Chapter Twenty: Who's In Control?

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fragile || five hargreeves x reader


Written By: peachyhxlland


You were on your way towards the door until footsteps stopped you from proceeding. You looked upon the stars to see Luther coming down. "(Y/n). You're awake."

"Luther!" You greeted. "You're back. How's Allison?"

"Resting. You?"

"Confused and emotionally unstable but, I think I'm good."

"Where are you going?"

"To Vanya's. I have to check if she's okay."

Luther was finally on the same floor as you, towering you. "She's dangerous, (Y/n). We both know that."

You chuckled nervously. "Know what? And what do you mean she's dangerous? It's just Vanya."

"(Y/n), you know very well what she's capable of. You were with Allison."

"Luther, I can't remember anything!"

Luther blinked as confusion filled his brain. Remember? Was your injury in the head worse than they thought? Did you suddenly have amnesia? "What do you mean you can't remember anything?"

"I don't remember what happened. The last thing I remember was that I was in the Academy. I don't remember being with Allison and Vanya."

"But howβ€”"

You and Luther turned when you heard someone opening the door. It was Vanya. You approached her with a smile and hugged her. "Vanya! I was worried sick!"

Vanya, with no hesitation, hugged you back and buried her face in your neck. "(Y/n)! Y-You're safe! Oh thank God, you're okay!" She exclaimed, her voice slightly trembling as she tried not to cry.

You pulled away and looked into her eyes to see her eyes were slightly red from crying. "You poor thing. You've been crying."

"Vanya," Luther called out.

Vanya didn't let you go, still wrapping her arm around your shoulders. "Is Allison..."

"She survived."

"Thank God." A sigh of relief escaped from her lips. You smiled at Vanya, patting her back. "I'll go check on Allison. I'll be back, okay?" You pulled away from Vanya's grasp and walked up the stairs. You sent a warning glare to Luther before continuing your way to the room where Allison is.

You finally reached her room to see her awake and sitting on the bed. Her clothes changed since her old ones were covered with blood. Allison's eyes widened as you approached her. You saw a bandage placed on her neck. You were a bit surprised that Allison survived a throat slit but you were glad that she did survive. You hugged her earning a jump from Allison.

Allison didn't know what to do. She knew you were angry for what she had done but here you are, hugging her. Allison hugged you back, softly smiling. You pulled away and sighed. "Oh, Allison. I should've protected you. You didn't deserve this."

Allison took out her small yellow notepad and a pen, writing something down. She showed you what she wrote and you read it out loud. "I'm sorry. Really, I am. For everything." You read. You smiled and shook your head. "It's fine, Allison. We can no longer change the past. But I do wish we could. I would've saved you from Harold Jenkins..."

Allison looked at you confusingly. She started writing again and showed it to you. "Harold Jenkins didn't do this to me." You read out loud. "Wait. I thought it was Jenkins? Then who did this to you?"

Your sister flipped through some pages, looking for something. She finally found it and showed it to you. "Vanya. Powers." You gasped. "Vanya has powers? And she did this to you?"

Allison nodded and started writing again. "But she didn't mean to do it."

The house shook for an unknown reason. You told yourself it was just a small earthquake but suddenly, you thought about Vanya. Allison gave you a knowing look. "That's Vanya." Allison wrote those words down on her small notepad.

You immediately ran off, ignoring the shaking of the house. You dodged some falling small debris until the shaking stopped. "Shit. Luther." You quickly went downstairs to find no one. "Where are they?"

You saw Diego and Klaus following someone so you followed the two to find them heading towards the basement. 'We have a basement?' You continued to follow them and found a metal chamber underground. Your eyes widened in horror. "What... the... fuck..."

Diego and Klaus jumped in surprise to hear your voice. Klaus hugged you tight, lifting you up, and spinning you. "(Y/n)! You're awake and okay!"

"Yeah, yeah, what's happening?" Klaus placed you back in the ground. You saw Luther staring at something in the metallic sound-proof chamber. "Luther? Where's Vanya."

