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A/N: Eclipse belongs to GeekyCookie1.

Soren belongs to MariChat3.

"Do you ever get the feeling that someone you know is keeping something from you? You don't want to believe it but deep down, you know there's something that you don't know and you can't stop thinking about it. Then, you can't help but wonder why it's being kept from you. Well, I've pretty much that feeling my whole life."

"HAMATO YOSHI'S DISCIPLES are turtles and two teenagers? And yet they managed to defeat you?" Shredder asked furiously. Jake rolled his eyes at the two men that were in front of them while Soren shook his head, finding it hard to believe that one of Shredder's best students and a thief were beaten by a bunch of turtles and two teenagers.

"Not just turtles," Bradford argued. "Man-sized turtles trained in ninjstu, the two teenagers were just as trained as the turtles were."

"And you're one of Master Shredder's best students and even you couldn't beat them," Soren said as he rolled his eyes. "It's pathetic."

Bradford looked over at Soren and glared at him with a frown on his face. Soren ignored the glare and shrugged it off.

"And I almost had them," Xever argued. "Till you lead us right into their trap. If you'd let me take them down when I wanted."

"Then we'd never find Hamato Yoshi!" Bradford shot back at him.

Jake only sighed before letting out a harsh cough, his arm going to cover his mouth so the blood wouldn't fall onto the floor. He groaned silently to himself, hating that he could feel all of his insides being torn apart because of the magic he had.

"Silence!" Shredder yelled at the two, standing up from his throne as he walked over. "You were such a promising student. I excepted much more from you." He held his blade against Bradford's throat.

"Sensei, give me another chance," Bradford said. "I will not fail you again."

"No, you won't," Shredder said before turning to the other man. "Xever, you are in charge. And to make sure that you two won't fail, Soren will be going with you to keep an eye on you two."

"I won't take orders from those gutter trash!" Bradford argued angrily.

Jake narrowed his eyes, taking out his sword as he aimed it at Bradford. "Are you questioning Father's orders, Bradford?"

Bradford looked back over at his master and lowered his head a little. If there was anyone that was just as ruthless as Shredder, it was Jake. "Unless you want me to, master."

"I've already put the word out on the street to watch for the turtles," Xever said. "And when I find them, I'll peel them out of their shells and drop them at your feet."

"And I'll try to make sure that these two idiots won't let Princess Briana get away this time." Soren said, staring sharply at the two men in front of them.


BRIANA WAS WALKING down the sidewalk alongside April, Kaz, and Henry. Their three human friends had discovered a noodle place that the five mutant turtles could go too since the owner was blind and wouldn't be able to see that they were mutants. Not only was the owner blind and wouldn't be able to see that they were mutants or the fact that the food there was amazing, Mr. Murakami was very friendly. Henry's perked up, picking up the sound of the five mutant turtles that were following them while hiding as the four of them stopped walking and turned.

"You guys wanna speed it up a little?" April asked irritably.

"Are you saying turtles are slow?" Donatello asked, peeking out from behind the ticket booth of a theater that they were passing. "That's a hurtful stereotype."

"Trust us, April," Leonardo said, hiding behind a wall outside the theater. "We are better off keeping a low profile. We find people treat us better when they don't know we exist."

"Sorry," April apologized. "I'm just excited to get out of the sewers for a change."

"What are you talking about?" Raphael asked. "We go out all the time."

"Yeah, but tonight, you're gonna do something besides hitting people." Kaz added.

"Aww..." Raphael whined.

"Don't worry, you'll love this noodle place we found." Henry reassured.

"And you guys are sure we'll be welcomed?" Eclipse asked skeptical.

April nodded. "Oh, yeah. Mr. Murakami doesn't care what you look like. In fact, he won't even know what you look like. He's blind!"

"Awesome!" Michelangelo said then yelped when Raphael smacked the back of his head. "I mean... for us, obviously."

