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A/N: Eclipse belongs to GeekyCookie1.


"Cockroaches. Yeah, you guessed it. I'm terrified of them."

"LET'S GO, LEO! I'm starving!" Michelangelo whined as Leonardo came over with two bowls of ramen in his hands, giving one to his brother. Raphael, Eclipse, and Briana already had their own bowls of ramen. "Yeah, boy! Ramen!" He cheered.

Eclipse shook her head as she used her chopsticks to go back to eating her ramen. Catching movement from the corner of her eye, Eclipse looked over to see a cockroach wearing some kind of equipment on the table. She blinked as she watched the cockroach stared at her and she could've swore that there's a camera on it. She watched as the bug then looked away before crawling away and crawled towards Leonardo, who stared at it. Then, the cockroach crawled over to Michelangelo, who had noodles spilling from his mouth, as he stared at the thing. Then, the roach started heading towards Raphael and Briana.

The bug crawled up the bowl and onto the end of Raphael's chopsticks just as he lifted them to his mouth. He stopped when he saw the silence and for a moment, there was silence.

Raphael screamed at the top of his lungs as he threw his chopsticks and shoved his bowl off the table. "ROACH! ROACH!"

The moment that Briana noticed the bug on the table, a piercing scream left her lips as she jumped up from the table, wanting nothing to do with the bug.

Leonardo, Eclipse, and Michelangelo just sat there staring at the two, who took out their weapons and immediately began stabbing at the roach, who just jumped back out of the way. The other three mutant turtles grabbed their bowls out of the way as Raphael started crawling on the table, trying to stab the bug and Briana kept trying to cut the roach in half with her sword. Raphael fell over the edge and got back into his feet, running after the roach with Briana.

The curtains to the kitchen opened and Donatello came running, holding his laptop. "Stop! Stop! You'll smash him!"

"That's the idea!" Raphael snapped.

"Yeah, I don't want it alive!" Briana said.

The roach ran away from the two and straight towards Donatello, who placed his laptop onto the table and quickly kneeled down so that the bug would crawl onto his hand. Donatello covered the bug with his hand, causing both Raphael and Briana to stop.

"You can't smash this roach, okay?" Donatello said. Both Briana and Raphael lowered their weapons and Donatello peered inside his closed palms. He smiled as he opened to show the roach, fully intact and squeaking loudly. "He's special." He said as he lifted the roach to his face, and the bug nuzzled against him. He looked over them and lifted his hands so the roach was in full view. "Really special..."

Eclipse sighed. "Okay, I'm gonna regret asking this but, why is he special, Donnie?"

Donatello smiled. "Because, I outfitted him with a remote-controller camera helmet!"

"Well, that explains why you're special." Leonardo said with a smirk.

Donatello then continued, "That way, we can send him into TCRI to spy on the kranng! This camera allows us to see whatever the roach sees."

They all walked over to stand behind Donatello as he pressed a button on the keyboard. At once, a video of Raphael and Briana screaming in terror popped up.

Michelangelo burst into laugher. "This is awesome! Big, tough Raph and little Bri are scared of cockroaches!"

Briana blushed in embarrassment while Raphael snapped. "We are not!"

"Oh, really? Let's go to the video!" Michelangelo said as he rewind the video then clicked play. "This is my favorite part right here!" Raphael and Briana screaming came up again and Michelangelo paused it, laughing at the sight. "Donnie, can I get this on a T-shirt?"

"You wanna see my favorite part?" Raphael asked angrily. He snatched his brother by the shoulders and turned him around. Donatello managed to grab his laptop out of the way before Raphael threw his brother over the table, Michelangelo falling to the ground as he groaned.

"We're gonna spy on the kranng, with a cockroach!" Donatello said proudly, raising the roach into the air.

"Does it have to be a cockroach?" Briana whined, already hating the Spy-Roach.


"COME ON, ROACH number one, make papa proud..."

The seven teenagers were currently inside the ShellRaiser, sitting near TCRI after they had picked Henry up. Michelangelo, of course, hadn't wasted any time in telling Henry all about what happened when Donatello showed them the Spy-Roach, which earned him a smack to the back of the head by Raphael.

The seven of them were huddled around Briana's and Donatello's seats, looking at the screen in front of them. By now, the spy-roach had already infiltrated the building using the little saw it had attached to him, and was now scurrying around, being led and moved by the remote control Donatello had in his hand.

