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The atmosphere was tensed and silence has spread everywhere in the corridor. On a bench jai was sitting with his chest hugging his legs and he was on the edge. His half face was hidden on his knees and eyes streaming with tears.

Naira was admitted in hospital and her treatment was going on. It's been two hours and there was no news about his naira which had left him numb. He wasn't hearing and talking to anybody. After reaching the hospital he informed rishab about naira by calling him as naira had taught him to. Rishab was the first one to reach there as he tried his best to convince jai but he wasn't in that condition.

After him the family too reached and aditya too. Aditya had again made a scene and blamed jai for everything but he couldn't say much as jai's condition was itself telling how scared he was!

"_Na_ira_" He hiccuped murmuring her name which didn't go unheard by rishab.

"Jai__ it's fine, naira is good now. Please don't cry, she will be talking to you in some time. Be strong and stop crying, naira don't like it right?"

"Wh_y is s_she slee_ping for so long? What happened to her?" He asked with the breaking voice when rishab pulled him in a hug. He kissed on his hair and ruffled his hair in a soothing manner.

"Because she is little tired with the shopping and all. And doctors also said that naira is fine then why my sweet brother is crying so much? Don't you trust me?" Jai snapped at ahana who kneeled down before him and brushed off the tears from his cheek. She cleared his face and then made him drink the juice which first he was denying. She made sure that he finished everything and then took a seat beside him.

Jai getting comfortable with her affection placed his head on her shoulder and held over rishab's hand tightly. Rishab passed a thankful look to ahana who assured him with a smile.

"We will send you when naira will wake up and till then just calm down and take rest. Okay jai?" She inquired but he didn't speak much and sat silently. His eyes were stuck on the door of ward and he was waiting for his naira to walk out to him.

Few more time spent and finally the nurse stepped out of it coming near them as they all stood up.

"Who is jai? Patient is taking this name constantly. She has gained consciousness. You can meet her." Her words teared up him as he ran from there and pushed open the door going inside.

His steps huddled once he saw her pale face. The wave of fear and pain hit his heart and he began sobbing with more intense. Naira's blurry vision caught the sight as she blinked away to clear it. Once getting fine she saw her jai sobbing hardly which broke her heart. She forwarded her hand and called him but he shook away and turned his face sobbing hardly without making any voice.

"Jai!" She weakly called him not able to bear the sight.

"Please come to me. Please jai!" She requested as first he didn't listen but when he heard her wincing his heart pushed him to her. Naira made him seat near her as she sat up with his help and the cupped his face in her palms. She wiped his tears then pecking on his forehead asked him to stop.

"Why are you crying? What happened?"

"I_i was scared." He whispered rubbing his arm over his face again and again as the tears weren't ready to stop.

"Why so?" She asked looking at his innocent self. She couldn't imagine how much he may have suffered after the incident. His pure heart bore a lot of pain and it was because of her.

"You__i__wh_at if something has happened to you?" He sounded out his fear and she just gave a sad smile. Naira leaned near him and kissed on both his cheeks. She made him look at her and shook her head.

"Do you think something can happen to me? You're wrong because I know my jai can never let anything happen to me. He is my hero." He sniffled on her words as she calmed him down with her words and she succeeded in it.

She made him smile with her talks and soon he started talking to her normally. Jai touched her head lightly and when she acted like paining he hissed over it blowing air on the wound. Naira chuckled at her baby husband but then stopped knowing he will panick more.

Their moment interrupted as the door opened and aditya walked inside. Seeing him jai stood up and went behind naira placing his one palm on her shoulder. Aditya noticed this but ignored and sat on the stool.

He kissed on her palm as she saw the worry in his eyes. Naira assured him that she was fine and he nodded.

"Dad! Please forgive me now. I know my act hurt you very much but I had no other way. I'm sorry!" She apologized lowering her head. Jai who was seeing all this held both his ears and came before aditya.

"I'm also sorry. Please talk to naira, she misses you a lot. Please forgive her." Aditya was very angry with jai but he couldn't ignore the care, love and worry he had seen in jai's eyes. His daughter hadn't taken any wrong step as she knew that jai was the right person for her. But Aditya couldn't accept him for his daughter. He was just fearing for the future which is unpredictable.