They were able to arrive at the noodle place without any problems. The second they got there, that's when the problems started since there was a commotion going on inside the restaurant. Crashes and bangs could be heard from the outside and several silhouettes were seen across the windows.

April, Henry, and Kaz ran towards the shop with the mutant turtles and Briana following. They stopped upon reaching the window.

"Who are those creeps, guys?" Donatello asked.

"The Purple Dragons," Kaz said, looking annoyed at the gang that's inside the restaurant as if he knew the gang on a personal level. "They think they own the streets around here."

The group peered through the window to look inside to find four guys inside as they were completely wrecking the place, throwing pans, and breaking glass decorations. One of the Purple Dragons smirked and tapped the shoulder of an old, Chinese man wearing a white hat, who was none other than Mr. Murakami. The old man turned toward the gang member, holding a wooden cutting board by the handle. The Purple Dragon backhanded the man and Mr. Murakami fell to the ground.

"So much for not hitting people tonight," Eclipse said.

Raphael smirked. "Oh, well."

Taking a few steps back, the mutant turtles charged and burst through the door while their friends and Briana planned to help Mr. Murakami. "Booyakasha!" Michelangelo said.

The four Purple Dragons turned to face them, three of them seemed to shock while one of them remained emotionless as if he already knew that they were coming at the sight of the ninjas.

"Alright, let him go," Leonardo ordered. "You don't want any trouble."

"We, on the other hand, do." Raphael growled.

"Whoa, those guys were serious!" Fong told his buddies. "They really are giant turtles!"

Henry frowned. 'They know about them? How?' He thought secretly to himself.

"You've heard of us?" Michelangelo beamed at his siblings. "Dudes, dudelette, we're famous!"

"That's bad." Eclipse told him.

"Oh, right."

"Whatever you are, this neighborhood is ours!" Fong said. "So, why don't you slither back to the ocean you came from?"

"Actually, we're freshwater turtles," Donatello corrected in his scientific voice. "I suspect we're derived from the diamondback terrapin, but it's possible we're a common bodyโ€”"

"Get them!"

The fighting between the four Purple Dragons and the five mutant turtles started while Henry and the others helped get Mr. Murakami out of the fighting and to safety. Leonardo jumped onto the counter and grabbed Fong by his black vest, holding him against the wall. He pulled back his fist, ready to strike but just as Fong flinched and closed his eyes, Leonardo blinked, hesitating. He stared for a while before releasing him.

"Get out of here." Leonardo told him.

Fong snorted and pushed past him. He jumped off the counter and helped his buddies up. "Come on, let's go! This ain't over, greenie!"

One of the Purple Dragons, Kevin began to head out the door before looking over at Kaz with a smirk. "See you at home, little brother." Kaz rolled his eyes in annoyance while Kevin left the restaurant with his buddies.

A little backtrack on Kevin and Kaz here: neither Kaz or Kevin had gotten along when they were kids or even to now since Kevin always seemed to pick on his brother and his best friend (since preschool), Casey Jones since they were kids. Whatever chance he got, Kevin was always targeting Kaz and Casey to pick on the most, which lead to Kaz and Casey teaming up and getting back at him. Then, Kaz and Casey were in eighth grade when Kevin had dropped out of high school during his senior year to join the Purple Dragons and even to this day, Kevin still takes great pleasure in picking on Kaz and Casey.

"Greenie? Really?" Donatello asked as Leonardo jumped down from the counter. "Wonder how many brain cells he put to work on that."

"I didn't know you have a brother." Michelangelo told Kaz curiously.

"Eleven brothers and eleven sisters," Kaz answered as the orange masked mutant turtle nodded. "Kevin and I just never got along."

"You just let him go?" Raphael told the blue masked mutant turtle angrily. "What the heck was that!?"

"They weren't exactly a threat," Leonardo said. "They'd had enough."

"Dude!" Raphael yelled angrily. "They were beating up a blind guy! There's no enough! Now they'll think we're wimps, and we don't have the guts to finish the job!"

