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A/N: Eclipse belongs to GeekyCookie1.

Asides from experimenting with Kaz's family for the sake of this book, I will also be experimenting with Henry and his family, mainly his family since they were barely in the show and I thought it'd be fun to experiment with them and have some fun with it.

"Ah, yes, this I remember perfectly. Like all teenagers, there's moments where we get grounded. This is one of them. Ready to find out how? Let's dive in!"

AFTER A NIGHT of patrol, our team of heroes headed their separate ways after waving bye to each other. Once Boy Danger had popped a bubble and transformed back into his civilian form, Henry quietly landed on the fire escape and silently opened his bedroom window. Stepping into his bedroom, Henry turned around and closed the window and once the window was closed, he turned around and walked towards his bedroom door that was closed. He flipped his light switch, turning the lights on then, he headed towards his closet to hang up his jacket.

The moment that Henry opened his closest door, he wasn't excepting for his twelve-year-old younger sister, Piper Hart to be inside. Once he opened the door, Piper Hart let out a yell, startling Henry, which caused him to let out a quick scream as he fell backwards, landing on the rug on his floor while Piper walked out of his closet, staring at her brother.

Realizing that it was just her, Henry pushed himself off of the ground, sending her a quick glare. "Why would you do that!?" He questioned angrily.

"Where have you been and why are you sneaking into your room at... one in the morning?" Piper questioned, after taking a quick glance at her phone to see the time.

"Because... I was out," Henry started, trying to think of a excuse but nothing good was coming to his mind. "Moon bathing."

"Moon bathing?" Piper asked, staring at him with a raised eyebrow.

"Yeah," Henry said, mentally cursing himself out for thinking of a dumb excuse. "Check out my moon tan."

'Shut up, Henry. Just shut up, that's the dumbest excuse you can think of.' He thought to himself secretly, mentally facepalming at the stupid excuse he gave.

"I'm telling mom and dad you snuck out." Piper said with a smirk.

"Fine," Henry said as he backed up a little, walking away from her. "Tell them."

"I will."

"No, please don't tell them!" Henry said as he quickly walked back over to her just as Piper stopped at his door. "Come on, I'm a nice brother, and you're so... sweet and... cute. You don't want to get me in trouble." He finished, trying to convince her not to snitch on him. "Please? Promise me?"

"Alright," Piper said with a sigh. "I promise."

Henry nodded and once Piper left his room, he closed the door behind him and instantly facepalmed. "Moon tan? Man, I'm running out of excuses to give." He mumbled to himself with a shake of his head.


THE NEXT MORNING, Henry found himself at the table with his parents and Piper for breakfast before he left for school like always. He just hoped that Piper would actually keep her promise not to said anything but of course, it was Piper and she just had to said something.

"Henry snuck out of his room last night and didn't sneak back in until one in the morning!" Piper yelled.

Their parents, Jack and Kris Hart turned to their son with shocked expressions on their faces while Henry just glared at his sister and Piper continued to eat her food with a smirk.

'Fine, she wants to play this game? Well, two can play this game.' Henry thought secretly to himself.

"Well, last Saturday night while you guys were out, Piper and her friend, Marla watched French Basement." Henry told their parents, getting Jack and Kris to turn to Piper with shocked expressions while Piper glared at her brother and he only smirked back at her.

"Piper!" Jack scolded, getting her attention. "That movie is rated R. You know you're not allowed to watch R-rated movies."

"Come on, I didn't hear anything I hadn't heard before." Piper said, not seeing the big deal out of it.

"Well, guess what?" Kris questioned. "You're both grounded for two weeks!"

"Oh, come on!" "That's not fair!" Both Piper and Henry immediately complained.

"Your mother said that you're both grounded so, you're both grounded." Jack said firmly.

Henry and Piper glare at each other, upset that they got grounded as the two siblings went back to eating their breakfast.

