Chapter 2

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SECONDS PASSED ON AND YOU DECIDED TO move away from vaggie and got close to charlie just a few meters behind her as you can hear her greeting the news reporter Katie Killjoy.

"I'd say it's a please to meet you but that would be a lie." She mocked as she flicked away the crumbled cigeratte.

"You can put that away." She pushes her greeting hand away from herself. "I don't touch the gays, I have standards." She mocked again and leaned close as she told her that she had standards.

"Yeah? How's that working out for ya?" Asked charlie awkwardly, retracting her hand back behind and looked off somewhere to avoid eye contact.

"Look, my time is money so I'll keep this short." Katie said and did a slicing motion with her hand.

With that late then poked her chest then her nose, Y/N thought it was ironic and hypocritical of her to do considering what she just told charlie, she then rambled on and on about that she didn't gave two fucks about charlie's status as the child of Lucifer and princess of hell, while in the background, tom trench just shook her head at charlie.

"But I-" Charlie then gets cut off by Katie leaning close to charlie while poking at her chest again with a threat.

"So don't get cute with me honey, or I will FUCKING bury you!" Katie said with a threatening venomous tone with the smile still intact, clenching her fist, making a cracking nose in the process.

Before anything can get too risky, they were now called in live, which immediately causes Katie Killjoy to return to her desk in her swivel chair, with notes in her hand snapping her neck to the side as she greets the audience.

"Welcome BACK!" she announced to the viewers before turning to charlie.

"So charlotte!" She called, the attention now all went towards charlie.

"It's charlie." She responded, correcting kate which she dimissed it with no care.

"Whatever." She said. "Now tell us about this new passion project that you keep INSISTEDLY pestering our news station about!" She said as tight clutched the pen in her hand, obviously trying not to snap on live TV.

Charlie looked up at the crowd and looked through them, and then saw vaggie supporting her through it. With Y/N just casually waving at her.

Charlie then started to answer her question. It first all started with her explaining that she was born here on hell, then talked about how she still hoped for the people in hell to change, stating many facts that many souls have been lost this year due to the overpopulation in hell and over dozens of demons were getting exterminated.

Y/N could see vaggie signalling charlie that she was doing a great job, but you could care less about that and just wandered off into your little world in your mind, all while half listening to her little speech on the news interview and looked down on the ground.

After a little while though, you finally looked up when you hear charlie finally announcing it loud and proud.

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'm opening the first of it's kind! A hotel that rehabilitates simmers!" She announced out.

Y/N's smile slightly windened, pulling a hair strand aside from her face, however the rest were all silent after her speech, which made charlie feel awkward about herself, trying to continue her speech despite her nervousness.

"Pff, stupid bitch.." The cameraman said with a snicker, before he was punched by vaggie and then got thrown across the room, hearing a cat screaming in the process.

Y/N took a sip of her unknown liquid, watching as charlie suddenly had an idea, already knowing what it was. Glancing at vaggie who already knew as well and laid just her hands on her face mumbling an 'Oh no...'

━━━━━━・❪ ⛓️⛓️ ❫ ・━━━━━━

Charlie stood on top of the table looking proud as looked at the silent crowd. With Katie and tom having to lower themselves throughout the perfomance.

"Wow!" A guy with a hat for a head spoke up among the crowd. "That was shit!"

The crowd then started to laugh hysterically which deflated all of charlie's confidence. With Katie Killjoy laughing the hardest and slamming her fist on the desk while laughing uncontrollably, charlie slumped back to her seat in defeat.

"What in the nine circles, makes you think a denizen of hell, would give two SHITS about becoming a better person." She said with a cackle while holding up two fingers mockingly. "You have NO proof that this little experiment even works!"

"You want people to be good?! Just because!" She continued before returning back to laughing at her.

"Well..." Charlie spoke. "We have a patriot already and someone working for us who believes in our cause and they both shown incredible progress!" Charlie confidently said to katie.

