32) Captives

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Sylvie ran through the trees, palm trees to be exact.

Another person was after her, although she was flying. Sylvie wasn't as fast, but the trees were providing a tinge of cover.

That cover wouldn't stay for long though. Sylvie needed to get that Tempad back.

She had been hiding for a bit and she went to multiple different places. Everywhere she went, Kang's followers found her. Now, some red haired chick who could fly and lift things with her mind was after her.

She stole the Tempad from Sylvie which is what notified Sylvie that she was there, then Sylvie took off.

She was at a beach island, she didn't know where exactly. She was starting to regret stealing the gauntlet, but at the same time maybe it was a good thing cause it would prevent him from making this team he was talking about.

Aw look at Sylvie being the hero.


Sylvie ran towards a light in the forest, hoping it would lead somewhere that would have something to help her.

When she reached the light however, all it got her was a large cliff that she nearly fell off of.

"Shit." She muttered.

She backed up, but it didn't matter cause the woman who had been chasing her flew right in front of her, causing Sylvie to stumble back.

Fire was in the woman's hands, since she wasn't scary enough.

"Where is the gauntlet?" The woman asked, her voice loud.

"I don't have it!" Sylvie shouted at her.

The woman cocked her head and raised her arm, hands opened.

Sylvie began levitating and she immediately began thrashing around in the air, not liking being picked off her feet.

"I'll ask again, where have you hidden it?" The woman asked.

"I gave it someone! Someone you won't know how to find!" Sylvie shouted.

"Mmm. We'll see about that."

A TVA door opened and Sylvie was thrown through.

She hit the wall of the TVA and a familiar face approached her, putting a time collar on her.

"B-15?? Let me go!" Sylvie fought back as she was grabbed.

"Quiet variant." The woman demanded.

"What? Are we seriously back at this level again?" Sylvie asked, struggling against the guards that had taken her.

She was taken to a cell that she didn't recognize, as it wasn't a regular cell room she originally went to.

A transparent door formed out of orange/yellow sparks and it opened. B-15 pushed Sylvie in. Sylvie immediately turned around to fight her way out, but the transparent door became a wall and she ran face first into it.

"We'll let you sit here for a bit, then we'll come back for questioning." B-15 stated.




The room was dark. The only light was from a candle that was hung on the wall.

And the magic that illumated Wanda's hands.

Wanda's back hurt, quite a lot. The magic that pulled her through the TVA portal slammed her against the wall, not to mention how the Invisible Woman already pulled that move.

Wanda's eyes opened slowly, trying to figure out where she was.

Her arms were hung up on either side of her body, making her look like she was in a 'Y' formation.

The red magic on her hands wasn't her own.

"What-?" Wanda blinked and she came to her senses.

She attempted at pulling her hands away, but they didn't budge. She attempted at summoning her own magic, but it didn't work. Her magic wasn't working.

"Crap crap crap." Wanda muttered, struggling to get free.

"Shhhh." She heard from across the room.

She squinted her eyes, but didn't see anyone in the darkness.

"Let me out of here." She demanded.

"And what fun would that be?" The voice was very significant. It was her voice.

The figure revealed themself and Wanda's eyes widened. It was herself. Only instead of a grey Tshirt and sweatpants, she wore her Scarlet Witch crown and her magical suit.

"How- who-?" Wanda stuttered.

"Magic, time travel, multiversal travel." The Scarlet Witch replied, approaching her.

"Why can't I use my magic?" Wanda asked, giving up on her struggle.

"Ruins, obviously. We may be the same variant but we aren't the same person. My magic varies from yours." The Scarlet Witch stepped closer.

"This is... Where am I?!"

"Shush. You're in no position to be asking the questions."

"Fine. What do you want to know?"

"Where is the Gauntlet?" The Scarlet Witch asked.

"What gauntlet?" Wanda asked.

The Scarlet Witch put her hand on Wanda's head. Wanda tried to move her head back, but it didn't do much to stop her.

