Chapter Nine: Give Me A Day Or Two

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fragile || five hargreeves x reader


Written By: peachyhxlland


"So, who were those people?" You asked Allison who was wiping the blood from Vanya's head while you play with your powers forming a small ball, playing it with your fingers. "I just like what left for a few hours and all hell breaks loose?"

"We don't know but we are lucky to be alive." Allison sat down on the opposite side of Vanya. "Are you sure you're okay?" Vanya nodded wordlessly as she took the red cloth from Allison and wiped her own blood.

You and Allison turned when Diego came back. He checked Grace to see if she was okay but when he came back, he was breathing shakily. "Diego?" You questioned.

Diego stopped in his tracks to look at you and Allison then turned to Vanya. "What are you still doing here?"

"I'm just trying to help."

"No, you could've been killed. Or gotten any of us killed."

"Diego." You told him with a warning hinting in your voice. Diego turned to you and Allison. "She is a liability."

"Stop it, Diego." You scolded. Diego huffed and turned away while Vanya looked at Allison. "Allison?"

Allison turned to Vanya before looking down, sighing. "I think what he's trying to say is that this kind of stuff is dangerous. You're justβ€”"

"Not like you." Vanya finished the sentence for Allison. Seeing Allison was unable to defend her point, Vanya scoffed before standing up and turning to leave.

"No, that's not what Iβ€” Vanya, wait."

"Let her go. It's for the best." Diego said.

You rolled your eyes when Allison did stop chasing after Vanya so you, instead chased after her. "Vanya!"

"(Y/n)!" Diego and Allison called out.

"Vanya." You reached for her arm only for her to swat your arm away. "(Y/n), I love you. I really, really do. And I appreciate the things you've done for me and-and for protecting me, defending me. But not even your defense or pleas will help them realize I matter too, that maybe I CAN help."


Vanya smiled sadly and hugged you. "I just need space for now. From our family. But thank you, (Y/n)."

And after that hug, she left the Academy. You sighed and ran your fingers through your hair, a small habit of yours when you feel stressed or sad.

Then a hand was placed on your shoulder. You quickly turned around to see Allison with Diego behind her. "(Y/n), Iβ€”"

"She is not a fucking liability." You started walking away but Diego stopped you. "She's ordinary, (Y/n). She's nothing like us."

You scoffed and quickly removed his hand. "She's just like us, Diego. You just don't fucking see it. And whether you like it or not, she's our sister and family."

You walked away and went upstairs, thinking about sleeping at the Academy tonight. You can't back to your old apartment knowing that there's still the old woman around trying to kill your and maybe your grandfather.

Once you reached upstairs, you stopped immediately in your tracks and saw Grace no longer moving. You quickly went to her and cupped her face. "Oh, Mom..." Sure Grace was a robot but she took care of you, fed you, even sang lullabies to you. And now... she's gone.

You hugged her close. "I'm sorry, Mom. For unable to protect you." You looked up to see Pogo sighing sadly. "Miss (Y/n)..."

And suddenly, your eyes glowed red and you quickly pulled away from Grace. A reddish mist-like shaped energy formed in your hands as you glared at Pogo. "You're gonna tell me how and why did I end up like this, Pogo. The truth."

"Your father told me that you should figure it out on your own, (Y/n). Your father knows how much you love solving things on your own."

"Well, I don't have time to solve things on my own, Pogo." You hissed, getting irritated. "Tell me. Now."

"I will explain to you everything once you have one or two clues."

You hesitated but gave up, your eye color going back to normal. "Fine. Give me a day or two. But after I found some clues, you better tell me what the hell happened to me."

Pogo nodded, sealing the deal. "I will."

You walked away from Grace and Pogo, going straight to your room.

After a few hours of sleep, the sun finally came up and you didn't really have a good sleep. You never really had a proper sleep these past few days. 'Why do I need that? I've slept for like what, 10 or more years? But goddamn I still want a proper sleep.'

You took a quick shower and wore your uniform, a fresh and clean one, before getting out of your room. You heard Pogo scolding Diego and Luther from Five's room but as much as you want to hear more, you have to go.