"Oh? And who might they be?" Katie asked and leaned closer to charlie who was still smiling confidently.

"Oh, someone named angel dust.." Charlie responded as she looked down at her finger nails, then turned to both of them.

"The pornstar?" Tom asked as he looked at charlie as well sounding a bit surprised.

"You fucking would tom." Katie turned her attention him with her nails scratched against the table making a screeching noise. Which made tom look away nervously.

"And who might the the other one that you said is working you then, hmmm?" Katie asked as she then turned back to charlie. Which made her smile slightly widen at those words.

"Y/N, why don't you come up and show us here!" Charlie yelled out to the girl who stood next to the camera. The audience gasped in shock upon the mention of her name and all their gazed turned towards her to which she ignored.

"Of course ms. Charlie." Y/N spoke as she approached to charlie's side "it's just charlie. Y/N, we've been through this." Charlie whispered. While both Katie and tome, who looked in bewilderment but not really shown through their expression. (Mainly cause the latter has a mask on). "Hello every citizen of hell." She greeted calmly and did a small bow.

"Well, in any case that's not even an accomplishment." Katie said regaining her composure quickly while waving a dismissal hand. "I'm sure you can get that hooker to do anything with enough booger and lube." She said while doing a handjob motion.

"And I'm pretty sure that bitch would help because she's your little sugar mommy that your father let to rule over us." She added with her thumb and index finger rubbing together. Y/N looked at her with a slightly titled head at her words.

"Oh, I'd beg to differ." Charlie leaned her head close. "He's been behave, clean, and out of trouble for two weeks now!" She lifts up a finger at a time as she counts his deeds before placing it back down.

"And as for her, she came to help us by her own will for free, and she hadn't done at least one bad deed in my sights!" She said confidently pointing at Y/N who just stood there watching silently the entire time beside her. How silly of her.

Both stopped and Katie lifted a finger to her ear, smiling even wider before shoving away charlie, who Y/N caught her on time and helped her back up with a smile.

"We have a receiving word that a new player has entered the on going turf war! Let's go to the live feed!" Katie turned as a small screen appeared beside her.

The new player, was suddenly revealed to be none other than Angel Dust. Much to charlie's dismay and disappointment.

"Oh shit." Was her response.

Katie's head appeared beside charlie. "Oh shit indeed!"

Katie then leaned back to her seat. "It looks like the one who just joined the battle is none other than." She then gasped as a NFSW picture of angel dust is shown. "Porn actor, Angel Dust!" She said with her fist shaking in the air.

"What a juicy coincidence!" Katie turned to glance at charlie . "You must feel really stupid right now." She leaned her cheek against her hand while looking at her with mocking look. "And I'm pretty sure she'll join in on something even worse eventually, it'll be a BANGING smash if it does happen." She added and turned to look at Y/N with a mocking smile.

Katie and Tom leaned against each other while laughing. "Ratings!" They spoke in unison.

Charlie gasped in horror and gripped on to her hair, she tried to block it but ended up through it since it didn't really appeared on the green screen.

"Well it sure looks like your little project is dead on arrival." She stood up and looked over charlie which casted a shadow over her. "Tell us, how does it feel to be such a total failure?" She asked crudely before falling on to her seat laughing manically.

Y/N placed a hand on her shoulder as she saw her glaring at them furiously at their mockery. "There, there now Princess Charlotte, it's not worth it." She said, but charlie was having none of it and gently pulls her hand away while fully turning to them.

"Oh yeah?! Well..." Charlie looked around the desk and decided to grab the pen and show it to her. "How does it feel I got you pen huh? BITCH." She said.

Upon the last word everything went silent as the two turned to her in shock. Y/N shook her head feigning disappointment as she watched charlie put the pen back nervously upon realizing her mistake.

Tom quickly ran away as Katie glared daggers at her, looming over her with now four glowing red eyes as as two sharp blades appeared on her back. Screeching at her.

Y/N looked on with a pensive look, this was not going to end well.


𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐄𝐧𝐝.

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