Luther didn't say anything so you decided to look for yourself. Your eyes widened again to see your sister, Vanya, locked up inside. You slammed your palms on the door. "Vanya! Vanya, wake up!"

You turned to Luther, pulling his giant arm. "Luther, let her out there!"


"Luther, you son of a bitch, she didn't do anything!"

"You locked up our sister because you think she has powers." Diego pointed out, staring at the chamber where the unconscious Vanya is.

"No, I know she does. Pogo told me." Luther calmly said, ignoring your punches in his arms. "He's always known, and so did Dad."

You and your siblings, excluding Luther, gasped to hear someone constantly knocking and slamming their fists on the door. You turned to see Vanya, finally awake, crying and pleading for anyone to help her get out of the horrifying chamber.

You looked back to Luther. "Luther, please, I'm begging you. She's scared. Let her out."

"Am I the only one that didn't know this place existed?" Diego asked. "We literally just followed you, Luther. How the hell did you know about this place?"

"Pogo told me."

"He hid so much from us." Klaus sighed, staring at Vanya in sadness.

"He hid it because he was afraid... of her."

"Oh, that's ridiculous." Klaus told Luther.

"Is it?"

"Yes, it is, you dumb gorilla." You hissed. "Dad was too lazy or too ignorant to teach her about her powers and just instantly thought that her powers are dangerous. And if he was afraid, he could've quitted for being a baby and just help her. Sure her powers are dangerous but he could've fixed that!"

"She's the one who killed Peabody." Diego muttered, finally figuring things out.

"And cut Allison's throat." Luther added.

"Whoa, no. Let's... I juβ€”sorry, just, let's go back, all right?" Klaus ran his hands through his curly hair in frustration, clearly trying to process everything that's happening. "This is Vanya we're talking about. Our sister. The one who always cried when we stepped on ants as kids!"

"Yeah, I know. I know it's difficult to acceptβ€”"

"It's not difficult to accept!" Klaus exclaimed, getting more frustrated. "It's impossible to accept!"

"No, he's right." Diego nodded, stepping forward in the door. "Look, we can't keep her locked up without proof."

Luther looked at his brother in disbelief. "Wh-What more proof do you need?"

You ran your fingers through your hair before curling your fingers into a ball of fists, your anger and annoyance rising towards Luther. "Why don't we just open the door and ask her, huh? That's the smartest idea! Locking her up is a dumb idea, you turd!"

You approached the door, holding the handle to spin it to open but Luther pushed you away. "No, she's not goin' anywhere. I'm doing this for her own good."

Klaus rolled his eyes, stepping away from Luther. Diego pointed at Vanya as he glared at Luther. "No, even if you're right, she needs our help!"

"Diego's right!" You exclaimed. "But we can't do that if she's fucking locked in a cage, Luther! For fuck's sake use your brain for once!"

"Yeah, and for all we know, she might be struggling with this new power," Klaus added. "I mean, it must be scary. Terrifying, really, to discover that you can do something that you never thought you could do."

Luther sighed. "Look, if what Pogo told me is even half true, then she is not just a danger to us."

It pains you to see Vanya crying and pleading, begging, for help because she feels helpless. Klaus and Diego were right. Of course, they're right. But Luther has his mind closed. You turned to Luther and pointed to the door. "Let her out."


"I'll take her place. Just let her out."

"You know that I can't do that."

"Why won't you just listen, huh?" You snapped, your eyes slowly glowing red. "You won't listen! Vanya clearly needs our help but you're just here, locking her up, because what? Her powers are dangerous? Well, boohoo, Luther. Our powers are all dangerous!"

Diego and Klaus stepped back when they saw your hands glowing red and your eyes turned dark red. "Maybe, you locked up the wrong person, buddy." Your eye twitched in annoyance towards Luther. "Every one of us deserves to be locked up because our powers are just as dangerous as hers."

You blinked and your dark red eyes were gone when you heard slow footsteps approaching. Your brothers turned around to see Allison. Luther approached Allison while you went to the door.

