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A/N: Eclipse belongs to GeekyCookie1.

Isabella Sparks [mentioned] and Soren Chandler [mentioned] belongs to MariChat3.


"Never trust your enemies, especially if they work for someone like the Shredder or Jake. Trust me, it'd be easier if you never do."

THE SEVEN TEENAGERS were on one of their stakeouts to see what the kranng were up too as they stood on a rooftop. Donatello was kneeling by the edge, a telescope to his face, looking down at the droids. "Whoa!" He said suddenly. "That's a sub-spatial endoparticle disrupter!"

"You're gonna have to explain if that's 'oh-no' or 'yay.'" Boy Danger said.

"In the hands of the kranng? It's a 'oh no.'" Donatello said.

"Why?" Michelangelo asked. "What does it do?"

"The disrupter an de-synchronize subatomic resonances which invert polymolecular structures, causing them to implode." Donatello said scientifically.

They stared at him. Although they obviously knew what 'implode' meant but the rest of it of what he saidโ€”forget it. Michelangelo frowned in confusion.

"It makes things go 'boom.'" Eclipse explained to him, as though it were obvious.

"Technically," Donatello piped up. "It makes things go zweeee-choooo! Pop!" There was silence as they all stared blankly at him. He shrugged. "It's important to be accurate."

"Alright, guys," Leonardo said. "We need to be careful with this. We get in, grab the disrupter, and get out. Nothing too messy, okay? We don't wanna get hit by that thing."

"You don't have to tell us twice," Raphael said. "Let's go."

They walked up to the edge of the rooftop and stopped. From there, they could see the kranng droid carrying the disrupter.

"Okay, guys, get in position," Leonardo said. "Ready... set... go!"

In unison, they leapt from the edge and dove toward the street, doing several somersaults before landing in a crouched position and their weapons drawn. From the other side of the group of the droids, Foot Bots could be seen along with FishFace and DogPound.

"Kranng, and FishFace, and DogPound?" Raphael said beaming. "I must be dreaming, pinch me!" A second later, he let out a loud "Ow!" when Captain Violet reached up and pinched his cheek. He turned towards her as Captain Violet just gave an innocent smile before Raphael lightly flicked her forehead in return.

The mutants from the other side let out loud yells as they charged. The seven teenagers drew their weapons and ran at the kranng as well but the kranng didn't know who to focus on so, they ended up firing back and forth at both sides. The kranng droids fired at them as both Foot Bots and kranng droids were sliced in halfโ€”and the seven teenagers would sometimes get locked in a fight with either FishFace or DogPound before the two would have to move away from the fight and focus on taking down the Kranng droids that came at themโ€”or in this case for the seven teenagers, it being both the kranng droids and the Foot bots.

One of the kranng droids ran at their truck and grabbed the disrupter from the back, turning around and aiming it at the orange masked mutant turtle. A bright light issued from the barrel of the gun before the droid pulled the trigger. Donatello then leapt forward and pushed his brother out of the way, knocking them both onto the ground. The shot ended hitting a nearby car and with a loud zwee-choooo, it shrunk and disappeared with a soft pop!

"Whoa!" Michelangelo said. "Donnie, you totally called it, bro!"

Donatello grinned and the sound of a roar of an engine was heard as they looked to see the kranng's van driving away.

"Guys, we gotta move!" Boy Danger said, his ears pricked at the sound of police sirens coming from the distance. Of course, the red masked mutant turtle and the mutant fish were still going at it with the other. "Raph, now!"

Fishface stepped back and glared at the mutant turtle. "Yes, run along, boy!" He jeered and turned, running off in the other direction.

"This isn't over, FishFace!" Raphael shouted.

Then, the seven teenagers turned and headed off in the opposite direction and into a nearby alley that they knew held a manhole.


JAKE WATCHED WITH a scowl at the two mutants and Baxter that were kneeling in front of his father's throne as he stood next to him. He didn't fully understand what potential his father saw in having Baxter Stockman, not when they already had Isabella Sparks and Soren Chandler but he supposes that three brains were better than two.

"We had the alien technology in our grasp, Master Shredder." DogPound said.

"Unfortunately, Stockman's plan was flawed." FishFace added.

Shredder looked down at the man. "Is this true?"

"Well, um, yes," Baxter responded. "They're right. It was my fault. I'm sorry." He squirms a little from Jake's murderous glare. "And I'd like to make amends. That is, if you allow me. You see, I designed a trap for the turtles, the boy, and the princessโ€”a foolproof trap. But I'd need the help of my good friends here to lure them into it."

