9. new members

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⭑・゚゚・*:༅。.。༅:*゚:*:✼✿  ✿✼:*゚:༅。.。༅:*・゚゚・⭑

LEXI WAS LAYING IN BED, scrolling through her phone until she was abruptly interrupted by her phone screen lighting up with Miguel's face on it.

She pressed the green button and put her phone on speaker as she was about to get dressed.

"HEY, MIGUEL," Lexi yelled through her phone, hoping to wake the boy as well.

"Ow, why did you have to yell through the phone, especially in the morning?"

"Hey, you called me first. So what's up?"

"So my mom said I can train at the dojo again which is good, but Sensei needs more students and I was hoping that you can-"

Before Miguel could finish the sentence, Lexi cut him off.

"Miguel, I told you many times that I can't join Cobra Kai. I don't want to go against my dad like that you know?"

"Yeah I know, but how about you come, so if the landlord comes in, they will know that there are more people instead of one student."

Lexi thought about it for a while until she spoke up again. "Okay fine, I'll be there for fun and to stay in shape, but I A M N O T I N C O B R A K A I," Lexi basically spelled out to Miguel.

"Okay, that's all I wanted. I'll see you later. I'm going to go to the dojo now.

"Okay, bye, I'll see you later."

With that, Lexi hung up the phone and got dressed to eat breakfast, getting ready for her day in the dojo.


When Lexi walked into the dojo, she was about to greet the two men but was interrupted by Johnny yelling at Miguel while he was being hit with baseballs.

She did not say anything because she didn't want to distract Miguel, so she walked around him and stood next to Johnny while folding her arms.

After a while, Miguel stopped, bruises forming on his ear.

"Oh my gosh, Miguel are you okay?" Lexi aided her friend.

"Yeah, I'm good," Miguel said while holding his ear in pain.

"Why is this necessary, Johnny?" Lexi said. Johnny turned his hard towards her

"Well, this is going to teach him pain tolerance, also, it's entertaining on my part."

Lexi snickered at Johnny's humor while Miguel glared at the two.

"Can you guys stop teaming up on me? Especially you, Lexi, I thought you'd be on my side."

"Mmmm sorry Miggy, but you need to practice more and learn how to stop pulling your punches," Lexi said to her friend in a high pitched voice while smirking.

Miguel flipped Lexi off which made her gasp dramatically, acting as if she was offended.

"Okay, come on shitheads stop messing around and get to work. LaRusso, I want you to start with the dumm-"

Johnny got cut off by the sound of the bell ringing, indicating a person was coming in.

"No yoga till' five, no matter how and you need it."

"I'ma actually here for karate. I saw your website. It said there was suppose to be a session today."

"Oh, hi Aisha," Lexi said to her sisters ex- best friend.

Lexi and Aisha were not as close as Sam or Lexi, but they were still friends.

"Hey, Lexi," Aisha said with a small smile.

"I appreciate you coming in, but there are no girls in Cobra Kai."

Lexi and Miguel both looked at Johnny, then back at each other with weird expressions on their face.

"Why not?"

"Same reason why there are no women in the army."

Lexi was the first to speak up, correcting Johnny on his "facts."

"Johnny, you are aware that there are women in the army and has been for a while?"

Johnny looked over to Miguel, mentally asking if Lexi's information was correct and he nodded yes.

"Uh, Sensei, can I talk to you, alone," Miguel asked, pulling over Johnny for a side bar.

The boys went into Johnny's office, while Lexi found this as time to talk to Aisha, since they haven't talked in a long time.

"How've you been, Aisha?"

"Could be better. Lot of people have been posting about me lately and it has been bugging me," Aisha said while looking down at her hands.

Lexi sat down on the mats, criss-cross-applsauce style and patted the seat next to her.

Aisha sat down next to her and they just started to talk about the bullying that has been going on lately at school. Lexi brought up the time with Halloween and the library.

"Speaking of your friends, what's up with you and that kid, Eli," Aisha said in a sing-song voice

Lexi couldn't help but blush at the thoughts of Eli. Remembering their kiss, holding hands, the amazing hugs he gives her.

"Oh my gosh, Aisha, I knew you were going to ask this," Lexi said plopping her back on the mat.

"I saw you guys try to "discreetly" hold hands in the hall the other day."

Lexi playfully rolled her eyes, then sat up again.

"We kissed once, but that was only to make Kyler back off. I think I like him, but I don't know for sure if he likes me back.

"Are you kidding me?"

Lexi turned her heads towards the girl, confused on what she was going on about.

"I've seen the way he looks at you, Lex. He definitely has something for you."

"Maybe you're right. I just don't want to rush anything yet."

Aisha was about to say something else until Johnny and Miguel came back from the office.

"Okay, take off your shoes and get on the mat. Let's get started."

WE MET AISHA YES YES. Also, happy Valentine's Day my lovelies!!!!! Hope you're all having a wonderful day muah!!!🥰

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