her hand, attempting to lunge at Jordanna. The brunette grabbed the doctor's arm and pushed her away from her friend just as Jordanna turned, eyebrows raised as she watched Hayley wrestle the doctor.

        Jordanna's eyes focused on the doctor, watching as sweat began dripping down her forehead, Dr. Paige began swaying sideways, dizzily as the witch started boiling her blood.

        Her current state gave Hayley the opportunity to grab the syringe and stab it into the doctor's neck, causing her to pass out and drop to the floor. 

        "Fuck my life." Jordanna muttered lowly. "Can we, like, leave now?" 

        "Shit!" Hayley exclaimed as she caught sight of two men coming their way, running towards them, she slammed the door shut and locked it before they got in reach of it.

        Jordanna swiftly opened the window with one look and began pushing Hayley through the window. "Shit. Shit. Shit." Jordanna muttered ferociously as she and Hayley ran off towards the trees.

        "I hate the fucking woods!"


        Today was absolute shit.

        After a dreadful morning of having to deal with Camille being in her house she was now being chased in the woods by a bunch of lunatics.

        And to top it all off, she fucking lost Hayley.

        I mean, what the fuck?

        How do you lose a whole grown woman?

        Jordanna peeked her head from out behind the tree she was crouched besides, her eyes scanned the dark woods as she looked for her friend.

        Jordanna huffed when she didn't catch sight of the Marshall anywhere, she grimaced as she looked down at the heart besides her that belonged to one of the guys chasing them.

         "Fuck this." She mumbled, pushing herself up from the dirt, making her way through the woods. She slowed in her steps, eyes falling upon two of the men who wandered around, eyes piercing. One held a very, very sharp, long knife in his large hands.


        Jordanna's hand jolted as one of the guys fell to the ground, his heart flying from his chest backwards, towards her. The large guy with the knife spun on his feet, his fat, black moustache ticked as he eyed the heart next to Jordanna's feet before meeting her eyes, to which she gave him a big grin.

         His jaw clenched as he lifted the knife and threw it at her, Jordanna's eyes flickered up to it as it was merely inches from between her eyebrows, with one look it stopped ━ the knife just floating in the air as she tilted her head to get a better look at the man.

        "Not the face, asshole," and with one look the knife flipped, the sharp tip now facing the man as it went zooming across the woods, going directly through his neck.

        Jordanna watched as blood sputtered from his body before he dropped. 

        "Cool," she murmured as she neared the body, the tip of the knife sticking out the back of his neck.

        Anyway, time to find Hayley.

        After walking through the woods for a little while she came across Hayley, who was hid behind a tree, her eyes stuck on more men.


        Jordanna stood for at least a minute straight, waving her hand around like an idiot as she tried to get the Marshall's attention and when she finally did, she gestured her head in the direction of the men.

         Hayley shook her head, no.

        Jordanna rolled her eyes, pointing a thumb in the attackers' direction before she brought the bloodied knife she had pulled from that man's neck to her own, running it along her neck. 

         Hayley's eyes widened at the bloodied knife, which had now dripped down onto the witch's hand. Hayley sometimes forgot how creepy Jordanna was. Even when they first met Hayley thought her to be a little psychotic. She was like them creepy children in horror movies.

          There stood the pregnant teenage witch, grinning like a mad man whilst holding a crimson red knife.

         Jordanna raised her eyebrows.

        Hayley shook her head.

        Jordanna scoffed quietly, mouthing pussy before she moved from behind the tree she was leaning against and made her move.

        Hayley huffed in annoyance as she watched the witch make her way towards the men. The Marshall hastily ran up to one of the men and kicked him in the gut before knocking him to the ground.

         "That's the spirit, Hales!" Jordanna grinned as she jumped onto one of the men's backs. Bringing the knife up she slit his throat and slid down his body, throwing him limply to the floor.

         The witch pushed her raven hair from her cheek, the strands stuck to the blood that had splattered across her face as she slit the guy's neck. 