"Oh, and Henry? I refilled your prescription for your Adderall yesterday," Kris told her son. "Don't forget to take them when you're done eating."

With the two Hart siblings still glaring at each other, Henry just nodded at his mother's words while eating his breakfast. Once the family of four were done with their breakfast, Henry grabbed his prescription and opened it, taking out two small pills before he closed the small bottle. Then, he grabbed a bottle of water and swallowed the pills for his ADHD with some water before grabbing his backpack and heading to school.


BRIANA HAD NO idea how she got in this situation. She had just finished getting ready for school and was about to head out when the orange masked mutant turtle convinced her to help out with a trick of his. Briana was on the ground in her spot with her other siblings doing it as well while Michelangelo stood on top of the ramp with his skateboard.

"And now the kid goes for the world record! He will attempt to jump four mutant turtles and one human!" Michelangelo said happily.

"I can't believe he talked us into this." Raphael said to his other siblings from his spot on the ground.

"Booyakasha!" Michelangelo yelled as he jumped, riding down the ramp with his skateboard.

"What is going on here!?" Splinter questioned angrily, staring at his children.

The four mutant turtles and purple haired girl quickly stood up from their spots with nervous expressions on their faces. "Sensei!"

Michelangelo let out a yell as he crashed into his siblings, knocking them onto the ground as they all fell into a pile.

"How many times have I told you not to skateboard in the lair?" Splinter asked.

"None, sensei." Michelangelo answered.

"I shouldn't have to tell you!"

"You're right, Sensei," Leonardo said in agreement. "We definitely should have known better and we deserve to be punished."

"And what do you think would be a fitting punishment?" Splinter asked.

"Well, uh," Leonardo started as he looked over at his siblings, who quickly looked away and Briana just slung her backpack over her shoulder. "We should clean up our mess? And then think about what we did."


"That sounds good."

"We were wrong."

"Wouldn't want to do too much."

"No worries."

"What about being grounded for a week?" Splinter questioned with narrowed eyes, staring down at them.

The five mutant turtles and the purple haired girl spoke at the same time upon hearing those words. "Oh, I'm not sure that's necessary." "I'm confused with the thinking." "Maybe next time."

"You're grounded for a week!" Splinter said sternly, making the six of them groaned in annoyance as the rack behind them fell down.


ONCE SHE HAD gotten back after school, Briana was sitting on the couch with her laptop on her lap, typing her research paper for her history class. Leonardo, Eclipse, and Michelangelo were watching tv while Raphael kept pacing backward and forward, completely bored out of his mind.

"This bites! I can't believe we're stuck down here for a whole week!" Raphael complained angrily.

"Guys, guys!" Donatello called out, running into the room from the lab. "You wanna see what I made?"

"This is how bored I am," Raphael told his other siblings before looking over at the purple masked mutant turtle. "Yes, Donnie, I do."

"Ok, ok, ok, remember the other day I was scrounging in that military junkyard?" Donatello questioned.

"No." Raphael admitted.

"No? Well," Donatello started, pulling out something to show them. "I found an incredibly advanced A.I. microchip made fromโ€”get thisโ€” self-assembled chain-linked copolymers! That's my favorite kind of copolymer! And I use it to make this! The most advanced music player in the world! So, who wants to try it?"

"I do!" Michelangelo said, quickly jumping up and heading over to him. "Toss me the Tpod."

"Tpod?" Donatello questioned confusedly.

"Turtle, pod," Michelangelo said, taking the Tpod from him as he put the headphones in. "I am so good at naming stuff."

"You're really gonna plug an advanced piece of military technology directly into Mikey's brain?" Eclipse asked. "I can already see this going wrong."

"What if it melts his brain?" Raphael added.

"It won't. And even if it did, who'd know the difference?" Donatello answered.

Michelangelo then clicked the play button but immediately started screaming. "What? What's wrong?" Donatello asked worriedly.

"It's polka! Make it stop, make it stop!" Michelangelo said as Briana closed her laptop and placed it aside, walking over to him and skipped the song.

