2) Change

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I knew it had been a long since more than three people had sat at our family's compact yet cosy dining table. But we were humbled and grateful for their company. Yet the conversation had begun to go rapidly stale. It had turned to slavery, one that we won't likely consider.

"All slaves have transmitters placed in their bodies somewhere," my mother refilled our cups as my younger brother gestured between himself and me over the table.

"Ambrose and I have been working on a scanner together to locate ours, but we've not had any luck yet."

"Any attempt to escape..."

"And they blow you up!" my brother clapped his hands down on the table and cried out, "Boom!" that almost startled Padmé and Jar-Jar, but they looked horrified.

I grimace, recalling one time I'd seen it happen a while back, "It's not a pretty sight, believe me," I shivered slightly, remembering nothing but a cloud of sand and body parts. It had given me nightmares for weeks.

"How wude!" Jar-Jar voices grimly before downing some of his drink as my mother sits beside me.

"I can't believe there is still slavery in the galaxy," Padmé voiced sadly, shaking her head as I saw her playing around with her food, "The Republic's anti-slavery laws..."

"There's no Republic out here. So we have to make it on our own," I tell her solemnly after taking a sip of blue milk.

After a long silence, there's nothing but the sounds of Jar-Jar slurping at his meal, all of us looking at him in disbelief before gulping loudly, now coming over all sheepish.

"Have you ever seen a pod race?" My brother goes about changing the subject, one I knew had always put my mother on edge.

I see Padmé shaking her head 'no' and that concerned look my mother always got on her face. Jar-Jar attempts to grab some food across the table with his tongue but stops as Qui-Gon gives him another dirty look before returning to Anakin's subject.

"They have pod racing in Malastare. Very fast, very dangerous," Qui-Gon said, popping a piece of fruit in his mouth.

"My brother and I are the only humans who can do it," my brother spoke proudly, fingers tapping against the table. I noticed my mother still looking concerned.

"You must have Jedi reflexes if you race pods," Qui-Gon implied slyly. Jar-Jar's tongue shot out for more food, only for the man to grab his tongue to stop him, "Don't do that again." my brother and I shared a serious but silent look as he shifted in his seat, noticing he was rather eager to ask what had both been on our minds.

"You're a Jedi Knight, aren't you?" The air rapidly changed within the room. Even though he hadn't offered my brother an answer, Qui-Gon's silence spoke volumes but was a sore subject to be spoken of, which meant we were right to assume it.

"What makes you think that?" Qui-Gon returned in question.

"My brother and I saw your laser sword only Jedi carry a weapon like that," Qui-Gon glanced between myself and Anakin, leaning back, trying to figure us both out. I watch him curiously, tilting my head ever so slightly. But then, I felt a shift in the air around me, and all he did was smile.

"Perhaps I killed a Jedi and took it from him."

"I don't think so...no one can kill a Jedi," my brother voiced adamantly.

I gave him a stern look.

"No living thing is indestructible little bro, no matter how strong they become." I had scolded him on more than one occasion about such a topic. He had some belief that creatures and humans alike could cheat death. It had made him a reckless child, thinking he could have done the same. I just wished I had seen the signs as he became older.

"I wish that were true," Qui-Gon said, agreeing with my opinion.

"Ambrose and I have had similar dreams of us both being Jedi and coming back to free all the slaves..." my brother briefly glanced down at the table, pushing his food around on his plate. Then, looking back up again, he asked, "Have you come to free us?"

"No, I'm afraid not."

"I think you have," my brother disagreed with some confidence, lifting his head, "Why else would you be here?"

He briefly glanced at Padmé as Qui-Gon stared at me, and I wasn't buying it for another second as I narrowed my gaze at him knowing he couldn't be on Tatooine just for ship parts there. My gut told me it was another reason entirely.

"There's something else going on that's brought you here other than to get parts for your ship," I whispered silently, leaning forwards.

Leaning forward against the table, Qui-Gon kept eye contact with me, which he broke to glance across the table to my brother, "I see there is no fooling you or Anakin. We're on our way to Coruscant, the central system in the Republic on a very important mission," he goes on peacefully like he didn't want anyone else listening in on him.

"What brought you out this far to the Outer Rims anyway? Because Tatooine is far from Coruscant," I tried to visualise a star map in my head as I spoke. I couldn't see any possibility of how they could have taken a wrong turn to get here.

"Our ship was damaged, and we're stranded here until we can repair it," Padmé offered solemnly.

