Chapter 17

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THE BOYS WAVED OFF JAMES, SENDING THEM THEIR BEST PITIFUL LOOKS hoping that this wouldn't end up breaking his heart like they had seen many times before. James quietly walked beside Seohyun, contemplating his entire life over and over again. Every step he took made his mind dizzy, every thought taking up another small space inside his head till he felt like he was going to explode. His breathing had quickened, the dizziness making it hard for him to even realise whether or not he was walking in a straight direction.

Seohyun led them to a deserted class. The second his the door had closed shut James wasn't quite sure if his hard had sank or if that was his imagination. His nerves racked all over his body, he was quite certain they would jump out of his skin. Everything was too loud, his own heart was too loud and his mind was clouded by something he couldn't even see. James was freaked out of his mind. Quite frankly, James wasn't sure if he had a mind of his own anymore. Seohyun had been clogging up all of the extra space in his brain.

"James?" The boy quietly spoke snapping the boy out of his own mind. The boy stammered something out before he was able to quietly muster the word 'yeah?'. There was a silence that engulfed their conversation, the feeling of uncertainty filling their veins as they looked at each other. Neither of them knew what to say forcing them to keep the deafening silence alive.

They locked eyes and if James were a poet he would have dedicated his life to writing about how mesmerising the eyes were he been captured in.

James was caught up in his own mind feeling obligated to find the answer himself. "It's fine if you want to call things off-" James started off but the older brother quickly cut him off eyes wide with surprise. "Call things off? What?" Seohyun butted in absolutely astonished that James would ever dare of calling it quits. Well, call whatever they had quits.

"No!" The older one spoke once again, feeling shock run through him once again. His heartbeat sped up and it felt like his heart was in his throat, holding every thought he could back and keeping it inside his lungs. "I- I.." The words stammered out of his mouth, his mind still trying to word out the thoughts he was having.

James looked up at Seohyun, unsure if he was hoping for things to end or for the older boy to kiss him to his death. Seohyun urged forwards and his hands wrapping nicely around James his hands which in comparison looked a lot smaller. "I, I really like you James. And- I don't understand my emotions, I've never liked anyone like I have liked you before!" Seohyun explained frantically, his breath scattered like his mind was. There was only one thought that was clear in his head: do not lose James.

James his eyes softened, glancing down at the hands before locking eyes with the boy of his dreams. "Seohyun.." The boy whispered gently but Seohyun seemed to have a worry in his eyes and once again cut him off.

"No- I need you to hear me out!" Seohyun begged. He breathed out heavily, his eyes pleading. "I never understood why people dwell on romance so hard until I met you. You- ever since last year I felt the urge to be better around you because I wanted to impress you! I never understood why- I thought I was weird, and then at the showers I realised.." There was a small pause, Seohyun inhaling again. "I am infatuated with you, every move you have ever done I've replayed in my mind at least twice!"

James stared up at him, his heart on the verge of jumping out of his ribcage. His cheeks were fiery red and he felt the entirety of his body heat up.

"James Potter, I don't want whatever we had to end. I want stuff to grow, I want to do so much more. You are the only one who has ever made me experience love, I'm not finished with experiencing it with you yet." Seohyun spoke finishing his last words with a desperate whisper. Their foreheads were almost touching, Seohyun his breath was softly tickling against James his lips making it desirable to smash them against one another.

James inhaled sharply and was sure he was going to burst out in tears. "Seohyun.." He whispered gently. James his hands tightened around Seohyun his hands, he felt his heartbeat speed up once again. His feelings had never been requited before, it felt surreal or some sort of prank. He had spent years pining after a girl he was supposed to like, he had loved her like fresh air it felt natural to love her because she was perfect. James had been hopeless, Lily never understood why it was so impossible for James to accept a no.

James didn't know why honestly. He just thought it was justified, he was a popular boy and she was a popular girl. They belonged together, he thought.

"Please.. don't say no." Seohyun weakly whispered, it was something unheard of. Seohyun was a strong willed and confident Quidditch captain everyone adored, yet here he was. Quietly asking for one of the infamous Marauders to not turn his love story into a tragical unrequited romance.

James shook his head, joy overflowing in his bones. He leaned forward and quickly connected their lips. Seohyun smiled immediately, his heartbeat rising as if he had ran a marathon. The older boy let go of their hands and cupped James his cheeks, holding his head as he kissed him. Seohyun kissed those lips over and over again, feeling an unwavering feeling of desire slump over his body as his tongue slipped inside of James his mouth. The younger boy breathed out heavily, his hands tangling into the hair of Seohyun.

