Chapter 13

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[Flashback: 2 years Ago....]

Y/N LOOKED AT HERSELF INTO THE REFLECTION of the mirror in front of her, adjusting the tie on her shirt and let's out a content smile once she was done with it. And then wrapped a large overcoat around her body and it covered majority of her body save for just down her knees. Preparing herself to go and leave.

Vox had offered Y/N out to eat. Telling her that he wanted to discuss something with her regarding about a proposition he had with her along with other business matters he had in mind. Y/N already knew what it was about but charlie did a little of convincing to make her go.

A year after taking in a girl named vaggie after the day of extermination day, the two fell in love at first sight when they helped her, and from the looks of things, seems they just wanted some alone time by themselves now that their first guest angel dust arrived had now left and all that was left is her of course, they merely just wanted their intimate time and seemed they want to do it further in their room...

But nonetheless, since she also had something to do herself. She decided to do it but she made sure to make it clear to vox that her generosity and kindness isn't something to take advantage of, and isn't hesitant on finishing him off if he tried anything foolish along with the other vees regardless that should they chime in or not, she didn't wanted to leave any evidence or alibi after all.

Once Y/N was properly dressed and so does with her hair, Y/N gave a goodbye to the two women, with charlie giving her a tight one and wishing her luck before closing the door and heard the two going upstairs. Y/N then approached to the black car that had arrived just in time, with the window of the car open to reveal a loan shark demon driving it. "Where to miss. Y/N?" He asked monotonously.

Y/N sat inside the passengers seat and handed him the piece of paper vox gave her where they were supposed to meet along with his number if she ever wanted to call him. "Just take me there, then after that wait outside for me and make sure the other two arrive before I come out... Just in case things get messy.." Y/N gently spoke.

The loan shark demon nodded his head nonchalantly before he started the engine and it drove off away from the hotel and on it's way to pentagram city. "What do they look like again exactly?" He asked as Y/N blankly stared out the window.

"You'll know it soon, they would show their ID to you just to be sure as well and will tell you everything needed to do next." She spoke, her gaze never leaving the transparent window and watched the car passing by the many buildings along with demons doing their usual degenerate things.

The loan shark hummed in response and the rest of the ride there was entirely silent other the sounds of screaming and shouting outside and the cars engines going on. Y/N slowly closed her eyes and her cheek was then gently pressed against the window, seemingly looked like she was taking a nap.

Suddenly out of nowhere.....


Y/N was then shot in the head multiple times alongside the driver, causing the car to swerve around before it crashed down right into an old apartment building, firing the alarms in there and causing a huge riot and car was then lit on fire when some ruffians decided to pout gasoline and threw a match at the engine, causing to explode with the demons laughing manically.

"I got em' sir. She should be dead in there." A demon said through a walkie-talkie as he pulled his eye away from the rifle gun. It was about time that bitch died.

"Excellent job, but make sure that the woman is actually dead and you'll then get your reward after you return from there." A deep russian like accent spoke through the walkie-talkie. The man sighed and approached the now burning vehicle and quickly eliminated the gremlins and then stood in front of the blazing car by two meters away.

He squinted closer and all he could make out is the corpse of the loan shark driver, however he couldn't see her body due to the fire covering the majority of her seat. He sighed after a thorough look into the car and lifted the walkie-talkie to his mouth.

"She should be dead. Her seat is entirely on fire so pretty sure she should be gone by now."

"Excellent job, now I recommend getting back soon because I just realized I have to-"

As the person on the other end kept talking, the assassin felt an uncomfortable presence from behind and slowly turned around, only for him to widen in horror and shock.

Turned out, Y/N did managed to escaped just in time, however though. Her blood covered face and clothes still remained from his assault. He didn't even see her move or do anything of the sort.

"Is everything alright there?"

The demon didn't speak, in shock of what he was seeing. But he snapped out of it and aimed his gun towards her head.

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Vox impatiently tapped his foot against the ground beneath him, groaning as he looked down on his watch. "Come on, what's taking you so long? I did not wasted all my appointed schedules and your approval just for you not to arrive at all.." He complained under his breath as the waiter served his drink and left.

Vox suddenly perked up when he heard the other people started gossiping and whispering amongst themselves as a figure emerged inside the restaurant. His eyes widen when he looked up and saw who it is.

