𝐯𝐒. 𝐩𝐚𝐲𝐚𝐀𝐚𝐧

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Β Β  "I WISH I'D been there. The ocean blessed you with a gift brother." Kiri said as all of the kids sat together in a circle. Ziggy sat in between Lo'ak and Tsireya. Mabel sat in between Neteyam and Aonung. Ziggy and Mabel still wouldn't talk to Aonung after what he did. Mainly Ziggy.

Β Β  "The Tulkun have not returned yet. And anyway no Tulkun is ever alone." Aonung said as Mabel puts her head on Neteyam's shoulder.

Β Β  "Well, this one was." Lo'ak said, looking at Ziggy. "He had a missing fin. Like a stump on the left side. Ziggy put his hand on Lo'ak's arm, near his wrist.

Β Β  "Poor Tulkun." Tuk said sadly.

Β Β  "Payakan. It's Payakan." Tsireya said, looking directly at Rotxo and her brother.

Β Β  "Who's Payakan?" Kiri asked.

Β Β  "A young bull who went rouge. He's outcast, alone, and he has a missing fin." Rotxo explained as Neteyam wrapped his arm around Mabel.

Β Β  "They say he is a killer." Tsireya said, looking at Lo'ak with a concerned look.

Β Β  "No, no." Lo'ak repeated as he wrapped his head around Ziggy's wrist.

Β Β  "He killed Na'vi. And other Tulkun. Not here, but far to the south." Aonung explained as Lo'ak still didn't believe them.

Β Β  "No, he's no killer."

Β Β  "Lo'ak, you are lucky to be alive." Ziggy said as Lo'ak's grip got tighter on Ziggy's wrist.

Β Β  "I'm telling you guys. He saved my life. He's my friend." Lo'ak said, looking at all of the kids.

Β Β  "My baby bro. The mighty warrior, who faced the killer Tulkun and lived to tell about it." Neteyam joked as Lo'ak elbowed him off him. Lo'ak got annoyed and stood up.

Β Β  "You guys aren't listening." Lo'ak said as he began walking away.

Β Β  "Lo'ak, I'm listening." Tuk said.

Β Β  "Lo'ak come back." Kiri said, giving her brother a glare. Ziggy got up and followed Lo'ak.

Β Β  "Lo'ak!" Ziggy called out as Lo'ak stopped walking.

Β Β  "Payakan is not bad. He's not a killer." Lo'ak tells him as Ziggy sighed.

Β Β  "I really don't know what to believe anymore Lo'ak." Ziggy said.

Β Β  "Come with me." Lo'ak said as Ziggy looked at him like he was crazy.

Β Β  "Are you shitting me?"

Β Β  "No, I'm not shitting on you."

Β Β  Ziggy took a deep breath. He puts his hand on Lo'ak's cheek and agreed.

Β Β  "Fuck it. Let's go." He said, making Lo'ak smile. "Well, I should've said screw it. I promise Tuk I wouldn't say the f word."

Β Β  Mabel was walking next to Neteyam near their hut. When they entered, Jake was pissed.

Β Β  "I specifically told that boy not to be drinking here!" He exclaimed as he was holding a half empty bottle of alcohol.

Β Β  "Where is he?" Jake asked the duo sternly.

Β Β  "Probably with Lo'ak." Mabel replied as Neteyam went in front of her.

Β Β  "It was my fault sir."

Β Β  "Neteyam."

Β Β  Jake knew Neteyam was covering for Ziggy. Jake sighed and leaned up against the hut.

Β Β  "When you see him, tell him to come find me." Jake said, leaving the hut.

Β Β  "I guess I should've said it was me." Mabel said, laughing. Neteyam laughed with her.

Ziggy rode on the same Ilu as Lo'ak, but Lo'ak was the one in control. They've been out in the water for about 4 in a half minutes.

"Payakan! Payakan!" Lo'ak called out as Ziggy held onto Lo'ak's stomach. There was a rumble in the water as Payakan rose from the water.

"Holy...shit." Ziggy cursed out as his eyes went wide. Ziggy and Lo'ak got out of the Ilu and got on Payakan's fin.

"Payakan, this is Ziggy." Lo'ak signed as Ziggy just say there quiet.

"Hi. It's nice to meet you Payakan." Ziggy signed to the big creature.

