𝘅𝗶𝘅. 𝘀𝗮𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗴𝗿𝗮𝗰𝗲

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chapter nineteen

saving grace


      JORDANNA LAID PEACEFULLY on the sofa in the study, her body curled up against the pillows as she fidgeted in her content slumber. Klaus, on the other hand, was not peaceful nor was he quiet. 

      Jordanna was woken to the cluttering sound of books hitting the hardwood floor, her body twitched as she moved, her eyes squinted at the bright sun that blared through the large windows—illuminating the room. 

      Her head turned lightly as she twisted her body to face the original. She furrowed her brows with a perplexed look on her face as she watched the hybrid throw books from the bookshelf carelessly onto the floor. A yawn rippled through her as she watched him in a tired, confused daze.

      "Uh—Nik . . . " Though she stopped herself short as she ducked her head, a book flying past her as her eyebrows knitted together tighter. What the fuck was wrong with him now?

      Her arm moved out in front of her face, in a swiping motion as she used her magic to throw the books away from her. 

      Elijah, who had began to make his way into the room, two cups of tea in hand, felt his eyes widen as a book flew in his direction. The Mikaelson swiftly placed one of the cups down onto a cabinet beside him before he caught the book in his tight grasp, pursing his lips before he dropped it to the ground with a thud.

      Jordanna turned to him with a sheepish smile on her face as he neared her, standing behind the couch he passed her a cup of tea, she accepted the drink with a smile before the Mikaelson cleared his throat, earning his brother's attention.

      "Can I help you?" Elijah asked Klaus, staring up at him blankly as he brought his tea-cup up to his lips.

      "Yes, in fact. I believe you can," Klaus turned to face his brother. "I'm looking for a book, about yay big, filled with our mother's most powerful spells. It appears to have been misplaced."

      "How very mysterious," Elijah spoke dryly, moving to sit at the desk as Jordanna let out an annoyed sound—she brought a pillow up to cover her face, hands coming up to the sides of her head as she massaged her temples.

      "Indeed," Klaus hummed, eyeing his brother in suspicion. "At first, I feared the witches had succeeded in their efforts to obtain it, but, considering their last attempt ended with me relieving a rather large, tattooed gentleman of his hands, I began to wonder if the thief wasn't a bit closer to come. Don't make this harder than it needs to be, brother."

      Elijah merely lifted eyes before looking back down at the parchment in front of him as he continued to scribble something unknown to the couple. Klaus watched him with raised eyebrows, an expectant look on his face as Jordanna continued to curse at the two under her breath, muttering on and on about how it was too early in the morning for them to be this loud.

      "Well, admittedly, I did have a theory that your sudden interest in our mother's grimoire was in some way related to whatever foolishness you've been conducting with the Crescent wolves. Therefore, I took it upon myself to carefully place it where naughty, little fingers could not pry," Elijah replied, shooting Klaus a pointed look as he brought his cup to his lips.

      A small, amused, smirk pulled a Klaus' lips, "And here I thought you, of all people, would understand I am trying to help those wolves! Play Samaritan to the abused, champion to the underdog, so to speak."

      "How splendidly noble of you," Elijah shot back. Klaus rolled his eyes as he dropped the book that was in his hand and advanced toward his brother.

      "Have you ever considered that, like you, I am trying to keep Hayley safe?" Klaus spoke. Jordanna's and Elijah's heads both snapped up at that, they shot him a look that elicited in an eyeroll.

      "Since when did you give a damn about what happens to Hayley?"

      "I—" Klaus stopped himself short with a sigh. "Okay, fine, I couldn't really care less what happens to her, however, Hayley just so happens to mean a lot to Jordanna and vice versa, meaning Hayley will, naturally, want to protect her friend. So what if I use our mother's magic to empower Hayley's people so they are capable of protecting the pair of them."

      "How sweet," Jordanna mumbled under her breath, the younger Mikaelson brother shot her a dimpled grin before she dramatically placed the pillow over her face once again.

