𝘅𝘃. 𝘀𝗲𝘃𝗲𝗻 𝗰𝗶𝗿𝗰𝗹𝗲𝘀 𝗼𝗳 𝗵𝗲𝗹𝗹

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chapter fifteen

seven circles of hell


       QUITE FRANKLY, JORDANNA  had never been in such a bad mood. Her face held tinges of annoyance—jaw tightened as she and Elijah made their way through the Lafayette Cemetery.

       Their eyes fell onto the group of witches who surrounded the Devereaux burial plot. Monique, Sophie's niece, stood—an emotionless look on her face as she held a candle in her hands, watching as a man carefully laid bricks over the Devereaux's grave.

      Jordanna and Elijah sauntered behind the witches, Elijah grabbing two and throwing them into the surrounding crypts whilst Jordanna merely looked over at them—sending them to their knees, a crimson red liquid slowly travelling it's way from their ears and down their necks—screams spilling from their lips before the bodies fell to the ground limply.

       Monique continued to stare at them blankly, the Mikaelson straightened his tie, fixing his suit jacket as Jordanna pushed her hair from her face with a huff. "My siblings have been taken... where are they?" Elijah rose a brow, looking the youngest Devereaux in the eye—her expression not once faltering under his stare.

       "You're interrupting my Aunt Sophie's consecration," Monique told them, tone bored as her eyes flitted from the duo and back to the half done grave.

       "I don't give two flying fuck's about that bitch's consecration, you little brat," Jordanna spat, narrowing her eyes at the teenager. God, she hated teenagers, she may still be one herself, but she couldn't stand anyone that was younger than her.

        Other than Davina that was, but...

       Monique simply rolled her eyes as Elijah's brows furrowed. A confused expression etched onto his face as he took a step forward, eyes on the grave he only just seemed to notice. "How did this happen?"

       "Aunt Sophie was a casualty of war," Monique shrugged lightly, looking from Elijah to Jordanna and back to where her dead aunt lay.

       Jordanna narrowed her eyes, that sentence did all but convince her that Sophie's death was an accident. All it did was remind her of the words she had uttered to her friends (bar Caroline and Stefan, that was) after word got around about Howard's mysterious death, "my father's death was a terrible accident, I only hope that they catch the man who did this and he gets what he deserves."

      So she knew. Monique held that same glint in her eyes she did those very years ago. That unbothered, bored tone as she spoke about the deceased one. Sophie's death was a casualty my ass.

     "Monique, I recommend you give me what I want unless, of course, you'd like me to level this place and everything in it," Elijah threatened lowly, his lips tugged as he took another dangerous step towards the group of witches who seemed to cower under his presence—Jordanna rolled her eyes, leaning her body against a crypt as she stared down at her nails.

      "That won't be necessary. I have a message for you, from Celeste," Monique told the original, putting her hand out in front of her body.

       "Tell Celeste she can suck my tit," Jordanna spoke up, stepping forward her eyes locked onto Elijah's figure as he uncomfortably tugged at the collar of his shirt.

       Monique scoffed, nodding her head at someone behind the Jones witch—who grabbed a-hold of the older girl. They locked her arms behind her back as Elijah ripped open the top button of his shirt, finding the name Theresa tattooed on his chest.

       Jordanna threw her head back, headbutting the unknown person behind her and throwing her own arm out. Monique staggered, lowing her hand as Elijah looked down at his arm, rolling his shirt sleeve up to see Sabine tattooed on his skin.

       Jordanna and Elijah shared a glance as they looked back up to the young Devereaux witch, who smiled with bloodied teeth as crimson red ran down her nose. "To find what you're looking for, follow the path she left behind."

        Jordanna scoffed under her breath, lowering her hand, "are you kidding me? Why the fuck does everyone talk in rhymes?"


       "Anything?" Elijah asked as he and Jordanna made their way into the courtyard, their eyes on Marcel as he sent more of his vampires out to search the city for the two missing Mikaelson's.

       "They're putting eyes and ears out everywhere—day walkers are working every contact we got. Cops, dock workers, guys in the Treme. Word is out, anyone trying to earn favours with me gets a lifetime of it if they find them," Marcel spoke as the three walked, making their way around the compound—the vampire placed a comforting hand on the witch's shoulder.

       Jordanna nodded, a small, brief smile pulled at her lips as Marcel squeezed her shoulder lightly before he pulled his hand away.

       "Good, I need a pen," the original replied at a demand, earning a scowl from Marcel as he followed after the two.

       "Hey, am I taking orders from you now, or are we in this together?" Marcel rolled his eyes as the three entered a room.

       Elijah merely huffed as he shrugged off his jacket, "pen and paper, Marcellus. Now!"