Jake raised an eyebrow before glancing over at his father to hear his opinion.

"Very well," Shredder agreed. "Consider those two at your disposal."


THE SEVEN TEENAGERS found themselves sitting in a line in the middle of the dojo. Splinter stepped behind Donatello, who was at the end of the line and, therefore, was first. Splinter raised the wooden practice sword and paused but just as Donatello moved forward, the sword came down and smacked his head.

"Ow!โ€”Aw, man!" Donatello whined, rubbing his head.

Splinter moved to stand behind Michelangelo and raised the sword again but paused. Michelangelo flinched forward, but nothing happened and sat back. He did it again, and nothing happened still. He did it again, and still, nothing happened.

"Just so we're clear, sensei, you are planning on swinging rightโ€”AH!" Michelangelo rubbed the back of his head as Splinter moved to stand behind Raphael.

There was a short pause, and Raphael's shoulders barely flinched before he too was smacked in the head.


Splinter moved to stand behind Eclipse and there was another pause. She waited and right when she went to move forward, she was smacked in the head as well.


Next, he moved to stand behind Briana and raised the sword but paused. She waited for a few seconds before flinching forward but nothing happened and sat back down. She took a deep breath and waited a few more seconds and then, just when she went to dove forward, the sword whacked her head.

"Ow!" Briana said, rubbing the back of her head. "Aw, sewer apples."

Leonardo kept his eyes closed as he concentrated, taking a deep breath while Splinter moved behind him. Right as Splinter swung the sword down, Leonardo jumped forward and out of the way as he avoided getting hit.

Lastly, Splinter moved to stand behind Henry, who had his eyes closed as well. His ears pricked at the sound of Splinter's footsteps moving behind him and his ears pricked again at the soft sound of the sword lifting into the air. Henry remained there, waiting and then, his ears pricked at the whoosh of air as the sword swung down.

"Go." A deep, low voice growled to him from inside his mind.

Immediately, Henry opened his eyes and shifted aside as he backflipped out of the way.

Raphael looked up at the mutant rat. "What is the point of this anyway?"

"Evading a sword you cannot see demonstrates an ability to sense your enemy's intention." Splinter explained, holding the sword to the side.

"I already know my enemy's intention, sensei," Raphael said. "To take me down."

"Knowing that your enemy will strike you down is a given," Splinter explained. "But sensing when he will strike can mean the difference between victory and defeat."

Raphael stared for a second before bowing his head. "Hai, sensei."

They all bowed their heads as Splinter began walking away towards his room.


THE NEXT NIGHT, the seven of them had gone on another patrol to search for DogPound and FishFace. After the surprise visit from the other night, both Leonardo and Henry wanted to know what else those two were up to. They ran and leapt across rooftops for a few seconds before coming to a stop.

"I got eyes on one giant dog and fish, 6 o'clock." Donatello said.

"Where!?" Michelangelo said excitedly as he ran up then frowned. "Aw, man, it's just FishFace and DogPound."

"Who else would it be?" Eclipse questioned bluntly.

"What are they doing out in the open like this?" Leonardo questioned. "I think we should proceed with caution, guys. Guys...?" He looked around to see that both himself and Captain Violet were the only ones left on the rooftop before looking to see the others already fighting the two mutants. He sighed, looking over at his youngest sister. "At least you listen to me."

Captain Violet giggled before the two drew their weapons and jumped down to join the fight. Suddenly, out of nowhere, both DogPound and FishFace started running away in the middle of the fight and down the street.

"Look, we got them on the run!" Michelangelo said.

"Oh, they aren't getting that easy!" Raphael yelled before running after the two mutants.

"Raph, wait!" Leonardo called. "Something's not right!"

"Yeah, you talking while they're getting away!" Raphael snapped.

Leonardo groaned before he and the others took off, running after him.


"THIS WAY!" THEY followed Raphael into the center of an abandoned building that FishFace and DogPound had led them to. They stopped running and looked around.

"Alright," DogPound said as he and FishFace stepped out from behind the corner. "You got us."

"This is way too easy." Leonardo said.

"Why are you always so worried?" Raphael asked angrily.

Boy Danger raised an eyebrow at those words as he narrowed his eyes at the two mutants. "No, Leo's right. Something's not right here."

