Chapter Nineteen: Tomorrow Sounds Good

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fragile || five hargreeves x reader


Written By: peachyhxlland


Five pressed pressure on Allison's neck to avoid more blood loss. Five glanced at you who's on the other bed, still laying unconscious. "One of you will need to give blood to Allison." Grace informed the men in the room.

"I will." Five, Diego, and Klaus voluntarily said.

"I'm doing it." Luther began to roll up his sleeves but Pogo stopped him. "I'm afraid that's not possible, dear boy. Your blood is more compatible with mine."

Klaus jumped off from your bed and stepped forward. "Hey, don't sweat it. I-I got this, big guy. I love needles!" He tapped his arm and showed it to Grace.

"Master Klaus," Pogo called out. "Your blood is... how shall I say this? Too polluted."

"Move. I'll do it." Diego moved and stood beside Grace while Klaus went back to you, holding your hand. Grace tapped the syringe with her two fingers and showed it to Diego. Diego rolled his eyes back, whimpering, before collapsing on the floor.

Five rolled his eyes at him. 'An expert with knives but a coward with needles.' Pogo sighed at Diego. "Stick him."

Five turned to Klaus and motioned his head towards Allison. "Klaus, you do this. I'll check on her."

Klaus nodded and switched places with Five. Five held your hand and looked at your face. "Is she alright?"

"Yes, Master Five. She's just unconscious. She'll wake up later."

Five sighed leaning your hand towards his chest while still holding it. "You've been in danger for far too long. I'm sorry, love."

Luther and Klaus looked at Five with one has his eyebrow raised while the other one has a playful smirk. Five sent them a death glare causing the two men to turn away. His glare was like a lion ready to kill its prey and it sent shivers down on their backs.

Diego finally woke up from unconsciousness and rubbed his neck. "Ow. What happened? Is it done?"

"The apocalypse? No. The thin needle? Yes." Five rolled his eyes.

"Okay, great." Diego groaned. "Family meeting in the living room in a few hours."

"I'll stay put," Luther said. "I'll watch Allison and... (Y/n)."

Five looked suspiciously at Luther before walking away to follow Diego and Klaus. 'He paused a bit when he mentioned (Y/n). That's suspicious.'

After a few hours, Klaus sat down on the couch while Diego and Five stood. "The bastard that nearly killed our sister is still out there, with Vanya. We need to go after her."

"Vanya is not important." Five said.

"Hey, that's your sister. A little heartless even for you, Five."

"I'm not saying I don't care about her, but if the apocalypse happens today, she dies along with the other seven billion of us. Harold Jenkins is our first priority."

"I agree. Let's go."

"You guys count me out." Klaus sighed. "I mean, you know, no offense or whatever. It's just... I kind of feel like this is a whole lot of pressure for newly-sober me, so..."

"You're coming."

"No, no, no." Klaus shook his head. "I mean, I think we can all agree that my power's... I mean it's pretty much useless. I'd just be holding you guys back."

"Klaus, get up." Five sighed in frustration and exhaustion.

"You can't make me."

Diego quickly pulled out a knife and shot right near Klaus' private area earning a short gasp from Klaus and a nervous sigh. "Oh, then again, a little exercise couldn't hurt. Yeah."

Just not too far away, Vanya just dropped Leonard's bag when she grabbed a towel to dry off her hands. She was still traumatized and in shock at what happened to Allison and what Leonard did to you. She knew everything's wrong and she wasn't sure to trust Leonard completely now.

She saw a red journal peeking out of Leonard's bag. Curious, Vanya picked it up and saw her father's initials. 'RH?' Vanya opened the journal and saw her father's notes on the journal including hers. 'Number Seven. Uncontrollable and dangerous. It is for the greater good that her powers should remain a secret.' Vanya gasped. "Oh, God." She continued to read. 'Methods of limiting her power: mood-altering medication is to keep her sedated.'