His screaming then stopped as he started dancing, leaving the rest of his siblings to stare at him.

"That's it. I gotta get out of here." Raphael said, making his way for the entrance.

"And where are you going? We're grounded." Leonardo reminded.

"I don't care. I gotta do something or I'm gonna go nuts. Let's find a skate spot." Raphael said, grabbing his skateboard.

"I'm down for that." Eclipse said in agreement, grabbing her own skateboard too.

"Skate spot? I'm totally in!" Michelangelo said, rushing forward to grab his own board while Briana and Donatello followed after him, grabbing their boards too.

"But what's Splinter gonna said?" Leonardo questioned.

"I don't know what's going on because they snuck out while I was asleep." Raphael said, mimicking their father.

"Real mature," Leonardo said as he crossed his arms over his chest. "But I'm your leader and as your leader, I say nobody's going."

"Well as your followers, we're going anyway." Raphael said as everyone else started to follow him out.

"Well as your leader, I'm going with you. To lead you away from bad stuff." Leonardo tried to said coolly as he followed them out.


HAVING THE SAME idea as they did, the five mutant turtles and the purple haired girl weren't the only ones who felt the need to get some fresh air after being stuck inside since Henry had decided to sneak out of his bedroom window as well with his skateboard in desperate need for some fresh air after using a bubblegum to transform into Boy Danger. The seven teenagers were all skateboarding and jumping from roof to roof.

"Hey, Donnie!" Michelangelo called out. "Thanks for all the new songs!"

"Wait, what new songs?" Donatello questioned confusedly as he jumped onto Michelangelo to check it out.

"Keep it down, you guys!" Leonardo told them seriously.

"What the? It's got thousands of songs and it keeps downloading new ones every second!" Donatello informed.

"So?" Eclipse asked, not seeing the problem behind that.

"So, I didn't program it to do that. It's reconfiguring itself somehow. It's that chip!" Donatello explained.

"Whatever it is, it's awesome!" Michelangelo shouted happily.

"Guys! We're ninjas, remember?" Leonardo reminded. "We move swiftly and here's the important part, silently."

The moment that he finished his sentence, Leonardo fell into a greenhouse while the others came to a stop on the rooftop, listening to his yells and shouting. They watched as he fell down the side ladder and into a dumpster.

"That wasn't very silent, Leo." Raphael said with a smirk.


"CHECK IT OUT!" Michelangelo said upon finding their skate spot. Just when they were about to hop down, something caught their attention.

"Who the heck is that guy?" Boy Danger asked, their attention being drifted to a guy wearing armor.

"I don't know," Raphael said honestly. "But he needs a beatdown."

"Hold on, Raph. We don't know that he's gonna do anything wrong," Leonardo said, stopping the red masked mutant turtle. "He could be on his way to church."

Eclipse looked over at him with a confused look. "While wearing battle armor? What kind of church is that?"

"A really awesome one!" Michelangelo said while both Eclipse and Leonardo facepalmed at his answer.

"Look, it's my call. I decide who gets a beatdown." Leonardo added before they all noticed the guy attempting to break into a store. "That guy needs a beatdown."

As they jumped to a closer rooftop, they watched as the guy struggled to break into the building and his attempt at a break in was failing... miserably. "Are you kidding me? Aw, come on, stupid shutters!" The guy said, trying to kick the door down.

Captain Violet looked over at Donatello and Michelangelo. "Is it bad that I kinda feel bad for him?"

"No," Donatello admitted. "It is kind of sad."

"Yeah," Michelangelo added in agreement. "I don't know if we should pound him or buy him an ice cream cone."

Then, the seven teenagers jumped down with their respective weapons out. "Halt, villain!" Leonardo yelled with his swords pointed at the guy.

"Oh, god, no," Eclipse mumbled, rolling her eyes at his words while the rest of them facepalmed.

