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"No, Dad, no. Okay, it needs to go up," Maddie instructed her father as he tried to put up a banner for Liv, her twin sister. "More. More. Up more. Down a tiny bit. Perfect. Twin sister offically welcomed. Bam! What? Okay. Mom? Snack update. Where's Livs favorite dip?"

"Oh, you mean this dip?" Joey asked. Maddie turned to see her two brothers eating the dip and her best friend, Frankie Moore, about to dip a carrot in.

"You three are eating the dip? This is Wisconsin! You can't welcome people home without dip. You three are offically banned from the Welcome Home Zone!"


"Maddies been pretty freaked out about Liv coming home. They haven't seen each other in years so I can't imagine how she's feeling right now. I would like to not fear for my life if I step within 10 feet of her, though."

"Maddie, honey, if you're freaking out because your sister Liv is coming home, then -- Then we should talk," Karen told her daughter.

"Mom, she's my twin. My built-in best friend. I'm not freaking out," Maddie said, lying through her teeth.


"Of course I'm freaking out! Starting tomorrow, I'm going to school with my celebrity sis. And we have the same face. Yet she's 'The cute one'."

"Hey. Hey, guys. There's a bunch of people with cameras on our lawn," Parker annouced. Frankie found herself standing up straighter. She hadn't become friends with Maddie until after Liv had already left for Hollywood and she was honestly nervous to meet Liv.

"I'll miss you, paparazzi," Liv said to the cameras from her front porch. "When I walk through this door, I will be just another regular 15-year-old girl."


"I just finished the final season of my smash-tastic tv show -- Sing it Loud! Oh, it was one of those super realistic shows where kids suddenly break into song for no reason. And I loved Hollywood, and I was offered, like, a quizzillion other shows and movies. But I missed my family, and it was time to come home."

Pete opened the front door to reveal Liv on the other side. She squealed the minute she saw Maddie.

"Aah! You stole my face!" She shouted.

"I had it first!" Maddie said back.

"Take notes, that's what it looks like when a girl is happy to see you," Parker told Joey as everyone watched the twins embrace. Frankie snorted and fist bumped the youngest Rooney.

"Thanks, Parker. And this is what it looks like inside my armpit," Joey said, holding his brothers head to his armpit.

"Oh! I was so worried you guys had grown up while I was away," Liv told them.

"Yeah, there's not chance of that happening."

"Uh, the people who gave you life are still waiting for their hug," Pete told his daughter. Once she pulled away from that hug, her gaze shifted curiously towards Frankie.

"Oh! Um, I'm Frankie. I'm Maddie's friend," Frankie said, holding her hand out towards Liv. She suddenly felt awkward under her gaze. She thought she would remind her more of Maddie but she was different. It was the kinda different that kept Frankie wanting to continue staring, that wanted to feel the touch of her hand. It was the kind of different that had Frankie's pulse quickening.

"Nice to meet you, Frankie," Liv said, smiling a smile that almost made Frankie's knees go weak as she shook her hand. "Sorry about the camera-palooza. They're just here for my homecoming."

"Oh, who cares? All my babies are under one roof," Karen said, pulling out her phone for a picture. "Pull it in. Tighter. Family photo time." Frankie watched awkwardly from the side as the family attempted to take a selfie.

"Mom, mom, mom. I got this," Liv said. She had dragged everyone outside in front of the paparazzi. "Okay, people, say, 'Dazzleberry!'" She looked over and saw Frankie standing awkwardly out of shot and reached for her arm to pull her into the shot. "Get in this, Frankie."

Frankie walked into school that morning and saw Liv posing for pictures for students at the top of the stairs.

"You guys are so sweet. Thank you so much," Liv said, walking away. "Frankie! Hi!"

"Uh, hey, Liv. How's your first day back going?"

"Fantabulous!" She sighed as the two walked up to Joey. "I so wasn't expecting that." She was referring to the pictures students had asked to take.

"Okay, mom and dad. Initiate turtle mode!" Joey said. Karen and Pete both worked at the school and lived to embarass their children. Liv gagged when she saw the two kiss.

"Hi, Maddie," Liv said as she approached Maddie at her locker. Frankie wasn't far behind since her locker was only a few away from Maddie's. "I'm sorry about last night. I really wasn't try to get you all grumplestiltskin."

"That's okay. You were just excited to show me your video," Maddie told her.

"Well, I'm glad we're okay. Did you wanna see it again?"


"What's up, Rooney?" Diggie greeted as he approached the three girls at the lockers. Maddie had a slight-- Okay, a big crush on Diggie.

"What's up, Diggie," Maddie said, trying to act cool.

"Hi, Diggie," Frankie waved.

"Oh, so this is Diggie," Liv smirked.

"Live and in person for your viewing pleasure," Diggie said, putting on his sports annoucer voice. "Oh, I-- I wanna be a sports announcer after I play pro ball, so I'm just practicing. With authority."

"Fun. How would you introduce me?"

"If you're seeing double, do not adjust your screens. It's the incomprable, the unstoppable, if she were popcorn, she'd be poppable...Liv Rooney!"

"Um, approved!" Liv smiled.

