๐•ฎ๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐Ÿ๐Ÿ‘, aslan's camp

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โœฒโ‹…*โ™š ,โˆดยฐ

๐•ญ๐Ž๐Ž๐Š ๐ˆ: ๐–‚๐ˆ๐๐“๐„๐‘ ๐–‚๐€๐‘

๐•ฎ๐ก๐š๐ฉ๐ญ๐ž๐ซ ๐•ฟ๐ก๐ข๐ซ๐ญ๐ž๐ž๐ง: aslan's camp

WHEN THEY CONTINUED ON THE LAST part of their journey, the snow was mostly gone. Only a few white patches here and there were left as a reminder of the cruel winter. Now they were greeted by fresh green and brown colors instead. Flowers in thousands of colors painted rainbows on the forest floor while birds sang their songs as loudly as possible. As if wanting to make up for the times spring passed them by.

Ashara couldn't possibly keep the smile from her face. She was watching her beloved land return to its former glory. Even in her dreams she'd forgotten what Narnia looked like before the never ending winter and seeing it now, unfolding right before her eyes, felt unreal. But besides the beauty of spring returning, it also provided the perfect distraction. She tried her hardest to keep her thoughts from straying towards Peter and the golden string tying them together. She wasn't even sure she could comprehend the implications if her thoughts proved to be true. So for now, she decided to ban every thought of it from her mind.

Footsteps came from her right and she turned her gaze away from Lucy, who'd been dancing and laughing through the fresh growing grass. Susan had come walking up besides her, a careful smile on her porcelain features.

"It must be strange for you to see Narnia like this after all this time," she said, eyes focused on the forest coming alive around them.

"It is," Ashara admitted. "What I wouldn't give to see the look on Jadis' face right now."

She'd meant it as a joke but the mention of the Witch was enough to erase Susan's smile. Instead a frown appeared on her face, making her look older than she probably was. For a moment silence lingered between the two of them. Ashara thought she would've been mad at Susan for everything she'd said right before the waterfall shattered. But she understood it'd been said out of fear. Even if maybe a small part of Susan believed it, or wanted it, Ashara understood how terrifying it could be to fight a war.

"No one blames you for what you said," she started, keeping her voice low to make sure no else could hear them. She took a breath, choosing her words carefully to make sure Susan would understand. "You're afraid and, considering everything you've been through, it's only logical."

Her words were enough to make Susan look at her and consider what she'd said. "I just wish we were home," she eventually sighed wistfully.

Ashara watched as Lucy challenged Peter to a game of tag. The two of them ran around the trees, ignoring Mrs. Beaver's cries of worry. She remembered Peter telling her their father had gone away to war too, meaning there must've been a war waging their country as well. And so it couldn't be truly her home that Susan meant, but rather a feeling of safety, of belonging. So far Narnia hadn't felt safe to the siblings at all, considering all the danger lurking wherever they followed...

She offered Susan a reassuring smile. "I hope one day Narnia will feel like home as well."

For a moment she remained quiet and Ashara feared her words had been chosen poorly. Until finally Susan spoke, so softly it was almost as if she feared saying it out loud would make it so. "Maybe it will."

Ashara smiled and decided to leave the eldest Pevensie sister alone with her thoughts. Her eyes went back to Lucy and Peter uphead, still running after each other. The newborn summer sun illuminated them in golden light. Her eyes caught Peter's crystal blue gaze and for a moment her heart seemed to stop. Then Lucy took his hand and pulled him along to something she'd caught sight of up head and air filled her lungs again.

Curiosity got the better of her and she quickened her pace to see what had drawn Lucy's attention. She heard it before she saw it though; the sound of voices and swords being sharpened and the blow of a horn announcing their arrival.

It felt as though a weight had been lifted from her chest. All her fears about the Witch and her spies catching up with them were gone and she felt lighter than she had in days.

As they walked forward, the trees slowly gave way for red tents. Flags with Narnia's golden lion embroidered on the red cloth waved proudly in the wind. The encampment stretched as far as the eye could see, filling the entire valley. Narnians from across the entire country had listened to Aslan's call and gathered here.

Her feet started walking faster, her mind set on one thought only...they were safe now.

With the Pevensies in front of her and the Beavers leading them through the camp, they made their way towards the biggest tent of them all. It was placed at the foot of the hill, standing guard over all the others. That could only be Aslan's tent.

As they walked through the camp the Narnians gathered there started taking notice of them. Fauns, Centaurs, Griffins, Dwarves and every animal from all over the country had found their way to Aslan's camp. They didn't even try to hide their stares as the humans walked through their midsts. And who could blame them? Humans were after all legends and myths. So to see them walking among them, as their future Kings and Queens no less, was something most didn't believe they would ever witness.

"My lady! My lady!"