"Halt, villain? When did we start talking like that?" Raphael questioned.

"We're heroes. That's how heroes talk." Leonardo answered.

"When do heroes talk like that?" Boy Danger questioned.

The guy then turned around. "You will feel the fury of my powered battleโ€”holy, cow! You guys are turtles!"

"That's right! We're the turtles of justice!" Leonardo yelled again, causing the rest of them to facepalmed once again.

"Wow. I mean, just wow." Raphael said in annoyance.

Everyone was just about to start fighting when Michelangelo suddenly yelled out, "Wait!" Then, he calmly took out his headphones and placed the Tpod away into his belt. "Okay, hyah!"

As the fighting started for real, Baxter Stockman wasn't a real challenge for the heroes as the man was easily beaten with ease, being knocked back into the fire alarm.

"No, no, no, no! You're not the first to throw me in the trash but I swear, you'll be the last!" He said as he was thrown into the dumpster.

With the police sirens filling the air, the seven teenagers quickly took off and headed on to their homes. But nobody realized that Michelangelo dropped the Tpod, leaving Baxter Stockman to find it.


THE NEXT MORNING, the seven teenagers found themselves in the dojo for the usual morning training that was early in the morning. However, none of them were able to focus since each and every one of them were tired. Something that Splinter definitely took notice of.

"Hm," Splinter said as he rubbed his beard. "Is there something you want to tell me?"

"Something we wanna tell you? Nope." Raphael lied, trying to sound that he wasn't so tired.

"You all seem tired." Splinter said, narrowing his eyes suspiciously at them as the seven of them objected to that. "So, you would not object to a little Randori," the next thing that the seven of them knew was that they were all laying on the ground. "I hope you have learned, children, that truth isn't the only thing that hurts."


"CAPTAIN RYAN! THE rebellion is growing! We have to get off this planetโ€”!"


"But, Captainโ€”"

"I say no! We may have started this rebellion by accident, but by the rings of Nebulon, we are going to finish it on purpose!"

"Aye, sir!"

Briana was watching the cartoon with amazement and awe in her eyes, not paying any attention to Leonardo, who was copying and repeating the same words from the tv.

"Seen this enough times, chief?" Raphael asked, raising an eyebrow at his brother.

"Would you sh! This is the best part!" Leonardo said, his ocean blue eyes getting glued to the tv.

Just as the cartoon was getting to the best part, the news had suddenly came on, interrupting the cartoon, much to the annoyance of Leonardo and Briana. "Aw, come on!" The purple haired girl complained, laying back down on her back, her eyes eyes gazing up at the tv.

"We interrupt this program to bring you breaking news. We've received shocking footage of an assault on the TCRI office complex in Brooklyn."

"At last, I will have my revenge!"

"Who... who are you?"

"You'll never know! I am the thing that haunts your nightmares! I'm the nameless shadow whoโ€”"



"Baxter Stockman?"


"Hey, everybody! It's Baxter Stockman!"

"I think his name is Baxter Stockman." Raphael said, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Is this because I fired you?"

"That copy machine was already broken when Iโ€” I mean, I don't know what you're talking about!"

"How did he upgrade his armor so fast?" Eclipse questioned.

The camera then zoomed on his suit and what seemed to be his power heart, only for them to recognize it as the Tpod, causing them to whirl around, snapping their heads over at the orange masked mutant turtle.

"He has the Tpod!?" Donatello asked angrily, looking over at him.

"Oh, um, I might of dropped it during the fight." Michelangelo said sheepishly.

"You dropped it during the fight!?" Donatello questioned furiously. "Nice going, Mikey!"

"It's your fault!" Michelangelo shouted back at him.

"How is it my fault?" Donatello asked, glaring at him.

"You know I can't be trusted with nice things!" Michelangelo told him.

"Eh, he's right about that." Briana answered honestly with a shrug.