"Why are you outcast? What happened?" Lo'ak signed, laying down on the fin.

Payakan made a painful noise as Ziggy rubbed his fin.

"I trust you. You can trust me. You can trust Ziggy too." Lo'ak told Payakan as he puts his hand on Payakan's head. Payakan pulls his fin down, making Ziggy and Lo'ak fall into the water.

They grabbed onto Payakan's fin as he began swimming. Payakan stopped swimming as both Ziggy and Lo'ak got on top of him.

"Ayyyyyyy." Lo'ak said, beating on his chest.

"Woohoo!" Ziggy said, wrapping his arm around Lo'ak's shoulder. The two was jumping and running back and forth on Payakan's back as smoke came out of Payakan's blowhole.

"That's disgusting!" Lo'ak said, slipping on Payakan's back. Ziggy quickly grabbed him and held him up. Their faces close to each other's. Ziggy looked down at Lo'ak's lips, but they both pulled back.

Later, they end up in the water again, riding on Payakan's fin. Lo'ak signed to Payakan, telling him to go faster. Payakan went faster as Ziggy smiled widely.

They returned to the hut. Ziggy and Lo'ak didn't even realize that they were holding hands. They didn't mind though. When they got back, a bunch of weird faces were shown on the Sully's and Mabel's face.

"What's wrong?" Ziggy asked as he let go of Lo'ak's soft blue hand.

"Where were you two?" Neytiri asked sternly as they looked at each other.

"We were just hanging out by the water." Lo'ak lied as Mabel rolled her eyes.

"Ziggy, I thought I told you not to be drinking alcohol here?" Jake said as Ziggy gives him a confused look.

"I haven't."

"Then how come I found your bottle half empty? Huh?"

"Jake, I seriously don't know what you're talking about. I haven't been drinking the alcβ€”" Before he could finish his sentence, he looked over at Mabel who had the face of guilt.

"Did you drink my bottle?" Ziggy asked with anger in his tone.

"No..?" She said as Ziggy groaned and rolled his eyes.

"Well while you guys were on a date or somethingβ€”" Neteyam said as Lo'ak interrupted him.

"It wasn't a date!" He sounded all defensive.

"Kiri had a seizure!" Neteyam raised his voice as Ziggy and Lo'ak shared the same look.

"What?!" They exclaimed in unison as Kiri walks in.

"Kiri! Are you okay?! What the fuck happened?!" Ziggy asked a million questions in concern. He tried not to grab her so hard.

"I'm fine." Kiri said, bringing Ziggy in for a hug.

"I'm glad you're okay." Ziggy said as Lo'ak rubbed Kiri's head.

Kiri released from the hug and went to hug Lo'ak. Ziggy couldn't hear what Kiri whispered to Lo'ak.

"He really likes you."

Ziggy was helping fix up Tonowari and Ronal's hut because he was bored. The kids were bonding with the Tulkun. He didn't feel like being in the water today. He sees Ronal and Tonowari walking to the hut, with Lo'ak, Tsireya, Neteyam, and Aonung behind them.

"You allowed this?" Ronal said in anger. "You allowed him to bond with the outcast?!"

Ziggy was confused out of his mind. But he soon found out. Lo'ak was caught with Payakan.

"Tsireya. I am disappointed in you daughter." Tonowari said, now looking at Lo'ak.

"And you, son of a great warrior." Tonowari said as Lo'ak spoke up. "Who has been taught better."

"Payakan saved my life sir. You don't know him." Lo'ak said as Ziggy stood next to Lo'ak.

"Sit down." Tonowari said as they still was standing up.

"Sit down!" He exclaimed as Tsireya quickly sat down. Lo'ak, Neteyam, and Aonung sat down slowly. Tonowari looked over at Ziggy with a glare.

Ziggy got the hint and sat down next to Lo'ak. Lo'ak puts hand on Ziggy's knee, making Ziggy blush.

"Listen to my words boy. In the days of the First Songs, Tulkun fought amongst themselves. For territory, and for revenge. But they came to believe that killing no matter how justified only brings more killing. So all killings was forbidden. This is the Tulkun way. Payakan is a killer, so he is outcast." Tonowari explained as the kids listened.

"I'm sorry sir. But you're wrong." Lo'ak said.

