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chapter twenty nine

oliver's fairy godmother


ย  ย  ย  JORDANNA'S CRIMSON TAINTED fangs pulled into a grin as she pulled away from the neck belonging to one of the witches she and Klaus had taken for 'interrogation', blood smeared down her low-cut top, staining the white material a dark red.

ย  ย  ย  If she was being honest, it didn't look too bad. It suited her.

ย  ย  ย  "You gonna' talk yet?" Jordanna taunted the witch in front of her, the man shook his head and Jordanna playfully pouted, a frown fixated on her face as she turned to Klaus behind her, his own face tarnished with the same crimson red she wore on her own. "You want a go?"

ย  ย  ย  "It'd be my pleasure," Klaus clasped his hands together, grinning widely at the vampire as Jordanna rose to her feet from her crouched position, moving aside so he could get to the man.

ย  ย ย  Klaus swiftly dodged the dead bodies of the other witches as he made his way to the shaking man on the floor, sweat coloured his face as blood slowly poured out of the puncture wounds on his neck.

ย  ย  ย  Klaus crouched down, swiping his fingers over the blood before he tutted patronizingly, rubbing his fingers together as his eyes met the unknown witch's. "Do you know where my brother is?" The man quickly shook his head in answer. "You know, the noble one of us lot," Klaus carried on the taunts. "Always wearing a suit, not a hair out of place."

ย  ย ย  The man shook his head again in answer, Klaus pursed his lips, nodding slowly. "Very well," he said serenely before he bared his fangs and tore into the man's neck as Jordanna smiled widely, watching on in anticipation.

ย  ย  ย  As Klaus fed on the witch Jordanna turned to another one of the witches they had 'kidnapped' ( if you'd call it as such ), there was thirteen in total.

ย  ย ย  Thirteen witches the pair had snatched up and brought back in hopes of finding Elijah ( now, you may be thinking; Jordanna has her magic back, why not use it, well, small issue. She wasn't completely in control of it yet. It's new, different . . . darker. Harder to contain ).

ย  ย  ย  Anyway, as I was saying, they had taken thirteen witches, eight of whom are dead, on Friday the 13th, I know, I know. It was Jordanna's idea. See, witches had this superstition that they'd be hunted on that day by demons. Or the devil and it'd be their end.

ย  ย ย  And in a way, it was.

ย  ย  ย  "Hey sweetie," Jordanna hummed as she crouched down in front of one of the witch's, a vicious little bitch she was . . . God! You know when you look at someone and decide you just hate them, well, that's how Jordanna felt about this witch in front of her.

ย  ย  ย  She reminded her of Genevieve, and that alone was enough to send her the urge to throttle her. She even had that damned hair down to a T.

ย  ย  ย  "You gonna' tell us where that bitch is holding Elijah?" Jordanna asked sweetly, head tilted aside as she stared down at the older woman.

ย  ย  ย  "Go to hell," she spat, shaking her head.

ย  ย  ย  "O-kay . . . " Jordanna hummed out, she heard Klaus come to a stand behind her, watching on. The vampire turned her head to look up at him with a smile as she held her hand out, "Pass me that knife, would you Nik?"

ย  ย  ย  Klaus nodded, swiftly grabbing the knife before placing it in her palm, "There you go, sweetheart."

ย  ย ย  "Thanks," she grinned up at him before turning to the witch huddled up beneath her, arms clasped around her legs tightly as she glared up at Jordanna. "One more chance," Jordanna mocked, slowly dragging the tip of the knife down the woman's face before stopping, putting on a little more pressure. "Where is he?"

ย  ย  ย  "Fuck you," the older woman whispered out, gritting her teeth as a small drop of crimson ran down her cheek.

ย  ย  ย  Jordanna clicked her tongue and nodded before pulling the knife away from her face and swiftly driving it across her neck. As the vampire pulled the knife away, she placed her thumb and pointer finger either side of the knife, slowly dragging them down the metal she collected the blood on her fingers before sticking them in her mouth.

ย  ย  The Jones raised her brows turning to Klaus with a humoured look, "I'm getting deja-fucking-vu right now."

ย  ย  ย  Klaus sucked his teeth, sending her a deadpanned look, "That's not funny."

ย  ย  ย ย  Jordanna rolled her lips into her mouth, supressing a smile as she rose to her feet, "Right, nope. Not funny, understandable."

ย  ย  ย ย  Klaus rolled his eyes lightly as his hand drifted the small of her back, he spun her round, guiding her to the last person, "Do you want to do the honours or should I, sweetheart? We're getting nowhere with this lot, so I suppose we can have our fun now."