"Okay," Henry said, stepping between Michelangelo and Donatello before they start fighting. "So, the A.I. chip is upgrading his armor the same way it upgraded the Tpod."

"And if it keeps going, there's no telling how powerful he'll get." Donatello finished.

"Okay, this has gone way too far," Leonardo said as he stood up. "We have to tell Splinter about this."

"What? That we turned some nut job into a super villain?" Raphael questioned. "Do you know what he'd do to us for that? I mean, he pounded us into the ground just for being sleepy!"

"Look," Donatello explained. "We beat Stockman once, we can beat him again. We can track him down, grab the Tpod, and get back here before Splinter knows anything."

"If my opinion counts for anything," Michelangelo said. "Donnie's right."

"Hey, thanks, Mikey," Donatello said as he pretended to look happy before he got mad. "It doesn't."

"Didn't think so."


"I'M NOT BAXTER Stockman! I am the Baxman! No, no, I am the Suitinator! Aw, that's terrible! Captain Punch-you-hard! Why is this so difficult?" Baxter asked with a sigh, trying to think of a name for himself.

"I kinda liked the Suitinator." Michelangelo admitted as the seven teenagers jumped down.

"You guys again?" Baxter questioned, standing up quickly from the sight of them.

"All right, Stockman," Leonardo said seriously. "Nobody wants to hurt you."

"We don't? Did I miss a meeting?" Raphael questioned.

"We just want the Tpod." Leonardo continued, ignoring Raphael's question.

"Give up my source of power? Why? So you can laugh at me again? Throw me in a dumpster?" Baxter asked angrily.

"Sounds good to me." Raphael said. With his sais at the ready, he went in for the attack, only to he got kicked away.

As the fight started, each one of them attempted to take Baxter down together. However, no matter how hard they tried, Baxter was much more difficult to fight with his upgraded suit. Having beaten them with ease, Baxter carried the seven teenagers out and threw them into a dumpster.

Baxter laughs. "Oh, yeah! Foolish turtles! Did you really think that you could defeat them?"

"Well, yeah." Michelangelo admits.

"All my life, people have laughed at me. The other kids in school, my co-workers, the woman who fixes the copy machine! How was I supposed to know you don't pour toner in the top? But when they behold the power of this suit, they won't be laughing anymore! They'll tremble in terror!" Baxter says as his suit started to grow bigger and stronger.

"Uh, what's happening?" Eclipse asked.

"Stockman and the Tpod," Captain Violet explained, her eyes widened. "They're merging. They're becoming one single entity."

"The Stockmanpod." Michelangelo said, his eyes widened in horror.

The next thing that happened was that the seven of them were running as Baxter continued to chase after them. "The Stockmanpod's right on top of us!" Michelangelo shouted.

"Stop calling him that! That's a stupid name!" Raphael yelled.

"Split up! He can't follow all of us!" Boy Danger said.

"No way! He's gonna follow me!" Michelangelo shouted.

"Why would he follow you?" Leonardo questioned.

"They always follow me!" He argued.

"Stop being paranoid and just do it!" The blue masked mutant turtle said.

And with that, the seven teenagers ran in different directions, splitting up. However, as Michelangelo predicted, Baxter continued to run after him. Luckily, the orange masked mutant turtle managed to get away when he threw pizza at his face.


"SHH, GUYS, QUIET," Leonardo whispered to them as the seven of them were trying to sneak back in. "You're gonna wake us up."

"I'm not making noise." Michelangelo said, only for Leonardo to shush.

"Don't tell me to be quiet." Raphael said, getting another shush in return.

Before someone else could get a word in, the lights suddenly turned on, causing them to freeze. "Sensei!"

"And where have you been?" Splinter questioned.

"Nowhere." Eclipse answered.

"How did you get so hurt?" Splinter asked, pointing to the bruises that were on them.

"Oh! That! Well, um," Leonardo started.

"We were, um," Henry added.




"Bus?" Michelangelo finished, getting the rest of them to look over at him.