       "I want her back just as much as you do, you know... both of them," Marcel sighed before he turned to find a pen and some paper—only to stop abruptly as a pen flew passed his face, landing in Jordanna's hand, followed by a sheet of paper which landed on the table in front of the original.

        "You look good with tattoo's, Elijah," Jordanna smirked lightly as she pulled her jacket off, disregarding it onto one of the chairs that sat at the table before she picked up the piece of paper.

       Elijah smiled, looking down at his feet as her fingers skimmed across the names written in his skin. "Elijah, Jordanna! You're back, did you find any-" The Marshall stopped herself short, faltering as she watched Jordanna's hands trail across Elijah's abdomen, before she wrote something down onto a piece of paper. "-thing... What is happening?"

       Jordanna merely looked up from the parchment to Hayley, who looked at her with raised eyebrows. "Are you gonna continue staring or help me?"

       Hayley nodded in a flustered like state before she turned—rummaging through a desk she pulled out a pen and a piece of paper. She walked closer to the two of them, eyes trailing over the names on Elijah's skin.

       "Sabine? Elijah, what is this?" Hayley asked before she began joining Jordanna in writing the names down.

       "I believe they represent the names of the women Celeste inhabited for the past two centuries," Elijah informed the hybrid.

       "It's called a Devinette," Jordanna told the Marshall woman as she jotted names down onto the piece of paper. Marcel moved to a stand besides her as he looked over at the names.

       The Gerard vampire nodded, "it's old school. Kind of a riddle. Witches can use them to teach their kids. Solve it and it disappears."

       "Why? What's the point?" Hayley asked, frowning in confusion.

       Elijah huffed, "Celeste forced me to make a choice between Jordanna, yourself and my siblings, and now she means to mock that choice, taunting me with a childish game. The longer the game, the more they suffer. To find Klaus and Rebekah, we need to solve this riddle. The solution lies somewhere in these names."

       Jordanna couldn't help but feel guilty. Something she certainly wasn't used to but, hormones and all. She had wished Elijah hadn't of done that, that he had picked his family over herself and Hayley. She would've gotten out one way or another and Klaus and Rebekah would be fine.

       Jordanna turned Elijah's wrist, as she wrote another name. Marcel's interest peaked as he seemed to recognise the very name the witch was writing down. "The name next to Sabine... Annie La Fleur, she's the witch that was shunned from her coven just over a year ago. Never knew why, but I can find out."

       "Thanks, Marcel," Jordanna nodded curtly as she placed the pen and paper on the table before she leant against it with a sigh.


       Jordanna and Elijah made their way through the busy New Orleans streets after visiting someone who seemed to know the witch Annie La Fleur. Elijah was on the phone to Hayley, explaining what he, Jordanna and Marcel had just learnt.

       That Annie had killed herself—or Celeste had killed Annie so that she could take over Sabine's body. Killing herself in the place where she and Elijah had shared their first kiss.

        Romantic, I guess.

       Elijah placed his phone in his pocket before he turned to the witch who walked besides him—seemingly in a daze as she stared up ahead, fingers fiddling with Klaus' necklace that sat around her neck.

       "Are you okay?" Elijah asked her, causing her head to snap in his direction.

       She was quiet for a moment before a humoured scoff left her lips, "just tired, I guess. I'm fine."

       "Jordanna, you should be resting after the past couple of days you've had," Elijah told her, voice soft as they made their way down the street. "You shouldn't be out and about helping me with such things."

       Jordanna sighed as she looked over at the original briefly, "I'll go insane, Elijah. I can't just sit inside and wait for you to find Nik and Rebekah."

       Elijah sighed, "we'll find them, Jordanna. You have nothing to worry about. I give you my-"

       The witch shook her head as she interrupted. "Nope. You're not allowed to do that. I can feel it Elijah, something's gonna happen."


       "Look, I can't find them, okay? I tried a locator spell this morning but the shit-head hibernating in me doesn't seem to like the magic very much—I can only do shitty things, like hurt people, but find Rebekah and Nik, nope. You'd think the fucking child would want to help find it's family but no."

       Whoever the had Klaus and Rebekah had strong magic, and with the baby currently messing up Jordanna's powers she felt utterly useless—no doubt it was whoever came back from the dead, and they was using ancestral magic and channelling Papa Tunde after he died.

       And she couldn't do shit about it.


       Jordanna, Marcel and Elijah made their way into The Pit. The door flew open, startling the human man who was sat, having a drink.

       Jordanna swiped her hand and the man was roughly thrown to the floor, he looked up at the witch with wide eyes. "Wh-what do you want from me?"