"I can help! Ambrose and I can fix anything!" my little brother happily offered our services for mending the ship. I see Qui-Gon ponder on this for a moment stroking his beard.

"I believe you can. But first, we must acquire the parts we need," Qui-Gon said, coming over all thoughtful.

"Wit no nutten mula to trade," Jar-Jar informed him.

Padmé gives us a hopeful look, "These junk dealers they must have a weakness of some kind."

"Gambling," my mother retorted distastefully, "Everything here revolves around betting on those awful races."

"Podracing... Greed can be a powerful ally," Qui-Gon nodded slowly, and an idea came to me like a bolt of lightning catching Anakin's eye. He must have thought of it as well. Both of us wanted to help these people.

Leaning forwards once again, I gestured my hand towards the back door. As the wind howled ferociously outside, I knew my mother would disagree, "Anakin and I have a podracer out the back we've been working on together. It's the fastest we've built yet; once it's ready," I felt Anakin perk up beside me, practically bouncing excitedly.

"There's a big race on Boonta Eve. You could enter our pod," my little brother added, knowing he was along the same line of thinking I had been. I felt my mother's fear growing for my and Anakin's safety.

"Boys! You know that Watto won't let you!"

"He doesn't even know we've built it, Mom!" Then, Anakin pointed to that Qui-Gon, making him sound a lot older at that moment, "You can make him think it's yours and get myself or Ambs to pilot it for you."

Our mother was upset, "I don't want you, boys, to race. It isn't very good! I die every time Watto makes you do it!" I squeeze my mother's hand, feeling the guilt bubbling inside me.

"But Mom, I love it! We both do, even though Ambrose doesn't say it because he doesn't want to hurt your feelings!"

The guilt bubbled more inside me now, averting my mother's gaze to that of my food grip going limp around her hand. I could see her frowning at me from the corner of my eye. I knew it would hurt and that Anakin had been right. Racing gave me such a thrill when I had done it made me feel as if I were free, "The prize money alone would more than pay for the parts they need."


"Your mother's right..." Qui-Gon agreed with her, "Is there anyone friendly to the Republic who can help us?"


Inhaling deeply and slowly, I set myself up with a more urgent but composed expression looking at my mother and covering my hands over hers, squeezing them softly, "Mom, remember what you always used to tell me that the biggest problem in this universe is that nobody wants to help each other. So, just for once, let's help those desperately in need..." I peer over my shoulder at Qui-Gon, "The tiniest of deeds can change the universe after all."

My mother beamed back at me with what was almost pride, a smile gracing her lips only to hide it from bowing her head. Padmé now clears her throat to try to gain my and my mother's attention.

"I'm sure Qui-Gon doesn't intend to endanger your children. We'll find another way," she tried to reason as my mother's hand slipped from my grasp, lifted her head, and looked at Padmé with resolve. Gone was the look of pride she held for me earlier.

"No, there is no other way," she admits sadly, "I may not like it, but... They can help you. They are meant to help you."

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After a few hours, the storm had finally settled, and Qui-Gon had left to make a deal with our master Watto after Qui-Gon had agreed to sponsor us for the pod race; using the Nubian, he came in as a bet Watto would front our entry fee and keep the winnings excluding the parts cost if we won. If we lost, our master would win the ship. Knowing Watto, he probably had accepted the deal with eager enthusiasm that he'd win the ship. Yet he had little faith in mine or Anakin's racing abilities.

I saw my mother and Qui-Gon out on the porch of our home. They were talking, but I couldn't hear what they were saying from where I currently am-crouching back down at an open panel of one of the energy, narrowing my eyes before taking out some faulty wires. There was a tiny spark, and I moved back quickly, covering my eyes. Knees boring into the sand-covered ground was something I had gotten used to. CP3O jumped from beside me before shuffling away to gaze down at the pile of wires, scoffed and shook my head.

"Would it kill you to chill for like five minutes, Threepio? You know I care about you a great deal not to take your insides out," I voiced as I removed some wires from my trousers and started to install them, tongue poking at the corner of my lips in concentration.

The protocol droid was a little project Anakin and I had been working on to help our mother around at home while at work. I was always fond of that droid even before he had coverings we couldn't afford back then, leaving him 'naked' as it exposed his insides. He straightened up at my compliment with a slight approval, "Remember to stay on my good side. I'm not the only one who helped put you together, and I know how to take you apart."

R2-D2 chirps and beeps, somewhat amused by its shuffling side to side. I now held an unconnected wire between my teeth. I continue to work on the panel as 3PO hits the more diminutive droid with his hand.