Getting no way out he nodded his head and smile at both of them. Naira smilingly hugged her father as she thanked him. She later convinced Aditya to atleast shake hands with jai as it could end the tension between them and he did the same which helped jai to get a little bit comfortable.


"Please jai! I'm done. Jaiii!! I don't want it." Naira's huffing tone came as she pushed her head back trying to avoid her sweet husband who was forcefully feeding her the meal as she was making excuses to not eat.

"I heard everything you say now you have to listen me. I'm your best friend, if you won't listen then__then I will stop talking you. Say you want it?" He blackmailed her with a innocent and sad look which melted naira in seconds. She sulked out and made a dirty face but finally giving up before him sat silently and ate everything he was feeding her.

"I will see you!" She threatened but jai shrugged off which made her mouth wide open. Naira hit over his arm and he giggled with his baby face.

"Shh! I'll complain about you to mumma." He strictly said but she smirked and flipped her hair back.

"Go do it! I don't fear from anyone." She said making his smile drop. She giggled at his face and huffed showing some more attitude but it didn't last long as she didn't notice ahana's presence and soon her ear was between her fingers.

"So you were troubling my lovely brother." Jai snapped at her as he jumped in joy this time laughing at naira and she giving deadly glares.

"Di!! You are hurting your little sister, not fair di." She complained as ahana hi-fied with jai and both brother-sister chuckled at her condition.

"Aacha toh yeh bhabhi-devar milkar meri saali ko pareshan kar rahe hai."

Rishabh's strong manly voice took their attention as naira cheered up and smirked at jai. "Take your bhabhi, my jiju is enough for me." She said pulling rishabh's hand.

"No! Bhai is mine." Jai pouted and sat hugging his brother.

"So much love for bhai. I was noticing from few days someone was favouring his bhabhi a lot, right naira!" He pretended teasing him.

"Yeah, these Bhabhi-devar are too annoying." She followed his way as both ahana and jai glared at their respective parteners. One glare from ahana shut rishabh's act as he sat silent and ignored her.

"Oh, I forgot! Jai, we are going to hospital tomorrow. And naira I talked to mom-dad, they don't have any problem with this new treatment. We can visit tomorrow."

"That's great jiju_"

"I don't want to go." Jai's slow whisper forced them to look at him. Naira understood his fear as she looked at rishab and ahana who nodded their heads and left the room.

Once they went naira called jai near her, so did he follow. He hugged her body and keeping his head on her shoulder laid over the bed just like a baby he was.
She kissed on top of his head as creasing his head she sat silently for sometime.

"I know your fear jai. You are scared because mama drugged you with wrong medication till these years. But trust your naira, I won't do anything that will hurt my jai. And after this treatment you will be super fine. Then none will call you with names__"

She tried to convince him. Jai hummed in. Response and remained laying in her arms.

After sometime he realised about naira's injury as hurriedly getting up he started checking her.
"What happened?"

"Sleep fast! Doctor told to take more rest. Now shhh and sleep." He said putting finger on her lips. She chuckled and laid as he said.

"Sleep beside me please, I want to hug you." She pouted but he blushed, didn't know why but he blushed and she felt good seeing him red. He silently laid beside her facing her side as naira wrapped her one arm around her waist.

Jai kept his palm on her eyes as she was continuously staring at him which was making him feel different. He closed his eyes but again opened and saw her smiling.


"Okayyy!" She whispered in same way he did as finally switching off the lights they slept.


It was a dark night. Not a single creature was making noise as the dead silent was spread everywhere. In the dead silent Night some footsteps vigorously moved to the particular room. As soon as it entered inside the room, his ears recognized the voice. The same feel and fear resembled in his heart as his grip tightened over her.

Jai's forehead covered with sweat as thinking it as nightmare he opened his eyes breathing heavily. But when he opened his eyes the sight before him shocked more.

There on opposite side standing a person with a pillow in his hand. He was slowly moving it towards naira's side as jai looked at her face which was in the same direction. His eyes went wider as the person came more closer. In no time grabbing whatever coming in his hand he threw it on him.


The person yelped out of pain as the glass hit hardly on his knuckles. He looked at jai with rage but before any action another vase hitted his forehead.

