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"You guys did great." Alma complimented the boys as she made her way to the back, passing all the half naked boys coming off the stage. "Emmy worth."

"Thanks, Ethan's Friend!" they all yelled out, heading to their changing rooms. Alma made it to Ethan's station, seeing him giggling to himself.

"You were right." Alma grinned as he turned back to look at her. "I did love it."

"Really?" he gushed.

"I forgot there were any other actors out there, honestly. You stole the entire show." Alma smiled, turning around and shutting the door. "Did you hear me out there?"

"I kept wanting to wave." Ethan said back as Alma leaned against the closed door, inhaling. "But, you know, Lexi might have cut my head off."

Alma nodded her head, giving a shy grin. He laughed, because it was weird. "What's that face for?"

"No face." she shook her head, shrugging slightly. The smile was back, an innocent and flustered one.

Ethan laughed at her again. "Alma, stop."

"I'm just, glad that i'm here." she shrugged, giving a nervous laugh and trying to whip the annoying smile off her face. All that confidence Maddy had taught her had dropped and she suddenly felt like how she did well before she had even met Ethan, shy and intimidated by everyone talking to her.

Ethan glanced at the door she had been leaned on, looking down at the handle. It was locked. He tilted his head. "I feel like you have something sneaky planned."

Alma met his eye, shaking her head slightly with a blink. She was nervous, and it had been clear. Ethan saw it after a second, looking around. The lights from the makeup mirror burned into the side of his left eye. "What are you doing back here?"

Alma looked down, giving a small shrug of her shoulders. "Just wanted to come see you."

Her heart was beating in her chest, he was having the hardest time reading whatever this was. Ethan stepped closer to her, Alma looked up to meet his eye. He'd waited for her to do something, but she wasn't moving. So, he took a step closer. Alma nodded her head, making it clear he could come closer. She was quick to step out of her shoes so they dropped down on the same height. He stood close to her, it's not like they hadn't stood this close before, but right now felt a lot different.

Alma glanced down at the glitter on his neck and chest, when she did, Ethan eyed her red eyelids. He placed his hand on her face, tilting her head some. "I didn't get to get a good look at your makeup earlier."

"Maddy did it." Alma said, tilting her head as he kept his hand on her face. "Do you like it?"

"Yeah, I do." he grinned, meeting her eye again as they stood there. This time, his heart was pounding. Almas left hand placed on his waist, her hand cold against his skin from the intense act he just did on stage. Her eyes traveled back up to meet his eye again, pulling slightly so he stumbled closer to her. Ethan grinned, giving a nervous laugh. "So, you really liked the play?"

Alma nodded, leaning over quickly to press a kiss to his lips. It was only two seconds, then she pulled back.

Ethan blinked, taken off guard by it. Alma gave a worried look against the wall. Ethan stared back at her with wide eyes. He nodded his head after a second, leaning over to kiss her again. Alma was relived he did, kissing him back. Ethan held her face, pulling back from the kiss, and laying one more on her lips. Alma smiled, leaning in more to kiss him harder. Ethan was taken back by the force, humming into her mouth as they stumbled off the wall to be in the middle of the dressing room.

Alma pulled back quickly. "I don't wanna rush you. I know you just got out of a relationship."

Ethan rose his eyebrows. "I forgot that happened."

Alma laughed, cupping his face to meet him in a kiss again. Ethan held her waist now, pulling her in. Alma gave a whimper into his mouth when he pulled her in closer. Ethan's eyes widened in realization, pulling away from her lips. "I'm sorry. I don't wanna- I mean, I don't know what's okay. I don't wanna make you feel uncomfortable after..."

Alma nodded her head. For the longest time, after the party, she didn't think she'd ever feel physically attracted to anyone ever again. She worried she wouldn't be able to trust them, that they'd trick her, that she'd have to go through what she did last time. But, it was different with Ethan. They'd been friends for almost an entire year, and he'd never pushed her or pressured her to do anything. If Alma was in a room with every person in the world, and she was asked who she trusted and felt most safe with, it would be Ethan.

"I'll be fine as long as it's you." Alma said with a faint smile, feeling shy and embarrassed to say it. "I'll tell you if I don't wanna do something."

Ethan shook his head. "You just tell me what you want."

Alma grinned widely, leaning in to kiss him again. Ethan's arms went around her, hands placed on her back. Alma rolled her hips forward some, pressing her body against his. Ethan's eyes widened for a second, shutting them again quickly. He walked forward, letting Alma lean again the makeup table. She rolled her hips forward again, Ethan pulled away from her lips to look down. He met her eye again. "Do you want me to.."

"Is that okay?" Alma asked, slightly out of breath from the amount of kissing they had done.

Ethan grinned, getting down on his knees. The red plaid skirt Maddy had put Alma in was already pretty much rolled up close to her waist. Ethan placed his hands on Almas knees first, trailing his hands upwards at an annoyingly slow pace. She leaned her hips forward some so he could push the skirt up more. Leaning over, he kissed at her inner thighs a few times. Alma shut her eyes, her hand placed itself into his gelled hair.

"Tell me if you like it." Ethan glanced up at her first. Alma nodded, shutting her eyes again. She knew he had a pretty good understanding of how the female body worked after what he said in the car last year, but she didn't expect him to be as good as he was. Almas eyes widened slightly, looking down at him in shock. It didn't last long until her eyes shut again, her head falling back slowly, a breathy sigh coming from her lips. Ethan pulled back. "Do you like it?"

"Yes." Alma said quickly, her voice had gone up a few octaves. Ethan went back to eating her out again, Alma sighing in relief as she ran her left hand through his hair, her right squeezed onto his hand that was placed on her thigh.


kylie speaks

wish they'd let me
watch at least๐Ÿ™„๐Ÿ™„โœ‹๐Ÿปโœ‹๐Ÿป

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