"Vanya? Let's get goin'." Leonard called out. Vanya stepped out of the kitchen with the red journal in hand to see Leonard froze by the door with their bags in hand. "Vanya, I can explain."

"You've been manipulating me all this time?"

"No, that's not true. I'm only trying to protect you."

"From who?"

"From your family. They're the ones trying to hurt you. Vanya, it's all there, in that journal. Your father... was afraid of you. That's why he put you on those pills. It wasn't to help you. It was to hold you back. He didn't trust that you were strong enough to control your powers." Leonard dropped his bags and stepped closer to Vanya, holding her shoulder.

Vanya looked at him with teary eyes while Leonard continued to ramble. "But I've never been afraid of you. I embraced you."

'(Y/n) embraced me. With or without powers...'

"I'm the only one who ever accepted you for who you really are."

'(Y/n), my own sister, did those things too.'

"Your brothers and sisters, they went along with him every step of the way."

"No. Not all of them." Vanya spoke. "(Y/n) has been with me through thick and thin and you hurt her."

"Vanya... I did that to protect you."

"Hurting my sister can't protect me, Leonard! Or should I say, Harold?" Leonard's face dropped. Vanya looked at him seriously in the eyes. "Who is Harold Jenkins?"

Leonard looked down, swallowing hard. "He's... someone like us. A lonely boy. An outsider whose family was cruel to him. All he ever wanted was to be heard, to be loved."

Vanya stepped back, shaking her head. "Allison and (Y/n) were right. You're sick."

"I'm not the one who tried to kill you."

"I need to go." Vanya was about to run away but Leonard, Harold, grabbed her shoulders. "What have they done for you? Hm? I'm the reason that you got the first chair!"

Vanya furrowed her eyebrows in disbelief and confusion. "I auditioned. I earned the spot."

Harold laughed. "You think that the first chair went missing all by herself?"

Vanya's eyes widened in horror. "What did you do?"

"I did this for you." Leonard smiled.

"Stay away from me!"

"Vanya, we are in danger. We're in danger. Your family, they've seen you in action. They know what you're capable of. They will come for us."

"No, they'll listen to me."

"No, they never will! They want you to feel small! But they're the small ones, next to you. Compared to them, you are a god! You just needed your eyes opened to see what they really are. I gave that to you. So... let's finish what we started. Vanya, you need me."

"What I need is my family. I didn't... I didn't mean to kill Allison. And I love her. Just as how much I love (Y/n), Five, Luther, Klaus, Diego, and Ben. I love my family."

Harold sighed in disappointment. "Your father was right. Not strong enough." He turned away and has the journal back in his hands. "He knew it. And now I know it. You're weak!" Harold slammed his hands on the journal.

"Stop it." Vanya gulped.

"You're pathetic!" Slam.

"Please don't." Objects around the house started moving.

"Look at you. You're nothing." Another slam.

"No!" Wind was coming inside as the lights shook violently.

"You're just ordinary." Another slam on the journal.

"Stop it!" Vanya covered her ears.

"Less than ordinary!" Another loud slam on the journal.

"Stop it!"

"You are not special!" Another slam. "Ordinary. Ordinary. Pathetic. Nothing!" Four loud slams on the journal.

"Stop it! Stop it!" Vanya screamed. She snapped and looked up to Harold, the wind getting stronger, her face turning pale white. She lifted Harold up using her powers and he started choking. "No. No, not to me, Vanya. Please."

Objects circled around him including plates, utensils, glasses, everything in the dining room. Glass was heard shattering around the house and the objects continued to circle around Harold even hitting him in the face or head.

The utensils were stabbed in front of Jenkins, chest, stomach, everywhere, until Vanya pushed him off causing him to break the dining table. Vanya managed to calm down and looked down at Harold. He was stabbed with different knives, scissors, forks, and more. Feeling a bit satisfied, Vanya walked away from the house, leaving Harold Jenkins in the floor, finally dead.


