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      Eddie helps Riley walk out of the convenience store and stares at his motorcycle. Riley won't be able to safely sit on it with her injuries. She seems to notice this and jerks her head in the other direction. "My car is around the corner." Eddie nods and helps there. He was not expecting the sleek yellow Camaro.

      He whistles as Riley climbs into the front seat. He gets in with her. "Nice car." Riley smiles and starts the engine, but Eddie frowns. "Maybe I should drive. You are bleeding. A lot." Riley shakes her head and pulls away from the curb. "I'm fine."

      Eddie gives her a look then shakes his head. "You really are stubborn." A ghost of a smile appears on Riley's face. She gets that from her dad.

      While Eddie gives Riley directions to his apartment he looks around the car a bit. The seats were stained with Riley's blood and a shape caught his eye in the back seat. He looks back and finds a yellow biking helmet. It's strange because Riley shouldn't need it if she has a car, and it looks strangely familiar to him.

      But they finally arrive so he can't think about it much longer. Once they reach Eddie's apartment Riley crashes on his couch, her good wrist over her sweaty forehead. Eddie returns to her side with a first aid kit and a beer. Riley sits up with a wince.

      "We'll have to correct your shoulder first. It's going to hurt-" Eddie is cut off by a snap and groan of pain. He stares at Riley wide eyed as she blinks through the pain. She sees him looking at her and shrugs, but instantly regrets it.

      Eddie huffs a laugh. "Clearly this isn't your first time dealing with injuries like these." Riley shakes her head. She trusts him infinitely more than she does the Avengers, but still not enough to tell him anything.

      Eddie takes a sip from his beer, then hands it to Riley. "You might want a sip before I get started. This is going to hurt." Riley doesn't hesitate to take the beer and take a few large sips. Again, Eddie is left shocked. Riley laughs at his expression. "I had my first beer two years ago."

      The without warning Riley dumps the rest of the beer on the cut on her leg. She hisses in pain, but bites her bood hand to keep herself from screaming. Eddie blinks at her. "Well, it's not as good as whiskey, but it'll do."

      Riley leans back panting, then nods. "Just do it." Eddie nods and gets started on her stitches. The bleeding has mostly stopped thanks to the makeshift tourniquet Riley had tied just above it. "I'm impressed. You probably didn't need my help after all."

      She didn't, but him helping her was nice. She probably would have passed out, had she done it on her own.

       Riley groans in pain as he jabs the needle through her skin. "Keep talking. It keeps me distracted." Eddie nods, trying to find something to talk about besides the fact that she was bleeding on his couch. "Your parents. You never mention them."

      Eddie had no idea how wrong he had turned. Asking that was worse than what had caused her to turn out like this. Riley stares up at the ceiling numbly.

      "They're dead." Eddie pauses in his work, glancing at Riley. Her face is taught and pale, a sad gream in her eyes. "...I'm sorry for your loss." Riley squeezes her eyes shut trying to get the image of her father being torn to pieces before her. She blows air out of her cheeks.

      "'T's fine." Eddie nods and racks his mind for something else to say. "Uh, how's school?" Riley laughs dryly and keeps her eyes closed. "It's school. I hate it." She truly did. She missed being able to skip to help her dad and uncle on a hunt.

      Speaking of Sam. Riley hadn't heard from him in months. Then again, she was giving Bobby the same treatment. He called her almost weekly but she never picked up. Talking to him would just be too painful. Avoiding it all was better than always thinking of her father. She just can't get that horrible image out of her mind.

      It still haunts her dreams. Most nights she can't sleep and wakes up screaming, Bumblebee standing over her, eyes filled with worry. One time Optimus had even heard her screaming. News of her night terrors spread through the autobots until they all knew.

      Riley still hasn't told them what happened. She's only told Bumblebee that she saw her father die. He didn't press and that's why Riley loves him so much.

      "Riley?" Riley opens her eyes and looks at Eddie. "I'm done." Riley looks down at her leg, and feels the stitches pull as she sits up. "I also did your arm while you were spacing out." Riley frowns and touches her arm and feels the gauze. Had she really not felt any of it? She was just so lost in thought.

      "Thanks." She mumbles. Eddie nods and puts a hand on her shoulder. "If you ever need anything, whether it be a patch up job for a friend, just come over. Yeah?" Riley stares at Eddie, then after a moment nods. She doesn't think she'll take him up on the offer, but it's only polite to say yes.

      After leaving Eddie's apartment Riley climbed into the backseat of Bumblebee and passed out. He drove her back to their abandoned warehouse. Bee transformed, careful not to wake Riley and placed her on her bed, covering her with a blanket.

      Riley drifted off to sleep, having completely forgotten about Peter and how she left him with Optimus. Boy was she in for it tomorrow...




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