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      A massive black figure blasts through the sky over the ocean. Sea spray covering the creature with salty water. Another creature leaps from the sea. "Woah!" The black figure swerves, dodging the beast. From the back of the creature, a smaller figure sits up, looking back at the white water the water beast left behind. "Watch it! We're flying here!" The figure shouts, followed by a laugh.

      A human girl. Her face hidden by a helmet with only her luscious forest green eyes on display from the eye holes. Her long brown braided hair flows freely in the wind behind her. The creature she is on garbles and shakes its head in annoyance. The girl looks down and crosses her arms. "I do not!" She argues. Once again the beast garbles in defiance.

      A dragon. A Night Fury to be exact. The last of its kind. "Toothless, you have to get over it!" The girl says with clear amusement in her tone. Toothless, the dragon, turns his body causing the girl's face to be dunked into the water and dragged through the waves. Toothless laughs and he watches his rider struggle to get her face above the waves.

      Finally Toothless swings his body around so he is right side up. His rider pulls her helmet off as she coughs us sea water. "Toothless!" She barks out through a cough. The girl scowls at her dragon and runs her fingers through her hair, her braid having fallen out during her unexpected white water face rafting.

      Hedvika Haddock, or better known as Hiccup. The last dragon rider.

      Hiccup steers Toothless towards a small land mass. She huffs and puffs angrily as she hops off her dragon and squeezes her hair out. Toothless watches her with a mischievous smile. Hiccup re-braids her hair and glares at the black dragon.

      Toothless has held a grudge against his rider for almost a year now. An envy. You see, Hiccup and Toothless had only recently started visiting the modern world around them. For over a millennium they had been locked away from the world above them. Hiccup knows that the hidden world and the dragons within it must be kept secret, but she's longed to know what became of her home, Berk.

      Hiccups first stop was a place called 'New York City'. Toothless, being a massive dragon was unable to go and that did not sit well with him. He's been jealous ever since and every time Hiccup brings it up (Such as a quote from a passing taxi driver) he gets angry.

      It saddened Hiccup to see that Berk had faded away. The massive mountain range Hiccup's people used to reside on had been eroded away, and with it, Berk's culture and all memory of dragons ever existing. The world had moved on and Hiccup had to as well.

      With the entrance to the hidden world open again it meant that there was a risk of it being discovered. It also meant that the less... intelligent population of dragons wanted to go and explore. Which is exactly what happened. Hiccup and Toothless hadn't been fast enough to stop three baby dragons from being caught and taken away by a strange group of soldiers.

      All bearing the symbol of a bird within a circle.

      It's taken months, but the two of them have finally tracked down the location the three dragons had been taken too. And nothing is going to stop them from taking them back home.

      Nick Fury storms into a hidden S.H.I.E.L.D base somewhere outside Jackson Mississippi. An eager and rather sweaty intern struggles to keep up with the man whose giant strides were almost impossible to match. "Sir, I'm sure it's really nothing. The head scientist didn't sound all that panicked-" The intern squeals in surprise as Fury bursts through two doors leading into a main control room.

      "Jefferies, get out of here and make yourself useful." Fury grumbles. The intern Jefferies nods eagerly. "Yessir!" With that he rushes out of the room. "Axle, tell me what's happening." Fury demands over the sound of alarms blaring and several techs slamming their keyboards in frustration. A meek white haired old man hobbles to stand next to Fury who stares up at the main screen.

      He narrows his eyes as a figure appears in the frame, taking out two armed guards with ease and precision. "We don't know, sir." Axle admits as he too watches the security feed. The figure stands and Fury gets a good look at them. The security feed is dark, but the swirling red lights provide enough light to reveal the intruder. Cloaked in black armour the figure stares into the camera. Without a moment's notice, the figure leaps forward and smashes the camera, leaving Fury with the image of bright green eyes to remember.

      "It just showed up out of nowhere." Axle says with a shaky voice. Fury raises an eyebrow and looks at the man. "'It'?" He asks. Axle nods vigorously and lifts a remote. The tape rewinds to the moment just before the camera feed goes out. On the screen are the blazing green eyes, but that isn't what Axle meant. It's the animalistic slit pupils within them. "It." Axle confirms.

      Fury huffs. "And the specimens?" He asks tightly. Axle swallows a large lump in his throat and reaches into his pocket, taking out two small pills. All this stress is too much for his heart. His wife was right. He needs to retire.

      "Gone, sir. It took them." The sound of Fury grinding his teeth can be heard throughout the room. Without another word, he turns and leaves the room finding Jefferies in the hallway. Fury rolls his eyes at the skinny intern and continues to speed down the hallway. "Jefferies, get me the Avengers." Jefferies pauses as a smile spreads across his lips. Finally, this job is getting interesting.

      "Hey! No, no, no, no!" Hiccup shouts as the baby dragons climb all over her. The Deadly Nadder, Monstrous Nightmare, and Gronckle roar as they play, clueless to the struggle they are causing their rescuer. "A little help here?" Hiccup begs Toothless. Their escape from the facility holding the baby dragons was swift and easy. The moonless sky aided them to hide in the dark.

      Toothless gurgles a laugh and continues flying. Hiccup growls angrily and yelps as the baby Gronckle uses her mouth as a foot pivot. "Okay, that's enough!" Hiccup says with a mouthful of Gronkle foot. She grabs the tiny and adorable dragon and holds him at an arm's length. Behind her, the Monstrous Nightmare finds her helmet and climbs inside, getting cozy. The Nadder joins him and Hiccup sighs in relief.

      "Now," She says as she looks back at the Gronckle. "We really have to teach you personal boundaries-" Hiccup stops as she sees something around the Gronckles neck. It tries to wiggle out of her grasp, but she holds tight. Hiccup looks at the black device and notices the red blinking light. With a quick glance at the other two snoozing dragons she sees that they too have devices around their necks.

      Hiccup clutches her jaw with anger and carefully grabs the collar. The metal under her hand begins to turn red as it melts away. The collar breaks and falls into Hiccup's lap. She inspects it for a moment. Modern technology is still a mystery to her, but she knows enough to know they are being tracked. Wasting no time, Hiccup removes the collars from the other two dragons, then throws them far away. She watches them fall into the sea, then leans forward on her saddle and Toothless takes off into the mist.

~author's notes~

Hey guys. I know I haven't been active, but depression is an endless struggle. I wanted to get this out as I have been wanting to rewrite this for some time. I hope you enjoy!

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