ย  ย  ย ย  "You trying to tell me this hasn't been fun until now?" She rose a brow, turning her head to face him as she placed the knife in her hand on a small table in the room as they stared down at the last witch.

ย  ย  ย ย  "You're right. I'd be lying if I said I haven't enjoyed myself," Klaus tilted his head, sending her a lopsided grin. Jordanna returned the favour, smiling widely as she pressed a chaste kiss to his bloodied cheek.

ย  ย  ย ย  "Good, 'cause I want this one," she told him, moving forward. "I wanna' try something," she said as she bent down, giving Klaus a good view of her ass, causing him to smirk in appreciation as she pulled the last witch up to her feet.

ย  ย  ย ย  Jordanna gently pushed the shaking witch up against the wall. "Do not move," she pointed her finger in her face before inhaling deeply and placing her fingers on either side of her temples, closing her eyes she felt the witch tremble under her hold.

ย  ย  ย  "Huh. Your biggest fear is drowning," Jordanna announced as she pulled away, opening her eyes. "That was mine until I was, like, ten but then my dad decided to throw me in a pool until I learnt to swim myself. Such a dick, right?"

ย  ย  ย ย  "This is what you wanted to try out?" Klaus' accent sounded out beside her, his breath fanning the side of her face causing her to purse her lips in annoyance. "Find out her biggest fear and then chit-chat about it? Don't mind me, but if that's all then-"

ย  ย  ย  "Sh," Jordanna silenced him, waving her hand around behind her causing him to back away slightly with narrowed eyes as she nearly hit him in the face. "I'm not done, dumbass. I'm just . . ."

ย  ย  ย  "Stalling," Klaus' voice teased again.

ย  ย  ย ย  "No," she denied. "Fine. Yes," she rolled her eyes at his grin. "Only because every other fucking time I've tried this it doesn't work."

ย  ย  ย ย  "And what is this, that you are doing?"

ย  ย  ย  "Simple. Find their greatest fear then kill them with it," she told him bluntly, causing the woman in front of the pair to widen her eyes.

ย  ย  ย ย  "And you can't do it?"

ย  ย  ย ย  Jordanna turned, annoyed, "You want me to try it on you? I could do with the practise."

ย  ย  ย  Klaus raised his hands in mock surrender, placing his hands on her shoulders, he turned her, "Concentrate. Breathe. This is what you do, sweetheart. You'll get the hang of it again."

ย  ย  ย ย  Jordanna released a breath, leaning her head back on his chest for a moment before she inhaled deeply, eyes on the crying woman in front of her, soon to meet her death. She closed her eyes momentarily, opening them again they were white, a weird little thing that happens every now and then when she does magic.

ย  ย  ย ย  Jordanna stared into the woman deeply before she began spluttering out, water came out of her mouth in chokes as she thrashed around, hands desperately clawing at her neck.

ย  ย  ย  ย  More and more water continued to spill from her mouth before eventually, she just dropped.

ย  ย  ย  ย  Jordanna blinked and her eyes went back to normal, a grin painted on her face as she turned to Klaus, her hands shot out in victory before a grimace crossed her face as a glass vase in the corner, sitting on a coffee table, smashed . . . followed by a picture frame and a lamp.

ย  ย  ย ย  "Oops?"

ย  ย  ย  ย  Klaus rose a brow.


ย  ย  ย  Jordanna shoved Klaus out of the way as she began washing her hands in the sink, the Mikaelson rolled his eyes and rested his body against the wall as he waited for her to finish.

ย  ย  ย ย  "Oh. So, I see your interrogation went well?" Hayley questioned as she walked into their bedroom, eyes flickering between Jordanna and Klaus as the former harshly scrubbed at the blood beneath her fingernails.

ย  ย  ย  Klaus sent her a sarcastic smile, "Eh. It turns out these witches are delicate creatures. No matter! I suspected my mother had Elijah captive."

ย  ย  ย  "Great. Let's go find them!" Hayley exclaimed, seemingly confident, a large smile plastered on her lips at the thought of rescuing Elijah.

Klaus shook his head, a frown painted on his face as he made his way over to Hayley as Jordanna turned the sink tap off, coming to join the two in the bedroom, "Esther is too powerful. She won't be easily found. I need to draw her out."

As Hayley backed into the nursery, that joint onto Klaus and Jordanna's bedroom, the Mikaelson moved to shut the doors. Hayley pulled a face, raising her eyebrows, "Wait, where are you going?"

"I'm going to change my shirt, and then I'm going to find my brother," Klaus smiled falsely at her, moving to shut the door again when Hayley spoke up.

"Klaus, let me come with you!"