Your eyes opened in an instant and immediately sat up. You looked around to find out where you are. 'I'm back at the Academy?' A sudden pain erupted in your head earning a hiss from you. 'Ugh. What happened? Why does my head hurt?' You looked down at your arm to see it bandaged. "Huh. I'm wounded. Didn't know that..."

You jumped out of your bed and changed your uniform into fresh and clean ones then tying your hair into a ponytail as you walked out of the room to find your family. "Guys?" You went to the living room to find Diego in the floor and Five drinking margarita with Delores on the counter. "Uhh... what happened?"

Five looked up from the floor to see you and immediately placed down his glass. "Eight!" He hopped down from his seat and spatial jumped in front of you. You jumped in surprise as he appeared in front of you and gave you a sudden hug. "You're awake, thank heavens."

"Yeah, I'm awake. Did something happen? Why is Diego on the floor?"

Five pulled away from the hug and stared down at Diego as he stuffed his hands in his schoolboy shorts' pockets. "Hazel came to talk to me and Diego attacked him. They both fought until Diego started fighting dirty."

"Using knives?"

"No. Biting. I draw the line when it comes to biting."

"So stabbing is okay but biting isn't?"

Five shrugged. "Biting is nasty for me, alright? How's your head?"

You rubbed your head, slightly wincing. "Good, I think? Did you hit me?"

Five cocked an eyebrow at you. "You don't remember?"

"Remember what?" You looked at him unsurely.

"What was the last thing that you remember?"

"Being at Klaus' room with you. I was about to get Allison and Vanya from Harold Jenkins then Diego came." You glanced at your unconscious brother. "Did I fell asleep? Did you guys drugged me?"

A sigh of defeat escaped from your friend's lips. He was confused but soon understood. "Blackouts. It's getting worse. Your brain is getting messed up every time you hit your head or something happens to it."

"Did something happened? What the hell happened? What did I forget again?"

Five took your hand and took you to the chairs. He sat you down and then he sat back to his seat, getting his glass back. "You did found Allison and Vanya. We didn't know what happened exactly but we found you unconscious and Allison... has her throat sliced."

"Oh shit!" You gasped. "Is she alright? Is Allison dead?"

"Allison is alive. Luther's with her, waiting for her to wake up.

"What about Vanya? Is she safe? Is she here?"

"Vanya... is missing."

"With Jenkins?"

"We didn't see her in his house. While you were unconscious, we decided to look for Harold Jenkins until we saw him dead in his own house full of kitchen tools in his chest and stomach."

You slumped as you stole Delores' margarita and took a sip. "Well, at least he's dead... we just need to find Vanya. Does that mean the apocalypse is gone?"

"Yeah. No more apocalypse." Five was about to tell about how he feels about it until he saw you spacing out. "You okay?"

"Y-Yeah..." You lied absentmindedly. "Totally. Really fine."

"I know you, Eight."

"Yeah, no, of course, I'm not fine." You took another sip of the drink before setting it down and placing your forehead on your palms. "My brain is getting worse and worse. I'm scared that it might get to the point that I might forget you guys or maybe remembering something that doesn't even exist!"

"Hey, hey, hey." Five set his glass back down and placed his hands on your shoulders to calm you down. "We'll figure this out together, okay? We'll help you remember and fix things. Now that the apocalypse is gone, we have a lot of time to help you."

You turned to him and smiled. "Thank you, Five. But are you just saying that out of pity?"

"I truly want to help you, (Y/n). And I'm sorry for not showing that I care about you. I really do care about you. I care about you since the moment you have entered this house. I'm just... not great at showing it. Especially right now since I was so used to talk to Delores for like twenty-five years."

You glared at Delores earning a soft chuckle from Five. "Look at what you've done, Delores." You told the plastic doll. "How dare you."

"Come on, (Y/n). Let it go. It was my fault anyway. I should've listened to the old man."

"You keep on saying my name. You're going way too soft on me, Five."

