Chapter Seventeen: Look At This Sconce!

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fractured || five hargreeves x reader


Written By: peachyhxlland


After visiting an antique shop with Allison, Viktor, and Luther, Luther became enthralled with a variety of wooden furniture and decorations. "Wow." Luther gasped. "Tall about a hidden gem. You know, Sloane would have loved it here." He picked up a picture frame and became fascinated by it. "Oh!" He gasped appreciatively. "Look at the craftsmanship."

Viktor looked around the store and shrugged off a slight feeling of uneasiness from remembering Harold Jenkins's previous store from the other timeline, then turned around to chat with Allison.

Allison awkwardly faced Viktor. "You know, it's, um... it's good to see you." She said to Viktor that they hadn't had a proper conversation since they met again. "I'm really happy that you're doing well."

Viktor chuckled. "Yeah, it's been a minute."

"Yeah." Allison shrugged. "You didn't think to call or...?"

"Phones work both ways, you know."

Allison wryly chuckled after she thought for a moment. "Fair enough."

Viktor sighed. "Look. You did what you did. I get it. You got Claire and Ray. And things worked out fine for me too. Like, I'm happy." He smiled somberly at Allison. "But we're not friends. And that sucks, but it doesn't have to be some huge thing."

Allison nodded in sadness and understanding. "I-I'm okay with that."

Viktor sensed Allison's distress, but it wasn't directed at him. It was something else. When Allison turned her head away, he tilted his head slightly to see her face. "What's wrong?"

Reluctant to tell him what was bothering her, Allison shot a quick glance at Viktor and then shifted her gaze to the ground. "I..." She cleared her throat. "I don't know how to make amends with... (Y/n)."

Viktor made a pained expression. "That... will be a lot harder," He replied. "I mean, you rumored her a bunch of times and tried to force her into making Claire."

Allison grimaced, thinking about all the awful things she had done to you. "Okay, listing them doesn't make me feel any better or help me, Vik."

"Not to mention, she tried to console you, but you ignored her multiple times. You were a dick, by the way."

"Again, Vik, not helping."

Viktor fixed his gaze on Allison, who was evidently experiencing feelings of remorse and shame. "I-I don't know how to help you, Allison. What you did to her was beyond the line. We both can't expect her to forgive you overnight. Remember, she just saw us again, alive, after all these years. It may take a while for her to forgive you."

Allison sighed. "Yeah, no, I get it. I just hope she's not holding a grudge on me to the point that she wants to kill me."

Viktor gave Allison a gentle pat on the back while smiling and reassuring her. "She won't." Allison smiled back at Viktor, who then moved on to accompany Luther, who was still appreciating some antiques.

An elderly woman in an electric wheelchair came out of the store and saw the three of them. "We ship anywhere in the continental USA." She announced to the three.

Luther grinned in excitement. "Oh! Great. Thanks." He took a candelabra and looked around the town before talking to Viktor. "Do you think there's a market for an erotic dance studio in a town this size?"

Viktor shook his head. "Yeah, I doubt it, Luther. Can we just get out of here?"

Luther nodded but was too focused on the candelabra in his grasp. "Yeah, sure. Just give me a second. This place is a gold mine."

"Excuse me." Allison approached the old lady to get her attention. "Do you happen to know somebody by the name of Jennifer Grossman?"

The old lady thought for a moment before shaking her head. "I can't say that I do." The old lady smiled and chuckled. "Excuse me."

"Oh. Yeah, sorry." Allison stepped out of the way so the old lady could drive her wheelchair away. Viktor was occupied checking what Luther was carrying, while Allison explored what was inside the antique shop. The three were blind to what was happening when the elderly woman approached a male and was whispering something to him.

Allison went out of the store as soon as the elderly woman returned back to go inside it once more. Luther let out a loud gasp when he pulled out a sconce. "Look at this sconce!" He exclaimed excitedly.

Allison became aware that the locals were staring at them and acting strangely all of a sudden. "Luther, not now."

Luther was still in admiration and paid no mind to Allison. "Just like the one from the house! The one Lila lasered with her eyeballs. These aren't easy to find!"

Viktor could only make out a dim silhouette of what the elderly woman was doing inside the store. "What is she doing?" He asked.

Slowly the choir singing stopped and the carousel ride was stopped by the man in an elf costume who was staring at you, Five, Diego, and Lila. It seemed as though someone had stopped time as the locals halted whatever they were doing. All eyes, even those from children, were fixed on you and the others.

"What the fuck?" You muttered.

"Oh, shit." Five whispered.

