Suspicions ✔️

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A/N:  James is cheating on Lily...Based on the prompt: "I think we need to talk." Angsty, a bit *smiles evilly*

It had been three months.

Three months since Lily Jasmine Evans and James Fleamont Potter had started dating. They were happy, at least that's how it looked. They were cute, romantic and playful. Just the ideal couple.

But after their three month anniversary, Lily had started noticing James' odd behaviour. He was rather nervous and restless around her. He didn't hang out with The Marauders as often as he used to.

His friends, being the perverts they were, thought that Lily was 'keeping him busy in the bedroom.' But, of course, that was not the case because he barely even talked to her.

He hanged out a lot with Chelsea Fawcett, a seventh-year pretty Ravenclaw. Chelsea had short, pixie cut ombre purple hair and violet-blue eyes. And did I mention? They seemed to be rather...close.

Lily was sitting at The Gryffindor Table, moodily picking at hr food which was sitting untouched on her plate. She had her elbow propped up on the table and a permanent frown on her face.

Alice turned to their friends, looking worried.

"She looks dead," Sirius said, not too useful. Marlene glared at him, he shrugged.

"Hey Lils," Emmeline said carefully. Lily stared at her out of the corner of her eyes.

"Yeah?" She said, sounding bored. Emmeline and Dorcas shared a look. Their eyes were focused behind her, on the Ravenclaw table. Taking a deep breath, Lily turned.

Chelsea and James were sitting together, laughing and whispering in low voices. They almost looked like a couple, and the thought made Lily furious.

"Now Lils," Remus, ever the lifesaver, tried to distract her. "Let's um, finish the Transfiguration homework!" He stood up quickly but Lily remained sitting, glaring daggers at Chelsea and James.

"But we need Prongs for that--OW!" Sirius jumped, Remus had just kicked him under the table. For good measure, Marlene whacked the back of his head.

"What was that for?" Sirius demanded.

"For being a useless jerk," Marlene hissed. Sirius frowned at his girlfriend.

"Let's go. Some people need privacy," Lily gave Chelsea a last venomous look before practically running out of the Great Hall. Remus, Alice and Frank followed her.

The cool April air caressed Lily's face as she ran out of the castle, straight into The Forbidden Forest. She leaned against a tree and felt tears running down her face. There was only one possible explanation: James was cheating on her with Chelsea.

Of course, he had never really liked her. He had dated her to prove that he could get any girl he wanted. And stupid, stupid Lily had fallen in love with him. She sobbed harder.

"Where did she go?" Alice demanded. She looked around the school grounds for a hint of auburn hair but found none.

'The Forest, maybe," Frank said grimly.

"We have to leave her alone for a moment guys, she needs space. We need to deal with James," Remus sighed. Reluctantly, Alice and Frank followed him inside the castle.

They could hear two people in a corridor. They stopped, listening.

"Why don't you tell her? Don't be a coward!" It was Chelsea. Oh dammit, it doesn't sound good. Remus thought.

"I will. Not now, but soon." This was James.

"The fucking bastard," Alice growled. Frank held her arms gently so she wouldn't run and strangle James.

They heard footsteps and soon, they faded. James and Chelsea were not here.

"That little piece of shit, how dare he?" Alice looked furious. And Remus' brain was wrecked. James loved Lily! Why would he cheat on her? Mind dizzy, he came inside the boys' dormitory and opened The Marauders Map.

"I solemnly swear I'm up to no good," he whispered. Lines started appearing on the parchment, and the next moment, the whole Hogwarts was laid in front of him.

He saw Lily making her way inside the castle. Sirius, Marlene, Peter, Dorcas and Emmeline in a dungeon. Alice and Frank in the girls' dormitory. McGonagall in the kitchens with Sprout. Slughorn and Hagrid in the potions classroom. Flitwick and Dumbledore in the Headmaster's study. And James and Chelsea--

Remus' eyes were wide. James and Chelsea were in a...broom closet. Oh Merlin, he was cheating on Lily!

Remus took out his wand and muttered, "Mischief managed" before sprinting out of the dormitory. He hurried to the broom closet on the third floor and opened it. Empty. They must have left.


Some days later...

"Hey sweetie!"

Lily gritted her teeth together. She looked up and saw James entering their shared Heads' Common Room. It was eleven-fucking-p.m.

Must be out with Chelsea. She thought bitterly.

When she didn't reply, James frowned and took the seat beside her. He tried to wrap an arm around her shoulders but she scooted away, ignoring his hurt and confused look.

"Um..what are you doing?" He asked nervously, careful not to upset her.

"Can't you see? Or you are blind even with those thick glasses?" She snapped irritably.

"It's Transfiguration? I can help--"

"Oh just fuck off," Lily glared at him. James frowned.

"What's wrong Lils? Did I do something?" He asked gently. Her eyes flashed. She stood up with her homework.

"You know what Potter? Drop it, leave me alone."

And then she was gone, leaving a very hurt and confused James sitting there alone in the common room.


Some more days later...

"I think we need to talk."

Lily looked up to see James staring down at her. The whole Gryffindor table had gone quiet. Elizabeth Potter, James' cousin, gave them a nervous look.

"Do we?" Lily said coldly. James' jaw clenched in the way it does when he's really very angry. Which was rare.

"Yes Lily, we have to talk," he grabbed her arm and took her out of the Great Hall, right into the forest. Once they were in a clearing, he removed his hand and glared at her.

"What the fuck is your problem Evans? Why are you ignoring me?" He demanded.

"Back to surnames, are we Potter?' Lily sneered. She was a foot smaller than James but while angry, she looked a lot taller.

"You started it first!" He shouted, running his hands through his wild, messy raven hair.

"Well, you were the one cheating on me!" She screamed back.

James blinked, once, twice, thrice. Then he muttered, "Silly girl" before pressing his lips to hers. She felt the familar tingles spark through her at the contact. James' arms were wrapped around her waist as he pressed her body against his.

She tried to push him back, but it was difficult. He was a lot stronger than she was (damn you quidditch!). His lips parted hers and she fisted her hands in his messy raven hair.

Panting, they broke apart. He rested his forehead against hers. His eyes closed and Lily immediately found herself missing the wonderful pools of green, brown and golden.

"Silly, silly girl," he muttered, almost fondly. She sniffled.

"You were cheating on me!" Her voice cracked, but she was trying not to cry. His eyes went wide and he laughed out loud. She squeezed her eyes shut before opening them again.

James was in front of her, bending on one knee. She felt her heart beating at a wild pace.

"Lily Jasmine Evans," he started, "I love you and only you. No one can take your place in my life. You are the reason why I am living. Will you marry me?"

Lily's hand flew to her mouth as tears leaked out of her eyes. He opened a velvet red box to reveal a gorgeous ring made of white gold. It had an emerald in the center with a ruby and a diamond on either sides of it.

"Y-yes," she whispered, her voice raw with emotion. He smiled, looking happier than she ever remembered seeing him. He slipped the ring on her fourth finger and stood up. She kissed him again, softly this time.

He rested his forehead against hers and laughed again. "Gods Evans," he looked amused, "your suspicions are dangerous. I was only hanging out with Fawcett because her father runs a jewellery store in Hogsmead. I had to design that Potter family ring to add an emerald on it. I wasn't cheating!"

"Oh," was all Lily said before they burst into laughter.

A/N: 1411 words and my favourite one-shot after The Third Escape. Angst is my favourite genre. Gimme your opinions! Take care and stay safe!


P. S. If you wanna see any more ships, just drop a message in my PMs, I'll gladly do it!

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