Wanda gritted her teeth as Scarlet Witch entered her mind forcefully, reading and viewing her thoughts and memories.

"Hmm, so you don't know. That's a shame." She said, moving her hand back.

"Yeah. I don't." Wanda said in reply, a glare on her face.

"That's fine. We can work around that." The Scarlet Witch shrugged.

"Where am I and where are my friends?" Wanda demanded again.

"Your friends are right where you left them. Well, except the raven haired cute one." The witch giggled.

"Where is Loki?" Wanda asked, her tone becoming angrier.

"Oh you won't find him. I'm sure he'll find you though." Scarlet Witch smiled.

Wanda opened her mouth to speak but then a wash of red magic wrapped around her mouth and when she spoke, no sound came out.

Based on her facial expressions, she realized this and began trying to speak louder, shouting and yelling but nothing could be heard.

"While you're thinking about him though, his variant, Sylvie? As you call her, hasn't been much help. She was the one who made us come looking for you two. She's secure now, thankfully. You don't need to worry about her."

Wanda was thrashing around, doing all she could to get out of the bonds but nothing was working.

"But the thing is, we don't wish to hurt Loki. We may if it comes to it, but he's wanted in our team that the Conqueror is creating. Sylvie was initially, but then she decided to pull a trickster move. At least she's living up to her title."

Wanda calmed down a bit and she glared at the Scarlet Witch. The Witch flicked her hand and the magic around Wanda's mouth disappeared.

"Why are you doing this? What is your motive?" Wanda asked, giving heavy breaths after the movement she just pulled.

The Witch laughed.

"In your universe. You created Westview and Agatha Harkness visited you. Am I correct?"

Wanda didn't reply, she just kept a stare.

"Well in my universe, Kang visited me. He gave me the Darkhold and showed me that life was much more than what I thought it could be. We- I have the power to take over the world if I so desire. So why shouldn't I?"

"Why should you? What would you get from taking over the world other than an uprise of people trying to fight you?!" Wanda asked, her voice loud.

"That's what I thought, at first. Then Kang showed me the control I could have. I learned about my abilities and now, once we finish taking over your world, I can take your family and be happy." The Witch said with a smile.

"My family is dead. Our stories are the same." Wanda stated. "You never met my children. You don't deserve them."

"Hmm, if that's what you think. Well, I guess this is where our interaction can end. I won't keep you here." Scarlet Witch said with a sigh.

"Are you going to kill me?" Wanda asked.

Then the Scarlet Witch laughed.

"Kill you? That's nonsense. Why would I explain the plan to you if I was just going to kill you? No." She stepped in front of Wanda, much closer than the had been during the conversation.

She put her hand on Wanda's chin forcefully and stared her in the eyes.

"I want you to relay everything I just told you to Steven. I want you to tell America that her life is in danger. I want you to tell them everything I have told you. Understand?"

Wanda stared her dead in the eyes, her breath shaky. It was stupid to think you could be scared of yourself, but it was possible apparently.

"Do you understand?" She repeated.


Wanda's eyes glowed red as the Scarlet Witch re-read her mind.

She let go of Wanda and summoned a Tempad to her hand.

"It was nice talking to you." The Witch said with an innocent smile.

Wanda just glared.

The Scarlet Witch put in coordinates into the Tempad and summoned a door underneath Wanda. She snapped her fingers and the magic that held Wanda's hands up disappeared, causing Wanda to fall through.

Wanda let out a gasp at the sudden cold she felt and she looked around.

This wasn't the sanctum.

This was a blizzard on a yellow planet.




Loki ran through the dark halls of the place the door lead him through, yeah him. Back to being a dude.

Wanda's voice echoed through his head and he tried to follow it, but the more he did the farther it became.

He hit a dead in and he slammed his fist against the wall, Wanda's voice gone.

"Wanda!" He shouted into the dark room.

A force of power suddenly grabbed him, turning him around and pushing him against the wall. He let out a grunt and attempted at teleporting away, but it did him no good when the force just shoved him into the wall again, this time more painful.