"(Y/n)?" Diego and Luther asked as they saw you heading out again. "Where are you going?"

"Oh, I'm off to play on a playground." You said sarcastically as you went downstairs. "You know damn well where I'm off too."

"Well, we don't." Diego stated while he and Luther followed you. "Either you're off to find Five because good news, we're gonna find him too."

"Well, bad news, I'm not off to find him."

"Then where are you off to?" Luther asked.

"To find out what happened to me."

"What about Five?"

You opened the door and turned to them. "Phones are useful, boys. Call me when you find him." And then, you left.

Speaking of Five, he was still out, spying on Grant outside his house. When he saw Grant getting inside his car with his dog, he quickly spatial jumped on the car's passenger's seat. Lance yelled in surprise and fear, seeing the little gremlin again.

The little man pressed a knife against the poor man's throat, threatening him. "One chance. That's all you've got. One chance to tell me exactly what's going on in that lab."

"I... I manufacture prosthetic devices for fake patients." Lance quickly confessed. "I bill the insurance companies and then sell them for cash on the black market."

"Including eyeballs?"

"Yeah, they're my biggest seller. I mean, they sell like hotcakes. I-I've got a list, a waiting list, probably 20 buyers."

"So, the serial number I told you..."

"Uh, could've already been bought. Yes, o-off the books."

"I needed that list, Lance. Names and numbers and I need it now!" Five yelled as he pressed the knife further.

Lance gulped fearfully. "I don't have it. I mean, not on me. The only copy's in my safe at the lab."

Five smiled sinisterly at him. "Well, you start the car, then. 'Cause, we're going on a field trip. Now."

Back to you, you were back in your old apartment and Jeanie was there, looking for some clues for you. "I can't believe that monkey! Why can't he just tell you directly?!"

"Because my father told him that I should figure out one evidence or clue whatsoever on what happened to me."

"Why must you like detective stories?" Jeanie frowned. "You could've liked fashion, weather, or maybe even a carpenter but investigating stuff like a detective? Gosh, I suck at those."

"Maybe it's just easy you know. Maybe it's not even like a detective stories kind of thing. Maybe father just wants me to know what happened to me by myself, which of course sucks."

"Maybe start on finding who hates you the most?" Jeanie suggested as she took out some sort of logbook.

"A lot of people hate me?"

"No. Me but some people started hating you for hanging out with me so let's start with that."

You opened the door of your apartment to look at the hallways until you found security cameras. 'Those footage could also lead me to something.'

"Hey, I'm gonna check at the security cameras. You do that."

"Alrighty!" Jeanie started flipping through pages, examining the names while you head out and looked for the landlord.


"As you're moving backward, keep your eyes on the enemy!" Reginald reminded you as you fought with Diego in training.

"Feeling tired, princesa?" Diego mocked.

You smiled sweetly at him as you took his knife and pressed it against his throat. "I don't know. How about you, knucklehead?"

"Good work, Number Eight. Number Two, go ahead and play with your brothers and sisters. I must speak to your sister alone."

Diego patted your back and smiled. "Not bad."

"Not bad yourself too."

Diego waved goodbye to you before running upstairs to meet his sisters and brothers playing. Unknowingly to Reginald and you, Five was close by and listening.

"So, why do you wanna talk to me?" You asked.

"You're a danger to this world." Reginald simply said. "Your powers are too strong and might even change the reality."

"Wait. What?" You were getting confused. You knew you were getting better and were ready to explore new things with your powers but now Reginald is telling you that you're a danger to this world? "How can I be a danger to this world if I don't even know everything about my powers yet?"

"That's what I fear, Number Eight. Your powers are hard to master. It would take years, decades, and if you're lucky, maybe even centuries."

"But you told me you can help me learn them all! You even promised my mom! You said I was nearly ready!"

Reginald noticed the objects floating including the chairs. Five held on to a table, afraid that you might be able to float people too. Reginald looked at you sternly. "That's enough, Number Eight! Not only do you possess such great but dangerous powers, your emotions are linked to your powers too."