The roach walked around a corner, and suddenly two kranng droids appeared, both standing in front of a large tank of mutagen.

"Kranng has been on the diet known as 'glutton free.' Kranng has already lost 13 Kranng units of weight."

Donatello moved the joystick of his controller, making the roach move away from the droids. The roach then crawled up a support beam and the image on the screen in front of them leveled out. The roach walked along the beam, and then two other droids appeared toward the bottom right corner of the screen.

"Wait, what are those guys talking?" Leonardo asked. "Can you get closer?"

Donatello turned the joystick a bit, and the image of the robots got larger and their voices got louder.

"That which is known as the next phase of the Kranng invasion to the planet known as 'Earth' will soon begin."

The two droids were standing in front of a large, holographic image that looked like the Earth but of its different layers that lead to the core.

"That which is the laser drill a hole known as 'Earth.' That is a hole that is thirty miles deep in the earth."

Donatello then quickly plugged his t-phone into the computer and downloaded the picture of the laser drill. "Whoa," he said surprised. "They're gonna bore a hole into earth?"

"I'm guessing that's bad." Boy Danger said.

"Unless you need the city needs a giant lava fountain," Donatello said.

"Goodbye harsh winters." Raphael commented.

"Lava surfing rules!" Michelangelo said.

"No, it doesn't, Mikey," Eclipse said.

"We have to stop this." Leonardo told everyone firmly.

The kranng then continued. "To execute the plan, kranng needs to be processing that which is known as the 'diamond lens' to make work the drilling of the laser drill."

"What does that mean?" Raphael asked.

"They need a diamond lens to make their laser drill work," Donatello said. "Now, shh!"

"Kranng is already on the way to that which is called the laboratory that is having the lens that is needed by kranng."

Raphael blinked. "What?"

Donatello held back a sigh. "One of them is going to a lab to get it."

"What lab?"

"Maybe if we listen, they'll tell us!" Donatello snapped, throwing his arms out in anger. His controller knocked against the side of the car and the joysticks shifted as the screen suddenly went to static.

"Oh, thanks a lot, Raph!" Donatello snapped. "We lost the signal!"

"Me!? What the heck did I do!?"

"Okay, let's not argue about this right now," Boy Danger said as he kept Raphael and Donatello from getting into a fight, the firmness in his tone held noted, making both Raphael and Donatello quickly backing down from their glare contest as his eyes flashed yellow for a brief second before quickly going back to normal. "We got more pressing concerns at the moment."

"Donnie, is there any way for you to find out where that lab is?" Leonardo asked.

"I believe so," Donatello said, turning back to the computer. "Just give me a minute and I'll find it." Only a few minutes later, he spoke up again. "Ahaha! I think I found the diamond map! Now, it's a bit blurry, but maybe we could follow it to the laboratory."

"We don't have much time till the kranng drill fires," Leonardo said. "Let's go!"

At once, everyone went to their stations but as Leonardo stepped on the gas, it wasn't even till five seconds later when a loud sound was heard, making it feel like the car had gone over a large speed bump. Leonardo slammed his foot on the brake, and they skidded to a halt.

"Ka-thump?" Donatello asked. "That's a really bad sound."

"It sounded more like a ba-dump." Michelangelo said.

"You know, it sounded more like a flap." Eclipse said bluntly.


Raphael nodded in agreement with his sister's words and then, with a loud flap, he slapped both Donatello and Michelangelo across the face, who glared up at him as they rubbed their cheeks.

"Flap." Raphael said proudly, doing a fist bump with the golden masked mutant turtle.

Everyone unbuckled their seatbelts and going out from the ShellRaiser. Several feet away from the van was what looked like a giant bug. The moment that she saw it, Captain Violet immediately felt like throwing up as her face paled and her sapphire eyes widened, her hands moving up to her mouth as if she could keep herself from vomiting with a fearful expression on her face and her legs shook from the sudden fear that gripped her tightly.

Cautiously, they all moved over to it. Boy Danger didn't know why but for some reason, the smell of the large bug seemed to be bothering his sensitive nose as the stretch of the large insect smelled awful to himโ€”way more than a usual dead bug would normally smelt. Donatello kneeled beside it while Leonardo, Michelangelo, and Eclipse stood over him and Raphael and Captain Violet looked terrified.

"What is that?" Eclipse asked.

"It smells disgusting." Boy Danger said.

"Smells like a nasty sandwich." Michelangelo said in agreement.

