003. party for a cat corpse

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fucking teenage society |
003. concert for a cat corpse

MATILDA GILMORE WASN'T EXACTLY PROUD of her appearing surname. Although she rarely went by the family name, the things attached to the Gilmore name were definitely something Matilda wanted nothing to do with. And a main part in that was her grandparents - Emily and Richard Gilmore. Rather known as, the devil and satan themselves.

Growing up in Boston with her mother, Matilda was luckily one hundred and twenty miles exactly away from her grandparents. The occasional trip to Hartford was only for Holidays and was spent along with Lorelai and Rory. But as she moved in with her Aunt and cousin, she was graced with the weekly event of Friday Night Dinners.

"Is this dress too slutty?" Lorelai asked the two girls as the three of them stood before the grand door. Rory elbowed her mother at her words as she rang the doorbell. "Yes," Matilda replied simply as she sniffed her nose. Rory turned towards her cousin at the noise with a worried manner. "Are you coming down with a cold?"

"Sure," Matilda laughed making Lorelai roll her eyes knowingly as she turned towards her niece. "So, that's how date night went, hm?"

"It wasn't a date. I-" Matilda shut her mouth as the door opened revealing a new face. "Yes?" The woman questioned as Lorelai put on a fake smile, "You're new."

"I started yesterday." The woman replied in confusion as she looked at the three girls who all looked like clones of one another. "What's your name?"

"Liesl," Liesl replied shortly as she still stood infront of the doorframe preventing the brunettes from entering the foyer. "Okay, Liesl. I'm Brigitta, this is Gretl and uh, Cookie Monster. Emily and Richard are expecting us."

"Cookie Monster, really?" Matilda groaned at her Aunt as Rory sighed and smiled towards the woman, "What my mother means is we're Emily and Richards daughter and granddaughters."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Please come in." She greeted as they entered the foyer and Lorelai walked extremely close to Matilda. "What? Should I call you Coke Monster? Look, Matilda, I'm trying to loosen the reins here but you're making it difficult when you're doing drugs under my roof."

"I'm not doing drugs under your roof-"

"What are you two babbling about?" The sound of Emily Richard's voice was heard from the living room where Rory already stood. Talking with her grandfather as Emily made her way over toward the two girls stood still in the foyer. "About how we're your greatest disappointments," Matilda smiled sweetly as Lorelai did the same. "Oh don't be ridiculous."

"Yeah, she's right. Rory's not." Lorelai snickered as she took off her jacket and handed it to Liesl. Entering the living room, Matilda watched her grandmother's annoyed glare give her a brief up and down. She could almost hear Emily's doubtful thoughts as she took a seat beside Rory on the couch. "Can I get you something to drink, dears?"

"Water's fine for me, Grandpa." Rory smiled as Lorelai took a seat in the chair beside Matilda, her eyes still watching the girl intently. The brunette girl only wished she could hop out of the window at this exact moment. She didn't exactly treasure the idea of an evening spent with her judging grandparents and now judging aunt, and naive cousin.

"Whatever." Matilda shrugged as she pressed her lips together making Emily Gilmore drop her shoulders. Glancing over at her granddaughter scoldingly. "That's hardly an acceptable answer, Matilda. The correct term would be 'a water, Grandpa, thank you'."

"I apologize," The girl spoke in a humorous tone making her grandmother give her a sour look. Richard handed his two granddaughters their waters as he fixed Lorelai's signature cocktail. The Aunt glanced over at her niece, watching the girl take a sip of her water and set it down on the coaster. It was silent between the girls and the tension was palpable. "What's going on between you two?"

"What? Mom, did you take too many Xanax's today?" Lorelai chuckled as Rory pursed her lips and shook her head slightly. Richard took a seat in his deliberate chair, across the girls. "I don't know what you're talking about, Grandma. I'm not the one with a problem."

"Oh, so me worrying about you is a problem?" Lorelai snapped as she instantly regretted it by the look of her mother's face. "Worrying? Rory, what is she talking about? Matilda, what's the matter with you? I demand to know this instant."

"Why don't you two go take about this elsewhere?" Rory muttered under her breath as Matilda let out a huff. Lorelai shook her head before excusing the two girls and standing up. Matilda stay seated with her arms crossed until Rory pushed her arm.Β  Forcing her to stand up and follow her Aunt.

