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A/N: Eclipse belongs to GeekyCookie1 .


" A monster. It's the one thing that I've seen myself as my whole life. It's why I used to blame myself for them leaving me cause I thought it was my fault. That's what happens when your parents abandoned you, you just can 't help but think of yourself that way and you can't help but blame yourself for being the reason that they didn't want you. "

EACH ONE OF the seven teenagers were nervous about the fact that they'll be going up against Splinter for their training session. Splinter was a master ninja, someone who knew way more than they did while they were still beginners. It was enough to make their Stomachs turn. "Okay, here's the plan," Leonardo whispered into the huddle that the seven teenagers were in. "Donnie, you're gonna strike first."

"No, wait, you want me to come at Splinter ?" Donatello questioned. "I'll get pumped!"

"Well, getting pumped is your specialty," Raphael said with a smirk while Donatello glared at him.

"Trust me, it's all part of mine and Henry's plan to catch Sensei off guard." Leonardo assured them.

"Uh, guys," Michelangelo said. "Don't take this the wrong way but against Splinter, your plans always get our butts whipped."

"Okay, new thought: Mikey, you attack." Henry said as Leonardo scowled at the mutant turtle.

Michelangelo's face remain neutral as he turned to look at the purple masked mutant turtle and the golden masked mutant turtle. "They took it the wrong way."

Eclipse shrugged. "Eh, you asked for it."

"Come on, let's do this!" Raphael said enthusiastically.

Both Leonardo and Henry gave a small nod as they all stood, carefully splitting from the huddle with the plan in mind. Slowly and carefully, they all approached Splinter, who stood with his back to them in the middle of the dojo as the mutant rat had his eyes closed.

Michelangelo charged, jumped up, and tried to kick Splinter with both feet. Splinter then opened his eyes and everything that happened next happened in slow motion. The mutant rat turned, grabbing his youngest son's feet, and threw him to the ground. him in the chest, sending the turtle flying across the floor. The other teenagers had charged at their teacher by that point and Raphael was the first one to try to attack by jumping up and was on his way down, both fists raised. Splinter ducked his punch, and moved aside when Donatello aimed a kick at him and missed. Eclipse attempted a spinning back kick but Splinter dodged the kick, sliding to the left.

Briana then attempted to kick as an attempt to knock the mutant rat off of his feet but he ducked. Donatello ran up again and aimed to kick, but once again, he just ducked under it, shot his arm out, and knocked Donatello off of his feet. Donatello spun in the air before Splinter kicked him out, sending him into Eclipse, and the two mutant turtles fell. Briana jumped up, somersaulting over his head. She landed in front of him and swung up her leg to kick him but the mutant rat grabbed her leg, swung his foot out, knocking Briana off her balance before sending her into Raphael as the two fell.

The only ones that remained standing were Leonardo and Henry. At the same time, the two charged, just as Splinter swung his arm out only to missed when the two teenagers rolled underneath it. Then, as quickly as he could, Henry swept his leg out and actually managed to knock their teacher off his balance that gave Leonardo the chance to draw back his fist and swing it forward, a loud smack was heard as his fist collided into the mutant rat's face.

Both Henry and Leonardo felt their jaws dropped open in shock. Not once had any of them had been able to knock Splinter off his balance or even touch him . This was the first time it'd ever happened before!

Their eyes widened in horror with panic on their faces. "Ah! Sensei, we're sorry! Weโ€”"

The two were cut off when Splinter swept his leg out, knocking Henry onto the ground before grabbing Leonardo's wrist and flipped him over next to where Henry laid on the ground.

"Uh-oh," Eclipse muttered.

"Oh, man, Leo and Henry are goners." Donatello said worriedly.

"Oh, no-de do-de!" Michelangelo exclaimed.

There came a small pause as Splinter then lowered his fist and released the two teenagers. "Well done, Leonardo, Henry," Splinter said proudly. "But just when you both had the advantage, you two hesitated. And that made you both vulnerable."

"Hai... sensei," the two grunted before pushing themselves off the floor.

"Now, that is all for today," Splinter said as he strode over to his room with his arms folded behind his back. Just as he reached the door, he stopped. "Unless you care for a rematch?"

"No thanks!"

"I'm good."

"Yeah, I think we're all set here."