Both Raphael and Captain Violet looked like they were about to be sick.

Donatello leaned in closer, examining the mess. "Oh... oh, dear." He began prodding the bug with the end of his pencil. "Would you look at that? Hideous and beautiful." He touched the end of his pencil to his chin and yelped when he realized that it was slime-covered.

"So, what is it, Donnie?" Leonardo asked.

Donatello rubbed the slime from his face. "It's my Spy-Roach."

Your what?" Raphael snapped. "Your what!?"

"That's your Spy-Roach!?" Captain Violet panicked with wide eyes as she spun around, quickly rushing back towards the car. "Nope! I'm out!"

"What the heck happened to it?" Boy Danger asked.

"It must've been exposed to some mutagen," Donatello said as he picked up one of the bug's antennas. "You see how the nav-helmet merged with its exoskeleton? We have never seen organic and inorganic matter fuse in just an amazinโ€”"

"Donnie!" Captain Violet whined, her head peeking out from the door of the ShellRaiser. "How about you explain while we're far away from this thing?"

"That's great, Donnie," Raphael said quickly in agreement. "We can discuss this some more when we're driving away at a thousand miles an hour!"

"Come on, you big babies!" Michelangelo jeered as he, Eclipse, Leonardo, and Boy Danger walked over. "What are you two worried about? We creamed it with a van! It's not like it's gonna get up and come after us!"

"Uh, guys...?"

They turned around and sure enough, the mutant roach was now on its feet, holding Donatello down by the neck. He lifted the turtle into the air, who screamed.

"Or maybe it would." Michelangelo said.

Both Raphael and Captain Violet screamed in terror and jumped back into the car as the roach tossed the purple masked mutant turtle to the side and continued forward. Leonardo, Boy Danger, Eclipse, and Michelangelo took out their weapons and attempted to keep the roach back with their weapons, but the roach only continued to move forward.

"This thing's tough!" Leonardo said.

"Naturally," Donatello said. "Cockroaches are the most resilient life forms on the planet."

"And the grossest!" Michelangelo said. The roach lifted his leg and swung it back, kicking the mutant turtle off of him. Michelangelo flew back and hit the wall, falling into a dumpster. "Sensitive roach!" He cried out.

"Where's Raph and Violet?" Boy Danger asked.

A voice from behind yelled out, "Eat hot manhole cover!"

Leonardo, Donatello, Boy Danger, and Eclipse jumped out of the way as Raphael started firing covers from the ShellRaiser. Cover after cover hit the roach head on across the chest and arms as one cover smashed into its head and the roach slowly fell back. However, an antenna twitched, and the two teenagers lost it.

"Oh, no!" The two of them started screaming while rapidly firing cover after cover at the roach.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!" Leonardo said, stopping them. "Ease up, guys! I think you got him."

The two nodded slowly. "Okay, okay." But Captain Violet fired one more, watching as the cover hit the roach right between its legs.

"What do we do with itโ€”"

"Forget the roach!" Leonardo snapped. "We gotta stop the kranng before they destroy earth."

"So, we're leaving," Captain Violet said as she quickly headed towards the entrance. "Let's go then!"

"Yep, Leo's right," Raphael said quickly. "We gotta go!"

"You two just wanna get away from that thing!" Michelangelo said accusingly, pointing a finger at them.

Raphael glared daggers at him. "Is that so wrong?" He snapped, gesturing to his left before he noticed something. "Oh, no, it's gone!"

"It's what!?" Captain Violet panicked, her sapphire eyes going wide in fear.

"Where'd it go?" Eclipse asked.

"Who cares! Can we please get out of here?" Captain Violet begged, already climbing into the car quickly. "Leo, if you don't get in here, I swear I'm gonna drive out of here!"

Leonardo doesn't hesitate to quickly climb inside the car, calling out. "You're fourteen! You can't even drive yet!"

"Then, sit down and start the engine already!" Captain Violet can be heard whining from the inside of the car before she yelled out. "Guys, hurry up and get in already!"

Once the others were inside and sitting at their stations, Leonardo drove off.


THEY DROVE FOR what felt like a few minutes until they caught up to the kranng at the laboratory. "There's the van!" Donatello called out, seeing the white van and two droids holding the diamond lens. "They must've picked up the lens."

"Ram that sucker!" Raphael barked.