"Isn't that sweet?" Jordanna teased, popping her head out of the small space of the slightly ajar door. "Isn't that sweet, Nik? Hales wants to save Elijah from the Wicked Witch of the West so they can run off into a magical land together and make mini Hayley's with little tails and claws and shit."

"Don't be silly, Jordanna," Klaus rolled his eyes theatrically. "It'll come out wearing a suit and tie."

Jordanna nodded slyly, sending him a brisk wink as a teasing grin climbed up her lips, she pointed at him in dramatics, "Right, yes! Can't forget about that. Tails, claws and a suit. How adorable."

"How adorable indeed," Klaus mocked, going to shut the door again when Hayley pushed her hand against it, stopping him.

"Let me come with you, this is Elijah we're talking about," the Marshall pleaded.

Klaus sighed after a moment, "I know you want to help, Hayley, but you can't. My mother is wretched. She will target you in order thwart me, and I can't very well save Elijah if I'm busy saving you, can I?"

Hayley rolled her eyes in defeat, keeping her mouth shut as she silently glared at the man who sent her a large smile, moving to close the door, once again.

"Don't worry Hales, I'll go with him and make sure he brings Elijah back so you can run off and have your disgustingly sharp looking, tailed babies," Jordanna called out, sending her a wink before the door slammed shut.

Klaus pulled his shirt over his head as Jordanna turned to face him, the Mikaelson sent her a look, "You aren't coming either."

"And why the fuck not?"


Jordanna sat crossed-legged on the floor of her's and Klaus' bedroom, the Mikaelson God knows where as the Jones vampire ( or witch), placed the marker down beside the map on the floor, staring down at the pentagon drawn on the map.

She was doing a locator spell, well, I should say she was attempting to do a locator spell. So far she had only gotten to narrowing down her search, in the past she could've done this no problem. But noooo . . . she had to go and die and get new complicated powers.

Jordanna reached out, grabbing a vial of Klaus' blood, pouring it directly in the centre of the map as she closed her eyes, small chants flowing from her mouth.

A sudden heat itched and scratched at her skin, causing her to pull her eyes open, they widened as she watched a bright ember of fire crawl its way up the long, very fucking expensive, curtains.

Jordanna made a noise of annoyance, and that alone caused the curtains on the other side of the window to erupt in flames, swiping her hand she put out the fires. At least she was successful in doing that . . . this time around anyway. Klaus rose his brows as he slowly trailed into the room, a look of confusion painted across his face.

Jordanna noticed the look and sighed, rubbing her forehead in annoyance, "I'm not going crazy or anything . . . promise. Still having slight issues with my magic, that's all," she sent him a grimaced smile. "No biggie."

"Right," Klaus nodded, unconvinced as his eyes found the map in front of her. "What is it exactly, that you are doing?"

"A locator spell, well, I tried. I used your blood but-"

Klaus pulled a face at that. His blood? "How? When did you even?-"

Jordanna waved it off. Seemingly ignoring the flabbergasted look that crossed the Mikaelson's face at the fact she had his blood. He didn't remember her taking any . . . so when the fuck did she?

"Don't question it," Jordanna shrugged, rising to her feet, stepping over the discarded map. "So, is your head out of your ass yet? Can I come?"

"No," Klaus told her sternly, a dry smile sitting on his lips.

"Give me one good reason," she sent him a look.

"Because I can't save Elijah if I'm busy saving you, sweetheart," Klaus pointed out with an adorable smile, clasping his hands behind his back, Jordanna merely rolled her eyes.

"I said a good reason," she deadpanned. "Not that same bullshit excuse you gave Hayley, I can protect myself dumbass."

"If I recall correctly, it was only a few days ago I was saving you from Mikael and correct me if I'm wrong but, you died, did you not? Wait, no sorry, you were killed," Klaus spoke, nothing but a smile on his face.

Jordanna inhaled deeply, "Okay, first of all, Mikael dosed me up on freakin' Werewolf venom and drained me. Secondly, those witches stopped my magic, not much I could really do there. Let's not forget I was in the middle of giving fucking birth. Try again."

Klaus rolled his eyes, "Your magic. I can't have you lose control again and oh, I don't know, accidentally rip my heart out." Sarcasm laced his tone as he spoke.

"That happened once!" Jordanna defended. "And besides, it grew back. You're fine now," she patted his cheek. "Fresh as a daisy."

"Jordanna," Klaus gave her another look.

Jordanna groaned dramatically, throwing her head back in annoyance, "Fine! I'll go with Hayley to see her dog friendsโ€”we'll see if they've heard anything."

