°•. ✿ .•°Chapter 1°•. ✿ .•°

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Jungkook pov

"I don't want to! ...just don't force me!" Jungkook erupted in rage. His eyes glowed with inner turmoil. "Nothing is wrong with me!"

"You need help, Kookie. Depression must be treated. You... and I guess all of us need a break." Namjoon sounds deflated as he looks at their maknae with concern. The living room has a gloomy atmosphere. The boys are depleted; some are experiencing emotional distress, and they all speak about taking a break or even disbanding.

A hectic schedule, a world tour, high expectations, 12-hour dance rehearsals, personal sacrifices, and sleepless nights all took their toll.

It got so bad that their maknae lost his zest for life. He began to withdraw deeper into himself, even abruptly ending his relationship with the girl he had dated for a year. Nobody knew what was going on with him. His movements became robotic, never questioning anything and simply following like a lost sheep. He had the sensation that a dark, brooding bloodsucker was attached to him, sucking all of his life force. Nothing made sense anymore, and he felt detached and hollowness around him like a black void.

"I don't want to be without you. You're my lifeline. I need you close," he says, his eyes puzzled and full of unshed tears.

Seokjin swiped his face. "We're all concerned about your mental health, Kookie. We're all under a lot of pressure. Nobody understands how you manage such a stressful, hectic lifestyle: tours, university, etc."

Yoongi sighed deeply as he rose from his seat and hugged the maknae tight, saying, "Kookie, go and rest. We'll plan a group outing when you return."

Jungkook's face was saddened. "I feel so detached from everything. I should be with you guys. I don't want to be alone."

Taehyung nods,"We want you to escape the mental stresses and the world of fame. It would help if you went somewhere familiar that will give you peace of mind. I'm going to spend some time on the farm."

Jimin inhaled deeply as he stood up, walking to their apartment dorms' large windows and gazing out, his mouth tightly pursed. "We are tired, overworked, and I lost my passion. We need a time-out, guys. After a few world tours, I used the planes as Ubers. We are young men in our twenties. We need to live normal boy lives. Go on dates. Be normal."

Jhope nods, "True, Chimmy. Everyone knows something was up during our latest interviews. Namjoon had to step up for all of us. I was about to flip during one of the Billboard interviews."

Namjoon smiled softly and said, "We'll be back working on our new album in two weeks. So let's go rest. Reconnect with your loved ones, work on your relationships, and return anew and refreshed. We'll still be together, Kookie. We promise to keep in touch."

Namjoon gestures for the entire Bangtan family to circle Kookie. He needs to be reassured that they will always be together. He knows he can rely on them.

The Hyungs, like their beloved army, noticed. They were all concerned about his well-being. But the gleam in his eyes faded with each passing day.

Something must have been seriously wrong with their maknae when he broke down unexpectedly during one of the European concerts.

Jungkook became more stoic and emotionless than Yoongi, who slept more than ever. Their sunshine, Hobi, even lost some of his vitality and cheerfulness. Seokjin even stopped posting about Eatjin's favourite pastime. Jimin and Taehyung avoided Vlive for a month. They didn't feel like going on.

They were mentally exhausted. BangPd spoke with the group and offered them new contracts to renew, better perks, a more flexible schedule, and more breaks between shows.

He gave them two weeks off to rest. The Army was relieved and excited that their boys would take a two-week hiatus, with no Vlives, social media presence, press conferences, tight schedules, or media appearances...for two weeks. They must rest, recover, and re-energize, especially their young maknae.

°•. ✿ .•°

Jungkook has been spending time alone with his family for the past week. When his father noticed his son's restlessness, he sent him to visit his paternal artist aunt near Jeju Island. She is very fond of him and is always dotted on him, unconcerned about his worldwide fame.

She let him be himself at her house. In small fishing villages, nobody cares about famous people.

His aunt Hari lost her husband in one of South Korea's most devastating and tragic marine ferry accidents four years ago. The fourth anniversary of her husband's death would arrive.

Four years ago, on April 16, the Sewol ferry sank off the coast of Jeju Island, killing over 300 people, the majority of whom were students on their way to a school picnic. Her husband was among those who perished. It was the most challenging time for the Jeon family. His aunt had only been married for two years. They had no children. Jungkook could still see the sadness in her eyes. She never moved on.

She made him breakfast, and he ate quietly while observing her movements around the kitchen.

"Are you all right, Gomo (aunt)?" As she turned around and smiled at him, he furrowed his brows.

"Yes...Guki... I'll be fine. Eat up, my boy. Remember, you're here to rest and recover. Just be cautious when walking around town; there are still a lot of fans roving around. It's a midterm break. So dress subtly, wear your reading glasses, and stay hidden." She placed a steaming cup of hot chocolate in front of him, and he nodded gratefully, "Ok. When the paparazzi find your hiding spot, I don't think my brother will be impressed.'

She smiles and kisses him on the cheek. Jungkook grins.

"Okay, Gomo... I might go for a walk down to the beach. Maybe think about my life." He furrows his brow. The first week was difficult without his daily, hectic routine. His Gomo, on the other hand, made his stay so pleasant.

"Well, it's Uncle Han's death anniversary on Friday, so I might be out for the day. I may return later than 6 p.m.," she informed him. He nodded. Her expressive eyes had a distant look to them. He noticed her hand was trembling slightly. It is such a pity that she hasn't moved on. His aunt is very beautiful and kind, just like his father.

"Maybe, if you want, I can accompany you to the memorial site. I'll dress down. I don't want you to be by yourself, Gomo." Jungkook said as she looked at him, surprised. He is a caring child who has accomplished much in his 19 years. He travelled the world, won more than 600 local and international music awards than any other local artist, appeared on global television shows, loved local and international soldiers, got a presidential award, and so on. No, it was not a surprise that the guys were exhausted.

She could only be proud of him when she looked at him. Her older brother raised him well.

She understood his need to recover to renew his joy in life, and as his dear Gomo, she knew how to make him relax.

During his first week, they went to the market, where he even bought her small gifts; they roasted fish; they had a picnic on the deck, and he painted beautiful scenic pictures. He truly is a golden maknae. She wants him to do mundane tasks. He even cooked them Korean BBQ in the pot. He could open up and discuss his career, studies, and everything that concerned him, and she just listened.

"That's fantastic. That will please me. If you have time, you can stop by the art store and pick up some new supplies for your paintings. Before you leave, remember that our bet is six paintings!" She laughs.

Jungkook laughed. "Ok. I promise I'll finish it this time. Just tell Appa and Eomma I'm fine. I go to bed early, wake up late, and eat well. Gomo, thank you. I love it here. I feel so much better being outside in nature, away from the hustle and bustle of the city." While his aunt objected, he stood up and began clearing the table. Jungkook smiled and waved her off to her art gallery near the harbour.

She hires an older maid who comes in twice a week to assist her with household chores.

"I'm off. Take care, and don't start a riot. I don't want zealous fans disturbing my peace." Her eyes sparkled as she teased.

He snickers, saying, "They won't notice me, I promise. I'm a part of the environment here. Don't worry about me today. Today is a rest day for me. I'll be at the beach."

She smiles and waves as she grabs her tote bag and rushes out the door quickly.

Jungkook's heart was constricting as he shook his head. He wishes he was like her. Even amid heartbreak, she remains upbeat and joyful.

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