Leonardo slammed his foot on the gas, and the ShellRaiser shot forward, slamming head-on into the side of the white van. The smaller vehicle went tumbling in circles, back doors flying open as the lens fell out of the white van while the van came to a halt. Leonardo stopped the car immediately and the seven of them jumped out with their weapons drawn.

"Halt, kranng!" Leonardo called out.

"The halting of the kranng is not a thing that the ones who are the 'turtles, Captain Violet, and Boy Danger' will be doing to the kranng." A disguised kranng said.

"Wrong!" Leonardo objected. "The halting of kranng is exactly the ones who areโ€”ugh, just halt!"

"Which should we save first?" Donatello asked irritably. "The world or the English language?"

"I got the lens!" Raphael shouted, dragging the box towards them.

Suddenly, the Spy-Roach landed on the white van with a loud thud and immediately, both Raphael and Captain Violet yelped and jumped back several feetโ€”Raphael dropping the box in the progress. The mutant roach lifted a large object in his hands that happened to be a kranng gun and began firing at them. However, the mutant roach was a better shot than the alien robots as within seconds, the alien robots were already down. Then, the Spy-Roach jumped down from the van and looked directly at the van.

"Mikey, Donnie, you take the roach with Danger," Leonardo said. "Raph, Clips, Vi, we'll get the lens."

However, while Donatello, Michelangelo, and Boy Danger handled the mutant roach while Leonardo and Eclipse went after the lens, two of them weren't seen throughout the fight and those two people were none other than Raphael and Captain Violet, who were too busy hiding behind the ShellRaiser.

"I'm not afraid of a stupid bug, I'm not afraid of a stupid bug." Captain Violet muttered to herself, hiding behind the car with her brother.

But then, the ShellRaiser was suddenly moved, causing the two of them to freeze. They slowly looked to see the mutant roach standing over them as they both yelped.

"Scratch that! Definitely afraid, definitely afraid!" Captain Violet said, running after her brother as the two hid behind another parked car again a few spots away.

"Wait a minute, we're ninjas!" Raphael said as he remained behind the car. "Why are we scared of a stupid bug?"

"Because it's a cockroach?" Captain Violet reminded, not making the move to step out from where they were hiding behind.

Suddenly, the sound of a vehicle hitting something grabbed their attention and they both peeked out to see a large truck zooming off after hitting the mutant roach.

"How's that grill taste, bug?" She heard Michelangelo shout after the bug.

Raphael was about to step out when a voice stopped him. "Raphie." Captain Violet said quietly with a frown.

Immediately, at the sound of her soft voice, he turns around to see the frown plastered on her face with the guilt written in her eyes. "Leo's gonna be mad with us," Captain Violet said softly. "The kranng probably got away with the lens because of us."

Raphael frowned lightly as he brought an arm around her shoulder and pulled her close to him, giving her a gentle squeeze. "Hey, it'll be okay," he said. "We'll get through it together, okay?"

She nodded, but he could still see the guilt that remained in her eyes before it was replaced with a small smile that was given towards him. Then, the two of them headed back to the others who had placed their weapons away.

"Where's the diamond?" Boy Danger asked once he spotted them coming over.

Both Raphael and Captain Violet glanced at the groundโ€”Captain Violet not meeting anyone's eyes though. "Uh..."

"They lost it." They all turned to see Leonardo and Eclipse walking overโ€”Leonardo seemed more upset than the golden masked mutant turtle. "Raph, Vi, where were you two?"

"We were busy!" Raphael defended themselves.

"Busy cowering in terror!"

Raphael glared at his brother but didn't said anything, knowing that he didn't have anything to said that could make it better. Captain Violet hadn't met anyone's eyes and kept her gaze slightly on the ground, mentally cursing herself out for what happened.

"We gotta find the drill before the kranng cracks open Manhattan like an egg." Boy Danger said, cutting in before Leonardo could even scold Raphael and Captain Violet. "We don't have time for that, Leo."

Knowing that he was right, everyone but Raphael and Captain Violet headed for the ShellRaiser. Raphael sighed and was about to rush after them when he noticed that she wasn't following.

"Vi, come on." Raphael said softly.

"He's mad." Captain Violet said softly with a frown, hating that her brother was upset with them.

"Hey, it's okay," Raphael assured her. "Everything's gonna work out fine."

Although she wasn't sure of that, she nodded and followed him towards the ShellRaiser.