        The witch spun on her feet, watching as Hayley beat a man to death with the butt of a gun. She'd stop to smile and clap her hands proudly if her hair wasn't dragged suddenly and she didn't land on her ass.

        "The fuck?" She grumbled, pushing herself up as this man clenched his fists. Making a gesture for her to come at him. "Seriously?" Her eyebrows raised.

        "Seriously." Yhe unknown attacker spoke, voice deep. 

        "Okay, then," she shrugged, running at him. The guy hit like a girl . . . like Elena Gilbert even, ouch.

        Eventually Jordanna gave up on dodging his hits and swiftly snapped his neck with a mere twist of her wrist. Her eyes turned to Hayley's who was crouched on the ground, her eyes flashing gold.

        Jordanna scoffed, "poser."

        Hayley opened her mouth to retort but another man began making his way towards them, without moving a muscle Jordanna snapped his neck.

         His body dropped dead to the floor, revealing Rebekah who stood with her hands on her hips as her eyes scanned over the two.

        "Have to say, I'm impressed." The blonde complimented, eyes scanning the dead bodies surrounding them.

        "When do I ever disappoint?" Jordanna winked, playfully bowing before she grabbed Hayley by her arms and pulled her up to her feet.

         "How did you find us?" Hayley questioned curiously.

        "JJ's text got me halfway, vamp hearing did the rest." The Mikaelson nodded towards the bodies. "Who are they?"

        "Witches, warlocks, whatever."

        "Shitty ones." Jordanna muttered, rolling her eyes.

        Rebekah chuckled lightly before she turned her head to discover more men with flashlights in the distance, making their way towards the trio. "There're more of them. Run!"

        Jordanna pushed Hayley in front of her as the two begin running in the opposite direction. Trust me, she really wanted to stay and kill a few more witches but Hayley and the little shit needed protecting so . . . 

       Rebekah stood, watching the two run off, "if I had a dollar for every mess my family has got me into-"

           Though her words stopped short as she was shot in the heart with an arrow, followed by another. Temporarily killing her, causing her body to fall to the ground.

        Upon hearing the thud of her body, Jordanna and Hayley turn around. The brunette's eyes widening in horror.

        "Shit, Bex!"

        Jordanna spun hastily on her feet as Hayley was shot in the shoulder, causing her to drop to her knees, eventually passing out from the pain.

        "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" Jordanna screeched, pulling at her hair as she began running in the opposite direction to the person shooting the arrows. 

        The annoying wiz of an arrow souring through the sky caught her ears as an arrow embedded itself into her shoulder, followed by another one and another one . . . 


        Rebekah was walking around the clinic in a hurry, followed by Hayley. When Rebekah had woken she had soon found the werewolf. But Jordanna? She was nowhere to be found.

         The blonde Mikaelson had given Hayley some blood for the injuries before they made their way to find Jordanna.

         Hayley flinched as she turned to find an angry Klaus stood in the doorway.

         "Wow! You abandoned your quest for power to help out your family!" Rebekah spoke sarcastically. "Having an off day?"

         "Rebekah . . . " Hayley muttered quietly, though her words had a slight authoritative tone. Jordanna was missing and that was more important than the two fighting. 

        "Who took her, Rebekah?" Klaus asked calmly.

         "I don't know," Rebekah frowned.

          "What do you mean, you don't know?" Klaus grew angrier by the second. "And who killed her attackers?"

         "I don't know. I had an arrow in my heart. If it wasn't JJ who killed them, then ━ " Rebekah was cut off by the sound of wolves howling in the distance. Klaus raised his eyebrows and looked towards his sister who huffed.

         "Lovely. Maybe your cousins will know where she is," she looked towards Hayley.

          The three made their way towards the door and exited the clinic to find Jordanna stumbling towards them ━ face and clothes covered in blood and dirt.

        The three ran towards her, Hayley and Rebekah held her steady by her arms as Klaus cupped her neck in his hands. 