Neither Leonardo and Raphael had a chance to keep arguing since Henry to pinch their necks, causing the two to freeze and flinch. "Enough." Henry said sternly, the two quickly nodded and the teenaged boy released them.

April came back in, leading Murakami. "Wow! That was great, you guys!"

"Thanks, April!" Donatello beamed. "Did you see when I caught the one guy and flipped him onto the counter? Did it look cool? I bet it looked cool!"

"The coolest." April said, smiling widely.

Donatello's smile fell. "You didn't see it, did you?"

"No, I didn't."

"My friends," Murakami said in a gentle voice. "I am indebted to you. Please, allow me to make you a meal; free of charge."

Eclipse grinned. "I think we can allow that."

"What is your favorite dish?" The old man asked.

"PIZZA!" The five mutants and the purple haired girl exclaimed in unison. Henry shook his head with a smile while April and Kaz laughed and Murakami nodded.

Within the next few minutes, Murakami was behind the counter with the teenagers sitting at the counter, watching. The five mutant turtles and the purple haired girl watched with impressed expressions on their faces as Murakami moved with incredible grace and effort.

"Mr. Murakami-san, that was amazing!" Donatello exclaimed.

"You're like a ninja, but for food!" Michelangelo beamed.

A few seconds later, eight wooden trays were laid before the five mutants and Briana (Henry and Kaz included as they decided to give it a try), each containing several large dumplings.

"Pizza Gyoza!" Murakami said proudly.

"Pizza Gyoza?" April asked, confused.

The five mutants and Briana stared at the dumplings curiously, having never seen food like it before. After each one of them picked up their chopsticks, they all picked up a dumpling and ate it. The second they all placed it in their mouths, it felt like their brains exploded.

"It's like I got a one-way ticket to Flavor-ville!" Donatello said.

"This is really good too, you know," April said, holding up her bowl of noodles.

They stared at her and blinked before going back to their dumplings. "Uh, Murakami-san," Leonardo said a few minutes later. "Do the Purple Dragons come around a lot?"

"Yes," the old chief sighed solemnly. "They demand protection money but I refuse to pay. They will surely return."

"Well, they wouldn't if somebody hadn't wimped out!" Raphael said, glaring at his brother.

Leonardo frowned, bowing his head, ashamed. When he looked back up, his dumplings had vanished from his tray and looked up in surprise for a second before he snapped his head around to look at the orange masked mutant turtle, eyes narrowed. Michelangelo just smiled and pretended as if he didn't eat his dumplings.

But when Michelangelo managed to grab one of Henry's dumplings, thinking that he didn't get caught and just as he tossed the dumpling into the air and went to catch it with his mouth, it never came. Michelangelo opened his eyes to see what happened and his baby blue eyes widened in shock while his jaw dropped open in surprise when he noticed that Henry had managed to catch the dumpling with his own chopsticks without looking.

Noticing the surprised look on the orange masked mutant turtle's face out of the corner of his eyes, Henry smirked and tossed his own dumpling into his mouth while Michelangelo pouted in defeat.


BACK AT THE lair, Leonardo sparred against the fighting dummy without mercy, furious at himself for releasing Fong. His hits became stronger and more powerful each time they struck. As he hit it again, Raphael stepped out from behind the dummy. "Whoa, whoa, Leo! I think he's had enough, you better let him go."

Leonardo rolled his eyes. "I get it. You're making fun of me for not mercilessly pummeling a helpless man!"

"Yes, I am." Raphael said as he poked his chest. "You showed weakness! Those guys only understand one language."

"Chinese?" Michelangelo guessed, looking up from the comic.

Raphael jumped up in the air to land in front of him. "No! Fists!"

"What about feet?" Michelangelo grinned, lifting his foot in the air.

Eclipse facepalmed at him and sighed. "You're hopeless."

Raphael groaned at his words. "Yes, they understand feet."

"That would make them bilingual." Donatello pointed out.

Raphael shouted in frustration. "The point is, we can't go soft on them!"