The moment that Splinter had gone into his room and closed the door, the rest of the others had quickly rushed up towards Leonardo and Henry. "Guys!" Michelangelo said as they raced up to them.

"Not bad." Raphael said, genuinely impressed as he folded his arms.

"Yeah, that was definitely cool." Eclipse admitted.

"I can't believe you guys actually tagged Sensei!" Donatello exclaimed. "That was epic!"

"You guys actually did it!" Briana said.

Michelangelo stared at Leonardo and Henry as if they were the Holy Grail. "The leaders that tagged Splinter..." he breathed, beaming. "You know, you guys can never get a shower again."

"Gotta say, guys, it was all teamwork." Leonardo said.

"Yeah, we're definitely getting better." Henry added.

"Think we might be catching up to Splinter?" Donatello questioned.

"Yeah, maybe soon we won't need him to train us at all." Michelangelo said.

The idea of them no longer needing Splinter to train them? The seven of them couldn't help but laugh at that idea. None of them saw that happening anytime soon. It was clear that their teamwork was definitely coming along and they were getting better to working as a team but there was no way that any of them could be as good as Splinter was, right? Splinter was a ninja master! Would they ever managed to get to his level?


"YOU HAVE TWO lives left, Mikey," Henry said, sitting on the couch next to Eclipse as the two of them were holding controllers in their hands. The three of them had been playing Super Mario Brothers and Henry and Eclipse had their characters (Eclipse was playing as Mario and Henry was playing as Toad) waiting for Michelangelo's character to catch up to them since his character would fall behind and fall right into the lava. "You can't die again."

"Mikey, if you can't get past this part, we can do it for you." Eclipse suggested as well.

"It's okay, I got it." Michelangelo said as he messed with his controls to make Luigi jump up and past the obstacles. "Easy..." he whispered as he managed to make Luigi jumped onto the same platform as Mario and Toad. "Yes!"

"About time." Eclipse said.

Michelangelo was so glad that he made it that he started to make his character do victory flips. However, at the last flip, Luigi fell off the platform and straight into the lava.

"MIKEY!" Henry and Eclipse yelled.

"Mamma mia, it's impossible!" Michelangelo groaned with a fake Italian accent that sounded terrible as he threw down his controller. Henry and Eclipse blinked at the sudden, yet terrible impression of an Italian accent that he just did before they started snickering. "Alright, one more time!" He suddenly said, grabbing his controller.

"You have one more life now, just give us the controller and we'll get you up there." Henry said.

Before the orange masked mutant turtle could said something, a loud scream of pain pierced through the air that came from the dojo that grabbed their attention. The fact that the scream came from the dojo made it easy to guess who it came from. The three of them dropped their controllers, leaping to their feet and already running towards the dojo with the others following close behind. Everyone ran into the dojo where they found Splinter in the middle of the dojo, hunched over, kneeling on the ground on his knees and hands.

"Sensei, are you okay?" Donatello asked.

"I am fine," Splinter groaned lowly, holding his head with one hand.

"You sure you're alright?" Leonardo asked. "You don't seemโ€”"

Leonardo was cut off by Love Story by Taylor Swift began playing loudly. "Hey, that's Kaz's ringtone!" Briana exclaimed.

Immediately, both Raphael and Michelangelo started making loud kissing noises, obviously teasing the girl about her affection while Leonardo, Donatello, Eclipse, and Henry just smirked at her. Briana blushed bright red from their teasing before she playfully swatted Raphael's and Michelangelo's faces away from her. She took out her T-Phone and answered. "Kaz, h-hey!" She cleared her throat while the others watched with amused smirks on their faces at the girl's stuttering. "I meanโ€”Kaz, w-what's u-up?" The others shook their heads from how amusing it was to watch. "Gah! I meanโ€”" Briana's face was bright red from blushing as she looked relieved that Kaz started explaining what was going on through the other side of the phone, stopping her stuttering. "Uh-huh. Uh-huh... alright, don't worry! We're on our way!" She hung up, putting the phone in her pocket.

"What did he said?" Eclipse asked.

Briana stared at them as she nervously scratched the back of her neck sheepishly. "About that... I don't know if I know how to explain it."


NONE OF THEM seemed to know how or why but by the time they made it topside, the streets were swarming with rats. It was to the point that you couldn't even see the streets or the sidewalks because all you saw was the army of rats running through the streets. "Oh, wow, the city is so beautiful in the daytime," Michelangelo said as they leapt over another building. "Except for the, you know... billions of rats."