Y/N slowly approached his table. Her clothes and her face were covered in blood, looking like as if she emerged out from a very messy fight.

"Whoa, what happened to you now, dear?" Vox asked as Y/N now stood in front of the table with a blank face. A look of nervousness evident in his gaze, but his body refused to show it.

"I'm afraid I have to cancel our lunch meeting, today..." Y/N replied, retaining it's cold monotonous voice. "I have some people to deal with and a new change of clothes as well." Y/N lifted her coat as pointed at the blood stains covering it.

Vox slammed his hands on the table and stood up, hearing her words. "What?! Do you have any idea how long this arrangement took?!" He snapped, but immediately sat down taking a deep breath and exhaled when he realized others were watching, and he didn't wanted to ruin his image like this. "Why not I deal it for you? And I can call up velvette for you to get you a new outfit for ya. You can just relax with me while we talk business." He stated with a smile.

"I'm afraid I can't, it's my business and mine alone. So you better prepare next time, cause it would take a while." Before vox can protest Y/N already turned and left the restaurant. With him silently fuming on the inside.

Whoever fucker decided to ruin their date was going to pay dearly with their life.

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The car then stopped in front an run down looking warehouse. Y/N, along with two men also emerged out the car with the same outfits as her, but now along with a fedora and sun glasses obscured half their faces.

Y/N lead the front as they walked up to the warehouse. Their footsteps echoed upon stepping foot inside.

Though, what they saw was nothing but a massacre. Their bodies all laid on the ground, looking pretty burnt up and a brief as if they were burned down by someone or something. Y/N looked down on the bodies with a blank look.

Y/N approached one of the corpses with the two men remained standing behind her as lookouts. Y/N knelt down in front one of their burnt corpse, her hand gently touching the still smoking body's head. It seemed pretty recent from what she can tell.

"Who did this?" Y/N asked, although. It sounded like more a command than anything else, honestly.

"Vees...." The voice croaked out slowly and weakly lifting their head up, sounding pretty hoarse and dry. As if they were dying from thirst.

Y/N pulled her hand away and the head then dropped back to the ground. Y/N stood up and observed her surroundings. Her gaze then dropping down when she saw a static of electricity from afar.

Y/N stepped over to it. Not caring of the gushing and cracks of their corpses she kept stepping on. Y/N then knelt down in front of it and picked it up from the ground.

It was one of vox's tech drone, it looked pretty battered and almost barely unrecognizable weren't if not for the logo that usually showed on hell's streets. Y/N didn't flinch when it stung her weakly. She then carelessly threw it away as she stood up and turned to her men.

"Let's drive back, looks like someone did the job for us." Y/N ordered, they wordlessly left the warehouse and to the car as Y/N followed behind, just as she stopped at the entrance, she slowly turned around and just in time saw a certain TV faced man disappearing from one of the broken screens and inside the wires. Y/N hummed and left without anymore afterthought.

(A/N: I know this is random, but I just wanted to be creative and atleast show a little more insight about their dynamic ya know? Aight, moving on)

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Everyone were currently now in the parlor with keekee just watching silently in the background.

"Now with a new resident, I think it's important we all get to know each other, so we are going to play a little game." Charlie announced. "Everyone, follow after me. My name is charlie."

She clapped.

"I like to sing."

She clapped once again, dancing around a little bit.

"And when we get to know each other, it's the greatest thing!"

She clapped once more and then gestures to sir pentious to give a try as well.

"Oh, uh..." Sir pentious noticed Y/N staring at him with a smile, noting how she seemed pretty distant compared to the others. It already looked like she knew his plans which made him extremely, but nonetheless followed along with charlie.

"My name's sir pentious."

He clapped slowly.

"I like to build."

He clapped again.

"And despite my stupid egg Bois. I think I'm very skilled."

He clapped again and points at angel dust to now join along as well with charlie. Angel looks up from his phone uninterested.

"This is stupid." He simply stated.

"This is not stupid!"

Charlie clapped.

"It's just the game!"

She clapped again as she approached angel with a dance.

"Sir pentious did it well, so now please try to do the same."

She clapped once more. Angel pinches the bridge of where his nose is, or rather lack there of.