IT WAS COMPLETELY awkward and silent inside the ShellRaiser. Leonardo was fuming while he drove the vehicle while both Raphael and Captain Violet looked ashamed and angry with themselves. Neither Boy Danger, Donatello, Michelangelo, or Eclipse dared to said anything to try to break the tension, knowing that it would just make things worse and that was the last thing they needed. Captain Violet wouldn't meet anyone's eyes except for Raphael, who would occasionally look back to glance over at her.

"You both blew it, Raph, Vi," Leonardo said sternly. "You gotta get your heads together."

"We know," Raphael said lowly. "This stupid phobia's gonna get the whole team killed. Listen, I'm... I'm sorry, Leo."

"I'm sorry too." Captain Violet whispered quietly.

Leonardo's eyes softened.

"Guys," Donatello said, and several screens pulled up the image of a map of Manhattan. "Okay, here's a map of known kranng facilities, and here's a map of the fault line in New York City. Now, if the kranng are gonna drill into the earth's crust, then this is where they'd do it."

"Alright then, guys," Leonardo said. "We got a little more time before the kranng start drilling. We better get there fast."

He pressed on the gas a little more and a for few minutes, it was silent. Then, a loud bump was heard followed by the sound of a running chainsaw.

"Uh, what's that sound?" Eclipse asked.

"I don't see anything outside," Donatello said as he looked at the screen. Then his eyes widened. "Uh oh..."

"What is it?" Boy Danger asked.

"It's the roach. He's back!"

"What!?" Both Raphael and Captain Violet said, leaping out of their seats. "Where!? Where the heck is he!?"

The sound of a running chainsaw could still be heard underneath the van. "He's underneath the van!" Raphael screamed, going onto Donatello. "He's underneath the van!"

The van swerved hard to the right against the blue masked mutant turtle's will as they came to a sudden, jerky stop. Leonardo pressed on the gas but nothing happened. "He cut the drive shaft!?" Captain Violet panicked.

"How does he keep finding us?" Leonardo asked.

"Hm... well, he could be using the homing signal I set up so the spy-roach could find his way back to the van." Donatello said.

"You did what!?" Boy Danger exclaimed.

"There's a homing signal!?" Leonardo snapped.

"Are you kidding me!?" Eclipse asked.

"Dude, even I would've turned that off." Michelangelo said.

Donatello glared. "Excuse me, Mikey, I've been a little distracted." He turned and started typing on his computer. "Maybe I can use the signal to tap into his camera to see what he's seeing."

"None of this makes sense," Raphael said. "Why is he so mad at us?"

"And... got it." Donatello said as he pressed enter. On every screen in the van, the video of both Raphael and Briana trying to smash the roach earlier played over and over, their screams echoing throughout the van.

"Aw, sewer apples." "Oh, crud." Both Raphael and Captain Violet said in unison.

"I don't think he's mad at us," Donatello said as he looked at his brother and sister. "I think he's mad at you two."

Michelangelo couldn't help but laugh. "Wow, that stinks for someone who's afraid of roaches."

Raphael glared at him. "Irony, got it, thanks."

"Anymore surprises we need to know?" Captain Violet asked with a sigh. Then, a chainsaw burst through the floor. "He has a chainsaw!?" Captain Violet spun around to face her brother as she grabbed him and started shaking him. "You gave him a chainsaw!?"

Boy Danger drew his twin swords and sliced the chainsaw off its cord. "Not anymore!" He said.

"Donnie, the rest of us will keep the roach busyโ€”" Leonardo started.

"We will?" Both Raphael and Captain Violet asked fearfully.

Leonardo grabbed his brother by his plastron and yanked him up. "Yes!" He said firmly.

"You gotta fix the ShellRaiser fast." Boy Danger finished, looking over at the purple masked mutant turtle.

Leonardo dragged Raphael outside by his plastron while Boy Danger and Eclipse followed. "Vi, let go!" A voice called out.

They turned around to see Captain Violet holding onto the ShellRaiser as if she was holding onto the edge of a rooftop for dear life while Michelangelo tried to pull her off.

"No!" Captain Violet yelled, refusing to loosen on her grip. "I am not going outside!"

While holding onto her, Michelangelo looked towards the others. "A little help?" He asked, knowing he couldn't get her off without some help.

Both Boy Danger and Eclipse sighed as they walked over, grabbing onto Captain Violet as they helped the orange masked mutant turtle to pull her off of the vehicle. Once they finally managed to get her to let go, Eclipse had to drag her over since Captain Violet had grabbed onto her arm, refusing to walk while Raphael, who was already holding onto Leonardo's hand, surprisingly grabbed Boy Danger's hand with his other. Boy Danger didn't seem to care if he did so since he knew that the red masked mutant turtle was afraid right now.

