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IT WAS THE next day when Arabella decided that she was not going to waste away in the library, and instead mess with the poor soul of Mr Johnathan Harker. Throwing on her finest red gown, Arabella pinned her dark hair up into an elegant bun. She pinned two dangling pearl earrings into the small holes in her ears and clipped a diamond necklace around her neck.

Even though she had the small inklings of thought that her extravagant attire would go unnoticed by the young English lawyer, but she knew it would certainly catch some sort of a reaction.

She practically skipped down the corridors, leading the way to Johnathan's room. She knocked two, three times until she heard his approaching footsteps on the other side of the door. The door opened to reveal an already-dressed Mr Harker. Arabella forced a smirk. "Ah, Mr Harker! You are dressed, all ready for breakfast, I see."

Arabella noticed Johnathan's gaze quickly flicker down to her dress before they snapped back to her face. "Breakfast? I'm afraid I'm not hungry, Madam-"

"Right, Johnny," Arabella snapped. "I must admit that I am fed up of you being a gentleman,"

"P-pardon?" Johnathan's eyes widened.

"You must stop calling 'madam'. The last time I checked, my name is not 'madam'. It is Arabella, so that is what you will call me. Enough of your gentlemen-ly English formalities, understand?" Arabella grinned, watching Johnathan smile and nod.

"Of course, Arabella," Johnathan smiled.

"Now," Arabella spoke, clasping her hands together. "What will you be doing if you aren't having breakfast?"


"C'est ridicule," Arabella muttered as she followed Johnathan down the hidden winding corridors.Je m'habille juste pour ça! Une perte de temps! Ce n'est certainement pas ce que je prévoyais pour aujourd'hui. Vous attendez juste jusqu'à ce que Dracula le découvre."

Johnathan called over his shoulder. "Arabella, I may not know what you're saying, but I can tell it is not positive."

"Darn right, it's not positive!"

Johnathan sighed out a laugh as he continued to call out for anyone. "For the last time, Johnny, there is no-one else here-"

Arabella was cut short when Johnathan's steps stopped. His neck craned to the left to watch a fleeting figure escape the corridor. Arabella watched too, seeing it was a young woman - no doubt it was one of Dracula's bride. The girl looked back at Johnathan and Arabella and giggled, speeding up down the corridor. 

Johnathan went after her. "Hello? Hello?! I- I intend you no harm!" Arabella watched as he disappeared up the stairs while she stood still, not wanting to venture any further.

She loathed Dracula's brides. Perhaps she was jealous, or maybe it was just pure hatred that he had made them rather than herself.


Later at night, the two guests and the host sat down for supper in the dining table. Dracula's transition was still in the process. His hair was slicked back and now black, however, his hairline was still set high on his head and rows of deep wrinkles were set in his forehead.

"Count Dracula?" Johnathan disturbed the comfortable silence as Arabella ate and Dracula read his documents. Dracula scratched his brow before gesturing for the lawyer to continue. "Are we alone in this castle?"

"Yes," Dracula smiled. "Except for the servants, of course."

"I haven't seen any servants."

"They aren't here at night," Dracula added quickly.

"I don't see them in the day either," Johnathan admitted. "In fact, apart from the driver, I haven't seen anyone working here at all. What I'm asking is, aside from yourself and Arabella, is there anyone living in this castle?" 

Dracula took a few long seconds before responding. He set down his documents and tutted softly. Arabella gently dropped her cutlery to fully appreciate the conversation.

"No, Johnathan. There is no-one living here."

Arabella grinned behind her glass at his phrasing as he didn't lie. Dracula noticed, and with the smallest hint of a smirk, he carried on reading.

After Johnathan had said he lost his appetite, Arabella and Dracula moved to the lounge area. Arabella flopped down onto the sofa, Dracula watching her with a hint of annoyance in her gaze. "I suspect your presence here will be long-term then, Arabella?"

Arabella huffed out a breath, a curl of black hair falling from her bun to lie between her brows. "How on Earth did you guess that, Count?" She laughed, beckoning him over to her, which he did but he did not seat beside her, he instead chose to stand before her. Dracula brushed his slender fingers across her flushed cheekbones. "Dracula?"

Dracula hummed, indicating for her to continue. "Do you still loathe me?"

A sigh escaped his lips as his hand pressed against her cheek. "Of course I do, my dear. You made me a monster."

"On the contrary, darling," Arabella countered. "You were already a monster among men. I just stripped you from the men part."

"And that," Dracula's grip secured its way around her neck, tightening gradually. "Is why I still hate you."

"Well, I could say the same for you," Arabella squeaked out. Dracula's scowl grew, as he pulled the woman from her spot on the couch and dangled her in front of her, her feet at least half a foot from the ground. "Must I remind you of our first meeting?"

Dracula lowered the woman in his hand, so her nose brushed against his, and her black Joe Brown lace-up boots barely grazing the wooden floor. "Ah yes, how could I forget such a pleasant memory."

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