bailed date // hosuh x f! reader

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Hosuh x F! Reader }
fluff ☁️
Today is the day (Y/N) will
go on her first date. But what will happen when her date bails on the occasion?

Crappity crap, crap, where is he?

It's been an hour since our planned schedule and he still hasn't shown up. The waiter has been glaring at me for the last few minutes but I can't start ordering.

Bryce said he would pay for everything. So, I made the stupid decision on not carrying any cash on me. I nibble on the free bread and look outside.

It's pouring with rain which was reflecting my current mood. Was I too early? I check our text messages and sure enough, I was right on time.

I tap my fingers nervously as more minutes fly by.

The angry waiter comes up to me.

"Miss, are you going to order or not? A lot of customers are in need of seats."

I look down at my screen and a new text message pops up. I click on it.

Bryce 💞
Sorry, (Y/N) i cant make it to our date tonight
I promised my friends i'd take them somewhere
Oh gtg ttyl bye

I stare at the text message, frozen. My throat forms a lump and I bow my head down.

He really bailed on me... Well, why wouldn't he? We only had met that one day at the park. Whatever. I guess I have to take out our reservation.

"Uh, yeah could you-"

That's when a man around my age takes a seat in front of me. His hair was up in a ponytail and had an apologetic smile on his face.

"Ah, sorry I'm late! The rain had caused a bit of traffic," He said as he started to open the menu.

I stare at him, confused.

Who was this guy and why is he acting like he's my date?

He sends me a look that told me to play along. I nodded reluctantly and open the menu.

"Ok honey, what would you like to eat?" He asks me.

"Ah, I would like (favorite food) please," I tell the waiter.

He nods and turns to the ponytail guy. "And you sir?"

"I'll have what she's having. Plus bacon!"

I giggle at his high-pitched squeal when he mentioned bacon. The waiter gives him a questioning look then leaves muttering, "What an odd couple..."

Once he's gone, I turn back to the guy, who was on his phone rapidly typing messages. His race was gushed red. I remain in confusion as he continued to type in silence.

"OI!" I shout at him. "Are you gonna tell me why you're sitting your cute ass down on my date's chair?

He looks up, startled and nervously chuckles. "Ah, gomen gomen..."

"You see, I was originally sitting over there," He points to a table where 2 people were sitting. One had a video camera in one hand and the other guy was stabbing his food with a knife.

He continues, "I noticed you were sitting all alone and you just looked miserable."

"Wow, don't need to rub it in my face," I laugh.

"Ah! Gosh, I'm sorry again..." He gushes. "Um, anyway, my friends, Daniel and Stephen, encouraged me to go sit with you."

"So... let me get this straight. You pitied me for looking like a total shitstorm and my unending loneliness?"

"There are better ways to word that but, yes. I couldn't stand you looking so... sad. You're really cute when you smile!" He says cheerfully.

His compliment turns my cheeks red and I rub my neck nervously.

Am I actually falling for a guy I just met? What are you saying dumbass? You fell in love with Bryce in one day as well. And.... that didn't end well.

"Hey, I just realized we don't even know each other's names are yet!" He exclaims.

"Well, my name is (Y/N) (L/N). Age 22, about to turn 23 next week. I work as a free-lance artist," I hold my hand out.

He kindly takes it and says, "Hosuh Lee. I'm 23, turning 24 in December, college student, and work part-time as an animator."

My eyes widen. "You're an animator!?"

"Yeah, I uh," His eyes divert. "I'm part of a YouTube channel called DanPlan."

Danplan huh? I heard my friend talking about them a while ago...

I recall some video my friend had shown me a couple of years ago. I'm pretty sure I fell out my chair laughing my ass off.

"Yeah I've heard of you guys before!" I tell him.

When he asks which one and I said the "By the Way: Moral of the Pooping Robber" video. Hosuh's face turned crimson and immediately covered it with his hands.

"Oh gosh.... that was our first video," He mumbled. "Was it bad? It was probably bad..."

I shake my head. "Nah, it wasn't bad! You were like, what? 18? That's pretty good considering all the different frames you had to draw."

Hosuh removed his hands from his face, his mouth forming a tiny "o". He laughs softly and smiles. "Well, thank you. It's been a while since someone has complimented that video."

"No problem!"

Our food arrives and we start to dig in. I'm surprised they have (favorite food) considering this is a high-class restaurant. After he finished nibbling on the food, Hosuh set the plate aside and started gobbling down the bacon.

Alright, he likes bacon. Let's keep that noted.

Once we've finished, I'm nearly stuffed. But of course, we HAVE to have dessert. Hosuh orders a chocolate donut with bacon bits and I order (favorite desert).

As I'm munching on my sweet, Hosuh looks up at me and smiles. I notice all the crumbs around his mouth and laugh. I grab a napkin and wipe the corners of his mouth.

I look into his beautiful face and melt.

"He's so breathtaking..."


"What is it?"

"Y-You called me breathtaking..." Hosuh says.

Shoot, I said it out loud. agHhAgauaHhuIH!

"SORRY I HOPE IT DIDN'T SOUND CREEPY!" I cover my face flustered.

"It's ok, I thought it was cute don't worry honey!"

The paycheck comes and my eyes widen.

$1000!? NANI!?

"A-Ah...." I stutter. I don't have the money to pay that much! I look at Hosuh but he has a pale expression on his face.

Oh.... shit.

But right at the brink of panic, Hosuh's two friends swoop in and hold out their credit cards.

"Don't worry lovely couple! Stephen saves the day!" His mohawked friend announces.

"And Dan too, nitwit!" Daniel slides his card towards me. "Also, do you mind being in a video?"

I look at them both gratefully and nod. "Not at all!"

Once our dinner was paid it was time to head home. I get up and see Hosuh packing his things as well. I nervously fidget with my phone in my pocket.

After this, we might as well be strangers. I had fun with him tonight. MUCH more fun then I'll ever have with Bryce. I want to see him again.

As he turns away, I tap him on the shoulder and hold out my phone. "P-Please give me y-your n-number! I want to see y-you again!"

Hosuh's face softens. He kisses my forehead and takes my phone.

"Of course!"


Lowkey wanted this to
be a Stephen x Reader oneshot but
I was like: "I NEED MORE OF SOFT BOY!"
so, yah haha

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