Vanya continued to thump her hands on the door, slightly jumping, eager to get out of her cage. You saw her like a lost puppy. A lost puppy who just wanted to feel loved, appreciated, and guidance. Vanya doesn't deserve this.

You heard Allison pushing Luther in anger for still refusing on letting Vanya go. You looked above your shoulder to see Luther guiding Allison out and your other brothers are nowhere to be sighted since they left first. Luther stopped in his tracks while Allison continued her way towards her room. Luther turned to you. "(Y/n). Come on. Let's go."

"I'm not leaving Vanya here." You told him.

"(Y/n), she's not safe."

You stifled a laugh. "Funny how you said that. In case you realize, I'm also not safe and I'm also a ticking bomb."

Luther furrowed his eyebrows while your eyes turned back to dark red, earning a step back from Vanya. You turned around to look at Luther with a mocking smile. "I'm an emotionally unstable and traumatized person and really getting close to insanity. But here I am trying to hold the Academy together."

Luther was about to speak but you continued. "Sometimes, it confuses me who the real leader is here. A leader thinks, Luther. And what you're doing is just really dumb."

You picked Luther up and threw him on the wall, just beside the cage where Vanya is locked in. Vanya gasped. "Shit! (Y/n)! No, wait!"

But Vanya's pleas were inaudible outside the cage so you and Luther couldn't hear her. You approached Luther who's sitting up in slight pain. "So, tell me, who's in control?"

"(Y/n), stop this." Luther groaned. "This is getting out of hand."

"Then release her. Let her go and I will stop."

Luther grabbed a debri that was from the wall but was now laying on the ground. He stood up to hit your head but you used your powers to stop him. "Now, now, you just want to damage my brain even more." You threw him again from the other side, earning a scream from Vanya.

The last thing Vanya wanted was her siblings fighting each other.

You turned to Vanya then started turning the handle of the door using your mind. Luther quickly picked up another debri from now a broken wall and hit your head. It was painful enough to make you fall down on your knees but you stood still and touched the wound. Your eyes went back to normal and your homicidal rage towards Luther washed away as you drifted into darkness.

Vanya screamed as you fell to the ground. She knelt down, slamming her fists on the door. "(Y/n)! Oh God! (Y/n)! Come on, wake up!"

Luther looked down on your unconscious body, looking worriedly. Vanya looked up at Luther and clenched her fists. "Luther help her up! Luther!"

Luther did and carried you in his arms, bringing you out of the basement. He brought you back to your room, leaving Vanya all alone in the cage and basement.

Vanya slammed her palms again on the unbreakable glass from the door. She looked down where you were laying down minutes ago and saw a drop of blood. Vanya sobbed uncontrollably and leaned her forehead against the glass. 'They're still afraid of us.' Vanya gasped and saw her younger self in her reflection through the glass. 'Even after all these years. Afraid of our power.'

The poor girl shook her head. "You're not real."

'We killed Leonard.'

"Because he lied to us."

'Not about everything.'

"What are you talking about?"

'You know. You've always known. Our siblings, they're just like him, driven to keep us down, a muted voice, isolated from the group, never in the limelight, never the center of attention. It will never end.'

"(Y/n) isn't like them." Vanya defended. "She's nothing like dad."

'Yes. But look at what Luther has done to her. Look at what Allison has done to her. Look at what Dad has done to her. He just messed us and her up and didn't care. We have to act.'

"But they're our family."

'They fear you now. They're gonna keep you in here forever.'


'Do you remember what that was like? Staring at these gray walls, hour after hour, day after day while they played together?'

Vanya shook her head, panting as she slowly finding it hard to breathe. She closed her eyes, remembering the painful memories she had.

'Do you want to live like this for the rest of our lives?'

"No. No." Vanya sobbed. She gasped for air as she clenched her fists. "I can't breathe in here. I can't breathe in here!" She exclaimed, hoping anyone can hear her.

'Then do something about it. Embrace who we are.'

"I can'tβ€”"

'Who we've been all along.'