Viktor finally realized what the shop owner was doing when he witnessed the old lady loading shotgun shells onto her shotgun rifle. "Uh, guys?" He called out to Luther and Allison. "Come on, let's get out of here!"

Still preoccupied with his adoration of the vintage pieces, Luther was thrilled to see a matching wall sconce. "There's two of 'em!"

As soon as the elderly woman left the store, Viktor rushed over to Allison. The old lady fired her shotgun but, fortunately, missed, and instead, the bullet hit the brick wall next to Viktor and Allison. With his powers fully charged, Viktor extended his arms and fired forward, blasting the elderly woman away.

Five, Diego, and Lila, the locals around you, heard the commotion from the other side of town where Viktor, Luther, and Allison were, and they all of a sudden grabbed their firearms out of their coats and gift wagons. Five grasped your hand in an instant as your eyes grew wide. "We should go!"

"Come on!" Diego yelled.

The four of you ran away and dodged bullets as the people started firing at you while the rest of the locals ran away.

"What the fuck is going on?!" You yelled.

"Gotta be Sy the dry cleaner!" Five replied as he let go of our hand and continued running with you, Diego, and Lila. "He screwed us!"

Suddenly, Five spatial jumped and was transported back to the subway station. "What the..." He looked around. "(Y/n)! Diego!"

While you were running with Diego and Lila, you saw that Five had gone missing. "Shit! Five's gone!"

"He's dead?!" Lila shrieked.

"No! He must have spatial jumped!"

Diego avoided another bullet as he cast a quick peek at the assailants. "Lila, use your eyeball thing!"

Lila spun around to see if her new abilities might help, but it wasn't working. "I'm trying!" She shouted as she whipped her head side to side and blinked her eyes rapidly.

To give Lila and Diego a chance to hide, you halted and hurriedly used your powers to form a psionic shield. Lila was hiding behind a clothing shop, and Diego was hiding behind a statue.

"Where the hell is Five?!" Diego asked you and Lila.

"We don't know!" Lila replied.

Diego noticed that you were not having trouble controlling your powers as he took a look at you. "(Y/n), come hide with us!" Even though you were handling the situation yourself, he nonetheless advised you to seek cover in safety.

Although you were hesitant, you quickly hid next to Diego because he was closer. The gunfire kept coming as Diego drew you to safety and gripped the reindeer toys securely.

Five, who was still stuck on the subway, looked around and noticed a train stopping in front of him. He heard a warped voice speaking backward over the PA and noticed some weird symbols by the wall. Though Five was hesitant, he went through the doors. Once the train started moving, it eventually came to a stop at another station after a few minutes.

Five got out of the subway and came out to the same town in New Grumpson, only with a few people and without the chaos. Five became confused as he searched around. "Where is everyone?" He looked at his surroundings and noticed the clock by a building nearby. "Same day..." He noticed the exact same hour. "Same time." His eyes widened. "A different timeline." He concluded before returning back to the subway and riding a train back to his timeline.

You, Diego, and Lila, on the other hand, were still hiding behind the statue and stall. Diego turned to look at Lila. "Hey! Don't worry. I'm gonna go out, okay? You and (Y/n) wait here."

Lila shook her head. "No, you stay! I'm gonna go."

"No, you stay! I go."

"Don't tell me what to do!"

"Just let me make my own choices for now, okay?"

"I have laser eyes! I'm more powerful than you!"

"They're not even working!"

"They're gonna work! I feel it! They're gonna work!"

You groaned in frustration. "Guys, if you can't decide, I'll go!"

"No!" Diego and Lila yelled in unison, and you gave up.

Diego looked back at Lila. "Why can't I just do something for myself right now?!"

"Oh, my God!" Lila exclaimed. "You'd never do anything if I didn't tell you what to do!"

"I take out the trash!"

"This isn't about you!"




"Listen to me for once in your goddamn life!"

Diego did the exact opposite and lent you the reindeer toys. He then leaped out of the statue and used his abilities to deflect the bullets so that they missed him. After he landed on his feet, Diego released the bullets and redirected them to the men who were shooting. The shooting stopped, and every single one was shot dead from their own bullets. Diego was in awe of his own powers and capabilities. "Did you see that?"

However, there was a survivor, and he aimed his rifle at Diego. It was the same elf man that Five noticed who was staring. The attacker was about to shoot Diego, but Lila used her newfound powers right away and lasered the man in half. Diego turned to face Lila, who assisted you in standing up. "Yes!" She exclaimed in joy.

"Really?" Diego asked. "You gotta one-up me like that?"