"Thank you," Klaus breathed out, pressing a brisk kiss to her lips as he made his way out the room just as the vampire moved to grab her jacket. "Don't die," he pointed at her before making his exit.

"Love you too, Nikolicious!"

ย  ย  "Don't bloody call me that!"


"Maybe Klaus is having better luck?" Jordanna heard Marcel's voice sound out as she and Hayley stepped into his loft apartment.

"Nope," Jordanna spoke up as she grinned at the Gerard, flashing a toothy smile at Gia in passing. "Which means, basically, this entire thing is a fucking shit show."

"Listen, you two up for a rescue mission?" Hayley asked, clasping her hands together.

"Are we going after Elijah?" Gia asked, seemingly taking notice of the conversation. Jordanna's head tilted at the undeciphered look on Gia's face. Huh, does little miss Gia have a crush on little ole' 'Lijah?

"Nope. That's all Klaus. I'm talking about Oliver," Hayley shook her head, brushing off the jealously that skimmed her body. Seems like Jordanna wasn't the only one to notice the excitement on Gia's face.

Marcel met Jordanna's eye, he raised a brow, she pulled a face. "I know. I know, baldy. Rescue mission for the golden lab, but he's about to be," she drove a finger over her neck and clicked her tongue. "Shame really. But if we, sadly, save him just in time we might be able to find out where Elijah is."

Marcel nodded his head after a moment, crossing his arms over his chest, "Kay, so what do you want from us?"

"Just a little distraction. Esther's son, Finn, he's the one that's controlling the werewolves. If you can keep him out of the way, we can go get Ollie ourselves," Hayley answered, gesturing to herself and Jordanna.

Jordanna sent the two vampires a wiggle of her fingers in goodbye before she and Hayley turned to leave, but Marcel sped in front of them, stopping them in their tracks.

"You can't take on all those wolves by yourselves. You'll get yourselves killed," Marcel told them with a sigh before turning to Jordanna. "I don't need your mom haunting my ass for letting that happen."

Jordanna patted his shoulder patronizingly, "We'll be fine, Marcey."

Hayley nodded in agreement, "Yeah, if anything it'll be JJ and her magic that'll kill us."

"Right. Okay," Jordanna drawled with an eyeroll. "Was that necessary?"


Jordanna and Hayley trudged through the depths of a remote part of the Bayou, a glum look on Jordanna's face as they searched for Jackson.

Their heads snapped up at the sound of a twig snapping in the distant. Jordanna rolled her eyes, oh lovely, the, ever-so-original, twig snap. The two turned, quick on their feet as arrows shot in their direction.

Hayley caught one in her palm, looking down at it boredly as two arrows shot in Jordanna's direction. Jordanna swiped one hand as she thrusted the other out in front of her, the first arrow landed in Hayley's direction earning a small, "Shit," from Jordanna as the other stopped before the tip of her nose.

Jordanna's hand, still held out to her face, yet again felt that same burning sensation when suddenly the arrow set alight. "Oh fuck!" She muttered under her breath. Swiping her hand the arrow hit the ground. "Oh my God, oh my God," she mumbled hurriedly as she continually swiped at the lit arrow on the floor before it finally died down.

Jordanna looked up, sheepish smile on her lips as she blew her hair from her face with a huff, eyes finding Hayley's amused ones, "See? I got it."

Hayley rose a brow. "Yeah . . . " The Hybrid spoke, unconvinced. She was just glad that Jordanna managed to put the fire out before she set them both on fire. "You got it."

At the sound of yet another twig snapping, their heads snapped up as a man approached them, pulling a short sword out of its sheath with his free hand, bow clutched in the other.

"He's totally gonna' try chop us to tiny pieces right now," Jordanna muttered to Hayley under her breath. "What is he? Some Viking-"

"Stop!" A voice called out causing all heads to swivel in the direction of the voice. Jackson walked out from a small trailer hidden behind the trees, making his way toward them.

"Jackson?" Hayley breathed out, expression softening.

"Hayley. I see you've met my friend, Ansel," Jackson cleared his throat, pulling his gaze away from the Marshall as he gestured to the man beside him.

"You know them?" Ansel asked, a confused frown fixated on his face.

"Yeah, actually I do. She was supposed to be my wife," Jackson's eyes met Hayley's once again.

Jordanna dramatically rolled her eyes and cleared her throat obnoxiously loud, causing all heads to face her. "And I'm non-existent apparently." She quipped sarcastically. "I'm Jordanna, by the way," she told Ansel with a false smile.

"Ansel," the older man nodded in greeting, eyes flitting back to Jackson.


It had been a little while since Hayley and Jordanna had arrived in the Bayou, the four sat around a small fire-pit as Ansel sharpened his knife.