"Hey, Spy-Roach!" Leonardo yelled. "Raph and Vi are out here! Come and get them!"

"Hey!" Captain Violet yelled, not letting go of her sister.

"Really!?" Raphael snapped. "You're using us as bait!?"


Suddenly, the mutant roach emerged from underneath the van and stood up. "Nope, I'm out!" Captain Violet shouted, letting go of her sister as she took off running as the others followed.

They ran into the next alley where Raphael and Captain Violet were left in the middle of it while the others hid off to the side besides a few trashcans.

"I hate this." Captain Violet mumbled to herself.

Then, she and Raphael both screamed as the bug approached them. "Now!"

Leonardo, Boy Danger, Michelangelo, and Eclipse leapt up, holding a trash can. They managed to trap the roach inside but barely a second later, they were knocked off and thrown back out of the alley. Both Raphael and Captain Violet screamed and took off running as the roach followed till they were out of sight.

"Now what?" Eclipse asked as the four of them stood up.

"Come on," Leonardo said. "We gotta follow them."


"DO YOU THINK they know?" Michelangelo asked.

"If they did, I doubt they'd be hiding, wouldn't they?" Eclipse said.

They turned into an alley where they found Raphael and Captain Violet staring at the wall in front of them. Not wanting to scare them, they walked towards them slowly but Michelangelo had a different idea as he grinned out of nowhere. Michelangelo then kicked the dumpster beside them. Raphael, scared out of his mind, fell to the ground while Captain Violet instinctively drove into his arms, burying her face into his chest while Raphael instinctively grabbed onto his youngest sister, holding her close to his chest protectively as his grip on her tightlyโ€”his shell turned towards them as the two of them had their eyes closed.

"I'm sorry we tried to smash you, okay?" Raphael said, while Boy Danger, Eclipse, and Leonardo were surprised to hear him whimpering; some of the whimpers came from Captain Violet. "I'm sorry! I learned a very important lesson. I'll never be cruel again, just leave us alone!"

Grinning widely, Michelangelo cupped his hands around his mouth and adopted a deep, dark voice. "On one condition..."

"Ahh! Anything!" Raphael called out, his grip on his youngest sister hasn't loosened.

"Mikey, come on," Boy Danger said. "They're already scared enough."

Michelangelo smirked at him before continuing. "Be good to Michelangelo!"

Raphael raised his head a little, not looking at them. "What...?"

Captain Violet stopped whimpering and lifted her face a little from his chest. "What theโ€”"

"Let him read your comics once in a while!"

The two of them whipped around, eyes filled with fear and confusion. Then, they both melted into anger and frustration as they both leapt onto their feet. "MIKEY!"

Even as the orange masked mutant turtle turned to run, Captain Violet tried to punch his shoulder but missed since he moved out of the way but Raphael managed to kick him right under his shell.

"Ow!" He whined as he hid behind Leonardo, who kept him from the raging Raphael and the upset Captain Violet. "So much for learning your lesson."

"You deserved that." Eclipse told him.

"Nice job, guys." Leonardo told them with a grin.

"What do you mean?" Captain Violet asked. "Where's the bug?"

The four of them looked at each other before leading the two out of the alley and towards the bug to find the Spy-Roach had fallen into a section of wet cement, which had immediately dried and hardened. Now it stood, still as a statue.

Captain Violet blinked as she went over to it with Raphael. She poked it and smiled widely when it didn't even move, snickering a little. "Ha! Take that, you stupid roach!" She said.

"Not so tough now, are you, roachy?" Raphael said slyly, tapping the head with his sai. "You're just aโ€”" suddenly, the cement cover head fell off and hit the ground. "Hollow shell..." bit by bit, the roach's skin fell into a dusty heap on the ground. "What theโ€”?"

"He must've molted." Leonardo said.

"They molt?" Raphael demanded.

Boy Danger nodded. "Roaches shed their skin when... they get... bigger..." he trailed off as the realization set in.

"Uh, no kidding about that." Eclipse said.

When they looked over, they froze at the mutant that now looked nothing like a cockroach as it was slimy and now had huge black eyes.

"Cockroach," Raphael said lowly. "It had to be a cockroach."