"Don't touch naira! Don't beat her! Go away! Go away!" The person none other than mihir himself was shocked with his voice. Till these years he tortured him a lot but never he dared to voice out and now suddenly he was going all mad.

He attempted to grab jai but it didn't work as jai again threw something towards him which leaded him to fall.

Jai jumped from bed as he reached to naira and hugged her closely to him. He cupped her face as the fear touched his heart and many thoughts broke in his mind. He patted her cheeks continuously. "Naira! Naira! Please get up, naira please open your eyes!" His lips throbbing on fear as he looked at the person and greeted his teeth like a baby.

"You beat my naira! Now I will punish you. I will tell everyone! I will punish you like you did." He stated looking in his direction and once again taking the pillow hit him hard. He was beating him with whatever coming in his hands which annoyed mihir to a very high limit.

He growled in anger and the next moment jai's neck was in his palm. He squeezed it until he started chocking.

"You'll punish me? Huh? I was sparing you but I think you should leave this world now." He smirked and greeted his teeth applying more force on jai's neck.

"Na_i_ra!" He chocked her name as mihir laughed on it.

"She is coming behind you don't worry. I will send both of you to God, then play this husband-wife game." He said forcing more as jai held on both his arms and struggled hard to slip out.

Mihir forced more until something sharp scratched the skin of his hand. He groaned in pain and left jai while shrugging his hand in pain.

"How dare you touch him, bastard!!" Naira's voice echoed as she glared at him but for few minutes ignoring him she focused on jai who was fallen on floor by mihir's push and coughing wildly due to the hard squeeze on his throat.

"Jai!" She rubbed his back and cupped his face. He was all red and tears continuously making their way out. She wiped his cheeks and shook her head.

"I will kill you both!" Mihir growled as he came with the knife towards naira and was about to stab her back when out if nowhere a hand came and grabbed his one. Jai had tightly closed his eyes as naira snapped back to their saviour. Her smile grew as rishabh pushed mihir back snatching the knife from him.

"Enough of your dirty games mama!"

He threw the knife and crouched to jai and naira. Making sure that both of them are safe he switched on the lights and soon rajeev, prerna, rahul and ahana entered.

"What's going on? Why are you making noise at this time? Jai?? What happened son? Why are you crying? Naira?" Rajeev inquired as he came near his younger son then looking at rishab and naira gave a confused look.


"Mihir bhai?"

"Mihir? What happened to you? This injuries? And what are you doing here? Can anyone tell me what's going on?" Rajeev showed irritation at the scene. Everyone was glaring at each other and jai was scared as hell.

There naira went towards mihir as she didn't care and slapped right on his face shocking everyone in the room except jai and rishabh. She then grabbed his collar and greeted her teeth. "This is for hurting my jai, mamaji!" She stretched the last word.

Rahul getting frustrated by her act pushed her aside freeing mihir from her grip. "How dare you behave such with mama? See mom, your so called daughter-in-law has crossed every limit of hers."

"She hasn't crossed any limit yet rahul. After knowing mama's deed you will do the same as she." Rishabh talked and grabbed mihir's collar.

"I never thought you would do this mama. After mumma you were the only one we had from her side, we thought you love us but everything was fake. You stooped so low. Why did you try to kill jai? What was the reason?"

"Rishabh! What are you speaking?"

"Have you gone mad bhai? Why will mama hurt jai? He loves him like us."

Rajeev and rahul said as they couldn't digest any word from rishabh. They knew he never took false allegations on anyone and neither he lies about things but now whatever he was speaking wasn't digestible.

"Jiju is right rahul. I know you won't trust me but hear whate jiju is saying. Papa, jai's this condition is because of mama. He drugged jai with wrong medication till these years and the doctor he has alloted for jai was his man only. If you don't trust my words then we will show you the proofs too. Jiju has sent him behind bars and the police has also taken that doctor's statement." Naira's words left everyone numb. Prerna looked towards her husband with tears in her eyes as she then saw her son and hugged him out of fear that she may had lost him with all the dirty games of mihir.

"What the hell mihir? How dared you hurt my son? How could you do this? I trust you like a brother, I trust you with jai's treatment hoping it will help my son but you back stabbed us__" Rajeev asked for a answer and mihir was fuming in anger. He pushed Rajeev back and split out the poision.