"So, Rooney Classic, what are you doing later?" Diggie asked Maddie.

"Um. Stuff."

Frankie just sighed. She was used to Maddie being completely awkward around Diggie but, man, did she wish just once she would suck it up and go for it.

"Okay. Ha. Got it. Well. Peace out, Rooneys and Frankies."

"I'm convinced you don't know my last name," Frankie called after him. "I mean, it's so easy to memorize."

"Sup'? Stuff? That's how you flirt?" Liv asked.

"Liv, flirting's a game, okay? If Diggie knows I like him, I lose the advantage. And if I lose the advantage, I lose. And I don't lose, bam! What?"

"Frankie, you know how to flirt, right?"

"Uh, sure. We'll go with that," She said.

"Okay, stop with all the sports nonsense and listen to me. If you want Diggie to ask you to that dance, you need major help."

"No. I do not need your help getting Diggie, okay? Do you hear me? Do not help," Maddie said as she closed her not. "Come on, Frankie."

When Frankie walked into the Rooney house, the one thing she didn't expect was to see Joey and Parker hauling a 200 pound fridge up the stairs, but she just shook her head with a sigh and moved along. She was just about to enter the living room when she heard Karen calling a family meeting. She was just going to sit on the sidelines but Karen insisted she joined.

"Liv has something she wants to talk about," Karen explained. "So go ahead, honey. We're listening."

"Um," Liv chuckled nervously. "You know, I was just gonna have a private chat with Mom, but seeing as we're all here, let me just say... It is snaptastic to be home with the fam. Missed you guys so much. So very, very, very..." She kept repeating it until Pete finally pressed down on the airhorn button. "Much."

"Wait, honey, that's what you wanted to talk about? Well, it is sweet and all, but it is a gross misuse of the family meeting."

"Yeah. No, I know. I thought you were gonna tell Maddie--" Liv cut Joey off my blowing the air horn. "That you talked to Diggie--" Again. "About the dance--"

"Oh, no," Frankie whispered, sinking down in her seat.

"Liv, what is he talking about?" Maddie asked.

"Maddie, I-- pretended to be you and I asked Diggie to the dance and he said he doesn't like you in that way. Ha ha ha! Feels so good to get it off my chest. Who's next?"

"You did what?"

"It's all right, Maddie. Everyone will get their turn," Karen said.

"Yeah, and I'm up," Parker said. "What I want to know is why I can't poop with the door open? Everyone in the house has changed my diaper! What are we running from, people?!"

"You pretended to be me?" Maddie shouted.

"Maddie, I promise I was just trying to help you," Liv told her.

"No, Liv, you were not trying to help me. I told you to leave Diggie alone. But the great Liv Rooney just had to step in and try and fix my life! Well, guess what? My life doesn't need fixing! Ooh, it was so much easier being your sister when you were 2000 miles away! I just wish you never came home!"


"Fine, I'll go back!" Liv screamed.


"Good! Go!"

Frankie sat in the back watching Maddie angrily throwing basketballs.

"This girl is en fuego!" Diggie said as he walked towards her.

"Yeah, I'll leave you guys to it," Frankie said, getting up and walking inside.

"Liv, if you're leaving you should probably take this with you," Pete said, holding up a painting the twins made when they were younger.

"Wow. Remember when you two made that?" Karen asked. "'Sisters by chance, friends by choice?'"

"It's so corny," Liv smiled. Frankie watched from the doorway as Liv started to tear up.

"Liv, honey, twins are special. Since the day you were born, it's never been just Liv and it's never been just Maddie. It's always been Liv and Maddie."

"You'll always be sister, honey. But it's hard to be best friends if you're 2000 miles away."

"What, you think I'm just gonna fall to pieces over a second grade art project?" Liv said, her voice betraying her. "Maddie."

Liv ended up taking off looking for Maddie while Maddie did the same looking for Liv. It took a minute but they finally reunited in the kitchen.

"I have to talk to you."

"I have to talk to you."

"Okay, yeah. You first. I have to catch my breath," Liv said, panting. "I don't usually do my own stunts." Frankie snorted from her seat on the stairs.

"Ignore me. Have your main character moments and pretend I'm not here," Frankie winked.

"Liv, what I said was mean. I'm totally psyched you came home from Hollywood. I'm sorry," Maddie apologized.

"No, you were right. I shouldn't have tried to fix your life. I'm sorry."

"Diggie asked me to the dance."

"Finally!" Frankie cheered.

"Get this. He only said no cause he knew it was you," Maddie gasped lightly when she saw the frame Liv was still holding in her hand. "Oh, no way! I remember when we made this. 'Sisters by chance, friends by choice.' So corny."

"So corny," Liv agreed.

"Liv, please don't leave."

"You couldn't drag me away."

Frankie got up from the stairs and stumbled away into the Liv just in time when the fridge came tumbling down the stairs. Liv grasped her waist and Frankie fell back into her.

"Vegas?" Parker asked Joey as the two came down the stairs.

"Vegas," Joey agreed, the two running off.

i just start fics all the time now, huh?

tags: aphroditesrot Claramcm12 1-800-i-like-urmom LotusFlower0317

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