A familiar voice called out through the gathering crowd behind them. Ashara turned and watched as Tasmus the Faun made his way towards her, a huge smile on his face.

"Tasmus! How good to see you!" She wrapped her arms around the Faun and pulled him into a hug. "I see you've managed to do as Aslan told you."

He nodded enthusiastically. "I have, my Lady. More have come than I could ever have hoped."

She let her eyes go over the crowd once again and a glow of comfort and pride filled her chest. She was amongst her people again. Finally she could show the Pevensies the true country that had been waiting for them, not the cruel version Jadis had turned it into. She noticed Susan and Peter sharing nervous smiles. Lucy seemed a little nervous as well but mostly in awe, sharing careful smiles with the Narnians gathering around her.

"Are they really the ones the prophecy spoke of?" Tasmus questioned softly, eyes wide in wonder.

Ashara almost laughed at his expression but reminded herself she had much of the same reaction when she first met them. "They are," she said.

Finally they reached the biggest tent and the crowd parted for them, excited whispers slowly falling quiet. Ashara then noticed the Centaur standing guard near the entrance of the tent. Their eyes met and she offered Orieus a smile, relieved to see him safe.

She came to a stop next to Lucy, sudden nerves taking hold of her. She was about to see Him again. The mere might pouring from his presence always made each meeting with the lion memorable.

The sharp sound of a sword being drawn brought silence over the camp.

Peter raised his blade, showing they meant no harm and came in peace. Ashara realised Mr. Beaver must've told him to do so when she left the two of them alone last night.

"We have come to see Aslan," he announced.

For a moment Orieus simply examined him with the weight of his wise, brown eyes. Then he turned his gaze to the tent at the foot of the hill. For a small moment, the only sound that could be heard was the wind and the flags waving. She felt his presence before she could see him. The feeling of spring blossoming inside her very chest. And she wasn't the only one.

As one, the Narnians bowed down, leaving only the Pevensies standing there, bewildered, but no one blamed them. Ashara went down on her knees, feeling like she was a child again, nervously standing beside her father as she was about to meet the Great Lion for the first time.

The cloth of the tent moved and Aslan himself came walking outside. If there were any questions lingering still about winter being truly over, they were all gone at once. It felt as though the sun itself had come walking out of that tent. Shining its light and warmth down on a field of sunflowers, all eagerly turning towards the light. The feeling was overwhelming but far from terrifying. It was calming, comfortable and felt like home.

The Pevensies knelt down as well, unable to look directly at the source of this light.

"Welcome Peter, son of Adam," Aslan spoke, his voice booming like thunder but calm as a stream down the hill. "Welcome Susan and Lucy, daughters of Eve."

She didn't have to look up to feel the weight of his gaze on her shoulders. "Welcome Ashara, Watcher of Narnia." Slowly she lifted her gaze and met with a pair of amber colored, age old eyes, filled with wisdom and warmth.

Then he turned to the Beavers beside her. "And welcome to you, Beavers. You have my thanks. But where is the fourth?" He didn't sound angry, nor disappointed. It was a genuine question of worry for the safety of Edmund and it broke her heart it had to be asked at all.

"That's why we're here, sir," Peter said as he stood up again, followed by his siblings and the rest of the Narnians. "We need your help."

"We had a little trouble along the way," Susan spoke.

For a heartbeat they remained silent, seeming to gather their courage to speak the truth. Finally it was Peter who managed to find it within himself to do so. "Our brother's been captured by the White Witch."

"Captured? How could this happen?" Aslan questioned softly.

The weight of that inquiry seemed too much for them to face and Peter lowered his eyes.

It was Mr. Beaver who answered for them. "He betrayed them, your majesty."

A gasp rattled through the crowd, whispers and cries of outrage came from all around them.

"Then he has betrayed us all!" Orieus bristled.

"Peace, Orieus," Aslan spoke calmly. "I'm sure there's an explanation."

For a moment the siblings remained silent and for the first time since their journey started, Ashara wondered if there was more to Edmund's betrayal than the Witch's magic. Had something happened between the siblings to drive him down this path? Because if there was, she feared for his life. The Deep Magic had very strict laws about traitors. So far she hadn't been worried because she assumed the betrayal hadn't been his own doing. But the look that had appeared on Peter's face made her think otherwise...

"It's my fault, really," he spoke up, his voice breaking. "I was too hard on him."

Susan reached out and placed her hand on his shoulder. "We all were."

Aslan did not seem surprised by their confessions but instead nodded at them, as if thanking them for their honesty.

"Sir, he's our brother," Lucy added softly.

"I know, dear one," The Great lion replied gently. "But that only makes the betrayal all the worse. This may be harder than you think."