"After Francesca Guerrera took over the wolves, she offered me a Moonlight ring as long as I'd call her Alpha. I declined. So, a couple of her brothers dragged me out here and left me for dead," Jackson informed the two causing Hayley's eyes to widen in shock as Jordanna boredly stared at him, elbow resting on her knee as her chin sat in her palm.

Jordanna sucked on her teeth boredly as she batted a mosquito away from her arm with a grimace, sadly staring down at her shoes. Another pair of perfectly nice shoes ruined in the fucking Bayou. God, she hated it here.

"Iโ€”uh, I heard about what happened to you and your babies, Jordanna," Jackson spoke, sending her a sympathetic look as his gaze shifted to her. Jordanna pursed her lips awkwardly before offering the man a weak smile.

ย  ย  ย  At the mention of a child, or well, children, Ansel's eyes found Jordanna's. The vampire pulled a face, discreetly nudging Hayley, causing the Marshall to turn her head in Jordanna's direction, a questioning look on her face, "He's staring. Help."

ย  ย ย  Hayley snorted, shaking her head, "Got yourself an admirer, JJ."

ย  ย  ย  "Ew."

ย  ย ย  "Anyway . . . soon after I knew it was over and I just drifted," Jackson cleared his throat, continuing with his story. "And that's when I met Ansel. See, he's been teaching me the old ways, the traditions. What it means to be a wolf."

ย  ย  ย  Hayley scoffed jokingly, a small teasing smile pulled at her lips, "You mean by living in the ass-end of nowhere?"

ย  ย  ย ย  Jordanna snorted, earning a glare from Ansel, the older man eyed her and Hayley warily, in distaste. "Hey, easy. Your kind makes him ornery," Jackson warned, huffing. A sudden dislike for 'Hybrids'.

ย  ย  ย  "Her kind?" Jordanna asked, scoffing. "Why you so mad about this now? She's been a Hybrid since you met her, Jackson. She's still the same Hayley you met months ago, just because she's not your kind anymore doesn't mean shit. Stop being a prick and take that stick outta your ass."

ย  ย  ย  Hayley put a grateful hand on Jordanna's shoulder, as she took a deep breath, turning on the log to face Jackson completely, a frown playing at her face, "Jack, whatever you and your friend think of me, my kind is the wolves. Even if they did pledge allegiance to a witch. All that means is they need an Alpha. Ollie needs one, too."

ย  ย  ย  "Yeah, I heard about that. The thing is, Ollie betrayed me. He plotted with the Guarrera's. He spilled his own people's blood," Jackson shrugged, merely unfazed by Hayley's concerns on Oliver.

ย  ย  ย  Hayley sighed. "He was trying to make up for that," she told him, earning yet another shrug.

ย  ย  ย  "It doesn't matter. The witches have himโ€”he's dead. Not that I care," Jackson said.

ย  ย  ย  Jordanna pursed her lips. "You know what? Jacky's right," Jordanna slapped her hands down on her thighs before rising to her feet. "If Oliver dies, he dies. No point in trying to save him, Hales. We could be looking for 'Lijah instead."

ย  ย  ย  Hayley rolled her eyes lightly, glancing up at the Jones, "You're only saying that 'cause you hate Ollie, JJ."

ย  ย  ย  "Yeah, so?"

ย  ย ย  Hayley rolled her lips into her mouth, inhaling deeply before she rose to her feet, "We're still gonna' look for him, Jords."

ย  ย  ย ย  "Yeah, okay. Whatever," the vampire rose her hands slightly in defence.

ย  ย  ย  Hayley nodded at the Jones before she turned to Jackson. "You don't want to be the Alpha? Fine. We'll save Ollie ourselves," she snapped.

ย  ย  ย ย  As the words left her lips Ansel began packing up his bow and quiver, slowly making his way toward the women. Hayley glared at the man, seemingly annoyed after the altercation with Jackson, "Hey, you got a problem, old man?"

ย  ย  ย  "I have no love of vampires, but I will not allow a wolf to be killed by witches," the older man told them sternly, shooting Jordanna look each time the word 'vampire' and 'witch' left his mouth.

ย  ย  ย  "What a sweetheart," Jordanna mumbled sarcastically as he brushed passed the Jones and Marshall, heading towards the Quarter.


ย  ย  ย  Jordanna, Hayley and Ansel silently trudged through the Bayou, Jordanna trailing along at the back, phone lighting up with a text from Klaus, replying to her message asking how searching for Elijah was going:

my mother bombarded me,
sadly. she won't shut up
about starting over and
placing us both in new

tell her to shove her
offer up her hoo-ha.