"To show mercy is not soft," Splinter said and they turned to look at him. "It is a sign of true strength."

"But, sensei, they're criminals!" Raphael stressed. "This is war!"

"A daimyo of the sixteenth century once said, 'in times of peace, never forget the possibility of war. In times of war, never forget compassion.'"

Raphael glanced at the ground and muttered. "I'm guessing that guy lost a lot of wars."

Splinter narrowed his eyes. Then, he took his cane and swung it down, aiming at the red masked mutant turtle's head but the stick stopped within a centimeter of his face. "You see?" Splinter asked. "Mercy." He swung his cane again, this time smacking Raphael's arm.

"Ow!" Raphael sighed as he rubbed his arm. "Okay, look, compassion is great, but the Purple Dragons are not gonna leave Murakami alone."

"So, we'll track down the Dragons and make sure they got the message," Leonardo said. "And if they didn't, we'll send them one," he punched a fist into his palm. "Special delivery!"

Briana simply blinked and tilted her head a little at the words that left his mouth.

"Oh, god," Eclipse muttered under her breath.

"Was that supposed to sound tough or stupid?" Raphael asked.

"How are we gonna track someone down when we can't talk to anybody?" Donatello asked.

Then, everyone looked at each other with grins.


KAZ HAD SNUCK inside Kevin's bedroom that he had to share with his other older brother, Kenny, who Kaz was lucky was at work right now. He walked over to Kevin's side of the room and grabbed his phone, turning it on and unlocking the phone pretty easily since Kevin always made his passwords easy to know. Once he was in, Kaz went to Kevin's messages and searched through his contacts, looking for a certain one.

Once he found Fong's contact, Kaz clicked on and sent the address that Fong had texted Kevin to himself, he turned the phone off and placed it back on the bed where Kevin had left it. Then, he snuck back out of the bedroom and made it down the hallway to his bedroom that he had to share with Kyle.

"Kaz," he freeze but relaxed when he saw that it was just his mother. "Did Kevin took something of yours again? How come you were in his room?"

"I thought he did," Kaz said, coming up with a half-lie. "But then I remembered that I let Kyle borrow it."

His mother, Emma nodded in understanding with a warm smile. Then, once she had gone back to the kitchen, Kaz went back into his bedroom where he grabbed his phone and went to his messages. He clicked on Kevin's contact, copied the address he sent himself from Kevin's phone, and then clicked on another contact.


Got it.



Thank you! ๐Ÿ˜Š


THE FIVE MUTANT turtles, Boy Danger, and the Captain Violet stood on the rooftop, looking down at the tattoo shop that the address Kaz had sent them lead them too. "This is the place." Captain Violet said, looking up from the GPS on her T-Phone that the address lead them too.

"Cool! Can we get tattoos?" Michelangelo asked. "I wanna get one of my face on my face. It'll be like I'm wearing a mask, and the mask is me!" He struck a victorious pose, silent. "I just blew your minds, right?"

"Can it, dork!" Raphael snapped. "There he is!"

They looked to see Fong walking out of the shop. He smirked as he turned onto the sidewalk, walking with the kind of swagger only a gangster like him could have. Leonardo looks over at Boy Danger, who nods at him. "Let's go," the blue masked mutant turtle whispers.

As Fong approaches the door, Kevin opens it for him. "About time you got here. Our client doesn't like to be left waiting, you know?" He told him seriously. "Don't make me tell Hun, Fong."

Fong waved him off. "Relax, Kevin, I'm here now, aren't I?"

Kevin didn't said anything and held the door open, letting Fong enter the shop. The five mutants, Boy Danger, and Captain Violet then proceeded to jump onto the rooftop of the shop that they had just walked into. Then, they leaned forward and crashed through the old window and shot into the building, rolling out onto the floor and into defensive stances with their weapons out.

"Freeze, dirtbags!" Leonardo shouted.