Then, to make it worse, huge, robotic wings emerged from its back.

"And it flies!?" Captain Violet panicked, clearly terrified. "It flies!"

"Run!" Leonardo shouted.

They all spun around and bolted away from the deformed bug. Although the bug didn't go for Leonardo, Michelangelo, Eclipse, or Boy Danger, the bug did manage to grab both Raphael and Captain Violet as it continued to fly.

"It's heading back to the ShellRaiser!" Leonardo said. "Come on!"

They all followed the roach as best as they could as they made it to the ShellRaiser.

"Oh, I'm gonna throw up." Captain Violet said, the fear in her eyes was clearly noticeable towards the bug as her skin was pale white and looked like she wanted to throw up.

Then, both Raphael and Captain Violet screamed as they fell, landing into a dumpster. As Raphael and Captain Violet climbed out of the dumpster, the ShellRaiser pulled into the corner as the bug was clearly behind the two teenagers.

Both Raphael and Captain Violet screamed as they sprinted towards the vehicle. "Start the engine! Start the engine!"

"Drive, drive, drive! Just drive!" Captain Violet shouted as she and Raphael jumped into the vehicle and Michelangelo quickly closed the door.

"Donnie, did you get this thing working?" Leonardo asked, quickly jumping into the driver seat.

"We've got bigger problems!" He said. "We gotta stop that drill!"

The screen came on, and the roach appeared. Raphael cringed and growled at the sight while Captain Violet felt her entire body shake from fear.

Eclipse took hold of the handles for the canon. Pulling the trigger, she launched balls of compressed trash. They hit the bug, but only bounced off his chest. "What theโ€”?"

The van doors suddenly snapped open and the roach shoved his head in, screeching. Michelangelo grabbed the edge of the doorway and kicked the roach out. "Ha! Take that!"

Leonardo revved the engine and drove away, racing down the street and leaving the bug behind.

"Raph, Vi, you alright?" Boy Danger asked.

"No, we're not," Raphael said. "We had our chance and we couldn't face him."

"We tried and couldn't do it!" Captain Violet added, a frown on her face.

"Look on the bright sides," Michelangelo said. "In fifteen minutes, we could all melt in a fountain of lava."

"How is that the bright side?" Eclipse questioned.

"The laser drill is just past the front gate," Donatello said as he looked at a blueprint. "Kranng droids everywhere. Hope you two have a good plan."

"I'm gonna ram through the gate and we'll go from there." Leonardo said.

"Works for me."

Boy Danger glanced to see Leonardo looking at both Raphael and Captain Violet, a very stern look on his face. Both Raphael and Captain Violet met his look before looking away; Raphael hiding his face in his arms and Captain Violet glanced down at the ground ashamed.

Boy Danger sighed before turning his head away and looking towards the front. "Go easy on them, Leo," he said softly. "It's not like they meant for this to happened."

Leonardo's stern expression softened a little, knowing that he was right.

Suddenly, the alarm in the van went buzzing off and on. "Uh-oh..." Donatello said. "We've got company... again!"

Boy Danger groaned in annoyance. "This stupid roach is getting on my nerves."

Both Raphael and Captain leapt to their feet, a loud banging coming from the roof. "What was that!? Where is it!?"

The hatch to the top opened and a long, white arm shot through and grabbed the orange masked mutant turtle. Boy Danger, Donatello, and Eclipse leapt and went to grab the orange masked mutant turtle, but it was too late as the mutant turtle screamed as he got pulled out.

"It got Mikey!" Donatello yelled.

"Violet and I'll stop it."

"You two don't have to do this just to prove you're not afraid." Leonardo told Raphael.

"We are afraid, and that's why we have to do this." Raphael said as he marched over to the hatch on the floor, leading to the Stealth-Cycle. He climbed in and let Captain Violet sit in front of him then grabbed the handlesโ€”with Captain Violet being the shortest out of all of them, he could still see in front of him. "We're coming, Mikey! No six foot tall cockroach is gonna eat our brother!"

With that, Captain Violet closed the hatch behind them while Leonardo made a sharp turn to face the roach. Yanking the lever, he expelled the Stealth-Cycle into the street, Raphael driving with Captain Violet sitting in front of him.

Once the roach saw them, it tossed Michelangelo, who landed on the roof of the van. Then, the orange masked mutant turtle leapt through the hatch on the roof and shut it before Leonardo hit the gas and the ShellRaiser headed for the kranng's laser drill.


