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      "And you just let her leave?" General Ross demands as he looks upon the four Avengers. When they had reported back to him (Something they all hated doing) and told him about the attack and the autobot with the girl he became enraged.

      Steve sighs and looks at the hologram of the man. "With all due respect sir," Clint smirks. Cap meant no respect at all. "She helped stop the decepticons. I don't see the harm. The autobots-" Ross cuts him off.

      "Are a threat to national security! You let two major terrorists escape!" Tony rolls his eyes at the man's tone. "Look buddy, we took a beating and let the girl girl go. Next time we run into each other we'll be sure to turn her in." He raises an eyebrow at Ross. "Sounds good? Great." He presses a button in front of him and Ross's yelling voice is cut off.

      "What an ass." Tony grumbles. Steve gives the billionaire a look. "Makes you regret the accords, doesn't it?" Tony gives Steve a sneer and reaches for something by his feet. He places a yellow and silver weapon on the table, catching everyone's attention.

      "What's that?" Tony picks the object up and examines it. "It's one of those double guns the girl had. She dropped it." Natasha raises an eyebrow and leans forward to get a closer look at it. "I was thinking maybe I could figure out how to configure something similar into one of my suits. Make our next bout with one of those things a fair fight."

      Clint creases his brows. "You think we're going to run into them again?" Tony nods, not looking away from the alien gun. "I have a feeling Ross is going to task us with hunting them down. The CIA has been having no luck. I'm guessing that girl is helping keep the autobots hidden."

       Natasha nods. She thought the same thing. "Well, i'm going to my lab. You guys can do whatever." Tony walks out of the room and Steve looks at the two assassins. "If he's right, we really are going to need a few upgrades." He looks over at his shield in the corner of the rooms. The alien's armour had left several dents in it. Tony promised to get it fixed, but Steve silently swore to never use it against one of those things again.

      Riley limps into the school building. She had slept through the majority of her classes and was just now arriving in time for lunch. Eddie had done an amazing job with her stitches which she was thankful for, but while she was sleeping a few of them popped, causing her to bleed on her bed.

      She had to redo them, but even as she walked into school her leg was still bleeding. Riley finds her place at the loser table and flops into a seat across from Peter and Ned. She slams her head down on the table and groans, closing her eyes. "Riley?" Riley rolls her head on the table so she can look at the two boys in front of her.

      "Are you okay?" She doesn't answer, just hides her face in her arms. At this point she is regretting even getting out of bed. "I'll take that as a no." Peter mumbles. "By the way, the interview with Optimus went good." Riley's head shoots up and cringes. "And I forgot to pick you up." Peter shrugs at her. "It's okay. I was able to get back okay."

      Riley nods and relaxes. Peter and Ned share a look. "Are you sure you are okay?" Riley nods and sighs. She leans her head back and catches the scent of something delicious. "What's that smell?" She asks as she tries to figure it out. Peter looks behind them at the food. "Oh, they are serving raspberry pie at the-" Peter doesn't even get to finish his sentence when Riley jumps up from the table and rushes over to the food, grabbing two slides of pie and quickly returning.

      Peter laughs a bit as he watches her eat it. "You like pie?" Riley nods. "Me and my dad would sometimes sneak out at night to get some at whatever local 24 hour diner we were closest to." The moment Riley's words leave her mouth she frowns deeply. Peter notices this and leans forward. "You dad. You never talk about him. How come?" He asks carefully.

      Riley brings her fork back down to the plate. "That's because he died four months ago." She says quietly. Peter and Ned's eyes widen. Riley pushes her food away from her and frowns. "I'm not feeling very hungry any more." She stands up from the table and walks away, limping.

      Peter notices and frowns. "What do you think happened to her this time?" Ned shrugs then Peter sees a stain on Riley's limp leg. Blood.

      At that moment Peter began to wonder who Riley Winchester really was.

      After school, Bumblebee drove Riley over to their warehouse. When she got out she found Optimus in front of her. "Forcim." He greets. Riley waves at him weakly and sits on her bed, rubbing her leg. "Did you find the decepticons?" Riley nods and Bumblebee transforms. "Yeah, but we had some unexpected help."

      Riley wouldn't really have considered them 'help'. Bumblebee and her did all the work. "The Avengers?" Optimus guesses. Riley nods and lays back on her bed, her stitches pulling a bit and wanting her to sit back up. "Yeah." Riley grunts as she sits back up, but that position isn't much better.

      "We got out of there before they had the chance to demand we sign those damn accords." Optimus nods. Ironhide steps forward and bends down to Riley. "We believe the decepticons are swarming the city. I issue a warning of caution. They will be targeted if spotted." Riley lets out a breath.

      "Don't worry. I've been on the run before. I know how to lay low." It's true. Being a hunter was never easy. Her dad and uncle would constantly go undercover as FBI agents or Homeland Security. Puts a bad rep on your record. Riley knows her face is posted on a few state's most wanted bulletins. Getting arrested wasn't on her to-do list.

      And neither was being blasted by a decepticon.





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