"Trust me, it's better without the rats." Boy Danger told him.

"Actually," Donatello said. "The entire rat population of New York is only about thirty-six million andโ€”"

"Not the time!" "I will smack you outta your shell!" Raphael and Eclipse shouted in unison.

"Uh, guys," Leonardo said from ahead. "We may have a problem."

They all ran up and skidded to a halt by the edge of the roof, looking out into the street. A sea of rats covered the roads and sidewalks below them and clinging for life to a nearby telephone pole was April and Kazโ€”although Kaz was hovering above the pole just a little while he held on to it, thanks to his flying ability, but not as much as anybody would noticed since his mother doesn't want any strangers to know about her son's powers. The only ones that knew about his powers wereโ€”besides his mother as she was the only one that knew about his powers, were his friends.

"Oh, rats!" Michelangelo exclaimed then giggled. "Get it?"

"For the fourteenth time, yes!" Raphael snapped.

"April! Kaz!" Leonardo called out, getting their attention.


"How the heck did you even get up there?"

"I don't know!"

"We're coming! Don't go anywhere!" Donatello called out.

"Where could we possibly go?"

Then, the seven teenagers pulled out their grappling hooks, spinning the ends around their heads before tossing them out. The hooks shot forward, embedding themselves into the post as the seven of them swung from the edge of the roof, catching themselves against the pole with their feet then while gripping onto the rope, they all started climbing.

A rat crawled up Raphael's shell, and he growled, smacking it off. But then, another rat crawled on top of his head. "These stupid rats are starting to get on my nerves!" He grunted angrily.

"Rats aren't stupid," Donatello said. "Despite their small brain size, they're remarkablyโ€”" Raphael grabbed the rat on his head and threw it at his brother. The creature hit Donatello in the face. "Ow!" The purple masked mutant turtle then glared up at his brother, who already had another rat in his hand, ready to throw it.

"I warned yah," Raphael said simply.

"Raph," Leonardo said firmly. "Put down the rat and keep climbing."

Raphael rolled his eyes and tossed the rat away before he continued to climb up. But then, a loud creaking noise started, and suddenly, the pole began to shift. It leaned sharply to one side, causing April to slip and fall off the top of the pole. Luckily, Donatello reacted in time as he jumped off the post and swung around. He grabbed April in time and swung around back, landing back on the post.

"As long as Donnie's here, you have nothing toโ€”" the creaking got louder and louder, and the poke shifted even more. "Oh, boy..."

With the rats still chewing at the base of the pole, the post suddenly gave a huge lurch and started leaning to one side. As they all held on tight, they all yelled as the pole fell toward the ground but the cables attached to another telephone pole stopped the thing from falling.

"Okay, I appreciate you guys coming to help, but how is this better than getting eaten by rats?" April asked.

"At least it'll be quick," Michelangelo said. "With rats they chew, and chew, and chew, and chew... and chew..."

"We get it." Kaz said.

"Let's keep moving," Leonardo told everyone.

Then, they all stood carefully on the post and kept their balance carefully. Snap! One of the cables holding the post snapped, and the thing lurched. At once, they all bolted for the end. Snap! The other cable broke as it caused the other end of the pole to lean down and hit the ground while the end they were on snapped up, sending them flying. They all landed hard on top of a roof before they pushed themselves onto their feet.

Leonardo stepped forward and pointed down at the army of rats. "Chew on that, ratfinks!" Everyone stared at him with raised eyebrows. "Oh, come on! That sounded cool!"

"Not the coolest thing you could say, Leo." Boy Danger told him.

"Does anyone know what's going on?" Kaz asked.

"I'm not sure," Donatello said. "But whatever this is, this attack is extremely well coordinated. Obviously, there is a higher intelligence at work here."

"Well, that rules out Mikey." Raphael said as the youngest brother glared at him.

"I'm serious," Donatello said. "Someone or something is controlling every rat in the city."

Eclipse felt her eyes widened. "Wait, every rat?"

"That means Sensei could be..." Captain Violet trailed off.


EVERYONE HAD RUSHED back to the lair to check on the mutant rat, hoping that he was fine. When they got to the lair, Splinter was laying on his futon, eyes closed and arms folded across his chest, looking like he was sleeping. "Is he okay?" April asked.