"RAPH, VI, WE'RE stuck! Up to you two now! Get that drill!" Boy Danger's voice rang through the communications of the Stealth-Cycle.

"We're on it!" Raphael sped up, approaching the facility as fast as his bike could take them.

Suddenly, the giant roach fell from the sky and landed right in front of the stuck ShellRaiser. It saw them coming and screeched.

"Oh, come on!" Captain Violet complained.

"Hang on tight, sis," Raphael said. "This is either gonna be really cool or really painfully."

While she held on tight, he pressed a button on one of the handle bars, and the bike sped up. The deformed roach stood its ground, screeching as it reached out. Next thing that the two of them knew was that they'd run up over the roach and shot over the wall of facility before crashing down, knocking over several kranng droids in the process. The bike skidded on its side for a moment before stopping.

Raphael groaned in pain, pushing himself from the seat. "Okay," he grunted. "It was both." He looks towards his sister. "You good?"

"All good." Captain Violet said as she pushed herself from the seat as well.

Looking over, she spotted the drill and a kranng droid standing next to it. "Come on, let's get that drill." She said.

The two of them then ran up to the droid as Raphael punched him, knocking the droid down.

"That laser drill is at 400 meters from the Earth core." A kranng droid said.

"I don't think so!" Captain Violet shouted.

She sprinted towards the laser drill alongside her brother, leaping over any obstacles. Right as they reached the top, the stupid cockroach landed behind them with a thud as the ball shook lightly, the two of them whipping around to face the mutant.

"Oh, come on!" Captain Violet said as she glared at the roach. "Why can't you just stay down!?"

"Ugh! You gotta be kidding me!" Raphael said. "Alright, insect! You think we're scared of you? We kicked your butt twice already, you wanna go for number three, huh? Do ya? Come and get us!"

As Raphael leapt up and landed on the roach's head, it screeched as they went into the sky. With her brother fighting the roach, Captain Violet rushed over to the drill where she grabbed the laser and yanked it free, pulling it into her arms.

"Raph! Lead it over here!" Captain Violet shouted.

Waiting for her brother to reach her, she watched as Raphael fought against the cockroach and when he landed on the ground, he rushed over to her and made it past her.

"Alright, you stupid roach, drill this!" Captain Violet said.

She aimed the laser right at the cockroach and a few seconds later, the bug exploded in a mass of light and slime. Then, she lifted the laser higher and aimed it at the ball's legs, slicing off one and the thing came crashing down. The laser began powering down and with the laser now useless, both Raphael and Captain Violet leapt and landed on the Stealth-Cycle, sitting back downp as Raphael drove off.

As they neared the gate, the ShellRaiser was still stuck with kranng still firing at it. Raphael turned the throttle and sped up, running over the droids nearest the van. The doors slid open and the van quickly started to back up. He drove out, speeding back under the ShellRaiser until it was back inside the van.


BOTH RAPHAEL AND Briana had explained everything that happened to the others the moment that they got back to the lair. "Well, Raph, Bri," Leonardo said as the red masked mutant turtle was punching the dummy while the others were sitting inside the pit; Briana was playing tug-of-war with Max. "You both faced your fear and saved the city. Not bad for a Wednesday."

"Faced my fear?" Raphael said. "I conquered my fear!" He grabbed Michelangelo into a headlock and dragged him over. "I looked my fear in the eye, and we zapped it into oblivion!"

"Wow," Michelangelo said, before Raphael dropped him, smirking. He got back up, throwing an arm around his shoulders. "So, you're not afraid of cockroaches anymore, huh?"

Still smirking, Raphael shook his head. "Nope."

"What about you, Bri?"

"Not a chance." Briana said, her eyes not leaving the game of tug-of-war she was playing with Max.

This time, Michelangelo smirked. "Good, good... Then, you won't mind the one I just slipped into your shell or the one I slipped onto your back?"

Immediately, both Raphael's and Briana's smirk fell, their eyes widened and twitched and Briana even abandoned the game of tug-of-war with Max. Then, the two of them screamed as they leapt up and started running around the living room, arms flying behind his back, searching for the roaches that Michelangelo had supposedly slipped onto them. Leonardo, Donatello, Michelangelo, Eclipse, and Henry burst out laughing at the sight while the two were running around and screaming.

"Yeah... like I said before, I'm terrified of cockroaches. I just hate those disgusting, little bugs."

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