"Ow." Loki muttered.

"What's it like being the one held hostage now?" A familiar voice laugh.

"You again? Really?" Loki grumbled.

The Toad walked out with a grin, a red haired woman behind him, staring at Loki. He assumed she was the one who was forcing him against the wall.

Kinky but ok.

"If it makes you feel any better, I was hoping to talk with the witch but nooooo apparently you were the target." Toad scoffed.

"Where is Wanda?" Loki demanded immediately after Toad mentioned 'the witch'.

"No clue. I'm not allowed to know." He laughed.

Loki summoned a dagger in his hand and teleported himself to Toad, but he jumped out of the way and Loki was thrown against the wall again.

"Let's make this quick then." Toad said, brushing off his shirt.

Loki put the dagger away and gave a breath.

"A past variant of Kang met your variant, Sylvie, is that correct?"

"Where is she?"

"Who? Sylvie?"

"No. Wanda."

"Wanda, Wanda Wanda. Everyone seems to like her. She is alright. However she may not be considering how you choose to respond to this next question." Toad rambled.

"Then hurry with the question." Loki stated.

"Will you join us?"

"Excuse me?"

"We are building a team. Your assistance is well wanted. Will you take our offer? Kang himself wants you. And considering he chose me, it's not easy to get in." Toad said, confidence showing in his smirk.

Loki laughed.

"I am not a soldier in a group. I am the leader. So go tell your Conqueror that I have no place in his silly little team." He stated, crossing his arms.

"Then you may lead. He needs a co leader. I don't fit the leader description personally, but he's granted my wish and he will yours."

"And how come you need my help? What did you do with Sylvie?"

"She wasn't as happy to comply and she chose to kill the other variant, unleashing him. I can't say I'm upset with that however. I also cannot say where she is now. If you were to join us, you can see her."

"And what of Wanda?"

"She can join us. After all, she is- oh, I'm not supposed to say that." Toad stopped short with a laugh.

"She's safe now. If you join us, she'll stay safe. If not..." The red woman spoke for the first time.

"If I join you, Wanda will be safe?" Loki confirmed.

"Yes." Toad nodded.

Loki gave a sigh, trying to figure out what was the right thing to do.

Before he could think to hard about that, red magic wrapped around Toad and his head was ripped off of his body. Red magic forced his body off in two separate directions, revealing Wanda Maximoff with blood covering her face.

"Wanda?" Loki managed to say, his jaw hung.

"What? Don't tell me he was about to convince you." She said, panting.

"What? No. Watch out!"

The red haired woman shot a blast of fire at Wanda but she caught it and sent it flying back. Another TVA door opened and all three noticed.

The red haired woman attempted at blasting Wanda with fire again to get her to go through the door, but Wanda casted a shield around herself before using her magic to grab the woman and throw her through the portal, then it shut.

Whatever force held Loki, dropped him and he adjusted his hair before walking over to Wanda.

"That was quite a show." He said, looking down at the decapitated Toad.

"Yeah. Sorry about that." Wanda said with an awkward laugh.

"Don't apologize, it was nice." Loki said. He then looked her up and down. "What's with the super suit?" He asked, pointing out how she was no longer in comfort clothes.

"I should say the same for you." Wanda replied, pointing out his Asgardian armor.

"Hmm. Fair. I am male identifying again. Where were you?"

"Uh- yeah. Another version of me appeared and started threatening me about stuff. She made a mistake and told me where you were. After I.. uh.. killed her, I came to find you. She also said something about gauntlets, apparently Sylvie stole Kang's and gave it to someone. Do you have any idea on what that's about?" Wanda asked.

"Nope. These guys were asking me to join them." Loki said with a sigh.

"Oh. Well I think I know where Sylvie is, that's another thing the me variant dropped, come on."

Loki cocked his head at her attitude, but decided not to question it and instead followed her.










My favorite quote of this chapter: "Well, except the raven haired cute one."

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