ย  ย  ย  Jordanna sighed as Marcel's name lit up the screen, pressing answer she brought the phone up to her ear.

ย  ย  ย  "Hey, J," Marcel greeted. "Tell me Hayley has her Alpha."

ย  ย  ย  "Nope, he's being a pussy. So, we got the next best thing, I think," Jordanna grimaced as Ansel shot her a look as he turned to face her. "God only knows if we're gonna' come out of this alive. Who knows if his sixty year old ass can even fight."

ย  ย  ย  Ansel shot her another look.

ย  ย  ย  "Anywayy," Jordanna drawled, looking away. "Do you have a plan to keep Finn occupied?"

ย  ย  ย  Back at Kieran's apartment, Marcel glanced over at Cami before he nodded to himself, Naomi stood in the corner, a broody look accompanied her face as she realised Marcel's plan. "Yeahย  . . . yeah, I think I might have an idea."


ย  ย  ย  Jordanna, Hayley and Ansel made their way down the foggy paths that spilled over the cemetery, eyes set on finding Oliver. Not so much Jordanna, though, she couldn't give a rat's ass if Oliver lived or died.

ย  ย  ย  But she was just that damn kind she dragged herself out here . . . in the cold, damp, dull night to find the Werewolf. She deserved her feet kissed for this shit!

ย  ย  ย  Finally, the three made their way into the Lycรฉe, walking up the steps they stared up at the door before them. Jordanna tutted, pushing past the two and thrusted her first forward. Please work. Please work. Please work. The door blew to pieces, along with the poppet strung up by the doorโ€”stopping the three from entering.

ย  ย  ย  Jordanna hesitantly walked through the threshold before a grin pulled at her lips. Thank God! That would've been embarrassing. Walking inside the Lycรฉe they found a bloodied Oliver, held up by his wrists in the greenhouse.

ย  ย  ย  Jordanna whistled as she slowly approached Oliver's unconscious body, she sucked on her teeth and snuck a glance back at Hayley and Ansel before her hand smacked across the Werewolf's face, echoing across the greenhouse.

ย  ย  ย  "Jordanna!" Hayley warned at a hush, gritting her teeth as she shot a glare at the vampire.

ย  ย  ย  The Jones merely shrugged. "Gotta' wake him up somehow." She replied in defence of her actions and she slapped him again.

ย  ย  ย  Hayley sighed loudly and rubbed her temples just as Oliver's head groggily lifted. Jordanna turned to Hayley with a smug look on her face before she turned back to Oliver. "Wakey wakey."

ย  ย  ย  "The hell are you doin'?" Oliver questioned weakly, eyes flickering between the three.

ย  ย  ย ย  "Rescuing you. Duh," she rolled her eyes. Idiot.

ย  ย  ย  "Who's that?" Oliver tiredly nodded his head in Ansel's direction.

ย  ย  ย  "Your Fairy God Mother," Jordanna quipped mockingly, earning a sarcastic smile from Oliver.

ย  ย ย  "Please tell me you know where Elijah is?" Hayley asked, hopeful.

ย  ย  ย ย  Oliver shook his head in answer causing a defeated sigh to spill from the brunette as Ansel moved over to the window, glancing outside. "They know we're here," he announced.

ย  ย  ย  Jordanna sighed loudly as Hayley concentrated on the sounds of the Werewolves. The Jones moved forward, roughly tugging on the chains that bound Oliverโ€”letting his body drop to the floor.

ย  ย  ย ย  "Get up," she scoffed, grabbing his shoulder before she shoved him in Hayley's direction. As soon as the blond was in the Marshall's grip Jordanna moved toward the entrance. "You get him out of here, I'll sort out the dogs."

ย  ย  ย  Hayley nodded, choosing to ignore for what felt like the hundredth time today that Jordanna had called her people dogs, as she helped Oliver up. Ansel grabbed a hold of Jordanna's arm as she moved to walk passed him, she shot him a glare.

ย  ย  ย  "Hands to yourself, asshat," she shrugged his hand off of her forearm.

ย  ย  ย  "You'll kill them," Ansel told her.

ย  ย  ย  "So?" Jordanna gave him a look.

ย  ย  ย  "I came here to save one of my own, not stand by as you kill them, I'll handle it," the man ordered, Jordanna rolled her eyes.

ย  ย  ย  She sighed after a moment. "Fine, I won't kill them. But I'm still helping," she shoved passed him, coming to a stand outside the Lycรฉe, eyes on the incoming Werewolves as she reached out, grabbing a hold of the black, spiked fence she pulled one of the bars off, gripping it in her hands tightly.