Allison was with Luther, who was looking out for Allison, and suddenly heard something. Diego, Klaus, and Ben heard it too. It was something crashing down. "Oh, my God." Luther gasped, figuring out what happened.


"You're lucky." You heard Vanya sighed. "You have powers, you can save people, while I'm here stuck in this house or just watching you guys do the work."

"You actually believe that you don't have powers?" You raised an eyebrow, frowning. "Vanya, dad wouldn't adopt an ordinary child here. You have powers. Maybe it's not ready to show up yet."

"What does that mean?"

"Maybe you're a late-bloomer." You smiled.

Vanya laughed, punching your arm slightly. "Stop kidding around, (Y/n). But you really are a lucky one. You and our brothers and sister. You guys have powers."

You didn't want Vanya to continue her ranting about how she wanted to be like you or her other siblings. You wouldn't want her to feel so low so you took out her violin from her desk and showed it to her. "Instead of telling me that, why don't you just tell me how you got this violin?"

Vanya stared at it and then shrugged. "From dad. I saw it and asked if I could have it and he agreed."

"Lucky." You smirked then giving the violin to Vanya. "Maybe someday, you can teach me how to play it."

"I would love to." Vanya placed the violin and bow back to its case and then brought the case on a shelf. "If I have powers, I could use my violin as a weapon."

"How can an instrument be a weapon?" You teased.

"Dunno. Maybe the bow can slice things up. You know, one swish and it can cut something."

"Be careful what you slice, V. You might slice an arm or a throat." You and Vanya chuckled as she shook her head. "Nah. I don't think it will come to that."

You and Vanya suddenly heard footsteps ascending. Klaus came to Vanya's room with a bright smile. "(Y/n)! Come on down! Luther and Diego are about to fight in the training! It's gonna be awesome!"

You were about to respond but you looked at Vanya who looked down. She was uninvited and even if she was invited, she didn't want to see her two brothers fighting. You sighed and shook your head. "Nah, Klaus. I think I'm good here."

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Thanks for telling me, though. Just tell me what happened after they're done."

Klaus nodded before heading back downstairs to watch the fight. Vanya turned to you. "You didn't have to stay here with me."

You shook your head. "It's alright. And besides, I've seen Luther and Diego fight in the training. What else is new with today?"

You and Vanya laughed. After the laughter died down, Vanya hugged you. "Love you, sis. Thanks for staying with me." You chuckled and hugged her back. "Love you too, sis."


Five saw the Academy in ruins with a newspaper in hand. He was just on his way to the Academy from the mall until he saw this. "Guys!" He called out, running to the ruins to see his siblings well and alive. "This is it. The apocalypse is still on. The world ends today."

"I thought you said it was over." Luther said in disbelief.

"I was wrong, okay?" Five showed the newspaper he has in his hand. "This newspaper, I found it in the future the day I got stuck. The headline hasn't changed."

"No, that doesn't mean anything." Diego shook his head. "The time could've been altered since that newspaper came out this morning."

"You're not listening to me. When I found it, I assumed this place came down along with everything else. But here we are. The Moon's still shining, the Earth is in one place, but not the Academy."

Klaus immediately stole the newspaper from Five's grasp. "I'm confused."

"Then listen to me, you idiot! Vanya destroys the Academy before the apocalypse. I thought Harold Jenkins was the cause, but he was the fuse. Vanya is the bomb. Vanya causes the apocaβ€”" Five completely paused when he finally realized something with his siblings. "Where's Eight?"

The Hargreeves looked at each other before looking everywhere. Five's heart started beating fast as he clenched his jaw, his clenched fists shaking. "Where is (Y/n)?"


All chapters were made and ready to publish. All chapters, including this, were posted at 6 pm (Philippine Time).

And that is it! This final chapter has brought back my annoyance and anger towards Luther :) when I wrote this chapter, you guys have no idea how my blood boils for Luther because of how stupid his decisions and actions were :)

Thanks for reading it guys! The second book is coming very soon, don't worry!

And yeah, it's kind of a cliffhanger. I wonder what happened to (Y/n)?

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