"How dare you say that about Master Ambrose!" R2 beeped, dome rotating to look up a 3PO with his eye lens, "Your a quite a cheeky little droid aren't you?"

"You know he was just pulling your leg right, metaphorically speaking," I raised an eyebrow at him after removing the wire from my teeth, hands now coated in oil. I let the small droid clamp some wires between some prongs before letting me do more work.

"Master Ambrose," just as 3PO spoke up again for the second time, I caught my hand on some jagged metal this time, almost swearing under my breath.

"Yes, Threepio?" I glared at him for a moment before returning to work.

"Can I inquire who will be flying this deathly contraption?" he asked, tilting his head at me.

I take a wire R2 holding out for me before glancing at the back of my little brother's blonde mop of hair. Sure, it sometimes had made me uneasy at times. But the odds were always 50/50 if it would be either me or him piloting the pod. It made our mother a wreck every time we did. Of course, I feared for my life and Anakin's, especially when he flew a race. But it was the danger that we both loved.

"That's up to Watto. I think it should be me. I'm much older and more experienced, unlike someone I know. Watto will pick someone younger and smaller, which might be better for this sort of race," I explain, winding a wire around my fingers, now sensing Anakin's eyes on me and the smug expression on his face.

"Of course, it will be me. I'm better than you by a long shot, admit it," Anakin's voice matched his expression as I peered up at him. I pretend to be sour about it, pointing my finger at him.

"Ok, maybe a little," I retort with a gross sense of pride filling me. Anakin poked his tongue out at me, and I quickly returned it before finally placing the last wire. R2-D2 puts the panel back in place just as some of my brother's friends run over to look.

They all remarked that he wouldn't win with the pod we had that had yet to work correctly. I glare at them from where I stand at the energy binders folding my arms, wanting to say a few choice words but holding myself back. Then, finally, the children leave, no longer interested, before taking notice.

"Jar-Jar, keep clear of those energy binders, ok," I warn, seeing he's standing almost close to them from the opposite side of the pod, gesturing towards it.

"Who, meesa?"

"Get caught in its beam. You'll go numb for hours."

And right after I had said it, I turned my back just as he dropped the wrench and got his tongue caught. So now grab the wrench only to get his hand trapped inside the engine and start calling for our attention, but we don't hear him, "Uh, Ani, I'm stuck, Ambrose, help...."

Qui-Gon now approached to pass my brother something, "I think it's time we found out. Here, use this power charge."

"Yes, sir!" My brother voiced a little too enthusiastically.

I now noticed Jar-Jars predicament still calling for us, "Ambrose, Ani, I'm stuck" Thankfully, Padmé came over to his aid which I'm grateful for, of course, before Anakin could start the pod racer, and I shivered at the thought of what might have happened. But honestly, he was by far the most accident-prone I had ever met.

"Ok, little bro, hit it. Let's see what this baby's got!" I encourage him as I now stand beside Qui-Gon and Padmé on the other side of me.

Turning it on, it hummed into life and slowly began rising off the ground, and Anakin started to yell over the roaring of the engines, "It's working! It's working!"

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Later that evening, I found Anakin sitting on the porch with Qui-Gon outside our home. The desert beyond our warm-lit homes was dark, and the sky above us was sparkling with stars as my brother sat on my lap, holding him to my chest, arm around his middle, trying to keep him distracted as Qui-Gon took care of the cut on Anakin's arm. We were both gazing up at the sky like we had done every night, wondering and dreaming of what was amongst the stars we would count together.

"There are so many!" my brother voiced in amazement, "Do they all have a system of planets?" giving my brother a fond smile, Qui-Gon nodded as he dabbed an antiseptic cloth over the abrasion on his arm.

"Most of them," Qui-Gon answered back.

"Has anyone been to them all?"

"Not likely," Qui-Gon chuckled as he gazed up at the sky briefly, which he had probably flown through more than enough times being a Jedi-going on missions to keep peace throughout the galaxy, constantly training. Back then, I had been young, naive and a dreamer at the thought of it being the most exciting life. But, as I sit here now, it turns out that sometimes things don't turn out how you always imagined them.

"I wanna be the first one to see them all!" my brother exclaimed, giving Qui-Gon a goofy grin as I rested my head on his. I couldn't help but playfully pinch his side as I couldn't help but wonder what awaited me out there.

"It doesn't bother me. All I want to do is see the blue of an ocean or the green of a forest," I uttered, focusing on lovingly pecking the top of Anakin's head and squeezing him right, "Maybe seeing them all wouldn't be too bad."