Three figures stepped out from behind Fong while Kevin stood on the side of the two figures, leaning against the wall. The seven teenagers recognized one of the figures as Bradford but having no clue who the other two were.

"I think we can find them ourselves." Xever told Fong with a smirk.

Soren glanced between the seven teenagers, his eyes landing on Captain Violet the longest. 'So, these two idiots were right about five of them being mutant turtles. If these idiots can actually stop the turtles and their friend then, we might have a chance at taking Princess Briana back to Master Shredder with us.' He thought secretly to himself.

"Oh, man, this is awkward," Michelangelo said. "It's Chris Bradford, my ex-friend. And... that other guy. And... some random guy."

"The name is, Xever," he said. "So, you don't forget, I'll write it on your shells with these!" He drew from his pocket two small, but dangerous knives.

"Don't screw this up, idiots," Soren muttered under his breath, reminding himself not to engaged in the fight as the Shredder had only sent him to keep an eye on Xever and Bradford. "Or it's on your heads."

All three Purple Dragons charged and attacked, the fight between everyone within the shop (minus Soren, who was there to watch Xever and Bradford) started fighting. Captain Violet turned, lifting her katana in time to stop the knife from impaling her as she looked up to see Xever smirking at her.

"You got some moves, Princess," Xever told her lowly with a smirk. "No wonder why Shredder and Jake want you so badly."

Captain Violet frowned at the word Princess that left his mouth, confusion written all over her face. 'Again with this? First, it was Bradford and now, this guy? Why does everyone keep calling me that?' She thought secretly to herself.

Snapping out of her thoughts, Captain Violet shoved him back. Xever slid back, still smirking as he held his knives. The purple haired girl kept her katana ready for a fight.

Then, there came several loud crashing sounds that grabbed everyone's attention. They all turned to see Foot soldiers bursting through the walls. Boy Danger curses under his breath as he looks over at Leonardo, sending him a look that he understood.

"Ninjas, fall back!" Leonardo shouted.

"We're giving up? Again?" Raphael demanded. "Are you kidding me?"

"Yes!" Leonardo snarled. "It's all part of my hilarious 'let's all live' routine!"

He ducked, dodging a couple of flying shurikens. Sheathing his blades, he follows the others out the broken window.

"Hey! Stay and fight you cold-blooded cowards!" Xever shouted, his head sticking out the window.

Soren rolled his eyes and shook his head. "I hope you two have a plan or Master Shredder won't be happy with neither of you."

Bradford scowled and glared at the man while Xever rolled his eyes.


IT WAS COMPLETE silence once the seven of them got back to the lair. Each and every one of them were sitting on the couch, looking miserable about the fight. "Man, could that fight have been anymore embarrassing?" Raphael snapped, punching the dummy at the last word.

"Sure," Michelangelo said as he looked up. "We could've been hit in the face with pies."

Eclipse rolled her eyes and smacked the back of his head. "Not helping."

Leonardo sighed as he stood up. "It's called fighting smart, Raph. The Purple Dragons have Bradford and Xever on their side now! Last time, we barely beat those guys! And we don't even know which side that other guy is on!"

"The last time we faced Bradford and Xever, we were at least a little prepared for them. This time, we didn't even know they were gonna be in the building tonight. We wouldn't have stood a chance if we stayed." Henry added as well.

"Yeah, because they're willing to fight to the finish!" Raphael said. "The only way to beat them is to be just as ruthless as they are!"

"Raphael..." Splinter's voice is heard as he enters the room. "This Xever can cross lines that you won't. This may make him dangerous, but it does not make him strong."

"But Xever wins fights!" Raphael protested. "Isn't that what matters? And he never shows anyone mercy!"

Unknowingly, both Henry and Leonardo glanced over at each other, feeling the exact same way as they both slumped. Neither one of them liked that they had to call for a retreat during the last fight but it was the only way that all of them would get out alive. But now, the two of them couldn't help but question their leadership or if they were even going the job right in leading them, bringing them to one question.