Then, from below, bright red lasers on the ground surrounded them and formed a huge circle around them and the two mutants in front of them. The second that the circle formed, the floor suddenly lowered beneath floor level and the walls now around them were now black-and-white striped.

"Oh, I see." Raphael said.

"Welcome, contestants," a familiar voice sounded from unseen speakers. "I'm so glad you could join us tonight."

"Blister Stockboy?" Eclipse said.

"It's Baxter Stockman! I'm your arch-nemesis!"

Michelangelo smirked and looked over at the purple masked mutant turtle. "I can totally think of five nemesis way archer than him."

"What do you want, Stockman?" Boy Danger demanded.

"Oh, I'm so glad you asked, Boy Danger," Stockman said. "You'll be playing for the ultimate prize: your lives! In the all new, family-friendly, incredibly deadly... maze of doom!"

From above, what looked like tiny fireballs started coming at them. "Scatter!" Leonardo said.

They all split up, going wherever they could to avoid getting hit. The seven of them could even tell that FishFace and DogPound were dodging the balls too.

"You fool!" Fishface sneered. "What are you doing?"

"I'm sick of you freaks!" Baxter shouted through the speakers. "You treat me like dirt, threaten me. Well, Baxter Stockman doesn't make threats!"

"Have you gone mad?" FishFace snapped.

"Mad?" Baxter laughed. "I'm full-on mega crazy!"

"At least he admits it." Captain Violet told the others, who shrugged in agreement.

"You traitor!" DogPound yelled.

"And even if you make it through my maze alive, you'll still have to face my... monster... ofโ€”"

"Doom?" Leonardo asked dully. "Is it a monster of doom?"

"NO! Uh... monster ofโ€”uh, uh... oh, to heck with it!"

The floor beneath them disappeared and they all fell. They all screamed and yelled as they fell through a tunnel that was also black-and-white. The fall lasted a few seconds before they landed on the hard ground as they all groaned and stood up.

"Where were we?" DogPound growled before running at them.

"Total turtle takedown!" FishFace said as he did the same.

Just like on the street, both sides immediately started fighting again. Leonardo and Boy Danger looked down one end of the checkered hall and saw what looked like laser axes appearing, swinging from the roof.

"Raph!" Leonardo called out.

Raphael looked up and gaped at the axes. Just as FishFace approached him for another strike, an axe appeared right above them.

"Watch out!" Boy Danger yelled.

He leapt forward, tackling both Raphael and the mutant fish out of the way. They all landed on the floor away from the axe and sat up.

"I just saved him," Boy Danger said when he realized who else he tackled before whirling around to glare at the mutant fish. "Why the hell did I just save sushi-boy here!?"

"Everyone," Leonardo called. "I suggest a fight raincheck."

"Never!" DogPound snapped. "We do this, now!"

Another axe appeared, coming for the giant mutant dog. Leonardo took out a ninja star and aimed at the metal base of the laser axe, the ninja star pierced the metal and the axe vanished. However, DogPound, who had been hunched over and covering his head, straightened and the tip of his spikes had popped off, having been sliced.

"If we keep fighting, none of us will get out of here!" Leonardo snapped.

"The exit!" Donatello pointed down the tunnel-like hall where there was a bright light. "There!"

"Follow me!" DogPound shouted as he pushed past them, FishFace following behind them.

The seven teenagers hesitated before running after them. "Leo, you don't think we can trust them, do you?" Eclipse asked.

"What choice do we have, Clips?" Leonardo asked. "It's our only option right now."

"Well, what do we if they turn on us?" Eclipse asked sharply.

"She's right," Raphael said in agreement. "They will turn on us."

"We'll just have to trust that we'll see it first." Boy Danger said.


AFTER MAKING IT past the axes, the walk through the tunnel was deadly silent. DogPound and FishFace walked ahead while the seven teenagers linger behind them. "I have my eyes on you." FishFace told them with a glare.

"Shut it and keep your fins to yourself, Ariel." Boy Danger threatened dangerously, glaring darkly at the red mutant fish.

The five mutant turtles and Captain Violet snickered at those words while FishFace and Boy Danger continued to glare at the other before the mutant fish turned away. A second later, they walked into a circular room.

DogPound stopped and sniffed the air. "Fresh air."

Boy Danger suddenly felt his nose pricked up, making him confuse for a second at the sudden move before he shook it off for now. "Coming from that direction."

Nobody moved forward though.