Anakin gazed at the sky, jerking his arm back in pain, "Ow!" I frown at him momentarily, just as our mother calls us.

"Boys, bedtime!"

"There, we are good as new," Qui-Gon gives my brother cut one last wipe to put some blood from the rag onto a chip in his palm. I now let my brother slip from my grasp and let him hurry on inside. Qui-Gon now held out his hand, waiting for my hand to place in his own, "Do you always tend to get hurt, Ambrose?" He cleaned the scratch on my hand from helping with the podracer earlier, doing what he had just done with Anakin's blood onto another comlink chip.

"What are you looking for in our blood exactly?" I ask, sliding off the balcony.

"Checking yours and Anakin's blood for any infections," I couldn't help but be suspicious, narrowing my eyes at the device in Qui-Gon's hand, "Go, young Skywalker, you'll need your rest for tomorrow for the big race," he gently touched my arm ushering me to leave. I left without complaint, giving him one last glance over my shoulder before going inside, not knowing that he was checking more than our blood for infections but what it would tell of our fates.

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Try as he might, Qui-Gon had made another deal with Watto I, not knowing he had used his will of the Force on some dice, so if either of us won, we would be free. But our mother would not. So Anakin was chosen for the race as he was younger and far lighter. The race had been utter carnage, and it had been hard to watch pods crashing due to Sebulba and my brother having some near disasters. But we won! Not knowing we had won our freedom.

Qui-Gon had returned to his ship before bringing us back home to our mother after selling the podracer, Anakin riding on my back a bag of coins. Of course, it had been sad to let it go after the work we had put into it and made light conversation with the Jedi as we went. Once finally home, my brother slid off my back excitedly, running inside to show her the money we had earned.

"Mom, guess what? We sold the pod! Look at all the money we have!" My brother showed our mother the bag of coins.

"Oh my goodness! That's wonderful!"

"Both of your sons are now free," Qui-Gon offered calmly from behind us.

Although, at that moment, I thought I had heard him wrong, he had said we were 'free', making me somewhat lightheaded or even breathing.

My mouth hung open at the man as I went to face him in amazement that I now remembered to breathe. Our dreams were coming true, "We're free?"

"What!?" My brother was grinning from ear to ear. As I stared Qui-Gon in the eyes, a smile on his face confirmed it. But I could help but laugh and grin with joy that I silently cursed in Huttese under my breath, briefly covering my mouth.

"You and Anakin are no longer slaves," Qui-Gon finally confirmed what was true. My brother looked at our mother, wondering if he had heard right.

"Did you hear that, Mom?"

Taking a step toward the older man, I had thought about hugging him, then stopped myself instead of holding my hand out to him and shaking it with some enthusiasm, "I don't care what you did, but thank you."

He chuckled in response and smiled.

"Now, my dear boys, you make your dreams finally come true," I see my mother now looking at Qui-Gon, "Will they be going with you? Are they to become Jedi?"

"Yes," Qui-Gon folded his arms, hands slipping into his poncho sleeves, "Our meeting was no coincidence. Nothing happens by accident."

"We get to come with you in your starship?" Anakin asked in excitement.

Qui-Gon now crouched before my little brother to be more at his level.

"Anakin..." he glanced up at me, "Ambrose...training to be a Jedi will not be an easy challenge. And even if you do succeed, it's a hard life."

"But I wanna go! It's what Ambrose and I have always dreamed of doing!" Anakin turned to our mother, "Can we go, Mom? Can we?"

I now turned to face the very woman who had raised me, tears of joy in her eyes now holding out her hands, "Anakin," my brother slipped his tiny hand into hers, "Ambrose," I took her other hand as she was cradling them between hers, "My sons this path has been placed before you. But the choice alone is yours to make."

"I wanna do it," my brother voiced with determination. When all I could do was nod and smile before letting out a small laugh, I was about to start a new life.

"Then both of you pack your things. We haven't got much time," Qui-Gon tells us, getting back up. Anakin sped off down the hall, yelling with excitement.

Suddenly my smile faded as my mother stood. I quickly pulled her into a tight loving hug, resting my head atop her shoulder, not knowing when or if I'd ever see my mother again. I didn't care that I was crying as tears escaped my eyes.

"What about mom?" my brother paused to ask from our room, "Is she free too?" but I tightened my hold on her knowing the answer already. It was only just Anakin and me. More tears escaped me.