"Well, that's what you always do to me. Making me soft whenever you're around."

You looked back to Five and poked at the glass of margarita that was in front of you. "You know, that's what I like about you. Being annoyingly stubborn and being a cute guy."

Five rested his cheeks on his fist, staring at you. "You like me?" He asked with a cheeky smile.

A blush formed on your cheeks and your mouth opened to deny it until no words came out but a huff instead. "I blurted that out. I was also thinking out loud. Don't make a deal about it."

"It's kinda hard not to make a big deal out of it considering that I've always liked you since we were kids."

You laughed at his statement but suddenly went quiet when you realized he wasn't joking. "Oh. You're serious. Sometimes, I can't tell if you're joking or not. You're gonna have to work with me here, buddy."

"Understandable. I'm not really a funny guy."

"True that."

Five sighed as he mixed his margarita with his green straw. "So... we like each other." You can feel the awkwardness building up around you two so you just gave him a quiet nod. Then you shrugged. "Well, it's not really like more like the other thing but, um, yeah. Let's start with liking each other first."

"Do you... wanna... go out...?" Five asked nervously, slowly stirring his drink with his straw. "Tomorrow...?"

A bit surprised, you looked at him and nodded. "Tomorrow sounds good."

Suddenly, you heard a loud groan behind you and Five. You and Five turned to see Diego standing up, rubbing his head in pain. He looked up at both of you in confusion. "Hi, (Y/n)."

"Hey-o." You greeted back with a small wave.

"Ready for a drink now?" Five asked casually as if nothing happened moments ago between Diego and Hazel.

Diego immediately stood up and looked around. "Where is he?"

"I let him go."

Diego looked at his brother in disbelief, walking towards him. "You what?"

"Now that the apocalypse is over, it's time for the fighting to stop."

Being stubborn and still wants revenge, Diego picked up his knife and turned away to leave but Five called him. "Hey, he didn't kill Patch. His partner Cha-Cha did."

"So what?"

"So what?" You scoffed. "Diego, you're gonna kill Hazel who had done nothing wrong to Patch."

"They were both there that night, (Y/n)."

"This half of the partnership gave me both of their guns." Five informed Diego, pointing at the guns on the counter. "Which will clear you, because the ballistics will match Patch's crime scene."

"The police should've also known that you use knives and not guns." You added, sipping at your stolen margarita. "Like you've always said: guns are for pussies."

"I didn't say that."

"Really? I thought you said that when we were kids."

"I said: guns are for sissies and real men throw knives."

Five spoke again, trying to change the subject as Diego approached the counter where the guns are. "Hazel came here looking for a way out. He wanted a fresh start. And he happened to have in his possession the one thing that could do our family a little good. So it's time to move on."

"Not a chance." Diego said.

You frowned while Five sighed. "Suit yourself." He stood up and grabbed Delores as he looked at you. "I'm returning Delores back to the mall. You wanna come?"

"I'll go somewhere else. I have to find Vanya to see if she's safe."

Five nodded and stepped closer to you before stopping himself from kissing your cheek. He cleared his throat and just nodded. "Okay. Be careful." Five turned to leave but stopped to look at Diego who was still staring down at the guns. "I'm curious. Your girlfriend, Patch. What did you like about her?"

Diego turned his head towards Five. "A lot of things." He simply said. "Cute butt. Nice legs."

You smiled at his compliment towards Patch while Five rolled his eyes. "Anything a little more profound than that?"

Your brother thought for a moment. "She believed in people. No matter how much shit and filth she saw on the streets. She always saw the good inside."

"Well, I'm sure she'll be proud to know that you're killing Hazel and Cha-Cha as a way to honor her memory."


All chapters were made and ready to publish. The chapters will be posted every day at 6 pm (Philippine Time).

Previously titled "Let Me Out"

The next chapter is the final chapter! It's the last chapter and possible will be longer than any other chapters I have made for this book! Sooo, advance sorry for that ;-;

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