         "Jordanna, sweetheart," his thumb rubbed circles on her neck. "What happened? Tell me what happened."

        "I lost my shoe," the witch spoke groggily, looking down at the one stiletto on her foot whilst the other stood in the dirt bare.

        Klaus, Hayley and Rebekah all looked down at her foot before looking back up at her, unamused. 

        "What happened?" Klaus spoke again.

        "Some assholes attacked me," Jordanna mumbled in a daze.

          Klaus released her and quickly looked down at her body for any injuries.

        "You've completely healed. There's not a scratch on you," Klaus frowned, confused as to what he was seeing.

          Jordanna chuckled dryly. "Lucky me."

         Rebekah ran over and wrapped an arm around her best friend, pulling her away from Klaus before she lead her to the clinic steps. "It's the baby. The vampire blood. Klaus' vampire blood, in your system. It can heal any wound. Your own child healed you."

        Klaus watched her as her body slumped against Rebekah's before Hayley moved and came down to sit on the other side of her, his lips pulled into a smile at the thought of the baby protecting her.

        "How did you escape? You were outnumbered, unarmed. Those men were ripped to shreds," Rebekah frowned, looking down at the raven haired witch.

        "I think Hayley's wolf friend helped me," Jordanna answered quietly with a shrug, laying her head on Rebekah's shoulder. "I don't know."

       "The witches were supposed to protect you!" Klaus stated, anger seeping out of him. "When I get my hands on Sophie Deveraux━"

        "It wasn't Sophie, it was Agnes," Hayley spoke quickly.

        "Fine! Agnes, Sophie, it's all the same to me! I'll slaughter the lot of them!" Klaus spoke angrily, looking down at Jordanna. He couldn't help but feel guilty, he had spent the whole day compelling Camille to be his spy for Marcel he had put the woman he loved in danger.

        "Not if Elijah gets there first," Rebekah smiled.

        Hayley's head snapped to the blonde briskly. "Elijah? Did you find him?" 

        Jordanna smiled gently. "Glad to know he's not dead."

        Rebekah chuckled softly against the witch's head. "He's been in touch and he has a plan. All he asks is that we take care of you both."

        "Can we go now?" Jordanna questioned, yawning lightly. "I'm fucking starving."

        Klaus nodded with a smile as Jordanna rose to her feet with a sigh, only for her knees to buckle as she stumbled. Klaus vamp sped over to her and caught her in his arms.

        "I've got you, sweetheart," Klaus pulled her close. "I've got you."

         "I'm still pissed off at you." She told him quietly, eyes shutting, almost against her will. "I'd just prefer to be carried right now. Don't think I'm happy with you, cause I'm not."

         A faint laugh left Klaus' mouth. "Don't worry, sweetheart. I know you are."


        Klaus had a glass of water in his hand as he neared his and Jordanna's bedroom door. He moved his hand to push the door open only to stop upon hearing her voice. 

        There sat Jordanna Jones talking to the unborn child in her womb. She didn't know what was wrong with her, but after coming back from the Bayou she was feeling emotional and broke down in the shower and suddenly had a new way of life, a new mindset ━ fully accepting the pregnancy.

         Wow . . . she was growing up.

        Just kidding, was she fuck.

        Klaus leant against the door as he heard her ramble. She looked down at her stomach, her hands making weird, eccentric gestures as she spoke.

          His lips pulled up into a smile as he heard her.

          "I'm just gonna apologise in advance if I'm a shit mom, okay? You're only like what, a month old? I know you won't understand me, which makes this a shit ton easier ━" her hand smacked her mouth. "Shit no swearing ━ fuck. Ahhh, sorry!"

          She frowned, "why the fuck am I apologising you can't understand me. Yeah, so, I'm sorry. But at least we know one thing, you'll be the best looking kid the world will ever see. 'Cause I mean, have you seen your parents?"


fc for the shithead in jjs stomach?? Teenager and kidddd?????

im gonna go sleep for 100 yrs now ciao 

(edited 10/03/22)

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