"I tried to free your mother, Ani, but Watto wouldn't have it," Qui-Gon regretfully informed my brother.

"You're coming with us, aren't you, Mom?"

"Boys, my place is here. My future is here," my mother drifted out of my grasp to hold me at arm's length, hands now sliding off my arms with sadness on her lips, "It's time for you to both let go...to let me go," with a sniff I rubbed the wetness from my cheeks. Our mother sat back down at her workstation, taking Anakin's hands in hers as he pouted.

"But I don't want things to change," tears now in my brother's blue eyes as my mother smoothed out his hair. I knew what she was going to say as my lips twitched and had been often said enough in our family is something in the hardest of circumstances will always cherish and hold dear don't you ever forget it either, "But you can't stop the change. Any more than you can stop the suns from setting," she strokes his face and holds out her hand for me to take, guiding us into her arms whispering gently, "Oh, I love you boys so much...now both of you hurry."

She now quickly moved back and ushered us off.

We didn't have many possessions to take with us, some clothing maybe and a few moments collected over the years. Slinging my bag over my shoulder, I looked at my room that had been mine long as I could remember-memories of playing with Anakin on the threadbare rug when he was a baby learning to crawl. With a sigh ran a hand through my hair, a fond yet sad upon my lips. This was the moment from here on out. My life would change, leaving this dustball behind me. My future was now on the path of becoming a Jedi. Something as a boy I'd always dreamed of was making me feel like that giddy little boy inside. I just wanted to pinch myself to think that this was real and finally happening. Yet it would leave a permanent pit of sadness and constant worry in my heart in the shape of my mother. Maybe it was also the guilt that she wouldn't see us grow into men.

"My son, you've to been given the chance of a better life," my mother spoke from behind me as I turned to face her eyes at my feet. Wetting my dry lips, I met her gaze as she tucked a strand of my shoulder-length chestnut brown hair behind my ear before cupping my face.

"Yeah, it's great...amazing even, but a part of me can't help but feel guilty. I wouldn't say I like the idea of leaving you all alone. You've sacrificed so much for us, Mom, to keep a roof over our heads..." I rested my forehead against hers and closed my eyes as she grazed my cheeks with her fingers, "But to leave you here still enslaved, I don't know if I can do that, yet I know there's nothing you can do to..."

"You have to go, my brave boy, become a Jedi. Then, when the time is right, you can return to do the same as Qui-Gon has done for you. Look to the future because taking one full of adventure is yours. Don't worry. I'll be fine, I promise you," voice soft but full of emotion, bringing my forehead to her lips and gently kissing it, "Don't worry, my darling boy."

I now brought her tightly into my chest, arms wrapped around her petite frame, burying my head against her neck like I had done as a child breathing her in one last time, "Promise me you'll look out for your brother no matter what," she now asked of me.

"I promise," I nodded against her, not knowing that in the future, there would be such a time when such a promise couldn't be kept that eventually forever tear us apart as brothers, "I love you, Mom," I kiss her cheek, to then whisper, "I'll see you again."

"I love you too, Ambrose...take care of yourself. We'll see each other again someday, I know it."

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Now having given our heartfelt goodbyes Anakin and I sent off down the street with Qui-Gon. But a quarter of the way, Anakin had stopped and ran back towards our mother for one last hug. I watched afar, knowing that it would make leaving much more complicated if I caved and did the same. A hand rested on my shoulder, making me glance at Qui-Gon, who offered a sympathetic smile. We both turned back to watch as my little brother strolled towards us, more determined, taking his hand in mine without question as we followed Qui-Gon's eyes, watching the dusty horizon, not looking back but only forwards, no turning back for us, no longer.

We wind through the streets of Mos Espa, almost about to head into the desert outskirts. But instead, I try to take in the place around me, good and bad memories, silently bidding farewell as we go.

Suddenly I heard something strange and out of place as I drew closer. I was peering over my shoulder just as Qui-Gon drew out his lightsaber, igniting its green light swinging it around and lunging forwards, slicing a droid in two. It must have been following us. Qui-Gon withdrew his blade, leaving Anakin and me gawking like fish at the smouldering remains.

"What is it?" my brother was first to ask.

"A probe droid," Qui-Gon knelt before it, "Very unusual...not like anything I've seen before," I now felt a strange yet intimidating strong pull in my gut, resting a hand against my side. Knowing he must have thought it, he also shared a brief look with Qui-Gon. A disturbance in the Force. The Jedi got to his feet and nodded ahead for us to keep moving, "Come on."