      Elijah shook his head, walking toward his brother, "Yes, unless, of course, they decide to seek retribution for decades held in exile, and Jordanna will find herself in the middle of an uprising. You may have forgotten, Niklaus, but Jordanna is still a witch—the werewolves still blame her kind for the curse. That will only provoke further violence. You see, you risk turning New Orleans into a war zone, brother. I won't let that happen."

      Klaus rolled his eyes lightly. "The drums of war were beating long before we returned. I suggest you use a little less of this-" the original began making talking gestures with his hands, eliciting in Elijah running his tongue across his teeth in annoyance. "-And a little more of these," he pointed to his ears, smiling falsely at his brother he lifted Jordanna's legs and took a seat down onto the couch she was sitting at before he placed them on his lap.


     Jordanna and Klaus were lazy. Right now, their lives consisted of sitting around in bed, Klaus painting, Klaus attempting to teach Jordanna how to paint, the occasional murder and the odd party every now and then.

      They did nothing, but they were content with that. Though, looking back, Jordanna missed how it used to be. Going to the Grill and getting drunk—playing darts, going back to Klaus' to continue said drinking—dancing around in skimpy clothing and feeling that rush of excitement, that high when they were together.

      But she felt old, she was nineteen and she felt ninety. Nine months pregnant with an Original's baby in a whole new city—doing, well, not really anything anymore.


      Even her life before Klaus was more exiting than sitting on her ass all day reading. Even with the fact she had no magic it was still exhilarating. The drugs, the drinking, the parties, cheerleading, Miss Mystic Falls—all that shabang.

     First step after the baby was born: get absolutely shit faced and dance.

      But right now, right now she was laid on Klaus' chest, his fingers grazing her skin as his hand ran up and down her arm—watching silently as she read her book. 

      Jordanna's phone buzzing caught her attention, causing her to place the book aside as she grabbed her phone, her eyebrows furrowed at the contact name. 

      Klaus, who was still laid behind her, snatched the device from her grip upon seeing the name written on the phone. The hybrid shot up from his seat, causing Jordanna's back to fall against the couch—the witch let out a huff of annoyance as she watched his retreating figure make its way into the hallway. 

      "Think very carefully before you speak," Klaus voiced out as he put the phone to his ear, a scowl etched onto his face. "The sound of your voice is likely to make me regret what mercy I've shown thus far."

      Jordanna's head popped out from behind the doorway before she snatched the phone from his grasp, shooting him a look she put it on speaker phone.  

      "Yeah, yeah. I know. I'm on your 'who's been naughty' list," Marcel scoffed. "Thing is, I'm sure I rang JJ, not you."

      "I'm here, Marcel," Jordanna spoke up. "What is it?"

      "Cami needs someone, J," Jordanna scoffed at his words, rolling her eyes. "She can't go through this Kieran crap alone, she needs someone to be there for her."

      "I missed the part where that's my problem," Jordanna jutted her lip as she breathed out deeply in irritation. 

      "C'mon," the Gerard sighed loudly. "Do it for me . . . please."

      "I'm busy," her lips formed into a line, a dry look on her face. "Sorry."


      Naomi had dragged Jordanna shopping—of course the witch was more than happy to accompany her, seeing as well, it's shopping and when had she ever turned that down?

      A perplexed look painted across her features, her eyebrows rose as she stared over at the vampire in confusion as they stood outside a clothing shop . . . for babies.

      "Nai . . . " Jordanna trailed off, shooting the older woman a look, who merely grabbed her arm and pulled her inside the building. 

      "You have no baby clothes," Naomi tutted, turning to spare the younger woman a glance. "Only things that blondie keeps sending you."

     "How much clothes do babies need?" Jordanna muttered under her breath as Naomi began grabbing some items. She had enough, Caroline had been occupying herself with relentlessly sending Jordanna baby clothes. Surely she didn't need anymore.