"Brother my foot! You are my sister's culprit, you killed my sister and then expecting loyalty from me. I would have killed this prerna and her son that day only when she told the news of being pregnant with your child. How easily you forgot my sister Rajeev Agnihotri! She loved you, went against our father to marry you and you, married to someone else just one year after her death. That was your love? You never cared about rishabh and rahul over jai and his mother. Your priority changed like clothes. Rishabh is fool, he got trapped in prerna's fake love but rahul, you also!" He turned to rahul, who now was completely silent and numb. While prerna was just more than hurt to hear all that. She never imagined that the person she was considering as her brother was behind her child's life.

Rishabh saw his brother and shook his head knowing his next move will definitely hurt their uncle.

"Are you at your senses, mama? Have you forgotten that mumma died due to cancer? And papa married maa because of me and rahul. I was the one who was behind papa to marry prerna maa. And about rahul then he never knew that prerna maa isn't our real mother untill you told him. He always was prerna maa's son. We love our mumma but prerna maa loved us more than anything." Rishabh told as he came near rahul who wasn't in good state.

Of course he won't be. Afterall he always held hate for jai, after acknowledging the truth about jai being his step-brother he hatred him to core. They always had an enmity between them untill jai's accident and his worsening condition.

"For your dirty games you poisoned my mind against my brother. Just to take revenge you used me as a pawn of your game." Rahul growled as he had almost jumped but rishabh held him back.

"Yes I did! Four years ago, I did everything to kill this bastard but that girl ayesha saved him and died instead. And now this naira! This time i will kill both of you__" His words remain half as a slap fall over his cheek. This time it was prerna.

"I respected you like an elder brother and you were behind my son's life__"

"Don't talk to him prerna now the cops themselves will talk him. He will be punished for his deeds." Rajeev spoke as he gestured rishabh.

Soon after sometime the police arrived and took mihir with them. Rahul was little emotional as he was always so close to mihir, rishabh too didn't like it but then mihir was wrong and he accepted it.

By the time everyone got freshen up it was early morning. The family members were sitting in the living room as naira and ahana made something for their breakfast.

Here prerna and Rajeev were sitting with jai and rishabh was aiding his wound which he got after hitting from the corner of bed. Jai winced at the pain but rishabh mend him.

"Jai! Why you never tell us about mihir's torture? You should have tell your Bhai, papa or me. What was the reason?" Prerna asked out as she creased his cheek and hair. He sniffled and put his face over her shoulder.

"H_he said that if I tell anyone then he will torture me more and kill everyone. He told that after killing everyone there will be no one near me and I will be alone." Rajeev and rishabh exchanged glances as prerna hugged him wiping her own tears.

Seeing all this naira felt like to change their mood. She kept the tea tray on table and then stood behind their couch.

"I have a good news!"

"What is it?" Rishabh asked out instantly.

"My friend who I showed jai's reports called me. She talked with some top neurologists and they have said that there are 99% chance for jai's improvement. They suggested to begin the treatment as soon as possible." Their faces lit up with a smile and a hope raised again.

Jai got up and went to naira. He hugged her suddenly before everyone which was too shocking. She blushed little but then broke the hug and looked at him.

"Thank you for saving me. You are the best!" He spoke up.

"And you are the dumbest!" Her words formed a pout on his lips, making other giggle. "Idiot why are you thanking me? You are my everything jai, how could I let you live in that torture?" She said with so much intense as her heart ached for him. She wanted her jai to be fine soon and love her like she want. She loves his innocence and can live this life forever but then the desires and emotions of a wife raised high in her heart. She needs her man to get fine.

"I love you!" Jai said and this turned her all red. Her shy eyes traveled to see others and they were too much into teasing her.

She pinched on his waist as he yelped out embarrassing her more.

"What had I told you? Don't say this before others, it's a private line between you and me." She whispered and he made a grumpy facial.

"That's not so private naira, my dear brother loves you a lot that he can confess his love before everyone freely." Ahana came up teasing her sister.

"Yeah that's ture. We don't have a problem to hear it." That was the limit as when Rajeev said it she couldn't stay there and ran upstairs not wanting more embarrassment.

Everyone laughed and jai being innocent made a confused face. Ahana told him to go behind naira and he obediently followed her.


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