ย  ย  ย  "I don't need your help," the man told her as he joined her, slowly pulling his sword out.

ย  ย  ย  "I'm not doing this to help you," Jordanna snorted, amused at the mere thought. "I'm doing it 'cause I'm bored."

ย  ย  ย ย  The man turned to her, staring at the side of her face before his lip tugged, his head tilted aside lightly in an agreeing gesture, "Fair enough."

ย  ย  ย ย  And the Werewolves jumped at them.

ย  ย  ย  Jordanna swung the metal bar in her hands, crashing it against the head of one wolf, then the next, followed by another. Over and over again she and Ansel got them by their heads, merely waiting for them to go down.

ย  ย  ย  Surprisingly, Jordanna had respected Ansel's wish and tried her best not to kill any of his people. Emphasis on tried.

ย  ย  ย  There was just one annoying man who seemed to not want to go down, no matter how much she'd go to town on his head. So she resorted to the next best thing, she fed off him.

ย  ย  ย  Jordanna pulled away, her bared fangs coated in blood as she licked her lips, she held the man up by the shoulders and she sighed in content. Though her patience was tested when the man started to bleed out, right next to her fucking shoes.

ย  ย  ย  Her eyes narrowed as a drop of blood landed right next to her heels. She sucked on her teeth, voice low as she pulled the man's head back to look at her as she spoke, " . . . These are Christian Dior. Christian fucking Dior!" Her voice was hushed, yet loud. "Get blood on them and I'll kill you," she told him, sparing a glance over the man's shoulder, keeping an eye on Ansel.

ย  ย  ย ย  Though her head snapped down to her foot as her enhanced hearing picked up the sound of splashing. A noise of annoyance left her mouth as a drop of blood landed on her Dior's. "God you-" her hand shot out in front of her body, almost unintentionally, the man in her grip now suddenly stood on his own.

ย  ย  ย  A choking sound erupted from his mouth, caused Jordanna to raise her free hand, her body moving on it's own accord, like she had no control of her actions as she held her hand over her mouthโ€”the Werewolf's choke suddenly becoming silent as the hand held out in front of her twisted in a quick motion.

ย  ย  ย ย  The Werewolf's head fell from his body, dropping to the floor. Jordanna pursed her lips, lifting her head to check if Ansel was looking her way before she kicked away the head, bending down she picked up her metal bar and carried on with what they were doing.

ย  ย  ย  She didn't mean to kill him. She wasn't intending on using magic on him in the first place, it just happened. Like, she had no control over it.

ย  ย  ย  Just as Ansel turned, frowning at the blood smeared down Jordanna's neck, his attention drifted as a Werewolf jumped up out of nowhere behind him before Klaus suddenly sped up behind him and snapped his neck.

ย  ย  ย  Ansel defensively held up his sword before it faltered, his face fell as his eyes landed on Klaus. "You," Klaus muttered as Jordanna took a step forward, eyes flickering between the two men.

ย  ย  ย  "Nik?" Jordanna called out, dropping the metal bar to the floor as she took a small step toward him.

ย  ย  ย  "Niklaus?" Ansel breathed out, causing Klaus' eyes to widen in panic.

ย  ย  ย  "No, no! You're not real!" The Original repeated, shaking his had as Jordanna's frown deepened.

ย  ย  ย  "Niklaus!"

ย  ย  ย  "No! You're a phantom, conjured by Esther, that's all you are! Mother," Klaus called out as he brushed past Ansel and Jordanna, looking around him as he searched for his mother. "Stop this charade! I know that thing is not real."

ย  ย  ย  Jordanna crossed her arms over her chest, leaning against a brick wall of a mausoleum as she watched along, a look of confusion spread across her face.

ย  ย  ย  "Look at me, Niklaus," Ansel breathed out serenely, slowly approaching the Hybrid, who in turn backed away, a panicked look on his face.

ย  ย  ย  "I am flesh and blood. Your flesh and blood," Ansel told him, resulting in Klaus to shake his head.

ย  ย  ย ย  Jordanna's eyes widened at that. This was Klaus' biological father? The 21st Centuries very own Robin Hood? The guy who Jordanna had been pissing off the entire day? What. The. Fuck?

ย  ย  ย  "You've been dead a thousand years!" Klaus yelled out, finger thrusted in Ansel's face.

ย  ย  ย  "And through that time, I lingered on the Other-Side, watching you let the world fall apart until I woke, four moons past, in the land of wolves like myself," Ansel explained to The Original, Klaus slowly moved away from him once again; not believing a word that came out the man's mouth.