"I don't know," Leonardo said honestly.

"Donnie, you're the smart one! What do we do?" Raphael demanded urgently.

"M-maybe we should... poke him?" Donatello said.

"Good idea," Leonardo said. "Mikey, poke him."

"No way! I'm not poking him, you poke him!"

"We'll put it to a vote, okay?" Boy Danger said.

"Mikey," Leonardo, Raphael, Boy Danger, Eclipse, Donatello, and Captain Violet said in unison.

"I want a recount!" Michelangelo said as Donatello handed him his bo staff. He groaned as he took the weapon. "Ugh... fine!"

Michelangelo stepped forward, hesitated as he inched closer to the mutant rat, staff trembling in his hands. Michelangelo lowered the end of the weapon closer and closer to their teacher's face while the others hovered over his shoulder as the staff got closer.

"Easy! Easy..." Donatello warned lowly. "Careful not to squeezeโ€”"

Suddenly, the blade shot out, just barely missing the mutant rat's nose. The seven of them screamed, jumping back, tripping over each other. Raphael even fell down and landed on his shell. Panicked, Michelangelo threw down the bo staff and stepped back, looking frightened.

Donatello walked forward and picked it up. "Okay," he said, shoving the staff into his brother's hands. "Let's try it from the other end!"

Michelangelo shook his head fearfully but his brother had already pushed him forward. Michelangelo inched forward and quickly poked their teacher's chest. He flinched back, as if he was ready for the mutant rat to react but it didn't happened. Michelangelo then straightened up, poking Splinter in several different places and yet, nothing happened.

"Wow, he's totally out of it." Michelangelo lifted the staff again and started poking Splinter's nose. He giggled. "Dudes! Dudettes! Check out the nose-nuggets!"

Donatello facepalmed, shaking his head while Eclipse helped Raphael back onto his feet since he was still on the ground. "So, now what do we do?" Captain Violet asked.

"I don't know," Leonardo said honestly. "Should we wait for him to wake up?"

"That's probably the only thing we can do." Boy Danger said.

"Mikey, knock it off." Eclipse told him, everyone turning back to the orange masked mutant turtle that was still messing with the mutant rat's face.

But he continued to play with Splinter's face. "Michelangelo is awesome!" He said in a very poor Japanese accent. "He is the smartest, handsomest, butt-kicking-est of all myโ€”" suddenly, Splinter's eyes then shot open. Before anyone could do anything, he grabbed the bo staff and swung it around, Michelangelo shot forward and slammed into the stairs. "...children." He finished weakly.

Splinter was now using the bo staff as support. "Sensei, are you okay?" Leonardo asked.

"No, Leonardo," Splinter said, giving Donatello his staff back. "I am not. It would appear that your former adversary, Dr. Falco, has returned."

"Falco's behind this?" Donatello asked. "How is that possible?"

Splinter held his head gingerly as he walked towards the dojo. Silently, everyone else followed. "Somehow, he has acquired a telepathic connection with every rat in the city. And now he calls himself 'The Rat King.'"

"Oh, great!" Michelangelo snapped. "So now we're letting the bad guys name themselves? We gotta take him down!"

"Yes, Michelangelo, you do," Splinter agreed. "The Rat King will not rest until he has total control of this city... and my mind."

"Sensei?" Eclipse asked.

Splinter didn't answer. He looks over to the bookshelf and walks over to his shrine that held the picture of his human family. He reached up and took the picture down, holding it in his hands. "Everything I knew is gone. My wife, my daughter, my clan... even my humanity." He turned his gaze over to them. "You seven are all I have left."

"Don't you worry, Sensei," Raphael said as he punched his fist into his palm. "We'll stop him."

"But we gotta find him first." Donatello said.

"When the Rat King attempted to take control of me," Splinter said. "I could see into his mind. You will find his lair in an abandoned utility junction beneath Harold Square."

"Let's go play exterminator!" Raphael told the others enthusiastically.

Splinter suddenly yelled out in pain, dropping the photo as he hunched forward, grabbing his head. Leonardo, Boy Danger, April, and Kaz ran forward.

"Fight him, sensei." Leonardo said.

"I will, just... hurry." Splinter straightened up.

"It's okay, guys," April said reassuringly. "You go after the Rat King."

"We'll stay with Sensei." Kaz added.

