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The Avengers land on the new base Tony has brought them too. They step off the jet and Tony turns to them. "Welcome to the Avengers Mansion." Natasha raises an eyebrow at the name, but they follow the billionaire inside. It was... fancy. "FRIDAY will direct you to your rooms when you feel like it." A few of the Avengers walk away leaving Tony, Steve, Natasha, Bruce, Clint, and Bucky. "When do you think she's going to get here?"

Tony shrugs, then FRIDAY reveals a security camera. They watch as Morgan in her Yellow Camaro pulls up outside the hangar part of the mansion. Bucky looks confused. "How'd she get here so fast?" Tony scoffs, and walks away to the hangar.


Tony opens the garage door and Morgan drives Bee in and pulls to a stop before climbing out and leaning against the open door. Tony walks up to her. "Nice car." She smirks and pats Bee. Tony nods at the jet. "We've got all the supplies you need." She nods and tilts her head at the jet, her mind racing with possible upgrades. Tony looks at her and smirks. "I know that look." She shrugs smugly.

"I can't help it. I look at something and all I can think about is how to improve it." Tony smiles at her and nods. "We're going to get along great." Morgan takes a deep breath, then her phone chimes. She pulls it out and raises an eyebrow at the screen. "Already?" She scoffs and smiles a bit. "What?" Tony asks, trying to look at her screen.

Morgan slides her phone into her pocket and glances at Tony before moving to Bee. "I asked a friend of mine to do something a few months ago, and he finally got around to it." She opens Bee's door to get in, Tony stops her. "You mind if I join?" He smirks and shrugs. "It's boring here." Morgan purses her lips and taps her finger on Bee's door. "I suppose."

She gets in and Tony smiles and runs around to the passenger side door. Right before he opens the door, Bee swings in open and purposefully hits the billionaire in the knees. Morgan gasps and glares at Bee's stereo. "Bee!" She hisses. Laughter plays through his radio, and Morgan scowls at him before jumping out and running around to check on Tony. "You good?"

Tony groans a bit and rubs his knees. "Yeah." He makes a face and looks at Bee's door. "Must've opened the door without realizing it." Morgan clenches her jaw. "Yeah." She kicks Bee's tire when Tony isn't looking. "You must've."

Morgan honestly wasn't expecting Glen to have finished his search for the missing autobots so early. She and the others had been looking diligently and they haven't found a thing. It made her wonder what the donut loving computer whiz had found.

Normally, Morgan wouldn't allow anyone to ride with her and Bee, but she actually didn't mind Tony's company. He was rambling about his Iron Man suits and what his plans for them were. Morgan wasn't really listening though. Her mind was set on Glen and the autobots.

Tony raises an eyebrow as 'Spirit in the Sky' starts playing through the radio. He looks at Morgan and smirks. "I didn't peg you as a Norman Greenbaum kinda girl." Morgan snaps out of her thoughts and glances at Tony. She chuckles a bit. "I'm not," She nods at Bee's radio. "But my car is." The channel changes and Bee starts channel surfing. Tony raises an eyebrow. "How's it doing that?"

Morgan purses her lips. "My car kinda has a mind of its own," She glances at the radio and the static playing through Bee's speakers. "But I don't mind so long as there isn't any static playing through my speaker." She says pointedly at Bee. He stops channel surfing and 'Paint It, Black' starts playing. Morgan nods and smiles. Bee knows just what she likes. "Now that's what I'm talking about."

She turns it up and Tony watches her as she smiles and hums along to the music. He feels a heat rising in his cheeks, and he looks away, shaking his head.


Morgan sighs as she pulls to a stop outside Glen's house. She nods at Tony. "I'll be right there." He nods and climbs out of the car. "I'm going to go talk to him Bee. You stay here. I'll update you when we're alone." Bee buzzes and Morgan steps out of the car and up to the door with Tony. She knocks on the door and is greeted by Glen's grandmother. Tony raises an eyebrow as the old woman scowls at Morgan. "Hey Granny Whitmann."

The old woman scowls and turns to look up the stairs. "Glen! The woman who got you arrested is here!" She gives Morgan one last dirty look before leaving. Tony raises an eyebrow at Morgan and she shrugs, walking into the house and up the stairs. "Glen." She greets from the entrance of the hacker's bedroom. Glen turns to her, then his jaw drops. "That's Tony Stark." Tony smirks and Morgan rolls her eyes, moving to Glen.

"Listen, Glen. It's been 7 months. I don't want to wait any longer." Glen nods, but his eyes never move from Tony. He grabs a thumb drive and hands it to Morgan who nods. She goes to exit the room, but stops and turns. "Oh right." She pulls out her wallet and Tony watches as she tosses a Dunkin Donuts gift card to Glen. "It's got $20 on it. Don't use it all at once. I might need you alive later." She and Tony leave.


"What was that about?" Tony asks as he and Morgan climb back into Bee. Morgan shrugs and stuffs the thumb drive into her bra. "He was just doing me a favor." Morgan, well, Bee pulls away from the house and Tony raises an eyebrow. "And the old woman's jab about you getting him arrested?" Morgan smirks. "All true." Tony scoffs and smiles at her. Oh, he's really going to enjoy being around her.


Late at night Morgan walks up to Bee in the hangar. He transforms and kneels down to Morgan. She pulls the thumb drive out of her bra and Bee exposes his USB plug. "Alright Bee. Let's see what we've got." She plugs it in and Bee's eyes shine as a hologram appears in front of them. Morgan's eyebrows crease when several photos appear. They weren't good quality at all, but she could recognize a few autobots.

She looks through them all, but doesn't see a glimpse of Optimus. She sighs. "Well, at least we know they're not dead." One photo revealing Jazz's face catches Morgan's attention. His eyes weren't their normal glowing blue. They were red. "Bee..." Morgan says and Bee nods. He sees it too. "What the hell happened to them?" Morgan whispers to herself.

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