"Please, after you." FishFace told them.

"Oh, no, no, you go ahead." Leonardo said with a fake grin. "I insist."

"What's the matter?" FishFace asked, mocking being insulted. "You don't trust me?"

"Oh, geez, what do you want? An award for guessing what?" Eclipse told him sarcastically with an eye roll.

"If you think we're gonna turn our backs to you, you're nuts!" Raphael told the fish forcefully.

"I know!" Michelangelo piped up. "We go like this: dudelette, turtle, turtle, jerk, dude, dudelette. Wait, no... turtle, dudelette, jerk, dude, dudelette, jerk, turtle, jerk, jerkโ€”too many jerks!"

Suddenly, several small, silver balls started floating overhead. "Balls!" Leonardo said. "Of doom..."

"What are those?" DogPound asked.

Then, red lasers blades shot out of the balls and they began spinning as they shot toward them. "Not good! Let's move it!" Leonardo said.

"Me first!" FishFace said as he ran forward.

The balls shot down, aimed to hit them. Without hesitating, they all took off running towards the exit, pushing and running past the other. The balls followed them and Raphael threw a ninja star at them, causing the balls to explode and the explosion knock them down onto the ground. They all groaned and stood up and continued down the tunnel but then, halfway down the tunnel, Boy Danger's nose caught a familiar scent.

"Wait a minute," he said with a frown. "We've been here before!"

"He's right," Donatello said, examining the floor. "We've been going in circles."

Suddenly, a large, silver door suddenly shot down between them, separating Boy Danger, Raphael, and FishFace from the others.

"Hey!" Raphael said, banging on the door.

"Time to split you guys and girls up!" Baxter said cheerfully as he laughed before the speakers went quiet.

FishFace chuckled darkly as he smirked at the mutant turtle, who glared back at him with hatred. "Looks like it's just me, you, and your brother."

"Shut up, FishFace, before I turn you into sushi myself." Boy Danger threatened with an eye roll as he glared at him. Then, he walked over to the door and hit his knuckles against it a few times. He sighed. "Magnetically sealed. Yeah, we're not getting through here anytime soon."

"Can we call the others?" Raphael asked.

Boy Danger reached into his belt and took out his t-phone, taking one look at the screen before he placed it back into his belt. "No signal. I guess we're just gonna have to walk till we find our way back to the others."


AFTER WALKING AROUND for a while and finding no way out, it was decided that they could do was keep walking. "Ugh, the world's longest tunnel," Raphael groaned. "Of doom...!"

Boy Danger chuckled while FishFace snickered.

Suddenly, another black-and-white striped wall came down ahead, blocking their path as they all halted.

"We're trapped!" Raphael said.

The wall made a loud sound as if it were powering up, and started spinning like a fan. The only difference was that instead of blowing, it was pulling them in. Both Boy Danger and Raphael grunted as they struggled against the wind while FishFace, whose robotic feet seemed attached to the floor, didn't move. A white tile from the tunnel wall peeled off and went zooming down to the fan and when it reached it, the piece was shredded into pieces.

Boy Danger took out one of his twin swords and dug the sword into the floor, holding on tightly to the hilt. "Raph!" He called out, holding out a hand towards him.

Raphael grabbed onto his wrist as the fan only got faster and stronger. Boy Danger groaned in annoyance as his feet started to lift off the floor, his sword tilting dangerously as it threatened to come loose from the floor. Then, his sword slipped from the floor as he and Raphael yelled while being carried off down the tunnel towards the fan.

"What theโ€”?" Boy Danger started when he felt something grab his ankle and he stopped moving. Looking back, he saw FishFace standing upside down, his feet attached to the ceiling, holding his ankle. Then, Boy Danger quickly reached out and grabbed Raphael's leg, stopping the mutant turtle in place.

FishFace detached his robotic feet and dove down, pointing one foot down. He landed and busted through the floor, sending them all beneath the level. Boy Danger released Raphael as they landed in the dark lower level.

"You guys alright?" He asked as he stood.

"Yeah, we're good." Raphael said as he and FishFace stood up.

Boy Danger looked up at the mutant fish. "Well, guess this makes us even, huh, Fish-Sticks?"

"You think I'd let Baxter do away with you? Humph!" FishFace snorted. "That is a pleasure I am reserving for myself." He straightened and walked away.

Both Boy Danger and Raphael exchanged looks before catching up to him.


