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Frankie was talking with Liv at her locker when Karen Rooney approached them, "Liv, Maddie told me what you're up to," Karen said, startling Liv. "How's 'Find a new friend' day going?"

"Mom, don't name days like that," Liv told her. "I thought we discussed this on 'It's just a pimple, you're going to school' day."

"I remember that chat," Karen chuckled. "It was on 'I'm your mom, now do as I say' day. Remember, never judge a book by his or her cover, except those kids who hang out by the dumpsters. Those filthy dirt bags are bad news."

"That was intense," Frankie said. She followed Liv as she walked away and, with a smirk, said, "So, you're finding new friends? What, am I not enough?"

"Although you're way better than half of the people around here, I just enjoy having a large circle of friends around me," Liv admitted.

"Oh, excuse me, will you sign this?" A girl asked, approaching Liv.

"Oh, sorry. I only do autographs after fourth period," Liv told her.

"Oh, no, no, no. This is a petition to start Meatless Mondays in the cafeteria. My name's Ocean, and...Ah, you look familiar," Ocean said.

"I get that a lot. I'm Liv Rooney, star of the hit-tacular show Sing It Loud--"

"No," Ocean interrupted. Frankie couldn't help but smile at Liv's surprised face as she froze. "I think we have German together."

"You take German?" Frankie muttered.

"Wait, wait, let me see the back of your head. Yes. I sit two rows behind you. Guten Tag."

"Yep. That's me, just Liv Rooney from German class. I love your backpack."

"Oh, thanks. I made it myself from my old jeans. I'm into up-cycling."

"Up-cycling is so cool," Frankie told her, causing Ocean to smile at her.

"Wow. You are positively perk-a-licious," Liv told her, shaking off the feeling she got from the other two's interaction.

"I live on a sunflower farm," Ocean smiled. "If those little seeds can spring up out of the earth and find the sun, why can't I?"

"Do you want to do something later?" Liv asked.

"I can't. See, I have spirit club, archery lessons, oh, and my blog, 'Happiest teen on the prairie.' But tomorrow I'm totally free, let's hang out."

"Look at you," Frankie said, slipping in front of Liv once Ocean had walked away. "Making friends and growing up right before my eyes." She fake sniffled. Liv just giggled and pushed her shoulder.

"Crush the Ravens! Kill the Ravens! Dominate... lost my rhythm," Frankie heard Maddie sigh when she walked into the room.

"Having fun?" Frankie asked.

"Ask me what I did today," Liv squealed, following Frankie inside. "No, don't. I need to blurt. I made a friend!Β  She doesn't even care that I'm the famous Liv Rooney. Yay! She likes me for me."

"Liv, that is so awesome," Maddie told her. "And see? That was not nearly as hard as you thought it would be."

"I have to admit, you were right," Liv sighed.

"Well, thank you. Aren't her backpacks so cute too?"

"So cool! She even said she was gonna make me one out of her mom's old bellbottoms. Wait, what? I never said anything about the backpacks. How'd you know it was Ocean?"

"Look pretty lights," Maddie said, lighting up the board above Liv's bed.

"Maddie," Liv said, snapping out of the trance the lights put her in. "My twinstincts are telling me that you're up to something."

"Fine. Do you remember how you were saying that it's really hard for you to make new friends because everyone knows who you are? Well, I sort of found the only girl in school who's family doesn't have a TV and sort of sent her your way."

"You sent Ocean to me?"

"That's a little messed up," Frankie whispered causingΒ  Maddie to glare at her.

"I can't believe this," Liv muttered. "You totally friend-dipulated this situation!"

"What does that mean?" Frankie asked herself, trying to work it out in her head as the twins argued.

"Well, Liv, I just thought you needed some help," Maddie told her.

"And I thought Ocean liked me for me, but I guess now we'll never know, because you think I'm so pathetic you had to go and set the whole thing up. You just wanted to get rid of me."

"Liv, that's not true. You were out friend shopping and I just made it easier. I brought the friend store to you."

"Do not distract me with shopping metaphors!" Liv shouted, walking away.

"Frankie, some help?" Maddie asked.