"Lo'ak. You speak to Olo'eyktan." Neytiri whispered-yelled at her youngest son.

"That's enough!" Jake yelled as Lo'ak stayed quiet for a bit.

"I know what I know." Lo'ak said, looking at Ronal who had a angry expression on her face.

Jake came up to Lo'ak. "That's enough."

"I'll deal with this one." Jake said, grabbing Lo'ak's arm as he dragged him out of the hut. Neytiri told Neteyam to come with her.

"Thank you Ziggy for cleaning up the hut." Ronal said, putting her hand on his shoulder.

"No problem." He replied.

Ziggy and Lo'ak were walking together by the water and some trees. Lo'ak held the leaf for Ziggy so he wouldn't get it. Ziggy grabbed Lo'ak's hand as they both stopped walking.

"You want to talk about it?" Ziggy asked Lo'ak who already looked upset.

"Payakan didn't kill those boys. I saw it all. The demon ship killed his mother right in front of him." Lo'ak said as Ziggy never let go of Lo'ak's hand.

"He gathered the young bulls and the reef boys to attack the ship. And they were all killed. But by the Sky People not by him. He's not a killer." Lo'ak explained.

"I believe you Lo'ak." Ziggy said.

"Maybe we should tell Jake and Neytiri." Ziggy said as Lo'ak puts his hand on Ziggy's arm to stop him.

"I'm already in enough trouble. They won't understand!" Lo'ak got upset.

"The whole clan hates me. Demon blood, alien that's all they see." Lo'ak said, putting his hand up. Ziggy grabbed his hand and rubbed his fingers.

"Lo'ak, I see you." Ziggy said as Lo'ak looked in his eyes.

"I have something to tell you." Ziggy said, letting go his hand. "I lied about the reason I was here."

"You wanted to kill us and you were working with Quaritch." Lo'ak said as Ziggy gave him a confused look.

Lo'ak walked around Ziggy and went to the other side of him.

"How did youβ€”?"

"I went through your bag by accident." Lo'ak said as Ziggy had the face of guilt.

"Lo'ak, I'm sorry. I thought if I say I was going to do it my parents would've been proud of me for once. But after meeting you and the others, everything changed. I'm so fucking sorry." Ziggy said Lo'ak grabbed his hand.

"I'm not mad. When I first found out I was but I couldn't stay mad at you." Lo'ak said as he grabbed Ziggy's cheek.

"But when my parents found out about you and Mabel they'll kill you." Lo'ak said, making Ziggy's skin crawl.

"Oh I know. That's what I'm afraid of."

"It's okay. I'll make sure they don't." Lo'ak went and placed a kiss on Ziggy's cheek.

Ziggy just stood there in shock. Ziggy looked at Lo'ak's lips and his two eyes. He gently grabs Lo'ak's cheek as he leaned in. Ziggy placed his lips on Lo'ak's.

Ziggy and Lo'ak slowly got to the ground as they were making out. They slowly took their lips apart and looked at each other. Lo'ak smiled as he went for the kiss again.

Ziggy wrapped his hands around Lo'ak's back, lifting him up onto his lap. Lo'ak rubbed his cheeks with his hands as Ziggy rubbed his back.

Lo'ak tugged on Ziggy's hoodie, hinting him to take it off. Ziggy slowly took off his hoodie, leaving him shirtless. They continued to make out as Ziggy paused.

"Are you sure you wanna do this?" He asked as Lo'ak looked at him.

"I've been wanting to be with you since I first met you." Lo'ak said, shaking his head. "So yes."

Ziggy smirked as he smashed his lips onto Lo'ak's. Ziggy starts to kiss Lo'ak's neck, making him slightly moan softly. Ziggy gently pushed Lo'ak to which he was on his back and Ziggy was on top.

Mabel had just finished folding her and Ziggy's clothes. A minute later, Neteyam walks in with some purple flowers.

"Aww Neteyam." Mabel said as Neteyam handed her the flowers.

"I have something to confess Ms. Mabel." Neteyam said, grabbing her hands.

"When I first met you, my whole world completely changed. I've had chose a woman who is brave, loyal, and caring. I am in love with you." He confessed as Mabel felt like she was going to cry.

"Oh Neteyam." She said, grabbing his face and pulls him in for a kiss. They made out for a while as they parted their lips. Both were smiling.

End of Chapter

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