It felt like hours but only a few seconds over a minute had passed when James slowly pulled away for fresh air. Seohyun was frozen in overjoy, the look in James his eyes was one no one at Hogwarts had seen. Everyone knew of his infatuation with Lily Evans for years at an end but this gaze was somehow still different. James had admired Lily, but now he was longing for Seohyun.

Every small movement his finger made sent a wave of fire to the pit of his stomach, begging him to close the gap between them once more. Seohyun didn't have words to say, he was stunned as his eyes debated whether to look in James his eyes or at his lips.

"I don't want things to end either." James responded, his tone soft and gentle whilst his eyes stared at the sight in front of him. Seohyun his slightly disheveled face, messy hair and rouge lips were all so drawn to him. The older boy his lips turned upwards in less than a second, he couldn't believe it.

"R-really? You- Oh Merlin." Seohyun whispered in excitement as he pressed his lips against James again who let out a protest but quickly melted into the kiss either way. There isn't a proper expression to word how they felt, James his heart was beating quicker than he thought was humanly possible and Seohyun was so happy he was sure his body was trembling from excitement.

Seohyun had to pull away to catch his breath, his eyes staring all over James and his body, longing for his touch, craving it. He sighed and rested his forehead against the boy who was almost as tall as him, almost. "Do you want to spend the night at my dorm?" He asked in a soft tone, his hands playing with the end of James his blouse.

James nodded smiling as if he couldn't help it. Smiling was a natural habit for James when he was around people he loved, especially around Seohyun. Loving had always come so natural to him, he rarely hated someone that is if you weren't named Snape. Being able to love was a natural part of his soul, he loved being able to love, being able to share his heart with the people he cared for was the part he loved the most.

He suddenly remembered his conversation with Jaehyun earlier and swallowed thickly. "Umh.. Jaehyun knows about this.. about us." He explained, Seohyun froze and pulled back a bit. That was not what he had expected at all. His brows were raised by just a bit, it was barely even visible. James dreaded his reacting, worried that Seohyun would be angry at him but instead he saw a smile creep onto his lips.

"Jaehyun is okay with us?" He asked, eyes filled with hope. Seohyun had never been open to his little brother about his love life, quite frankly he and Jaehyun never had one until they got dragged into a relationship by a Marauder. He had always cared about his little brother, sure the proximity when they were at home irritated them but he still loved his brother. Seohyun had started countless of fights behind Jaehyun his back, to take karma without him knowing. He would never tell Jaehyun this personally but he adored his little brother, to he him he was still the little guy who once asked to play knights with him on stormy nights.

Seohyun cared for Jaehyun his opinion a lot. His parents were one thing, those were his parents and he would have to respect them either way. If Jaehyun decided to be disgusted by his love life they would both drift from it, he could never imagine a life where his brother wasn't one of his closest friends.

James narrowed his brows, a small smile at his lips and he let out the softest chuckle. That chuckle alone made Seohyun his heart squirm, he felt like James was absolutely perfect in every single way. "Did you expect him to be against us? Have you read his books?" He asked. Seohyun gave him a confused look, he had read some of his works but not that deep into it.

"Have you?"

James grinned and shook his head, "Nah, only Remus has to be honest. But Remus never shuts up about how much he enjoys Jaehyun his company so he tattles about his books sometimes." He explained, this caused Seohyun to think a bit. Remus had claimed that there was nothing going on between him and Jaehyun, it was starting to become quite hard to believe with what he was hearing now.

"Is that so?" Seohyun asked, a smirk displayed on his puckered lips. James nodded, giving him a suspicious look.

"Why do you seem so happy with that?"

"Nothing you need to worry about." Seohyun responded gently, leaning back in and pressing his lips against James's. He was sure that every touch connecting his body with James's sent a signal through his brain because every cell was occupied with James. His entire body longed to be closer, to be rougher, to be loved. The Potter boy just let the topic go and smiled into the kiss. A part of James could still not believe this was actually happening, that someone actually requited his love, his adoration.


yeah.. so the weekly updates are not it,
i'm so so sorry!! i've not been in the best
headspace right now and bed rotting
has become my bestfriend. I am so
so so sorry that this took ages to publish
i hope this will do you guys good until
the next which is hopefully next week
or the week after that. !! <3

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