"I don't know," Frankie shrugged. "I've never done something like this to someone. And I don't have siblings."

The next day Frankie and Maddie were walking down the hallway at school together when they saw Liv talking to Kylie Kramer.

"Did I just see you talking to Kylie Kramer?" Maddie asked, hurrying down the hall to Liv.

"Oh! That's her name!" Liv cheered.

"Liv, stay away from her. She's seriously bad news," Frankie told her.

"Why, because Maddie didn't pick her for me?"

"We're serious. She's really big trouble," Maddie said. "I mean, this girl's been kicked out of three schools. One of them was online."

"'Ooh, I wear black. I switched schools. I must be a bad girl,'" Liv mocked.

"I get it. You're angry with me and you want to pick your own friends. Just please don't pick Kylie."

"Oh, so now I have to run all my friendship choices by you?"

"She's just asking you to be smart, Liv," Frankie told her. She couldn't help feel a twinge annoyed, though she would never let that cross her face.

"I like Kylie," Liv told her. "So don't be dissing on my Kay-kay."

"Fine. But don't be surprised when your Kay-kay turns out to be cray-cray," Maddie said.

"Oh, hey, Maddie, Frankie," Ocean greeted the two girls. "Good luck on the game tonight. Boo Ravens!"

"That's your first time cheering for sports, isn't it?" Frankie asked, a small smile on her lips.

"Yeah. That's the voice I usually use to get the chickens in their coop. You know, go chickens! Oh, by the way, Maddie. It doesn't look like it's gonna work with me and Liv."

"Yeah. I'm sorry about that," Maddie said. "I so thought it was gonna work out with you guys. I mean, you're a Wisconsin farm girl, she's a Hollywood TV actress." Maddie paused, taking in her own words. "Yeah, why did I think it was gonna work out with you guys?"

"No worries, Maddie Rooney. Oh, Frankie, can you give these class notes to her? I noticed she wasn't in German," Ocean said, handing the papers to her. She said something in German that Frankie didn't understand. Frankie took Spanish. "That means awesome."

"Wait, Liv wasn't in German?" Frankie asked. "I just saw her earlier. Did she get sick?"

"I heard she ditched school to go to the mall."

"Why would Liv ditch?" Maddie asked.

"Kylie," Frankie sighed.

"I thought we were here to have some real fun," Kylie complained as Liv skipped out of a store. "And all you want to do is look at clothes."

"Well, I thought we'd become life-long friends while trying on sweaters," Liv pouted.

"Seriously? Hey, how about we get your nose pierced like mine?"

"Yeah, as an actress I can't really punch holes in my face. Oh! Classic aviators! Jet-tastic."

"More shopping?" Kylie sighed.

"Okay, grumpy pants. Why don't we go grab you a snack?" Liv suggested. As Liv turned away to drag Kylie away, the ladder snatched a few pairs of glasses sitting on the kiosk counter.

"Hey, Liv. Here," Kylie said, handing her the glasses.

"Oh. You bought these?"

"Nope. I stole them."

"What?" Liv asked, whipping her head around to look at her.

"Hey, girls! Get back here!" A kiosk employee shouted.

"Run!" Kylie shouted. Liv hesitated before dropping the sunglasses and running.

"Liv! You dropped your glasses," Maddie said, picking up the stolen sunglasses.

"That's her. She's the one who took them," The employee said, coming back with a security guard.

"Wait, those are stolen?" Frankie asked. "That wasn't her."

"Save it. I never forget a face."

"I so hate the mall," Maddie sighed.

"I can't believe you shoplifted!" Frankies mom scolded as she walked in the front door behind Frankie.

"I'm telling you, I didn't do it!" Frankie groaned.

"Save it. Give me your phone. You can go to your basketball game but after that, the only place you're going is school."

"So it was Liv who shoplifted?" Frankies mom asked as they drove home from the basketball game.


"Well, I'm sorry I didn't believe you. I was just disappointed."

"I know, Mom. It's okay," Frankie smiled at her. "Do I get my phone back though?"

"Yes," She chuckled. "You get your phone back, Frankie."

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