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- Crash Into You

"Hey, can I catch a ride with you and Peyton to Nathan's party later?" Brooke questioned Elizabeth as the two girls were stood on the sidelines cheering for the Ravens who were playing against another team only for Ellie to raise her brows as she looked at Brooke and replied, " I didn't think you were going, figuring you be hiding out in Lucas's backseat again" Brooke had a smirk on her face as she stared at her best friend and teased, " jealous?"

Elizabeth rolled her eyes in response sending Brooke a deadpanned look, " No" Brooke couldn't help but laugh as she knew the blonde liked Lucas but was just afraid of getting into another relationship after everything that happened with Liam, " What? I could see it. You're all sunshine and happiness and Lucas is kind of broody. I could totally see you guys together" Ellie couldn't help but nudge Brooke letting out a laugh before the two girls turned their attention back to the basket ball game.

"Now the Ravens in bound with the ball. Looks like they're trying to isolate Nathan Scott on the baseline. The Masenberg defense tightens on him. Scott battles through, still working hard to get open down there. Now Tim Smith, with the ball, working over on the wing. He's dribbling, looking for Nathan underneath, but he's boxed in. And now- Oh! Oh! A cross court pass putting Lucas Scott over the basket."

Ellie couldn't help the smile on her face as she cheered loudly for the ravens when she noticing the furious look on Nathan face when Tim had passed the ball to Lucas instead of him, " So much for the putty grip on that one as the Ravens fall back on the bench. And I tell you what, Lucas Scott is really starting to gel with this team" once the game was over and that the ravens had won, Elizabeth walked over to Lucas ignoring Tim and Nathan as she passed them who was apologizing to Nathan for passing the ball to Lucas.

"Well, well, well. It looks like you are cut out for this after all " Elizabeth teased with a grin on her lips causing Lucas to laugh at the blonde beauty as when he first starting playing properly he was terrible but once he got over his fear of not being good enough player he's been amazing at both games, " I guess you were right then. Like you said when it's something you love to do then there's nothing stopping you from going for it"

Nathan walked over towards the two of them narrowing his eyes at Lucas and commented, "Two decent games in a row, man. Getting better or just lucky?" Lucas looked over at Elizabeth who glanced between the two brothers awkwardly, " I'm just gonna go. Good game, Luke. I'll see you both later I guess" Lucas watched as Elizabeth walked away before turning his attention back to Nathan with an annoyed look on his face, " The teams got a party tonight, my parents beach house"

Lucas had a confused look on his face as he stared at Nathan and questioned, "Why are you telling me that?" Nathan shrugged his shoulders sending Lucas a look and resorted, " because I said ' The Team' didn't I? Look, it's gonna be a long season, all right? Might as well deal with it" Lucas rolled his eyes letting out a heavy sigh as he watched Nathan walk away with a suspicious look on his face.


After the game, Ellie went back home to change to get ready for the party before Peyton picked her and Brooke up who was given them both a lift to Nathan's party. Peyton pulled up outside of Nathan beach house causing Ellie and Brooke to go forward slightly when she did, "Every time I ride with you I swear I'll never do it again" Brooke spoke up shooting Peyton a look who just laughed at the two girls in response.

Ellie placed her hand on her chest trying to calm down her racing heart, " one of these days you're gonna give us a heart attack" Peyton laughed in amusement at the smaller blonde as the three girls climbed out of the car, "Keys?" Peyton shook her head at Elizabeth and replied, " temp fate" the three girls were about to walk up the stairs inside the beach house when Tim approached them standing directly in front of Peyton and asked," Peyton, you've got to talk to him. Lucas had the better shot. You saw it, right?"

Elizabeth rolled her eyes in annoyance as she didn't really care about Nathan ignoring Tim just because he passed the ball to Lucas seeing as Nathan was boxed in by the opposite team, " Tim, are you being pathetic?" Brooke sarcastically questioned only for Peyton and Elizabeth to share a look snorting in amused when the sound of a car pulling up was heard turning around only to see Lucas's familiar tow truck only for a look of surprise to appear on Ellie face as she didn't think he would actually turn up especially since Nathan and Lucas don't get on at all.