THE LOWER LEVEL that they were on was dark and without lights but yet, the three of them were still able to see just fine and perfectly clear. After a while of walking in silence, Raphael spoke up, "Tell me, Xever," he said. "What's a nice fish like you doing with a guy like Shredder?"

FishFace glanced at them before he sighed and started talking. "Eh, in many ways, it's all I've ever known. It's been that way ever since I was a boy. At a young age, I learned a very simple rule: you want something, you take it."

"Not the best childhood for a kid." Boy Danger said.

'But then again, I was basically cooking and taking care of Piper since I was four. Pretty much everything that my parents should've been doing since I was four.' Boy Danger thought secretly to himself.

"Everyone's gotta make a living," FishFace said. "And, boy, did I make one. I was the best thief until one day, my luck ran out."

"What happened?" Raphael asked.

"I was trying to steal a briefcase, one that I knew had items I could sell for a lot of money. Unfortunately, I was careless and got arrested. They would've left me to rot there! Fortunately, the owner of that briefcase found my skills... useful." FishFace explained.

"Let me guess," Raphael said. "Shredder."

"Yes, and he employed me for many of the Foot's... dirtier jobs," FishFace said as he looks over at them. "Most recently, the destruction of you two, your brothers and sister, your sensei, and capturing the princess."

"So, you do all this because you owe Shredder?" Raphael asked, sounding genuinely shocked.

"I can't believe I'm gonna said this but," Boy Danger said. "I never thought that I'd actually feel sorry for you."

"Eh, it's not so bad," FishFace said with a shrug. "Besides, I like cutting a job where I get to crack skulls everyday."

"Okay," Raphael said. "I can relate to that."

"Yes... we are one of a kind, you and I."

"Maybe..." Raphael punched a fist into his palm. "But we're still gonna whip your butt when this is over!"

"Oh, yeah, you're not getting off that easy." Boy Danger added.

FishFace chuckled. "We shall see."

Both Raphael and Boy Danger glared at him slightly before continuing forward. It was silent between the two for a while as Raphael and Boy Danger kept glancing at each other, debating if they should ask the mutant fish about it before deciding to go with it.

"So, you know anything about why Shredder and Jake want Briana?" Boy Danger asked, both him and the mutant turtle wondering if they'd be able to get a little answers from himโ€”see what he thinks.

FishFace chuckled darkly at that. "You two, and the rest of your brothers and sister don't even know what she is."

"Excuse me?" Raphael asked as both him and Boy Danger glared at the mutant fish deadly. Although Boy Danger had told the mutant turtles a while back, they played it off as if neither one of them knew anything.

"You all treat her like she's human but in reality, she's the greatest weapon you could ever have." FishFace told them.

"Okay, one, she's not a weapon so, watch it. And two, so what? That's why Shredder wants her? To use her like a weapon?" Boy Danger said.


"So, what about Jake?" Raphael asked after sharing a glance with Boy Danger. "What's his reason?"

FishFace rolled his eyes from the mention of the eighteen-year-old boy. "He thinks her blood can cure him."

"Wait, cure him?" Boy Danger questioned. "Jake's sick?"

"Not sick, he's dying," FishFace said. "The magic he has inside of him is tearing him apart from the inside. He's fine as long as he doesn't use his magic or push himself while using it."

The two teenagers stopped walking for a minute as Raphael and Boy Danger glanced at each other, letting the information sink in. Just by looking at each other, the two made the decision of informing the others about this when they get out from this trap. Then, the two started walking again.

After walking for a while, Boy Danger felt his ears pricked up at the sound of a familiar voice. "Skunkman! I know you're in here somewhere!"

"That's Bradford!" Boy Danger said.

FishFace walked forward a bit before lifting his hand and pressing it to the wall. "Hey! It's coming from the next room!" He stepped back and quickly kicked the wall.

There was a loud bang and dust billowed out. When it cleared, there was a hole and on the other side was the other mutant turtles, Captain Violet, and DogPound.

"You three enjoy your playdate?" Leonardo said with a smirk.

"Very funny," Raphael grumbled.

"A strong ambient A/C current is coming from underneath this cannon," Donatello said as he glanced at his t-phone.

DogPound reached over and ripped out the cannon. They all crowded around the opening and looked down to see nothing but black. Then, the floor gave in and they all fell through as they all landed on the hard ground with loud thumps. Everyone stood up and looked around to see that they were back in the abandoned building from before as the lights flashed on and Baxter was standing on what looked like a giant pad, looking furious.