"I am too sober for this." He complained.

"Well, get used to it and learn how to play. This is going to be your whole day." Vaggie told him before clapping with a smirk on her face.

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With a deadpan tone, Angel read the script while dressed in a cloak and bloodied mafia outfit. Clearly not enjoying the role he was made to do.

"Oh, I'm a bad man on the streets who never got enough hugs. Now, where's an innocent kid I can sell crack to?"

Sir Pentious is standing in front of him, looking and dressed like a little sailor man, and he's licking the lollipop. Niffty is holding on behind Vaggie, Charlie, Alastor, Y/N, and Husk while they watch this play from a couch or chair.

"Wow. Who wrote this?" Angel demanded, not liking the script he's reading.

"It's great, right? Keep going." Charlie said with a smile, revealing that she wrote it.

"Hey, you." Angel pointed to Sir Pentious.

"Who, me?" Sir Pentious asked rather cutely with puppy eyes.

"Yeah, you look like a kid who could use some... devil's dandruff? Oh, for fuck's sake."

"Not me. I have to go home and study."

"Come on, kid, it'll make you cool like me... the crack head." Angel felt like cringing at this moment, she was incredibly naive if she this is how she views the mafia and their doings.

"The only cool thing here is to say no to drugs. Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off not to have sexual intercourse before marriage!" Sir pentious loudly declared out. The play was finally over.

Charlie stood up from her seat and cheered out and clapping. Y/N slightly tilted her head to the side. She didn't had much to say about it, but all she knew that charlie was still really, really, really naive about how these types of really work. And it's not like the play she wrote down, that's for sure. This felt a little too easy for her, if she had to be honest.

"Yes! Oh, bravo! Bravo! Wow, pentious, at this rate. You'll be redeemed in no time."

"Indeed." Y/N told with a simple nod of her head and her gaze approached angel dust.

Angel looked away, looking pretty sad and gripped onto the. Y/N's smile seemed to have slightly widened by this. Staring at angel with a thoughtful look.

"I.... I'm going to bed.." Angel told them.

With that, he started walking upstairs as everyone gets out of the parlor. He took one more glance to see charlie celebrating and complementing sir pentious with vaggie, alastor, and Y/N behind her.

"I am so proud of you, sir pentious! That was amazing! That was beautiful work today!"

"Thank you." Sir pentious replied and bowed. "You like me. You really like me!"

Angel frowned, his gaze suddenly looked at Y/N, in which to his surprise was staring at him with a pensive look. Y/N's mouth then lifted to a smile towards his way. He wasn't sure what to feel about it, but it did creeped him out and he eventually climbed up the steps and went to his room. Unaware of someone is going to be listening.

He threw the coat across a sleeping pig in his chamber, the pig then got up and out of it. With a sigh, angel lies down and takes out his phone to discover many numerous voicemails from valentino. He listened to the voicemail beeping as he scrolls down and taps on one of them.

"Angel, baby, come home. It's not the same without you here. I miss you. Come back."

Angel goes to another voicemail.

"Angel, you bitch, if you don't come home, you will be fucking greasy truckers for the next year-!"

Angel tapped another voicemail.

"Hey, amorcito, I didn't mean to yell, but you know how crazy you make me f-"

"You fuckin' slut!"

"Hey, Angie, about earlier-"

"Kill your whole fuckin' fam-"

"Work's really stressful-"

"Little cocksucking piece of shit-"

All of a sudden, Valentino's real voice echoed the entire room as crimson smoke comes out from his phone and circled around from above, like a predator ensnared around its prey.

"You actually think you can change? Addict trash like you doesn't change. I'll see you soon, baby."

Just before the smoke vanishes, a crimson finger touched his chin. Angel looks down and noticed that his little pig is trying to console him, as the pig noticed his apparent anxiousness and depression he was feeling. He gives his head a soft touch.

"Sorry. Not now, fat nuggets."

As fat nuggets was getting worried, oinked out to him. Angel rolled out from his bed and left, to go back downstairs and get a drink for himself.

Y/N suddenly emerged from the darkness behind him, watching him descend down the stairs. Looking at him with a smile as he was oblivious to her watching him.

Seems like she's going to see someone very soon, after all...


𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝.

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