" what is he doing here?" Tim questioned with a confused look on his face when Nathan walked over with his arms crossed over his chest looking directly at his best friend and sarcastically told him, " I invited him. I mean, since you guys are such great friends now" Tim sighed heavily before Elizabeth walked over to stand beside Nathan and curiously asked, " what game are you playing?"

Nathan faked an innocent smile on his lips tapping the top of head, " Nothing" Elizabeth scoffed in disbelief not believing a word he was saying before she fixed her curly hair as Lucas and Haley both climbed out of the tow truck causing Elizabeth eyes to widened as she knew that this wasn't really Haley scene and knew she probably came to be there for Lucas, " I wasn't sure you were gonna come" Nathan commented as he walked over to the two of them.

" Makes two of us" Lucas muttered walking past Nathan who stepped in front of Haley holding his hand out, " Hi, I'm Nathan Scott" Elizabeth rolled her eyes once again sharing a look with Peyton as Haley shook his hand and replied, " Um, yeah, I know... I'm Haley" Ellie wrapped her arm around Peyton's shoulder dragging her inside the house with Nathan, Haley and Lucas following after the two girls.

"Have you guys seen this?" Theresa exclaimed as she stormed over to Brooke handed her the magazine that she had in her hands. Brooke frowned deepened as she looked down at the comic strip in the magazine reading from it, " The 'High School fearleader?' A comic strip" her eyes scanning over the drawing before she looked around at everyone who gathered around with an offended look on her face, " wait, this is insulting right?"

"My dog can draw better than this" Vegas spoke up from behind Brooke as Ellie looked down at the magazine knowing exactly who had drawn the comic strip as she moved her gaze over to Peyton who shifts nervously at everyone who was looking down at the comic strip she drew, " really? What guy keeps his hat on during sex?" Brooke asked in disbelief as Nathan looked over at his girlfriend knowing it was Peyton who had done it, " who is this 'Saki' person, anyway?"

Peyton tried to hide her nerves when she noticed Nathan stare on her as he muttered under his breathe, " Yeah, I wonder" Peyton placed a fake smile on her face avoiding eye contact with her boyfriend as she replied, " it's just a stupid comic strip. Who cares right?" Brooke stayed silent for a moment as she continued to stare at the comic strip, " it's more like sucky. Whoever it is doesn't know the first thing about it. They make it seem so..."

Lucas frowned in confusion watching Ellie who was now stood next to Peyton as he looked down at the comic strip figuring out what they were speaking about and how Peyton was brushing it aside as she was the one who drew it in the first place but won't take any credit because of how everyone was reacting to it, " shallow?" Lucas suggested making everyone turn to look at the blonde boy who had just spoken.

Peyton let out a deep sigh taking a hold of Ellie hand pulling the smaller blonde with her, " where's the keg?" Lucas watched the two blonde girls walk away to search for something alcoholic to drink while Brooke continued to stare down at the drawing with an irritated and angered look on her face not knowing that one of her best friends was the one responsible for the drawing.


"Lucas, come play" Brooke called out when she noticed the boy walking into the kitchen causing Ellie to lift her head from where she was sitting on the kitchen counter as everyone was gathered in the kitchen playing I never. Lucas glanced around the kitchen walking closer to stand next to Elizabeth and questioned, " what's the game?" Ellie smirked with an amused look on her face handing the boy a red plastic cup, " I never"

"And yet, apparently you have" Vegas teased the smaller blonde girl who rolled her eyes in response sending him a glare and snapped, " Shut up, vegas. One more word from you and I'll lamp you one" Peyton and Brooke couldn't help but laugh at their fiery best friend before Nathan cleared his throat gaining everyone's attention as he explained the rules, " all right, so the game is... we all take turns saying things we've never done, and anybody who at the table has..."