      "A lot," the vampire retorted. "Babies are gross, they puke all the time, so they need to change a lot. My brother was the most disgusting baby, like ever, always being sick and shit, so you need to be prepared."

      "Great," Jordanna mumbled. 

      It was the last month of the pregnancy and she was slowly beginning to go crazy. She was well and truly shitting it. 

      What did she know about being a mother? Mary-Anne was killed when she was 10, her father had ran off and while she had the Bennett's, the Forbes', and even the Gilbert's, she didn't have Mary.

       She was clueless in the family department. She didn't have a clue what do with kids. In the past, before Klaus had arrived in Mystic Falls, Jordanna was in Chicago for a few months, visiting Gloria—when, sadly for her, the older witch had asked her to babysit for one of her friends.

      Truth be told, it was one of the worst experiences in her life . . . she did not recommend going into that career. Kids and Jordanna didn't work, they wasn't a great combination. 

      But yet, she'd find herself having these moments. Them odd moments where she'd find herself alone—talking to the baby or sitting contently as she held her growing bump. 

      But she was terrified, what if she was a horrible mother? She didn't want children, she hadn't thought about it before . . . she didn't think that it would be ideal to throw a baby into the equation of the supernatural, but now, now, she was nearing the end of the pregnancy and would be giving birth to a tiny super-human. 

      She was still young, she wasn't exactly the most ideal person to have a child . . . but hey, she'd get used to it, I guess.

      Jordanna snapped out of her thoughts as Naomi spun around, eyes narrowed on the teenage witch. "Earth to Witchy." The vampire waved a hand in her face. "What's up with you?"

      "Nothing," Jordanna dismissed as she mindlessly threw a tiny pair of socks into the basket. Cute.

      Naomi watched her closely, "You're terrified."

      "Don't know what you're talking about, Nai. Did you forget to take your meds again?" Jordanna teased, rounding a small shelf filled with baby clothes.

      "Funny," Naomi deadpanned. "You're scared," Naomi wiggled a finger in her face—huffing slightly as the witch swatted her hand away.

      "Am not," Jordanna denied again. Liar, she was scared.

     "Aw," Naomi gushed teasingly, wrapping an arm around the witch. "That's adorable."

      Jordanna nudged her away with a scowl, "Shut up. I will scratch your eyes out."

      "Aren't you a delight?" Naomi mumbled under her breath. "Don't worry, you'll be fine. If you can take on your psychotic father, then I'm sure you can deal with a baby."

      "No. Babies puke all the time, my father did not puke all the time."

      Other than that one time she had poisoned him, that was.


      Jordanna and Naomi strolled around Bienville Park, the witch held a coffee in one hand whilst the other held her phone to her ear.

     Jordanna had sent Klaus to aid Cami because quite frankly—she did not want to go.

      Besides, she was over it. Klaus didn't even like the blonde—he was just . . . charming, and it was annoying as Hell because result of his charming personality—people fell for him, as she did. Cami, on the other hand, well she had no intentions on being even remotely in the same room as the hybrid after she had found out he had been compelling her to spy on Marcel.

      But now, Klaus had to deal with something and Kieran was in transition—yikes. So, purely out of the kindness of her heart Jordanna had dragged Naomi out to the church with her . . . 

      "Why're we here?" Naomi groaned as Jordanna pulled the phone from her ear and placed it in her bag.

      "Because I'm a nice person, dumbass," Jordanna rolled her eyes, taking a last sip of coffee before she threw it in a passing bin.

      "No," Naomi shot her a look, shaking her head slowly. "You're not. You're literally the opposite of that."

     "Lying's a sin, Nai."

      So they made their way to the Church. Truth be told, Jordanna didn't know why she was going. She didn't owe Cami anything, nor Kieran. But he was nice and even if she didn't like the blonde, she almost felt like she couldn't leave her to be alone.