Lila stared at Diego and chuckled. "It sings a bit. It does." She told him as she grabbed your hand and approached Diego. Diego stared at Lila lovingly but his gaze quickly shifted. "Come on."

As Lila passed the man she had used her new powers to kill, she began to gag. "Yuck!" She exclaimed when she noticed the man's intestines coming out.

You gave the reindeer plush toys to Lila. "Go on. I have to find Viktor and the others."

Diego grew worried as soon as he looked at you. "You sure you're gonna be okay?"

You nodded. "Yeah, I got this." You reassured Diego, and you quickly ran away to find Viktor and the others.

When you returned to the town square, Allison, Luther, and Viktor were sprinting in your direction. "(Y/n)!" Viktor yelled at you and gave you a hug. "You're okay! Where are the others?"

"They're heading back to the van. I was going to look for the three of you." You cast a quick glance toward Allison, and she returned the gesture. Allison turned away to see dead people everywhere. "The hell is this place?"

"Who the hell are these people?" Luther asked as well. Upon examining one of the deceased individuals closely, he noticed the gear they were wearing. "Hargreeves Enterprise? Dad?." He whispered. "No."

Hearing the sound of people sprinting, you and the others turned around. The four of you were being pursued by other gunmen who were prepared to shoot. "Oh, shit! Get down!" Luther covered you, Viktor, and Allison with his body as the shooting started. Fortunately, Luther wasn't getting hurt by the bullets, as it was one of the perks of his powers.

Viktor came out of hiding and shot his powers on the left side. Luther hurried Viktor back into cover after he had successfully shot away half of the guys. The next person to showcase her abilities was Allison, whose eyes glowed as she utilized her powers to command one of the gunmen to shoot the other shooters. The others were shot dead, and the perpetrator shot himself. Allison was amazed with herself. "Well, my new power's dope."

Suddenly, the four of you heard jingling in the distance. It was a man dressed as Santa Claus firing two guns at the four of you when you, Viktor, Allison, and Luther turned around. Allison, Viktor, and you were soon covered by Luther once more.

Out of nowhere, Five reappeared nearby and saw the gunshots. "Five, get in here!" Luther yelled and pulled Five to safety. You held Five and covered his head as the shots went on and Luther screamed. "I can't hold things much longer!"

"Fuck this." You huffed and came out of the cover. You flicked your wrists and moved the bullets away from the others. You raised your hand up and bent the two guns. As you used your powers to lift the gunman into the air, he stiffened and began to scream in anguish as you slowly broke his fingers.

Five was staring at you cautiously, while the others were staring at the man in stunned silence. He noticed the eerie smile engraved on your face and the red glow in your eyes. "(Y/n)..."

You brought the man closer to you and forced him to look at you. "Ho, ho, ho, Santa." You told him. "Who do you work for?"

"I know you." The man in the Santa Claus costume gave out a dry yet nervous laugh. "The red witch. You killed a lot of my men!"

"You didn't answer my question." You broke his wrist, which caused the man to scream again.

"(Y/n)!" Five yelled, but Viktor grabbed him, scared that his brother might get hurt.

"He sent you here, didn't he?" You asked the man one more time.

The man snickered. "I ain't telling you anything, you fucking bitch."

Your eyes flared to a brighter, fiery red and without a second thought, you utilized your powers to cause him to explode into pieces, splattering his bones, organs, and blood everywhere. Blood splattered on Allison, Luther, Viktor, and Five. "What the fuck?!" Allison shrieked.

You remained motionless, and your powers were still displayed. Five wiped the blood from his face and walked towards you very carefully. "(Y/n)?"

You turned your head and looked at Five and the others above your shoulder, your eyes still glowing in crimson red. "He was talking too much." You grumbled.

Diego opened the door of the van as soon as it pulled up to the town center. "Get in!" He yelled.

Luther quickly picked you up, and Viktor opened the other door of the van. Five got into the passenger's seat, and as soon as everyone was inside, Diego started driving away from the town. You were squeezed in between Ben, Jennifer, and Viktor. Jennifer's eyes widened in horror when she saw you covered in blood. "Wh-Whose blood is that?"

You gave her a quick glance before fixing your lifeless gaze on her. "Nice to meet you too."

"Klaus!" Allison shouted when she found Klaus holding for his dear life with a gunshot wound on his chest. Your murderous daze broke and you quickly looked at Klaus. "Oh, God..." Your eyes widened in horror. 'No, no, no! Not fucking again!'

"Guys, he's dying!" Allison yelled.

You looked at Diego. "Where's the nearby hospital?!"

"I don't know!" Diego yelled in panic.

"Five, marigold!" Lila called out.