Lucas scoffed with a dead panned looked on his face staring at his half brother as he interrupted him and said, " they have to drink" Ellie had a suspicious look on her face knowing that Nathan was up to something she just didn't know what, "Alright, Theresa you're up" Nathan told the girl who was sat next to Brooke who had a smirk on her face and said, " Okay. Let's see... I've never... had sex with anything made out of plastic"

Elizabeth raised her brows as she watched Brooke who slowly brought the cup to her lips taking a sip causing everyone else to laugh at the brunette, " Okay, my turn" Brooke trailed off with a thoughtful expression on her face trying to think of something to say, " I've never...no, I did that, um" Brooke let out a laugh when Nathan cleared his throat keeping his eyes on Lucas and spoke up, " alright, my turn. Oh, let's see. Um... I've never... I've never had a dad who wished I was a stain on the bed sheets"

Ellie eyes widened in shock sending Nathan a glare while the others laughed not because they found what he said funny but because they didn't know how to react to it as Lucas walked around the kitchen table where everyone was sat placing his cup in front of Nathan and replied, "Then you're welcome to mine," the smaller blonde watched Lucas walk out of the room before she shook her head in disbelief, " why do you have to be such a dick" Ellie hissed before jumping off the kitchen counter to follow after Lucas to check on him.


A little while later, Elizabeth was sat on the pier with a blanket wrapped around her shoulders gazing out into the water when the sound of footsteps was heard causing her to turn her head to look at Brooke who was stumbling towards her, " Hey, I've been looking for you everywhere" Brooke spoke up as she held her hand out for Ellie to take pulling the blonde beauty up onto her feet who let out a small sigh and said, " Well, here I am. I just needed some air before I actually punch Nate"

Brooke smiled at the blonde girl linking her arm with hers as she started dragging them both back to the beach house, " alright, so what's the latest with you and Lucas?" Brooke grinned with raised brows sending Ellie a knowing look who groaned in frustration, "can't we talk about something else? Like that guy you were talking to earlier" she pleaded causing Brooke to snort in amusement. " Nuh-uh, I wanna know what's happening with you and Lucas" Brooke stated stubbornly as this is the first time since Liam left that Ellie had actually shown she was interested in someone.

Ellie rolled her eyes in response glancing at Brooke with a dead panned look on her face, " there is nothing happening between Lucas and I. He's just someone i know in passing" she insisted causing Brooke to scoff in disbelief not believing a word she was saying, " sounds like you're trying to convince yourself not me." The dark haired girl replied before she took a sip of her drink, " what do you want me to say, B? Yes, I like him but I don't feel like I'm ready to jump into another relationship like I've not really dealt with what happened with Liam. I thought he was going to be the love of my life but he just walked away so easily and practically ghosted me."

"Elizabeth" Brooke sighed softly glancing at her with an understanding expression on his face wrapping her arm around the blonde girl shoulders, " Lucas is nothing like Liam. Have you seen the way that boy looks at you. I mean, he worships the ground you walk on. Look at what he did for you... he got you the record deal with Gold Tone studio and without Lucas's help you wouldn't of gotten the courage to go for it and look at you now we've got our own little pop star"

Ellie couldn't help but laugh as she shoved Brooke with an amused smile on her lips, " Shut up" the two girls walked back inside of the beach house only for the blondes eyes to widened in shock at the video tape that was playing on the TV of Karen and Dan, "Karen, what's your secret to success?" Ellie looked around the room seeing Lucas with a furious expression on his face while Nathan was leaning against the wall with a smirk on his lips, "The secret to our success? hmm I don't know. Good question, Dan?"

"Good sex" Dan answered causing laughter to be heard from the tape and the teenager that surrounded the room watching the tape, "Karen, do you think you guys will get married?" Karen hummed as she smiled up at Dan before looking back into the camera, "
"Do I think Dan and I will get married? hmm you know I mean.."

"Oh my god, the hair" Brooke laughed only for Ellie to nudge the brunette sending her a scolded look caller the smile to disappear from her face as Karen continued speaking on the tape, " I'm thinking yes... come visit us in ten years and I bet you can meet the kids and get a tour of our big house and see how happy we are" Lucas eyes welled up in tears at watching his mother when Tim curiously questioned, " who's the girl?"

"That's my mom" Lucas quietly spoke when Nathan looked over at his half brother and sarcastically commented, "At least the dream came true for one of them" Lucas glared at Nathan with a shake of his head and hissed, "Except for the happy part right?" Lucas shoved passed Nathan causing him to laugh with his friends, " what the hell is wrong with you, Nate?!" Ellie exclaimed folding her arms across her chest, " you crossed the line. You took it too far. I don't even recognise you anymore. Stay the hell away from me until you grow some balls and stop doing everything your father tell you to. If you continue going down this road you're going to loose everything"

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