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"i'm sick of being nothing, aren't you?"

"sometimes i like being nothing. keeps away the people."


blythering presents :: 



wherein estelle jackson makes questionable life choices


She wants to be like her brother, Percy, and save the world. Or at the
very least have really cool powers. Instead she finds herself blessed --
or cursed-- with the ability to see through the Mist. She might be able
to witness this incredible magic, but she'll only ever be on the side-
lines. Somehow seeing it unfold makes it even more tantalizing.

After one of her stunts, and her lack of powers, puts her friend's
life on the line, she decides enough is enough and that she has
to get powers no matter what. The easiest way would to reach the
goddess Tyche, goddess of luck and wishes, at her temple in San Diego
and ask to have a wish granted. A group of six other campers and
counselors from Camp Half-Blood and Camp Jupiter join her,
each with their own desires to be granted by Tyche.

But wishes are finicky magic,
and maybe what Estelle wants
isn't what she needs at all.

Maybe this wish will go too far and pull her under the
deep end.



001. okay i'm not gonna make rules, we're not five. just know that i expect mature behavior and not being a person who throws a tantrum if i don't accept your character. :) 

002. do NOT make pick mes. i BEG of you. there are plenty of cool gods, and cool ways to interpret their powers, so please don't make a child of Poseidon who has Percy's black hair and sea green eyes and is gorgeous and skinny and only has eyes for Jason Grace. ew. no. stop. 

003. this is canon-divergent, so basically forget trials of apollo, that shit never happened, we don't talk about that. 

004. P! O! C! and L! G! B! T! Q! +! what i love about rick is that he was so quick to include these kinds of diverse characters once HOO was coming around. so. you know. do that. but another thing, please also keep your characters realistic. i don't want weird super-multi-morphed characters just so you can claim every single victim card on earth. being straight and being white isn't a bad thing, just so long as we remember those are not the most important identities. but all that to say, i'd rather your characters be straight than white, call me racist, idc <3

005. think of the two counselor characters as like, the teens in stranger things. that's, yeah, that's it basically. oh also not every character will get a love interest, but the "potential love interest" slots just let you know who might end up with who. if you make your character aro/ace then they won't end up with one :) simple. 

006. umm... that's it? try to make sure your face claims have lots of gifs because i'm way too lazy to make any thanks. yay! let's go! 


"yeah but... i don't wanna." 

lola flanery

the ringleader

age: 16

gender: female

pronouns: she/her

sexuality: panromantic ace 

appearance: Nobody knows exactly how Estelle got her sea-green eyes. After all, Percy got his from Poseidon, and Estelle is a mortal through and through. But they're a stunning contrast to her black hair, which thanks to Paul, is shot through with wisps of silver. Usually Estelle dyes the silver strands pink or blue or some color, but recently she's been letting them grow out, since everyone at camp seems to think they're related to the time when Percy held up the sky. Estelle just thinks it's because her parents were old when she was born. 

Estelle Blofis Jackson was known to be a horrible combination of every member of her family. Not to say that she's a horrible person, or that the traits she inherited are horrible. Of course not. Just that all of those influences mixed up turned into a spitefully strong-willed hellion who does what she wants when she feels it was right. And when she doesn't. Nobody really knows where she got that part of her from. 

Clever, absent-minded and with her head stuck in the clouds, Estelle is certainly her father's daughter. Both share an equal passion and fascination for the Mist-veiled world of the gods, and both long to be more than viewers looking in. Strong-willed, determined, sassy and smart-mouthed are clearly all traits fashioned after her big brother, Percy. Between the two of them mouthing off all the time, Sally Jackson should be awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for not pulling a Medea and killing her children. 

And while Sally's better traits have... yet to show up in Estelle, they both share a thick-skinned-ness that women often need to survive a world of men. Plus they can both see through the Mist, which is sort of where this whole problem got started. 

Except, unlike Estelle's good-natured and well-meaning family, the girl herself tends to veer more towards... doing whatever the hell she wants. In her words. Maybe it's just her teenage hormones kicking in, or maybe some people just have a taste for trouble, but Estelle's never really shared the moral high road the rest of her family has. She has good intentions, but we all know good intentions are relative. 

Regardless, all these crazy traits mashed up into one person resulted in the chaos we now know as DEEP END, and you're part of it. Lucky you. 



character one // the best friend

Estelle's best friend, a year-round camper, but doesn't really think it's possible for Estelle to have powers. Maybe they think that she shouldn't have powers, either. 

potential love interests: the outsider, the warrior 

apply here

character two // the enemy

Estelle's camp enemy, simply because their personalities clash. These two have a long history of prank wars and one-upping each other for no reason. But I mean, there's a lot of chemistry there...

potential love interests: estelle jackson, the warrior 

apply here

character three // the warrior

Probably the most powerful demigod in their little group, maybe even in their whole camp, they're the best at fighting and the group's main protector. Best friends and sorta-henchmen to the enemy. 

potential love interests: the outsider, the enemy, the best friend

apply here

character four // the outsider

With not very many friends, they're mostly in the shadows, but curiosity and a building suspicion against Estelle Jackson leads them to be stuck in this whole mess. Plus a dark, and perhaps ill-meaning wish that they want to be granted by Tyche. 

potential love interests: the best friend, the warrior 

apply here

character five // the mom-friend 

As a camp counselor, they're protective and a total worrywart. They see the four younger campers as babies and want to protect them, and doesn't even have a wish they want to be granted. They're just making sure nobody dies. 

potential love interest:  "uncle rick"

apply here

character six // "uncle rick"

Another camp counselor, but far less worried about the well-being and safety of the kids. Instead they'd enjoy getting into mischief with them, causing a ruckus, and basically being an irresponsible counselor. But when it comes down to it, I̶ h̶o̶p̶e̶ I'm sure they'll act accordingly. 

potential love interest:  the mom-friend 

apply here


* means optional

birth name

preferred name





[14-17 for the kids, 18-19 for the counselors]


face claim


extra about appearance*

love interest?





godly parent

[pls don't be over powered thx]



what they wish for from tyche
[remember, it has to be a strong enough desire to take them on a dangerous quest]


theme song*



quotes [3+]

extra info*



empty form here


October 30, 2023 Note:

hello, it's lydia from the future! or the present. or the past, actually, depends how you look at it. 

yes, i am re-opening deep end. the original deep end. and i've also decided a few new things, so hold your breath cuz we're about to jump into a whole world of chaos. 

in a strange thing that i'm doing, i'm going to keep all the old deep end chapters up. i'm gonna put them all into one chapter (rip to the comments) and then start the new deep end! that way we have the memory of where we've been together, but we get to start a whole new thing.

i've already restarted this once (and it flopped) but it's because i'm realising that i'm taking this way too seriously. as Corsuscant_Cosmonaut's fic reminded me, this is supposed to be tweenage/teenage ridiculousness. so bring on the chaos. 

 i, to be very honest, don't have a whole lot planned for this. i think i'm going to let it be a kind of relaxing story for myself, where i can write fluff scenes and hopefully mash it into an overarching plot. there were just so many good characters that it's hard to develop them AND honour them. 

so basically, in estelle fashion, we're going in blind. 


i'd say i'm not like this in real life but that's not true. 

anyway, thank you for sticking around for all this chaos. i can't wait to have a fresh start with y'all's incredible babies! 

thanks for reading!

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