Had Splinter made a mistake when he chose them to lead the team?


AFTER RECEIVING A text from April, the seven of them arrived at the noodle place where they found the teenage girl pacing by the entrance. They jumped off the roof and ran towards her.

"April, what's wrong?" Leonardo asked.

"It's Murakami!" April pushed the door open as they walked inside, finding the place to be a mess. "Someone took him. And they left this..."

She gestured to the wall where there was a note pinned by a knife.

"Sweet! Free knife!" Michelangelo said.

Eclipse rolled her eyes. "The note, dummy!"

Donatello took the note and read it out loud. "No more running. If you want the old man, meet us on the roof of the fortune cookie factory."

"Well, what are we waiting for?" Raphael asked. "Let's bust in there and save Murakami!"

"Not so fast!" Leonardo said. "Think, Raphael."

"There's two words that don't usually go together." Donatello said, smirking.

"This is obviously a trap." Boy Danger replied.

"Well, what choice do we have?" Raphael asked.

"Maybe we do need to think more like Xever." Leonardo said.

"But Master Splinter saidโ€”"

"I know! But Xever crossed the line dragging Murakami into this. He's gotta learn that we can cross the line too." Leonardo said as he folded his arms. "No more Mr. Nice Turtle."

"Yes!" Raphael punched his fist into his hand. "I never liked Mr. Nice Turtle!"


AFTER TAKING BRADFORD hostage, the seven teenagers met Xever on the rooftop of the fortune cookie factory where he was waiting for them. Murakami was hanging from a beam by the rope that kept him there. "We're here, Xever!" Boy Danger shouted.

"Now, let the noodle-man go!" Leonardo added.

"Sorry," Xever said. "But there's been a change of plans."

Several Foot soldiers jumped up out of nowhere and landed near the seven of them, all wielding weapons.

"Actually, there's been another change of plans." Leonardo said with a smirk.

Donatello, Michelangelo, Eclipse, and Captain Violet stepped out of the way as they lifted the trash can to show Bradford being held hostage, causing Soren to shake his head with a frown. "I love it when a change of plans come together." Donatello said.

"You let our friend go, and we'll let your friend go." Leonardo said.

Xever laughed. "He's not my friend!"

Their grins instantly faded, none of them excepting this. Xever headed back to the wooden beam, drawing one of his knives. He kneeled and began to cut the rope Murakami was hanging from. Raphael grabbed Bradford and leaned him threateningly over the edge.

"Uh... we're not kidding!" Leonardo said, sounding less confident. "Okay? Stop or we'll toss him!"

Xever shrugged and kept cutting the rope. "Go ahead! He'll save me the trouble."

"Leo," Boy Danger said in a panicked tone that their plan pretty much failed.

"Uh, Raph? Don't toss him." Leonardo said.

"Aw, crud," Raphael groaned before tossing Bradford back onto the roof.

Xever stood, chuckling. "That's what I thought." He stopped cutting the rope. "Attack!"

Everyone charged at them and a fight broke out. Fighting the Foot soldiers and the Purple Dragons were easy enough to do but fighting Xever and Bradford was a challenge and a lot harder to fight, especially since Bradford had managed to get free and was standing before them.

"Alright," Bradford said. "Let's settle the score, pond scum!"

"We're the ones who didn't wanna throw you off the roof!" Donatello said irritably.

Bradford lunged, and they scattered. I'm just a few minutes, the lot of them were sprawled on the ground.

As the only two left standing, Boy Danger and Leonardo struggle against Bradford and Xever, who came at the two with no mercy. The two teenagers were slammed into the base of the water tower where the others lay on the ground, appearing unconscious.

"See, Bradford? This is how you catch turtles. And next..." Xever took out his knife as Soren came to join the two henchmen. "I'll show you how to fillet them."

"You'd never have caught them without me, and you know it!" Bradford argued.

Xever laughed. "Oh, yes! What would we have done without your brave leadership from inside the trash can?"

