Chapter 15

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THE WALK TOWARDS THE GRYFFINDOR WAS FILLED WITH A FEW GIGGLES AND CHUCKLES BUT FOR JAEHYUN it was mostly a silence that comforted him. Being around Remus was like being around home, Remus felt like home. Jaehyun couldn't quite describe it but it was as if a comforting walk in the rain, like sitting in the windowsill by the gardens with his blotched ink on his fingertips and his favourite notebook in his hand as he scribbles down more ideas.

They arrived at the portret of The Fat Lady, who was eyeing the new student she had never recalled being here, or at least not in recent memory. No after Quidditch parties at midnight, no group hangouts, no angry students barging in to try and attack the Marauders for colouring their hair neon green. She felt that with looks like those, she would have remembered her somewhere in her memory, she would always be able to name her favourites.

"Password?" Was the singular word she asked.

Jaehyun turned to Remus expectant, waiting patiently for him to answer while he was rolling from his toes to his heels.

"You know, I wonder why you ask me every time as if you don't literally see me every other hour of the day." Remus commented, The Fat Lady stared at Jaehyun before looking back at Remus and sighed.

"I don't know him, and it is protocol." The girl replied, her brows raised a bit higher on her face.

"Well, he's a friend of mine." Remus responded.

"Yes, and if we speak of experiences in the past this could be someone manipulating or forcing a student of mine to let them into their dorm." The Fat Lady said, seeming not extremely phased with what she was saying.

"Though.. He seems quite frail to do that to you out of all people Remus." She indirectly complimented him, knowing he was probably one of the most gifted in his year.

"Ouch." Jaehyun mumbled, but it was rather justified as he agreed to it. He wasn't the brightest, he wasn't stupid but definitely not as bright as Remus. "I can promise you.. I probably wouldn't be able to beat Remus, let alone threaten him."

"This could be a manipulation tactic."

"He literally looks like a bunny." Remus raised his brows in defence, Jaehyun awkwardly stood next to the boy. He was unsure why Remus was arguing with a portrait out of all people.

"He could be using a poly juice potion."

"Well, I can give you my word that he is not."

"Can't have poly juicers walk inside." She responded with a shrug, her eyes once again landing on Jaehyun, not recalling why he seemed so familiar. Seohyun and Jaehyun did not look the most similar from features, it was really only when you put them next to each other that you would notice they were in fact related. None of their features matched, small things like the way their eyebrows arched added to their difference in appearances.

Remus nodded, seemingly done with having to remember so many passwords throughout the weeks, and getting left out of the dormitory from time to time if he was too tired to recall it. "Balderdash." He spoke.

The portrait swung open, Jaehyun had not been in the Gryffindor common room often, back in his first few years he was here almost every second he could, after he learned his brother had a life without him he slowly stopped asking, feeling that it would become annoying for his brother to get the same question every day of the week. The warmth of the fireplace immediately trickled across his cheeks, igniting a smile on his lips at the feeling of home.

He never had this in the Slytherin one, hence why he disliked his own house so much. It was rather unwelcoming, not to forget that he was a muggleborn. His dorm always seemed to posses a smell of pride, showing off their wealthiest. Jaehyun didn't like being a Slytherin, he didn't like his dorm, he didn't like being there at all.

He was kindly reminded of the fact that the Gryffindor common room, specifically the dorm of his older sibling had been his home for the longest time. He remembered when Seohyun introduced him to his dorm mates, whom he ironically didn't become as close with as his friends from other houses, and just one girl from Gryffindor.

Jaehyun breathed in the air and took a small step inside, Remus his hand brushing just the slightest against his skin which made him feel all sort of tingles in his stomach but he chose to ignore them instead.

"Lead the way," Jaehyun said in a teasing manner. Remus let out a soft chuckle and nodded, his healthy hair making a slight bounce, he walked up the stairs with Jaehyun trailing behind him very closely. Without Seohyun being there to guide him to his dormitory it felt out of place to even be there, you could see Jaehyun glance around looking rather like a lost puppy in a cage of wolves. That was quite understandable though, her green tie sticking out in the common room that was pridefully painted and decorated in red and gold.

Finally they entered he dorm, Jaehyun didn't know what he had expected from four boys his age, but he was somehow quite thankful that he and his dormmates were at least three times better than this, and for the first time since he ever stepped foot in Hogwarts, he was quite relieved he had not been placed in Gryffindor. Remus turned a bit red, remembering the tantrum Sirius had thrown.