We now ran through the sandy dunes. I didn't know why we were running until a feeling of dread washed over me. The sand made it harder to move faster and made my throat dry. Seeing Anakin was lagging, I quickly hitched him up onto my back. Then the most beautiful ship I've seen comes into view, shiny and covered in chrome, the sunlight catching the exterior. Qui-Gon suddenly stops as seeing something beyond us.

"Boys, drop!" I instantly fell to the ground taking Anakin with me onto the hard, dusty floor just as a speeder flew over us. A black-cloaked figure now catches my eye, holding a red lightsaber. Qui-Gon was smashing his green against its red, now battling with the stranger, "Boys, get to the ship! Tell them to take off! Go! Go!"

Without getting up, I quickly pulled Anakin into my arms, catching a glimpse of Qui-Gon's opponent. He was red and black, his eyes like lava. Anakin clung to my neck as I continued racing toward the ship's ramp.

Once my foot had touched it, I yelled, "You need to take off now!" now charging into the trying to catch my breath in search of the crew before catching the familiar face of Padmé and a man in an important-looking uniform as they appear as I set Anakin to his feet, "Qui-Gon he's in trouble said we need to take off!"

"And who are you?" the man raised a questionable eyebrow at Anakin, and I bent over, still catching some air, trying to calm myself.

"It's ok. They're friends."

We follow behind Padmé and the man who hastily introduced us to Captain Panaka once we finally entered the cockpit. I had now recovered from running as the doors slid open.

"Qui-Gon is in trouble. He said to take off!" the Captain relayed what I had just told him and Padmé. Then, out of the corner of my eye, I see a young man in Jedi robes with strawberry blonde hair, but I don't catch his face as we all look out the ship's front window as the young man goes to sit beside the pilot, pointing.

"Over there, fly low!" the young man swiftly orders. The ship gently rises into the air and is steered towards Qui-Gon, who is still duelling. I noticed something on one of the control panel monitors the landing had now stowed away, and so was the ramp.

"The ramp put it back down quickly!" I order with some urgency. The pilot pushed the button to drop the ramp back open. We watch Qui-Gon spin away from the red lightsaber-welding man, possibly leaping to land on the ramp. Once out of sight, Anakin, followed by the young Jedi, hurried out of the cockpit, him going first.

We find Qui-Gon collapsed on the floor, soaked through with sweat. He sits up as the unnamed Jedi beside my brother and me. We now drop to our knees beside him; I noticed how concerned the blonde Jedi looked.

"Are you alright?" my brother asked as the young man had just noticed Anakin's presence.

"I think so," Qui-Gon answers bracing himself against the floor.

"What was it?" the blonde man asked.

"I'm not sure. But it was well-trained in the Jedi arts. So my guess is after the Queen."

"Is there anything we do about it?" I now inquire, resting back on my heels, hands on my lap. I see the blonde Jedi giving me an odd look out the corner of my eye, his eyebrows knitting together.

Qui-Gon let out a small huff before looking at us all to say, "Patience for now," he now gestures to my brother introducing him, "Anakin Skywalker." Myself, "Ambrose Skywalker," hand now sweeping toward the young blonde Jedi, "meet Obi-Wan Kenobi," my brother and Obi-Wan shook hands. He returned a tiny smile and shook my brother's hand. Let's say Anakin was a little too enthusiastic with the handshake.

"Hi! Are you a Jedi too? Pleased to meet you!"

Obi-Wan and Qui-Gon found it amusing as I watched them share a smile. The older Jedi briefly raises his eyebrows in question at me, but I shrug.

I feel him turning to face me, our knees almost brushing. We just stared at one another for a moment, deep blue meeting sky blue. I make the first move holding out my hand to him. Our eyes never leave one another, shaking back the sleeve of his robe away from his hand.

Once our hands made skin-to-skin contact, the air suddenly left my lungs, and my fingers clasped tightly around his as a warmth spread throughout my whole body. We took time shaking hands.

"Hi," I uttered clearly, "Ambrose Skywalker, nice to meet you," inclining his head towards me, still not breaking eye contact with me.

"Obi-Wan Kenobi," he returned just as gently.

His voice had a distinct lilt that I had never heard before. I couldn't help but smile as our hands broke apart. The corner of his lip now quirked up into a charming little smirk. I raised an eyebrow at him. But he returned his attention to Qui-Gon and now looked down at my hand, still feeling it tingles with warmth, wondering if Obi-Wan had felt it too. But if he kept on smirking like that all the time. He and I would have a serious problem.

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