       "Well, I assume you're familiar with this pigsty, quite appropriately known as The Pit," Elijah clasped his hands together as Marcel threw the man onto a chair, the witch came to a stand besides him as she stared down at the unknown human. "See, awkwardly enough, only weeks ago a group of human beings, just like yourself, slaughtered many of the companions of the vampires that you see assembled before you here."

       "You're in charge of the records room in city hall," Jordanna spoke up as she neared the man, circling him before she stood behind the chair he was squirming in. "See, we was told that the former Mayor kept a detailed record of the supernatural community."

       "A ledger of names of witches, werewolves and vampires, specifically their death records," Marcel spoke up, meeting Jordanna's eyes as she placed on her hands on the human's shoulders, gripping onto his skin tightly. "We need it."

       "I-I don't know where it is."

       "Liarrrr," Jordanna hummed in a sing-song tone as she leant down, her hair brushing against his face before her eyes lifted, staring at the vampires that the room filled. "You boys hungry?"

       Elijah shut the door just a smidge so that the sunlight no longer blared into The Pit, allowing the vampires to get close enough to the man.

       "Oh! Okay, w-wait," the human stuttered out as the vampires growled, seemingly getting closer to him, he shivered as Jordanna's fingers pressed harshly against his neck, her nails scraping against his skin. "They moved the records after the Mayor died, they're at the sacristy of St. Anne's church."

       "See?" Jordanna patted his shoulder with a taunting smile on her glossed lips. "That wasn't so bad, was it?"


         Jordanna, Marcel and Elijah were back at the Abattoir, going through the death records of all supernatural beings in New Orleans. Jordanna was busy looking for a Brynne Deveraux for Hayley, someone who was somehow connected to the curse being placed on the werewolves. 

       Jordanna's eyes scanned the boxes filled with files that sat on the table in front of the trio—with a quiet sigh she shut her eyes and held her arms out slightly. A soft breeze hit her face before a file landed in her hands.

        With a smug smile she turned to the two vampires, waving the file around. "Got another one. Brynne Devereaux."

        Elijah took the file from her hands as she held it out to him before he opened it. "Says here she drowned herself some twenty years ago. Do you recognise the name?" Elijah asked, looking solely at Marcel. 

        "Brynne," Marcel nodded. "Yeah, yeah, we used to hang out, knock around a bit," Marcel told them, lips curving into a smirk.

       "Do you have a thing for Devereaux witches, or something?" Jordanna asked with raised eyebrows.

      "Or something," Marcel shrugged with a lazy smirk on his lips.

        Jordanna snorted as the Mikaelson rolled his eyes. Elijah pursed his lips and stared pointedly at the Gerard. "You can spare me the details, please."

        "She used to do some spells for me now and then," Marcel told the original with a sigh. "Girl had power, cursed a whole pack of werewolves just because they were pissing me off. Speaking of, what do you think Klaus is gonna do when he finds out that you left him to suffer while you saved Hayley and her wolf friends."

        "It was not about saving Hayley, Marcellus. It was about saving Jordanna, Niklaus would die before he let any harm come to her, Hayley just so happened to be with her. Besides none of this is your concern."

         Marcel hummed eyes flitting from Elijah's to Jordanna's, the witch merely sighed as she leant against a table—boredly watching on. "I got guys all over this city. You honestly think that I don't know that the Crescent wolves had a little family reunion out at the Plantation last night? Thanks for letting the house burn, by the way. Good riddance!" The vampire grinned. "But my question is, what's Hayley doing with that bunch?"

         "Marcel, I'm aware of your history with the city's wolves, and I assume you understand that if you lay a finger upon Hayley—"

        Jordanna internally groaned as she waved her hands, silencing the two of them, "there are more important things going on right now. We need to find Nik and Bex, not have a dick measuring contest, got it?"

        The two silently nodded, after some hesitation and the lack of being able to pry their lips apart. 

        "One more word that pisses me off in the slightest and you won't talk for a week." 

        After Jordanna undid the spell, the three searched through the files without a word until Elijah spoke up, breaking the tense silence that spread across the room. 

        "We were right. Every name upon my flesh signifies a witch who died by her own hand. All but one," he told them, raising the file slightly. "Clara Summerlin."

         "Ring any bells?" Marcel asked.

        "None," Elijah shook his head in defeat.

        "Okay, well, if she didn't off herself then how did she die?"

        "Influenza Epidemic of 1919."

       Jordanna's head tilted aside before she made a bee-line for Elijah upon noticing the fading of the tattoo's on his arm. She lifted his wrist before rolling the sleeve up slightly, watching as his tattoos disappeared. "I suppose we have our answer, though I have no idea what it means."


       Jordanna walked into the study where Hayley sat in front of a computer, the witch made her way over to her and wordlessly shoved the spinny chair out the way.