"Is.. That your toilet?" Jaehyun asked, not knowing if he should be disgusted or not. Remus looked at their bathroom, the door had been left open when they had left. You could still see the top bit of the pillow sticking out of the toilet. Remus let out a sigh,

"Usually it's not this bad.." He tried explaining himself and his friends. "Sirius threw a tantrum when he-.." Remus cut himself off immediately realising he was about to reveal the map to Jaehyun and shut up. "Couldn't find his wand.."

Jaehyun was pretty oblivious and just nodded, he headed over to the cleanest bed, after taking off his shoes and placing them by the door, and sat on it. It was quite ironically also Remus his bed, who was the only one who bothered to make up his own bed, which showed. Remus couldn't help but let out a small chuckle and joined him on the bed.

"Is this your bed?" Jaehyun asked, looking around to see a poster of David Bowie, which Remus had gotten from Sirius for his birthday in third year. It hadn't left the wall since, which explained the few creases, it looked like many pillows had been thrown that direction and it was a survivor of a war.

Remus nodded, "Yeah, is it that obvious?" He asked with a grin. Jaehyun laughed and shook his head,

"Not exactly.. I just figured the bed that didn't have naked woman, pictures of plants or one with a case for glasses was yours." He answered, motioning towards the magazines on Sirius his bed, half of them were already on the ground from their owners previous mental breakdown, the other on his pillows or nightstands.

"I could have an obsession with plants, or I could wear glasses without you knowing." Remus argued with his eyebrows raised in the air, expecting an argument but he wasn't sure what Jaehyun would respond with.

"I have herbology with you." Jaehyun countered, "And.. if you wore glasses I'm pretty sure you would have them on whilst reading or studying if anything." He stated, his brows raised equally as high, his tone a hint of pride and sass, knowing he won the argument from the beginning.

Remus chuckled, accepting his defeat. He didn't really know why, but being around Jaehyun gave him a mask-free time. Not that he wasn't like himself around his friends, but with Jaehyun it was just.. different. He couldn't explain it.

"Mhm.. I have glasses." Jaehyun commented, he never wore them. They were a bit too strong for him which often gave him a churning headache, they often slipped off his nose which often resulted in him having to repair them. He never mentioned them, nor ever wore them, he wouldn't be surprised if he left them at home by accident.

"You have glasses?" Remus asked, his voice showcasing his genuine shock. Jaehyun grinned softly and nodded, almost feeling the headache he got from them. He didn't blame him for not knowing he had them, he found it quite amusing actually.

"Yeah.. had them back in the muggle world for ages, stopped wearing them when I got sent here." He explained.

"Oh wait- I think I remember you wearing them actually." Remus commented, if he thought back far enough he could remember the small frail Jaehyun too afraid to look up from his seat, though sitting next to his brother. Every now and then he had to push his glasses up again, resulting in them slacking off even more a few minutes later. It was quite adorable to watch, his chubby cheeks highlighted his dark glasses and the cute gummy smile he shared whenever his brother made a ridiculous comment on his friend Amara.

"Yeah, I looked quite ridiculous back then." Jaehyun let a smile grace his lips when he thought back about it.

Remus shook his head. "I think you looked adorable actually." His head turned over towards the direction of Jaehyun, locking eyes with him. Jaehyun tried his best to keep the eye contact, it was hard for him to focus. He smiled awkwardly, causing him to turn red from his own sheer embarrassment.

"Thanks." Jaehyun kindly whispered.

"You should start wearing them again." He stated, Jaehyun stared into his eyes now. He made direct eye contact with Remus, his own cheeks turning crimson.

"I-.. I can't, they're too strong for my eyes actually." He explained with an awkward feeling of guilt. Remus furrowed his brows, a grin lacing his lips immediately.

"We should go 'round my town during winter break, my dad gets his glasses from there." He explained. Remus found Jaehyun intriguing, despite them only knowing each other for such a short amount of time Remus found the feeling of peace whenever he was around Jaehyun. It couldn't possibly be a crush, he didn't feel the butterflies flutter in his stomach, he just felt a little sense of relief when he was with Jaehyun.

The relief of not having to act differently around him, that he could just be whoever he was and know deep inside Jaehyun would never judge him. Remus felt peace around Jaehyun, he didn't feel the butterflies he had when he was around Sirius during their on and off fling.

Maybe Remus wasn't as experienced as he ought himself to be. He read about all these lovers feeling so ecstatic to be around one another, feeling arousal and tingles from just being in each other's presence.

Maybe that was just lust.

Maybe Remus was finally starting to experience a desire, a loving desire to be in the presence of Jaehyun. Remus didn't understand why his heart longed to be with Jaehyun,

Perhaps he should pick out his romance novels more carefully, because his story wasn't like the ones he traced his finger beneath.

"That sounds fun." Jaehyun softly spoke.

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