They nodded and just as the seven of them began leaving, Boy Danger couldn't help but stare at the fallen picture in silence before he bent down and picked it up. He flipped it over to look at the photo and noticed the blue masked mutant turtle doing the same.

Shaking his head, Boy Danger snapped out of his thoughts. "Leo, come on, we have to go."

Leonardo nodded and the two of them left the dojo, hoping that they can stop the Rat King before its too late.


"WHAT'S GONNA HAPPEN to Splinter if we can't stop the Rat King?" Michelangelo questioned as they walked through the sewers once Leonardo and Boy Danger thought that they had a solid plan. "Which, by the way, lamest villain name ever!"

"Let it go, already!" Eclipse told him.

"We're gonna stop the Rat King, and Splinter's gonna be fine." Raphael said firmly. "Right, Leo, Danger?"

Neither Leonardo or Boy Danger answered, not sure of how to answer that as the two snuck a glance at the other. Then, Boy Danger's ears perked up at the sound of tiny squeaking, grabbing his attention. "Do you guys hear that?" He questioned.

No one said anything as they heard the sound. The moment that they looked behind them, a huge wave of rats came swarming in from the other end of the tunnel. "You gotta be kidding me." Raphael grumbled.

"Oh, raโ€”"

"Don't," Captain Violet warned. "If you say it, Raph's gonna kill you."

"Uh, Leo, Danger?" Eclipse asked. "Any ideas?"

"Just one," Leonardo said. "Move!"

They turned and bolted. The squeaking rats followed right on their tails as they sprinted down the sewer tunnel. Then, the seven teenagers jumped and grabbed onto the pipes on the roof. However, Michelangelo kept running for some reason instead of jumping and as he jumped, he already had some rats crawling on him. He yelled, kicking most of them off before raising his legs and latching them onto the pipes.

Then, one of the rats crawled onto his head and he yelled as it bit him. "Ow! Oh, no, they've got the taste for turtle now!"

"Come on, just keep moving!" Leonardo ordered.

Holding onto the pipes tightly, they made their way through over the wave of rats. The next few minutes they spent crawling across the pipes.

"I'm just saying, I can think of a billion better names than the Rat King," Michelangelo said as they continued over the pipes. "There's Ratzilla, The Verminator, Lord Rattingtonโ€”"

"Can it, Mikey," Eclipse snapped in annoyance. "Or else it won't be Raph that kills you."

"We're almost there," Leonardo said. "The utility chamber should be on the other side of that wall."

"Uh... you mean that disgusting, furry, squirming wall?" Raphael asked.

The wall ahead was covered in thousands and thousands of rats.

"How are we supposed to get past this?" Captain Violet asked.

Boy Danger searched the area before his eyes landed on something below them. "Leo," he said, grabbing his attention as he motioned to something down below. "Down there."

Looking down, Leonardo spotted the same thing and shared a confirmation nod with Boy Danger. "Raph, those barrels. Ventilate them."

"You got it."

Keeping one hand on the pipe to hold him up, Raphael reached into his belt and took out two shurikens. He threw the stars out and they reach hit two yellow barrels that resided on the floor next to the door.

"Uh, Leo, Danger," Donatello piped up. "You do realize these chemicals are highly combustible?"

Boy Danger smirked, unconcerned. "You don't say, huh? Leo?"

Leonardo then drew one of his katanas and used it to cut the electric cord lining the wall above. The thing sparked as it fell and hit the barrels, causing it to explode. Not only did the explosion blew the rats away but it created a hole in the wall for them to go through.


ONCE THEY MADE it inside the wall, they finally found the utility junction. It was completely rundown and falling apart as some of the lights were lighting the room while the rest were completely out. "Ah, my old friends," Falco said, his voice raspier than before. "We meet again."

"Except last time, Falco, you weren't wearing a sad Halloween costume."

While the seven teenagers found the comment funny and laughed a little, Falco didn't find it amusing at all. "I am the Rat King!"

Michelangelo coughed loudly. "Lame." He said lowly.

"Sorry," Leonardo said. "We don't have any treats for you, but we've got a few tricks."

Then, suddenly, Briana's Love Story by Taylor Swift ringtone for Kaz started playing as the seven of them froze and Captain Violet felt her face turned red in embarrassment. "Not the best moment for your boyfriend to call, Violet," Raphael teased.