ย  ย  ย  "No! No, no! You're just in my head. You're an illusion, meant by my mother to sway me to accept her bargain!" Klaus shouted, becoming more frustrated by the second.

ย  ย  ย  Ansel frowned. "I do not speak for Esther. I know nothing of her bargains. But you are my son," the man spoke firmly.

ย  ย  ย  Ansel reached out to Klaus but the Hybrid grabbed his arm before he got the chance, Klaus' eyes landed on the crescent moon tattoo on his forearm, the sight of it caused Klaus discomfort. The memories that plagued his mind after seeing that tattoo.

ย  ย  ย  "And if what you say is real," Klaus lowered his voice. "You are nothing to me. For all I care, you can crawl back to hell," Klaus spat, refusing to meet his father's eyes before he met Jordanna's.

ย  ย  ย  Klaus sent her a quick nod before he sped away, leaving Jordanna and Ansel.


ย  ย  ย ย  Jordanna had left not long after, she offered Ansel the shittiest apology she could muster up for killing one of his own. It went something along the lines ofย  'To be fairย  . . . his head wasn't supposed toโ€”'

ย  ย  ย ย  After that, she had found herself back at the Bayou, watching as Hayley cleaned up Oliver's wounds. Her mind was on Klaus. She knew that if he wanted her to come with him to fetch Elijah, he would've done something to indicate that. But she knew better then to coddle him, she knew he needed to be alone.

ย  ย  ย ย  "Well, you got him," Jackson huffed, side eyeing Oliver from his place beside Jordanna as he handed the Jones a beer. "Great. Where's Ansel?"

ย  ย  ย  Hayley rolled her eyes, "He was busy being a man." She retorted, earning a laugh from Jordanna as she took a sip of her drink.

ย  ย  ย  The Jones leaned over to Jackson, "In other words, that was Hayley calling you a pussy."

ย  ย  ย  Jackson nodded grimly, rolling his lips into his mouth. "I got it. Thanks, Jordanna."

ย  ย  ย  "Thank you," Oliver spoke up suddenly, eyes on Jordanna as Hayley continued to wipe blood from his face, the cut on his lip stung as his mouth pulled into a small smile. "For, uhโ€”getting me outta' there."

ย  ย  ย  Jordanna shrugged, looking down at him, "Don't get all weepy about it, I didn't do it for you."

ย  ย  ย  Oliver nodded, regardless, the same small smile still sat on his lips. "Jack, I have to tell you . . . " Oliver trailed off weakly, tiredly lifting his eyes to meet Jackson's.

ย  ย  ย  "I already know, Ollie," Jackson interrupted, stuffing his hands into his jacket pocket. "You sold me out to Francesca."

ย  ย  ย  "Look, I know that I can't make up for that. But, you need to hear this," Oliver said hoarsely, Jackson looked away, downing the last of his beer as he listened to the blond. "You're the one," Oliver struggled as he pushed himself to his feet, Jackson stood quickly, grabbing a nearby staff and holding it out in front of him defensively. "You're the Alpha. Our people are not meant to be slaves! You can free them."

ย  ย  ย  All of a sudden Oliver stared coughing up blood, dropping to his knees. "Ollie? Ollie?" Jackson questioned as he fell to the floor beside Oliver, cradling his face in his hands, his head tipped up, eyes flickering between the two women in question. "What's wrong with him?"

ย  ย  ย  "It's the witches," Hayley spoke after a moment.

ย  ย  ย  Jordanna pursed her lips; well that's awkward!

ย  ย  ย  "Ollie?"

ย  ย  ย  "They said he only had until midnight," Hayley said quietly with a sigh, looking down.

ย  ย  ย  Jackson propped Oliver up in his arms, trying his hardest to resuscitate him. "Stay with me!"

ย  ย  ย  "Jack . . . " Oliver choked out, blood pouring from his mouth.

ย  ย  ย  Jackson's face morphed into one of terror and sadness as the blond suddenly stared bleeding from his eyes and nose before his body fell limp in the brunette's arms. Jackson gently laid him on the ground, still gripping onto his hand.

ย  ย  ย ย  Jordanna discreetly pulled a lighter out of her pocket, flickering it on for a few times until it sparked a light, as she lit the cigarette between her lips she noticed both eyes on her.

ย  ย  ย  She awkwardly placed the lighter back in her pocket. "Sorry," she grimaced.

author's note.
finally found a way to avoid the whole running off with a baby thing!!!!

miss girls magic's a bit of a mess atm but she'll get it together.... eventually...

anyway totally irrelevant but thought u should know cos why tf not but everytime i went to write ansel i typed out anal instead LSHF what

have a shitty night<3 or morning whatever dc

jk love u all xox

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