"Hit by a bus?" Donatello asked angrily.

"Well, what was I supposed to said? Meteor? Cow? Flying building?" Michelangelo retorted back.

"Enough!" Splinter said, his voice made them all stand up straighter. "Tell me what happened."


"AND THEN I threw hot cheese in his face and ran away." Michelangelo said, finishing telling Splinter the whole story of what had happened.

"Very resourceful, Michelangelo," Splinter said. "But I am still highly disappointed in you all. The first rule of being a ninja is do no harm. Unless you mean to do harm. Then do lots of harm."

"You're right, Sensei," Leonardo said in agreement. "I guess we did make a mess of things."

"So, what do you think would be a fitting punishment?" Splinter asked.

"We need to clean up our mess." Leonardo said.

"Yes, you must stop this Stockmanpod."

"But, Sensei, this guy's already kicked our shells. And now, he's even more powerful. How are we supposed to stop him?" Donatello said.

"I know!" Raphael said. "I'll hit him really hard."

"Brute force is not the answer," Splinter answered. "You will need to rely on your ninja training."

"Excuse me, Sensei, but ninjas never had to go up against guys in armor." Michelangelo said, making his siblings facepalmed while Splinter raised an eyebrow at him.

Michelangelo looked at the wall behind him. "I mean ninjas always have to go up against guys in armor."

"Nice save." Eclipse told him.

"Sensei, what was their secret?" Briana asked.

"They understood that you do not fight the armor. You fight the man inside." Splinter said, as the seven teenagers let his words sink in.


"ARE YOU SURE this is gonna work?" Donatello asked as they were waiting on a rooftop.

"Like Sensei said, don't fight the armor. Fight the guy inside." Boy Danger reminded.

"And one thing we know about bad guys," Leonardo added. "They love chasing Mikey."

"Guys!" Michelangelo yelled, running over to them with a scream leaving his lips. "Stockmanpod's got missiles!"

The missiles shot at him but he avoided them. Once Baxter was close and Michelangelo got away from him, the others jumped down and wrapped the chains around the suit.

"Now who's trembling in terror?" Michelangelo asked with a smirk, only to get hit by Stockmanpod that sent him flying away.

"MIKEY!" They all yelled. However, Boy Danger didn't realize that something inside of him didn't like that, causing his eyes to briefly turn yellow before going back to their original color.

"That's it!" Raphael yelled. "You're going down!"

"Raph!" Captain Violet called out as the red masked mutant turtle was knocked down.

Everyone went in to attack but Stockmanpod was too fast for them. As the large suit stood above them, he smirked. "Any last words?"

"Just one," Leonardo said with a smirk. "Bees!"

"Bees?" Baxter asked.

Michelangelo then ran up and threw a beehive at him, pushing it into the glass that protected his face. "Beeees!"

"The Tpod!" Eclipse shouted, spotting it. Each one of them went in for the attack once again and this time, they managed to defeat him with Leonardo using his katana blade to take the Tpod out, causing the suit to power down.

"So," Baxter asked nervously and terrified. "We'll call it a tie?"

"Wanna call it a tie, Raph?" Boy Danger asked with a smirk.

Raphael smirked as well, cracking his knuckles. "Not yet."

The next thing that Baxter knew was that he was thrown into a dumpster with the seven teenagers smirking down at him. "Now, it's a tie." Raphael said, shutting the dumpster.

With Baxter inside the dumpster, the seven of them pulled away and shared a high-five before heading back to the lair.


"YOU ALL SHOWED wisdom and great skill in defeating the Stockmanpod," Splinter told the seven teenagers that were kneeling in front of him within the dojo. "I am proud of you all."

"Does this mean we're not grounded anymore?" Leonardo asked.

Splinter thought about it for a moment. "Yes, but first, Randori!"

Immediately, they all started running out of the dojo.

"Yeah... haha, those were fun times. Don't judge us, we were teenagers."

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