Five nodded. "On it. Yeah."

"No, no, no, no!" Allison disagreed. "He doesn't want that!"

"Well, you can't just let him die!" Luther tried to reason with Allison.

For the first time, you can see that Ben is worried about Klaus since he is staring at him. Right now, he genuinely felt terrible for Klaus. Klaus spotted you when you turned to face him. You stretched out your arm and gave him your hand. Klaus grasped your hand firmly and clung to it weakly.

Ben was given the marigold from Five, and he immediately gave it to Allison. "Do it." Five said.

"He's right. Give it to him." Viktor told Allison as soon as she fixed her gaze on the marigold jar.

"What are you waiting for?!" Diego asked when he noticed that Allison was hesitant.

Allison, who was under pressure, gave in. "Okay, okay, okay!" Lila raised Klaus' shirt, and Allison poured some marigolds into the bullet wound on Klaus. "I'm so sorry, Klaus."

However, Klaus has stopped breathing by the time Allison has finished. "Klaus?" You asked. As you became convinced that it was too late, you suddenly began to feel dread. Tears were streaming down your face as you closed your eyes and lifted his hand to your lips.

"It's a cycle now for you, isn't it?"

The older version of yourself was peering out of a window as you opened your eyes. You couldn't help but feel worse because it was pouring rain outside and there was thunder. When you turned to face your older self, she gave you a cold smile. "You keep experiencing losses over and over again even though they come back. It's like the universe just wants to play with your feelings."

You collapsed on the ground and clutched your hair. "It's driving me mad. I-I felt fine, and then I killed someone again, and now Klaus is dying... again! I-I can't... not again." Your older self walked towards you and knelt down, lifting your face up with a finger. You cried as you stared at your older self. "What am I doing wrong?" You asked. "Why do I have to endure this over and over again?"

"It's the universe of saying 'fuck you' to us." Your older self said. "Don't worry. You'll rest soon."

When Klaus regained consciousness, you opened your eyes and discovered that you were once again in the real world. Klaus was gasping for breath when the others let out startled yells. Five let out a relieved sigh. "Thank God."

As you smiled heartily and gave Klaus' knuckles a kiss, tears kept falling down your cheeks. Luther giddily laughed to see that his brother was back alive. "He's good! He's good!" Lila announced to everyone with a wide smile.

"Wh-What did you do?" Klaus spluttered when he realized what had happened. "What did you do? What did you do?"

"I saved your life." Allison came to realize she had betrayed Klaus's wish not to take the marigold, thus she closed her eyes. But for the most part, you and the others were happy to see Klaus return.

Diego gave one of the reindeer plush toys for Klaus to borrow. Lila took the toy and handed it to Klaus, which he hugged tightly.

Viktor leaned against the door. "Well, that was a weird fuckin' town."

"You know it was all Hargreeves goons?" Luther commented. "What's up with that? And I should've known. Those sconces were too perfect."

"At least we got who we came for." Five told everyone.

Luther smiled at Ben. "Oh, yeah! Good job, buddy. You found her!"

Ben smiled for a bit as Jennifer looked at him. Ben looked at Jennifer and reassured her. "Hey, we're gonna get you back to your dad safe and sound."

Jennifer blinked her eyes as she stared at him. "My dad?"

"Yeah, Sy Grossman."


Five had just glanced over his shoulder to hear Ben and Jennifer talking when all of a sudden the van was hit by a car and flipped over. The van continued spinning for a couple more times before coming to a stop when it struck the fence. The impact of the blow knocked everyone out.

Gene and Jean came out of the car, as it was them who had crashed the van. Gene opened the door and saw Jennifer. Diego was grunting and was actually the only one who was unconscious. Jennifer woke up while being carried by Gene and made an unsuccessful attempt to reach out to Ben. "Help me, Ben." She begged until eventually she passed out, and Gene returned her to their car.

Jean approached the van and sighed in disappointment to see Lila. "Nancy, Nancy, Nancy."

"Nancy?" Diego whispered and eventually passed out.

Gene came back to stand beside Jean. "What is it?" He asked his wife when Jean was still not coming back to the car. Jean stared at you, who was leaning beside Ben. "Take that girl too."


"Yes. Now."

With a shrug, Gene picked you up and carried you from the van. You were put in the backseat with Jennifer while Gene and Jean returned to their car. The Hargreeves siblings were left unconscious by the side of the road as the couple drove away.


(Y/n) could have easily taken out all of the gunmen but I wanted the others to shine as well hehe

Sorry for the long-ass chapter. I didn't want to make another part of this so, yeah, lol

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