Those Seven Times ✔️

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A/N: The seven times that Lily and James realised something for each other at the same spot.

( same spot, different feelings )

5th September 1971, The Lake, Hogwarts

James stared at her.

She was all silky red hair, emerald eyes and barely visible freckles. She was beauty. She laughed at something her friend, Vance, said. Her laugh was like her, cheerful and beautiful. It was musical and even calming.

She met his gaze and offered him a small smile before returning her attention to Vance. James grinned dreamily.

Sirius shook his head at him, muttering, 'he's smitten!' But James didn't care, oh no, he didn't.

Because he knew that Lily Evans was made for him and he would get her. Yes.


8th October 1972, The Lake, Hogwarts

Lily did not like him. Like he was friendly, okay? But he asked her out every five minutes. Ever since the start of second year.

But she, kind of, liked him. He was handsome after all. And clever, too. He was McGonagall's favourite student, not that she would ever admit it.

She tried to focus on Marlene's rant about the DADA homework, she tried but failed.

It was difficult to pay attention to DADA homework when a certain messy-haired, hazel eyed boy was laughing near her. His voice was deep, really deep.

She caught him staring and her cheeks turned slightly crimson.

That was when she realised that she did like James Potter.


11th November 1973, The Lake, Hogwarts

'Hey Evans, there's a Hogsmead visit tomorrow. You wanna come with me?'

The Redhead Beauty in front of him turned and glared at him. He could drown in her emerald eyes. They were deep and bright. A knowing gleam always resided there.

'For the last time Potter,' she hissed, 'I don't like you! And no, I will not go out with you!'

He could hear that voice all day, even if she was shouting at him. He was brought back to earth when she snapped her fingers in front of his face.

'Idiot,' she muttered, shaking her head. James ruffled his hair as she walked away.

'Your idiot, Evans. I'm your idiot. And trust me, one day, I'll make you fall for me,' he smiled.

She had the tiniest hint of smile on her face and she walked towards the castle.

That was when James Potter knew that he was in love. Very deeply in love.


15th December 1974, The Lake, Hogwarts

It was a chilly day to be near the lake and Lily knew it.

But that didn't stop her from coming there, not when she had a huge fight with her (now) ex-boyfriend.

Muttering insults under her breath, she leamed against a tree and sighed.

That idiot cheated on her. And then he says that he did it because she was cheating on him, too! Prat, she never cheated on him!

She played with her wand for a few moments, feeling bored.

'Hey Evans!'

She sighed. Of-fucking-course, James Potter was here to ruin her calm moment.

'What do you want Potter?' She sighed, placing two fingers on her right temple.

He grinned, Lily noticed that small dimple on his left cheek.

'Just a date and a snog. And a marriage if you don't mind, we can see the rest later,' he winked.

'I. Do. Not. Like. You. So kindly fuck off and leave me alone,' she grumbled.

He shrugged and walked off leaving Lily alone.

Then she realised: He cared for her. He had came here because she knew she'd be stressed after the fight.

She allowed herself a small smile and shook her head.

'Idiot,' she murmured fondly.


25th June 1975, The Lake, Hogwarts




The word rang in her ears. So everyone had been right about Snape all along. He was hanging out with the Slytherins and learning this.

Lily wiped her tears away. He had never been a real friend to her, why was she crying then? She had no reason to cry. She had Dorcas, Emmeline, Marlene, Alice, Frank, Mary and Remus.

She had real friends. Friends who didn't care about her blood status.


She turned. James loomed above her, concern shining in his hazel eyes.

'What?' She whispered.

'I'm sorry.'

She frowned and looked up at him. He looked so concerned, afraid that he had hurt her. She had to smile at that.

'Why are you sorry?' She wanted to know.

'Maybe because it was because of me Sni-Snape called you The M-Word,' he said nervously. She shook her head and sighed wearily.

'It was not your fault James,' she said softly, 'he had gone to the bad side months ago. It was nobody's fault. It was his fault that he didn't see sense.'

He let out a relieved breath and smiled.

'So...I guess that makes us friends? Now that there's no Snape...' he trailed off. Lily laughed.

'Of course that makes us friends Potter,' she grinned. He smiled and the hugged her.

And then she realised that even enemies could get together.


18th January 1977, The Lake, Hogwarts

'Urgh!' Lily grumbled as a wasp of glittery white mist came out of her wand and disappeared.

'Something happy Miss Evans,' Professor Florence Madison reminded her.

'Yes professor,' she mumbled and sighed. Beside her, Dorcas cursed when she failed again.

'Fuck!' Dorcas shouted in frustantion.

'Miss Meadowes!' Madison exclaimed, 'no swearing! Five points from Gryffindor.'

Dorcas scowled.

Lily closed her eyes trying to remember a really happy memory. She remembered the day she and the girls had a sleepover at Emmeline's house. She had been so happy that night, laughing and talking.

'Expecto Patronum,' she whispered.

A wonderful glittery white doe burst from her wand. It gave a cold misty glow to the room as it stood beside James' stag.

'Miss Evans....,' Madison sounded breathless, 'twenty points to Gryffindor. Amazing.'

But Lily wasn't paying attention to her, her eyes were locked with James' hazel ones.

She realised that they were soulmates and James had fulfilled his promise, she was in love with him.


16th April 1978, The Lake, Hogwarts

'Will you, Lily Jasmine Evans, marry me?'

'Yes,' she breathed. He grinned, happiness radiating off him. He slipped the ring on her finger and then kissed her.

And then, both of them realised that as long as they had each other, they had a reason to live. They were in love.

A/N: 1068 words. Hope you like it. Take care and stay safe.


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