Soren groaned as he rubbed his head in irritation. "Can you two idiots quit arguing for a second?"

As the three continued arguing, there was a loud shling, and both Boy Danger and Leonardo looked up. One of Leonardo's katana blades and Boy Danger's twin swords were embedded in the ground. They looked over and spotted Fong, standing there with arms crossed. The two of them then grinned a little, not needing to ask to know it was him.

"Now, if you'll excuse me," Xever said when the three finally stopped arguing. "It's time to cut these turtles into little piecesโ€”"

Xever didn't get to keep going till Boy Danger and Leonardo pointed their weapons at the three men. "Oh, we don't think so." Leonardo said with a smirk.

Sharing a smirk between the two, both Boy Danger and Leonardo leaped up and sliced the support beams of the water tower. The tower collapsed, smashed, and the water gushed out in a powerful wave, washing away the robot ninjas along with Xever, Bradford, and Soren.

Michelangelo stood, extracting his nunchucks chain. He charged and jumped over the wooden beam Murakami had been tied to. "I got him!" He called, holding onto the man with one arm.

"Nice save, Mikey!" Donatello said.

"Don't look down, Murakami-san!" Michelangelo told the old man. "Or, um... listen down."


"ACCEPT THIS TOKEN of my gratitude," Murakami held up a large package. "Pizza Gyoza!"

"Awesome!" Eclipse said, taking the package. "Thanks, Murakami-san!"

"Your welcome, turtle-san."

They froze when realizing what he said, looking up with surprised expressions on their faces.

"Wait, how did you...?" Donatello trailed off.

"I do have other senses," Murakami explained. "Touch, smell." They all looked at each other before looking over at the orange masked mutant turtle, who lifted his arm to sniff himself then winched, lowering it quickly.

"You're not scared of us?" Leonardo asked.

"You saved my life!" Murakami smiled. "Who am I to complain?"

"If only the rest of this city were this accepting." Boy Danger muttered under his breath.

Michelangelo stepped forward, giving Murakami a hug.


BRIANA WAS HAPPILY eating her Pizza Gyoza within the main room of the lair just like everyone else was. "You all showed great strength today." Splinter said proudly.

Raphael shrugged. "Yeah, but we almost got beaten."

"Your strength was mercy," Splinter said in a serious tone. "That is why the Purple Dragon helped you." He sipped his tea.

Leonardo and Henry leaned towards the red masked mutant turtle, smirking. "Well? Say it."

"Okay, okay, you were right."

Leonardo placed a hand on his shoulder while Henry leaned back in his seat with a smirk, going back to his own Pizza Gyoza. "See, that wasn't soโ€”"

"Your wimpiness might not be totally useless." Raphael told them with a smirk.

"Oh! I'll show you who's wimpy! No mercy!" Leonardo said as he then tackled Raphael onto the ground.

Then, the two mutants looked up at each other before looking at Henry with a smirk. "Oh, no, don't you dare."

Then, Leonardo and Raphael tackled Henry to the ground. "Fine! Just remember, you asked for this!" He told them.

As the others laughed with smiles, Leonardo, Raphael, and Henry wrestled each other to the ground like they did back when they were kids.


"THIS IS UNACCEPTABLE." Shredder told the two men that stood in front of him as he sat in his throne with Jake and Soren standing by his side. Soren had just informed the two of how everything went down and neither one of them were pleased.

"You idiots were this close to getting her! And you couldn't even do that?!" Jake questioned furiously, glaring at the two henchmen his adoptive father has.

"Humble apologizes, Master Shredder." Bradford apologized, bowing his head ashamed.

"I swear, next time, we will..." Xever said.

"Enough! I shall deal with Hamato Yoshi's disciples myself." Shredder said as he stood up and started to walk out of the throne room, Jake and the other three men watching.

"Well, would you look at that? We're getting closer to where two more villains are after me. At least until the rest show up in the future days. Didn't I said that my story was a rollercoaster? Well, it's sure is one heck of a ride!"

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