Ashara inhaled sharply, her heart hammering in her chest. He couldn't be referring to the Stone Table. She didn't believe the youngest son of Adam deserved such a fate. As if able to read her thoughts, the lion turned to her. There was a warning in his eyes and though no words were said she knew he meant to say she had to stay quiet about this. It felt as though her bones had suddenly been replaced with lead, dragging her body down.

"We will do all we can to recover your brother," Aslan said. "For now, rest. Mrs. Badger, would you please show our guests to their tents?"

Mrs. Badger came walking forward and made a small bow. Then she turned towards the weary travelers with a kind smile. "It's good to see you all safe."

"You too, Mrs. Badger," Ashara replied, genuinely happy to see her again. "Please allow me to introduce; Peter Pevensie, Susan Pevensie and Lucy Pevensie."

The badger made a small bow and Ashara could tell she was desperately trying to contain her excitement. "It's an honor to meet you, your majesties."

While the oldest two still seemed to feel uncomfortable with the formality, Lucy was the one adjusting the best. "It's lovely to meet you too," she said with a wide smile.

Mrs. Badger beamed. "Please follow me, your majesties. You must be exhausted from your long journey."

Susan and Lucy followed her eagerly but Peter threw a look over his shoulder at Ashara. As if wanting to see if it was truly fine. She nodded at him, feeling her heart glow in her chest. "Go, I'll be right behind you."

For a second he lingered but then he followed his sisters toward the south side of the camp.

Taking a shaky breath Ashara watched the crowd slowly disperse. A new energy seemed to have taken hold of the Narnians. The arrival of their long awaited Kings and Queens made defeating the Witch not seem like an impossibility anymore. Slowly they started to believe there would actually be an end to her reign. And Ashara had shared that same belief, right until she'd seen the saddened look on Aslan's face. There was more to his words than just grief for the path Edmund had taken. She knew she wouldn't be able to rest until she heard the truth about what he'd been trying to say. Which was why she didn't take after the Pevensie and instead walked towards where the lion was conversing with Orieus.

As she approached, Orieus took his leave, nodding at her with a warm smile. She tried to return it, but knew it must've looked somewhat forced.

"What's troubling you child?" Aslan asked when she was standing before him. As always she didn't need words to express herself to him.

She folded her hands in front of her, feeling her heart hammering nervously in her chest. She had no idea what would be the best way to word what was on her mind. But looking at the lion, some part of her realised he already knew what she wanted to say.

"It's not Edmund's fault he betrayed them, your majesty," she said, trying her hardest to keep her voice from shaking. "The Witch has enchanted him. He shouldn't be punished for her crimes."

A sad smile appeared on his features. "I wish it were that simple child. But Edmund's actions are still his own. You know as well as I what this means."

She shook her head, a sudden resistance taking hold of her. "But we cannot just let him die! He doesn't deserve such a fate."

The lion seemed to grow in size, or maybe she became suddenly smaller. She knew she had spoken out of turn. "You know we cannot deny the will of the Deep Magic, child," Aslan spoke sternly.

She hung her head, the fire within her reduced to embers. How could she ever look the Pevensies in the eye again, knowing their brother had to die for his actions? She should've seen it coming that day at the Beaver's dam. She should've known something was off and stopped Edmund from joining the Witch. But she wasn't her father, she didn't have the same control over her connection to the Deep Magic as he had. When her powers should've helped her, she hadn't been able to listen. And now Edmund Pevensie had to die on the stone table.

"Do not blame yourself for what happened," Aslan said, his voice still stern but with a kindness that warmed her heart. "You did all you could to protect our Kings and Queens."

Oh how she wished she could believe that.

She bowed to the lion and turned around, ready to walk away but Aslan gently called out her name, making her turn back to the lion. "Is there more you wish to speak about?"

She opened her mouth, about to deny it but then closed it again, knowing it wouldn't be the truth. There was indeed something else on her mind and Aslan had sensed it before she'd even said a word about it. Unconsciously her eyes traveled to her hands, almost as if she expected the golden threads to appear again by simply thinking of them.

"Is he really my soulmate?" She murmured, knowing she wouldn't have to explain herself.

"I think you know the answer to that, dear one," the lion smiled. Then he turned and walked back into his tent, leaving her standing there with a thousand more questions burning on her lips and a heart terrified of them being answered.

โœฒโ‹…*โ™š ,โˆดยฐ

Hi guys! Welcome to chapter thirteen :)

I really hope you all enjoyed this chapter! I wanted Susan and Ashara to have some more bonding time as well, which is why I included that conversation. Sometimes I forget to give Ashara connections besides Peter haha.ย Also Ashara standing up for Edmund even though she doesn't even know him makes me weak okay. She just wants everyone to be save :(

Anyway, they've finally reached Aslan's camp! I'm really excited to get into this part of the movie. Lots of interesting stuff is coming!

Please don't be a ghost and remember leave some comments. They inspire me and keep me going! Thank you all so much for your support on this story.

xx Nelly

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