Captain Violet felt her cheeks turned redder before she quickly turned around, taking out her phone as she answered. "Uh, Kaz, now's not really the best timeโ€”"

"Bri, it's Splinter. He's gone!"

"Wait, gone?" Captain Violet asked. "Where is he?"


Everyone froze at the new, yet familiar voice as they all slowly turned to see Splinter stepping out from behind a wall. The mutant rat's eyes were glowing red and bright.

"Uh, never mind, we find him." Captain Violet said into the phone. "Gotta go."

"What's wrong with him?" Eclipse asked.

"It's like his brain is completely turned off." Donatello answered.

"You mean like Mikey?" Both Raphael and Michelangelo asked at the same time. To which, Raphael glared at his brother, who frowned at him.

"Dude, you are so predictable."

"Sensei, snap out of it!"

"You waste your words," Splinter said, his voice monotone. "This is where I belongโ€”with my brothers."

"He is mine now," the Rat King said. "Imagine my delight when I realized that controlling your master would not only make me invincible, but would also be the key to your demise!" The Rat King then threw back his head and laughed. "Splinter. Destroy them."

Silently, Splinter began to descend down the flight of stairs, leading to their level.

"Uh, are we really gonna do this?" Donatello asked, taking out his bo staff.

"We don't have a choice," Leonardo said, taking out his katanas.

"Remember, we did beat him once," Raphael said as he took out his sais. "Kind of..."

"Yeah, and we can beat him again." Boy Danger said, taking out his twin swords.

"We can do this, guys. Do not hesitate." Leonardo told his team.

As Splinter drew his sword to the side, the seven teenagers immediately got ready in a defensive stance. Boy Danger took in a deep breath as he could've swore that he heard a voice in his head. "Protect your pack, you have to." The voice growled inside his head.

He barely registered Leonardo saying his next words as he snapped out of it. "Take. Sensei. Down."

Their movement was in an instant as the seven of them quickly leapt to attack. But their attacks did nothing as Splinter easily dodged their attacks before sending each one of them flying.

"I just had a horrible realization..." Donatello said as his eyes widened with a fearful expression. "He's been going easy on us all these years!"

The whole fight wasn't going their way as each one of them were struggling to fight against the mutant rat. Boy Danger attempted to surprise-attack the mutant rat from behind but Splinter was fast enough to dodge the attack, then he knocked Boy Danger onto the ground. As the others called out towards him, Splinter placed a foot on his chest and held the sword to his face, ready to strike but Boy Danger was able to keep the sword away from his face by grabbing onto him.

"Sensei, wait!"

"Finish him," the Rat King ordered.

"Remember who you are!" Leonardo said, pulling out the picture of Splinter and his family. "Hamato Yoshi!"

Splinter hesitated, his eyes narrowed.

"Now!" Boy Danger called out.

At once, Donatello, Raphael, and Eclipse sprang forward and pushed the mutant rat off of Boy Danger and to the floor. Boy Danger then pushed himself up as Leonardo, Captain Violet, and Michelangelo ran forward alongside the others. Both Boy Danger and Leonardo placed a foot on Splinter's back to keep him down. "Please... father," Leonardo pleaded. "We need you!"

"You have to fight it, sensei," Boy Danger added. "You're stronger than the Rat King."

"Don't listen to them, brother!" Rat King said from behind them. "Your place is with me!"

Splinter stiffened then opened his eyes. He let out a yell as he flipped over, knocking the seven of them down. Before Leonardo could move, Splinter pointed a sword at him but then, the mutant rat lowered his head, closing his eyes. "My place..." he snapped his head and opened his eyes. "... is with my children!"

Splinter sprang to his feet, running straight for the Rat King. He drew back his arm and shot it forward, holding out two fingers. They hit the Rat King, and the man shot back in one powerful blast. He slammed into a pillar and collapsed in a heap to the ground, unconscious.

The seven teenagers stood still for a second as they blinked. Then, they all ran forward and embraced their teacher in a tight hug while Splinter smiled down at them. "Sensei!"

The sound of squeaking caught their attention as they turned their heads to see a sea of rats appeared to have consumed the figure of the Rat King. And as they departed, his body was gone.

"And that's the last we'll see of... Count Ratcula!" Michelangelo said before he frowned. "Yeah, alright, it's Rat King. But I'm naming the next one!"