        The hybrid glided away to the other-side of the room, pulling a face as she watched the witch bend slightly, eyes on the computer screen. "Uh—Excuse you?" Hayley frowned before pushing the chair back toward the desk. "What are you doing?"

        Jordanna ignored her as she muttered under her breath, her fingers clicked away at the keyboard before a triumphant look crossed her face. "Marcel, Elijah, get your asses in here," she yelled, the two following in pursuit almost immediately.

        "You find anything on our mystery witch?" Marcel asked as he came to a stop besides the desk she was stood at.

        "That I did, Marcey," Jordanna pointed at him with a grin on her face. "That I did. She was a nurse at the Fleur De Lis Sanatorium."

        Marcel visibly froze earning a weirded look from Jordanna as she turned the laptop around—revealing a picture of a bunch of nurses stood outside the Sanatorium. "Top row, second from the right," Jordanna looked up at them with raised eyebrows as she moved—taking a seat on the armrest of the chair Hayley was seated in. "Know any of them?"

        "No, I don't," Elijah shook his head before flitting his eyes up to Marcel, who seemed to be avoiding his gaze as he rubbed his jaw anxiously. "Marcel?"

        The Gerard looked up for a moment before his gaze fell back to the floor, his mouth opened momentarily before he clamped it shut again. Jordanna narrowed her eyes at him. "What? You have something you wanna say? This is Klaus and Rebekah, Marcel. I'm not fucking around with this, what do you know?"

        "The Sanatorium," Marcel sighed, placing his hands on his hips. "That's where you'll find them."

        "Are you sure? How do you know?" Hayley questioned, looking up at him with a frown, eyes briefly meeting Jordanna's.

        "I just know."

        "She asked you how you fucking know," Jordanna's nails tapped against the wooden desk rhythmically, the sound drowning through Marcel's ears as he wet his dry lips.

        "If I'm right, you need to know exactly what we're walking into. We did something, Rebekah and I..." Marcel hesitated with a sigh. "I think the witches are trying to use it against her. It was, uh..." his eyes nervously flickered between Jordanna and Elijah who stared at him expectantly. "Something that you're not gonna like."


       Jordanna sat on the opposite side of the desk to Hayley, twirling a pen around her fingers as she listened to Marcel. She didn't know exactly what to think. What if... What if... What if..

        She knew how difficult Klaus and Rebekah were over the years... she was bound to snap eventually. But... Mikael?

        "For the better part of a century, I have wondered how father found us, what foolish mistake that we had made to destroy our time in the one place that we could finally call home," Elijah began, stalking his way over to the Gerard, the younger vampire taking small steps back. "Did you know, I even blamed myself for a time, Marcellus?" 

        It was silent for a moment before Elijah sped to Marcel, slamming him into the wall behind them, Jordanna pursed her lips as Hayley shot up from her seat. "Elijah!"

         "Niklaus treated you look a son," Elijah gritted out, ignoring Hayley's calls as he tightened his grip on his face.

        "Rebekah. I loved her. I still love her," Marcel breathed out in a stagger, catching his breath as Jordanna waved the pen around in her hand before he dropped to the floor—Elijah visibly being pushed to the other side of the room. 

         "All we ever wanted was to be together, but as long as Klaus was around, that was never gonna happen. But hey, I guess you wouldn't know anything about that, huh?"

        Hayley looked over to the very silent Jordanna, who caught her eye as she imitated stabbing someone. The hybrid's lips pulled into a smile before she rubbed a hand over her face—now was not the time to laugh.

        "When Klaus learns the truth, there will be no end to his rage. I will not let my sister suffer that wrath," the original spoke, giving them all pointed looks. 

        Jordanna scoffed under her breath, "he knows."


        "They wouldn't take this long to tell him, if it was me I would've told him already," she shrugged as she pushed herself up from the chair and silently left the room.


       Elijah had not allowed Jordanna to come, and as much as she wanted to, she knew it was probably a better idea to stay put—seeing as she was pregnant and all.

        So, she had gotten a shower—cooked a lot of food and waited for them to return. The witch walked up the stairs of the compound—a bowl of cereal in hand as a gust of wind sped past her, the door to hers and Klaus' bedroom flew open.

        Jordanna brought a spoonful of cereal to her mouth as she slowly made her way up the stairs, her sock covered feet padded against the floor as she turned, making her way into their room.

        Her eyes widen at the shirtless hybrid, a red scar travelling down the middle of his chest.

        "What the fuck?"


i cant express my hate for genevieve 

i was literally re watching this episode before writing it and every time she came on the screen i just wanted to pour bleach in my eyes x

only excited cos we're getting closer to s2 and i have some stuff planned ;;)

plus jj and genocide being petty is gonna give me life

(edited 04/04/22)

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