"No!" He cried. "You were supposed to destroy each other, not work together!" He sighed. "No matter. You may have made it to the end of my maze, but now it's time forโ€”"

"The bonus round?" Michelangelo asked.

Baxter smirked. "Yes, the bonus round of doom!"

Then, a large and familiar suit of armor came stomping out from the other side of the roomโ€”the very same suit that Baxter had when he first fought the five mutant turtles and the two human teenagers.

"Kneel before the awesomeness power of my... monsterโ€”!"

"Of doom..." they all groaned in unison.

"You all think you're so clever." Baxter said. "Let's see how clever you are when you're hit by my missiles of dooโ€”when you're hit by my missiles!"

The robot aimed one arm at them and started firing missiles at them. They scattered, running off. At the sudden sound of loud screeching, Boy Danger had to cover his sensitive ears for a second as he winched from the loud sound before removing them and looking to see the familiar mousers.

"Oh, not those stupid robots again." Boy Danger said in annoyance, slicing one of the mousers that came at him with his swords.

The mousers continued to come at them as each one of them sliced the annoying, small robots in half. "How do we stop this thing?" Eclipse asked.

"Leo, Danger, we could really use a plan." Captain Violet said.

Both Leonardo and Boy Danger studied the area before a plan formed in their heads. They glanced at each other and nodded. "Mikey, DogPound, Clips, Vi, draw it under Stockman!" Leonardo said.

The four of them nodded and made a run for Stockman but the man simply made his hover pad lift up out of their reach. "Ha, nice try!" He said. "But you'll have to be faster than that!"

The four of them just smirked.

"Yoo-hoo!" Michelangelo said. "Monster of doom! We're over here!"

The monster turned and sprinted for them.

"Raph, FishFace!" Boy Danger yelled. "There!"

Both Raphael and FishFace ran for the monster, which was now underneath Stockman's hover pad once the others had moved out of the way. Halfway through, FishFace flipped onto his back with his robotic feet up and Raphael leapt up and landed on his feet.


"Three, two, one!"

FishFace pushed Raphael up into the air with his robotic feet and the mutant turtle lifted his sais and shot up to the hover pad, stabbing through it and busting through the other side.

"No! Stop helping each other!" Baxter said.

His pad started diving down, and soon crashed right into his monster. There was a loud boom as the collision caused an explosion and everyone shielded their faces with their arms, waiting for the smoke to subside. Once it did, there was nothing but metal remains of both pad and robot left.

"Where's Dexter?" Michelangelo said.

"Fools!" They all looked up and saw Baxter was hovering in the air, wearing a helmet that appeared to have helicopter-like wings on them. "You haven't seen the last of Dexterโ€”Ugh! Baxter Stockman!"

With that, the man turned and flew out of the window and disappeared out of sight.


DOGPOUND LIFTED THE large garage doors before they all fell through and landed on their knees in the streetโ€”each one of them was completely exhausted.

"The truce... is over..." FishFace panted.

"Let's finish... ugh, this..." DogPound said as he stood.

The seven teenagers forced themselves to stand up and take out their weapons.

"Booyahka..." Michelangelo muttered but fell to his knees and yawned loudly.

"Oh, forget it," DogPound groaned. "Next time." He and FishFace turned around and began walking away.

The seven teenagers then placed their weapons away and began to walk the other way.

"You know, Raph, you and FishFace actually made a pretty good team back there." Michelangelo said.

"Maybe," Raphael said. "But he's still our enemy, and he'll take us out the first chance he gets."

Boy Danger narrowed his eyes as his ears pricked at the sound of a soft, whizzing sound coming through the alley. Immediately, while Raphael suddenly yanked his sai up and stabbed the object, stopping it in its path, Boy Danger whirled around and threw one of his kunai knives at the mutant fish, who unfortunately caught the knife before it could touch him. The objectโ€”one of the doom ballsโ€”that Raphael had stabbed was an inch from Leonardo's head.

Boy Danger glared at the mutant fish, who had stopped and was looking at them alongside the giant mutant dog.

"Trust your senses," Raphael said. "You'll see them coming."

FishFace just smirked before finally turning away. Boy Danger just glared before turning as they continued down the street towards the lair.

"See what I mean? If you have enemies that work for someone like Shredder or Jake, don't trust them at all. You'll be glad if you don't."

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