HENRY AND LEONARDO both walked into the dojo as they made their way straight to the mutant rat. "Sensei, are you sure you're okay?" Leonardo asked.

Splinter looked over at them. "I am fine, thanks to you. You both did well, my sons."

"Thank you, Sensei," Henry said before he and Leonardo shared a grin. "Well, you did hesitate. And hesitation leads to vulnerability."

"We did pretty good too, huh?"

They looked to see the others standing in the entrance of the dojo with grins on their faces. "Yes," Splinter admitted. "I am very proud of you all."

"Who knows?" Leonardo asked. "Maybe someday we'll be better martial artists than you."

"Remember, my son," Splinter said wisely. "Everything you know, I have shown you..." he grinned as he grabbed Leonardo's wrist, spun around, and threw him across the room. His shell hit the wall and he slid to the floor. Henry stared for a few seconds as he held back his snickers. "... but I have not shown you everything I know," he finished.

"It's great to have you back, sensei." Leonardo said hoarsely.

Splinter chuckled and began to head for his room while Henry, Raphael, Donatello, Michelangelo, Eclipse, and Briana stood over him, laughing at him.


LATE THAT NIGHT, Briana was once again tossing and turning in her bed as everyone had gone to bed for the night. As she tossed and turned, she was also mumbling under her breath in her sleep with sweat running profusely down her face.

The world was on fire as blood was all over the place while dead bodies littered the ground. A kingdom laid in ruins as tore flags with a crystal star on it laid in the pools of blood and at the center of all the destruction and death stood two peopleโ€”both covered in scars, wounds, and blood. One of them seemed to be unknown due to the black hood and mask that covered their entire body while the second person to be Briana herself, except more older, had tips of dried blood in her purple hair, blood ran down the side of her face, scars, wounds, and bruises littered her body, and her clothes had holes in them as if they had been ripped apart. The only difference with her is that instead of sapphire blue, her eyes were now evil redโ€”a sign to show that it was Unagami in control of her.

The hooded figure stared up at her, breathing heavily as their legs wobbled out from underneath them. "The prophecy was right," the figure spoke. "The last Destroyer is here."

Briana smirked evilly, bending down to pick up the katana blade that was on the ground before walking over to the figure.

"How does it sound? All that power coursing through your veins? Did you enjoy it? Slaughtering everyone and everything you cared about? And now, here you are, about to destroy the world." The hooded figure questioned.

"Well, it's like everyone says," Briana said, her voice sounding more demonicโ€”another sign to show that this was Unagami in control of her. "I'm the villain of my story. And villains don't care about anything, don't they?"

"Now, what are you gonna do? You've got no familyโ€”everyone and everything you've cared about is dead." The hooded figure.

"What am I going to do?" Briana said before she chuckled lowly, staring the hooded figure down with a smirk. "Well, that's easy. Once I fulfilled the prophecy and become the last Destroyer, I'm going to make the new world into my own image but first... I think it's about time we said goodbye."

And with no hesitation at all, Briana then drove her sword into the hooded figure's chest, smirking mercilessly as she watched the life drained away from the hooded figure's body. Then, Briana couldn't help but gasp in amazement as she felt her body absorbing the hooded figure's magic and she smiled wickedly at the pulse of power she felt coursing through her veins.

"Now, it's time..." Briana muttered to herself.

Letting her black demon wings appear on her back, she let her demon wings flapped as she flew up into the sky. Once she was high enough, she smirked down at the destruction and death below her and chuckled. And as Briana channeled her magic, she created a large ball of magic in her hands as a teal blue aura glowed around her hands and body. The glowing grew brighter and brighter and just as Briana aimed down at the world below her, she smirked and released the ball of magic as a bright light encased everything.

Briana woke up with a gasp as she shot awoke in her bed, immediately sitting up as she breathed heavily. Sweat drops can be seen running down her forehead and her hands shot up, reaching to grab her head as she hissed in pain at the multiple voices that consumed her head. Then, a small whimper grabbed her attention as she lowered her hands and placed on a fake smile before turning to Max, whose head was looking up from where he laid in his bed.

"Hey, Max," Briana whispered as she reached over and petted him behind his ears. "I'm okay, alright? Just can't sleep right, nothing else. I'm just gonna go get a glass of water and I'll be right back."

Max stared up at her before he gave a small whimper as if he was asking her if she was sure.