You looked around and gasped. The objects went back to their place and noticed your eyes went back to normal. Reginald stepped closer to you. "You will join your brothers and sisters on important missions but not including small ones. I say what missions are important for you to join with them. Am I understood?"


"Am. I. Understood? One more protest and I will lock you up again. You don't want that do you, Number Eight?"

A cold shiver went down your spine when you thought about ending up there, alone, unable to escape. Tears prickled your eyes and you slowly nodded as you clenched your fists.

"Words, Number Eight!"

"I understand, father..." You said quietly, afraid that if you talk louder, you'll end up crying.

"Good. Now, you can join your brothers and sisters. Do not speak of this conversation to anyone especially your siblings. Is that clear?"

"Yes, father..."

Five remained hidden as Reginald walked away. He watched helplessly as you collapsed on the floor, crying, as red aura swirled around you.


"I can have the footage tomorrow, said the landlord." You sighed sadly as you patted Jeanie's back. "I'll come back tomorrow. If I don't, then just get the footage for me then maybe deliver it to the Academy."

"Sure thing. Where are you going?"

"Diego and Luther sent me a message. Probably need my help. See ya."

You exited the apartment and the building. Not too long enough, you finally arrived at Argyle Public Library. You saw Luther and Diego looking for something, or maybe someone. You knew they were looking for Five but they told you that they already found him. What you're seeing right now does not look like they have found him at all.

As you started walking closer, Diego started talking to Luther. "You wanna know why I left?"

"What?" Luther turned back to Diego and approached him. "What are you talking about?"

"Why I left the Academy."

You hid on a pillar and listened to them.

"Yeah, 'cause you couldn't handle me being Number One."

"No. Because that's what you do when you're 17. You move out, become your own person, grow up."

"Oh, yeah. You're a real grown-up."

'I'm starting to think that I'm the real grown-up here.' You thought to yourself.

"At least I make my own decisions." Diego defended. "You've never had to hold down a job. Pay bills. You ever even been with a girl?"

"I..." Luther cleared his throat, unable to say anything. "I don't know what you're talking aboutβ€”"

Diego chuckled, genuinely, which was surprising for you. "Look, you wanna blame me, blame us for leaving... that's okay. But maybe you're asking yourself the wrong question. Maybe it's not about why we left. Maybe it's about why you stayed."

Luther furrowed his eyebrows and stepped forward to Diego. "I stayed because the world needed me."

Diego shook his head. "You stayed because you couldn't let go of the way things used to be. The Academy. Dad. With Allison."

Luther looked down, feeling mute all of a sudden. You leaned against the pillar as you crossed your arms, listening to their conversation more. "Dad's dead." Diego reminded Luther. "Mom too, now. We're orphans again, dude. And things are never gonna go back to the way they used to... be."

You and Diego suddenly heard the elevator and then women laughing, ignoring Luther completely.

"Where are his parents?" You heard a woman asked.

'Oh. Fuck.'

"I'm calling security."

You followed Diego and Luther from behind and what you saw almost made you snicker. It was a sleeping Five with Delores wrapped around his arm and a bottle, probably a whiskey. He was snoring which made you smile.

Diego softly gasped while Luther stepped closer to Diego to whisper. "Is he, um...?"

"Drunk as a skunk." You chuckled. Diego and Luther quickly jumped in surprise and turned to you. "Fucking hell, (Y/n)!" Diego exclaimed until you pressed your finger against your lips and shushed them. "Now, now, boys, we don't want our little gremlin waking up, yeah?"

Five continued snoring until the bottle from his grasp fell and made a small noise.

"I'll get the bloody doll while you carry, Five." You ordered Luther. Luther made no protests and just shrugged.

You slowly took the doll from Five's grasp which made you surprise since you knew that even if he was drunk, he'll notice Delores gone. You just shrugged and wrapped your arms around the doll while Luther carried Five.

Diego and Luther started walking while you followed them from behind. "Looks like it's me and you again, Delores." You sighed.


All chapters were made and ready to publish. I'll post the next chapter on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays at 6 pm (Philippine Time).

A Louis Partridge x Reader is currently on works right now. I might publish it as soon as I finished this book or the sequel of this book.

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