      Besides, she didn't exactly have a good feeling toward the whole Kieran transitioning thing. It was a strong hex, and by now it would've sunk in. They don't just go away because of some vampire blood . . . if anything that could just worsen things.

      Naomi sped them to the back entrance of the church, the witch used her magic to open the doors—finding Kieran stood, gripping tightly onto the blonde's hair as her eyes fluttered open and shut—finding it hard to stay awake.

      The Priest's hands tainted crimson as the liquid spilled from his fingers, softly hitting the ground. One hand held a bloodied blade to Cami's neck .

      "Don't fight it, Cami. In death, we are whole again," the man whispered down to his niece before he took a deep breath. 

      Suddenly, his neck snapped and he dropped to the floor—the blonde doing the same as a black spots covered her vision and her limp body hit the ground—Naomi sped forward to catch her before she hit the ground.

      Jordanna clicked her tongue as she crouched down beside the Priest's body. A frown pulled at her face as she squeezed her fist, watching as his chest rose slightly before it dropped back down—grey taking over his tired body.

      "I'm sorry," she muttered before she rose to her feet—helping Naomi pick the O'Connell woman. They each wrapped one of the blonde's arms over their shoulders as they trudged down the aisle, a limp Cami held between them.

      "You're telling me she likes Klaus?" Naomi asked, tilting her chin as she looked down at the blonde in curiosity—eyes drifting over the small scars scattered across her face.

      "Hm, or she did," Jordanna answered. "I was gonna let you eat her, but I almost feel bad, so, no blonde snack for you."

      Naomi looked over at Jordanna, a teasing smile pulled at her lips, "Well, I mean, I wouldn't push her away."

      "Stop talking."

     "Ok . . ."

      The two, mainly Naomi, carried Cami home. Jordanna had called Marcel, regardless of Klaus and Elijah exceling him from the Quarter.

      Jordanna and Naomi stood outside of the apartment—holding a limp Cami who was going in and out of consciousness. "Cami, you're gonna have to invite her in cause I sure as Hell won't be able to carry you," Jordanna muttered under her breath to the blonde.

      Cami tiredly looked up to the witch and sluggishly nodded her head. "Come in." Her voice was a mumbled, it cracked when she spoke and Goddd Jordanna didn't like her but she did feel incredibly bad for her. 

      From that Naomi took over and carried the O'Connell to her bed, whilst Jordanna made her way into the kitchen and rummaged through her cupboards, looking for a glass. 

      Her face fell into a deadpan as she pulled out a mug covered in chicks, okay then . . . 

      As the witch filled the cup up Naomi made her way to her, "She asked for Marcel."

      Jordanna nodded, handed the mug to Naomi and proceeded to call the Gerard vampire who had told her he'd be there soon.

      The witch made her way back into the main room, finding Naomi sitting on the edge of Cami's bed, cleaning her scars—after she refused the vampire blood the Tate woman offered.

      "Uh—Jordanna?" Cami spoke up, almost hesitantly. "Thank you."

      A small, tight smile pulled at her lips, "It's fine."

      Cami sent her a small smile before a grimace pulled at her face from the cut on her lip. 

      Naomi's head twisted upon hearing something, she looked up at the Jones witch, "Marcel's here."

      Jordanna nodded and turned her head in the direction of the door. Her magic opened it before Marcel sauntered in—he immediately made his way to the bed, he placed a hand on Naomi's shoulder, the brunette looked up with a small smile before she rose to her feet. 

      After a little while Jordanna made her way down the apartment complex, finding Klaus stood outside the building—leaning against a lamppost, arms crossed over his chest. The witch made her way over to him and he immediately wrapped an arm around her shoulder, making their way back to the Compound.  


im dying here i have to wait a week a fucking week to watch nwh and im dying cos i keep seeing spoilers

early update cos im obvs gonna be busy tmr night so here yous are xxox

have a good nye sexies

(edited 06/04/22)

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