"I'm alright, Max," Briana said through gritted teeth as she did her best to ignore the voices and the pain in her head. "I'll be right back, just go back to sleep."

Max stared at her for a while before he went back to sleep. Then, Briana stood up from her bed and left her bedroom, quietly closing the door behind her. And as she made her room to the dojo, her right hand moved up to her head and grabbed ahold of it, hissing quietly at the pain she felt while the voices just felt like they were getting louder and louder in her head.

"It's loud, huh? There's no escaping your destiny, child." Unagami spoke from inside her head.

"Shut up," Briana muttered under her breath as she entered the dojo. "It's just a nightmare, that's it. It's not real." She kept walking till she stopped in the entrance of the dojo, both of her hands grabbing onto her purple hair as she squeezed her eyes shut and gritted her teeth through the pain.

"But is it? Come on, admit it to yourself. You feel that power coursing through your veins deep down inside you, don't you? Give in to it, give in to all that darknessโ€”that painโ€”that anger." Unagami continued to taunt from inside her head.

The voices grew louder as Briana gripped her hair tighter, hissing in pain loudly.

"The prophesied last Destroyer shall destroy the world with a great sacrifice."

"The prophesied last Destroyer will be the end of the world itself."

"The prophecy states that this child will end the world in order to begin a new one but with a great sacrifice at hand. Thus, she'll forever be known as the last Destroyer."

"When the time comes of age, the prophecy states that eleven individuals shall be the guardians of the last Destroyer and shall make sure that no harm is to come to the child. The prophecy also states that the eleven guardians will one day bring the last Destroyer to the Temple of Destroyers where the child will come forward with the past Destroyers, who will give the child their magic for when the final battle is upon her."

She grits her teeth as she removes her hands from head and her eyes widened with fear at the frantic sparks of magic that continued to leave her fingertips.

"No, no, no," Briana said in a panic tone. However, the more she panicked, the frantic sparks of magic slowly turned into a bigger ball of magic. "No, noโ€”come on, stop."


At the sound of his voice, Briana felt her eyes widened in a panic when she looked over to see Splinter pushing himself onto his feet from where he was once sitting in the middle of the dojo, mediating.

"What is the matter, my daughter?"

"Sensei, I..." Briana starts to said as she took a few steps forward before coming to a halt as she hissed pain, her left hand grabbing her head tightly again. "It hurts, it hurts so much. Please make it stopโ€”just make it stop."

"Make what stop?" Splinter asked, concern written on his face.

"The voices!" Briana tells him, her right hand now grabbing her head as well. "The voicesโ€”it hurts so freaking much. I can'tโ€”"

"Briana," Splinter said as he stepped over to her, firmly yet gently as well. He hoped that the panic wasn't showing in his eyes since he knew exactly what was happening. "Listen to me very carefully, okay?" She nods, still holding onto her head. "Take a deep breathโ€”in and out, focus on anything elseโ€”get your mind to stop thinking about it," he watches as she copies his movement, her hands not moving from their spot. "Now, repeat after meโ€”conceal itโ€”"

"Conceal it," Briana repeats.

"Don't feel it."

"Don't feel it."

"Don't let it show."

"Don't let it show," Briana finishes repeating. As she and Splinter continue this for a few minutes, Briana had closed her eyes while repeating those words over and over, fighting to get her mind to think about anything else.

By the time that the voices had came to an end in her head and the ball of magic in her right hand disappeared, Briana reopened her eyes and removed her hands from her head as she felt a lot better with a empty head, especially now that the voices had quiet down, thanks to Splinter's help.

"Thank you, sensei," Briana says. "Everything... feels a lot better now."

"Of course, my daughter," Splinter said as he placed a hand on her shoulder. "Now, I do believe that it's late so head on to bed now. But if it ever hurts again, just remember what I told you just now and everything will be fine."

Briana nodded and after saying goodnight, she turned head and walked out of the dojo. However, the moment that she turned her back, she didn't notice the fearful expression in her adoptive father's eyes.

And the fact that everything about Briana was happening sooner than it was supposed to terrified him to the core.

" A monster. Some people would argue that monsters don't existโ€”that they're nothing but scary beings in fairytales but it's okay because at the end of the story, sometimes no matter what you do, you just can't escape the monster. And in this case, the monster happened to be me. "

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