Down the dark oak hallway towards Lorelai's childhood bedroom, Matilda noticed her Aunt standing about. She had her arms crossed as she glanced around her bedroom. She could only assume how many memories it brought back. Having an emotionally unavailable parent who couldn't really care all that much for you was something Matilda was all too familiar with. She could feel Lorelai's pain every time they stepped into the Gilmore household. It was the same feeling Matilda received every time she even thought of her parents.

"Cool Tom Cruise poster," The girl commented making Lorelai's head tilt slightly from her eyes rested atop her old photos on the vanity. "It was the eighties, don't judge... too much."

The two remained silent as Matilda caught sight of the images her Aunt was so infatuated with. The first blue-rimmed frame was full of a photo of a young Lorelai, probably fourteen or fifteen with who Matilda could only assume was Christopher. Rory's pathetic excuse for a father. Her arm was tossed around him with a big grin as he smiled towards the camera. It was a cute photo for kids. They seemed so in love. The black-rimmed frame beside it was of a fourteen-year old Lorelai, Matilda only knew this because of the baby in her arms. Their similar bright blue eyes as Lorelai smiled down at the baby Matilda in the photo. She couldn't have been more than four months old, but her smile was ecstatic.

"I don't hate you, you know. I don't...." Matilda's voice trailed off as she glanced up at her Aunt who was smiling down at the photo. "I don't want you to think I do. I just, I don't know. I don't know what to do. My whole life has been breaking the rules to piss off my overly strict mother. So now that I have you, I'm-"

"Lost," Lorelai finished for her as she looked down at the girl who looked all too much like she did when she was her age. "Yeah, I felt the same way when I first left Azkaban. Except, I had a baby in my arms. I didn't know what to do. My whole life had been hiding things and now I was just me on my own. I could go anywhere and do anything. I've been where you are. It's confusing and it's a lot. But if this is gonna work," The woman motioned between the two of them, "I gotta trust you. You gotta let me trust you. I know trust is scary and it sucks but I'm your Aunt Lor. I love you more than anyone has ever loved anyone... except maybe my Tom Cruise poster."

The girls chuckled as Lorelai wrapped her arm around her niece and Matilda smiled softly. "I know this is new. But we have to work together. We're all in this together - you, me, Rory. Teammates for life, okay?"

"Yeah," Matilda nodded softly as she stepped out of Lorelai's embrace and glanced down at her shoes. Her eyes looking up at Lorelai's who was peering down at her in concern. "Noah is... he's not my boyfriend. I don't have feelings for him, or we're not like that. I think that's over anyways. I don't know, it's really confusing. I just... I hated when you invited him in and met him and shit. That's so scary. It's like letting him into my world."

"So you're just.... bump buddies? Or should I say hum-" Lorelai asked making Matilda slap her Aunt's arm. "Lor!"

"Hey, I'm sorry. But I promise no more trying to introduce this whole guy to your family or whatever. As long as you promise no more drugs and sneaking out every evening please. Capiche?" She asked as Matilda pursed her lips. "Capiche."

Lorelai nodded firmly at her response as they linked arms and exited the bedroom to head back to the sitting room. "You better not expect me to give up smoking though."

"Baby steps!"

✧ο½₯゚: *✧ο½₯゚:

IT WAS AN EVENING THAT MATILDAΒ sat with her Aunt and cousin watching chick flicks and eating lots of leftover Chinese food after pretending to stuff their faces with Emily's disgusting pork. The next morning was once again started with Luke's diner for the three women. The soft-eyed girl was sitting at the counter as her mother sat beside her, a complex paper in her hands. "It sucks, I know it sucks. Just tell me it sucks."

"It's great," Lorelai smiled as she continued to read the paper for her daughter's class. "No it's not," Rory argued with a pout as a rushed Luke appeared from the kitchen. "It's an A."

"Don't lie."

"It's an A-plus with a crown and a wand, seriously it's great." Lorelai exclaimed to her daughter as they continued their paper arguments. The door opened for what seemed like the millionth time that morning. The girl entered the diner, turning on her tattered Converse as she shut the door. Sporting a pair of jeans and a MΓΆtley CrΓΌe shirt as her hair laid down her back. She looked like she was in a slight panic, which made Luke raise his eyebrows. "You're late."

"Oh really? You know you should work for the White Rabbit with all that time talk," She gave him a cocky smile as she set her bag behind the counter and grabbed her notepad and pencil, placing it behind her ear. "Yeah, well eleven minutes late doesn't sound that crazy to be annoyed about huh, Alice?"

Matilda rolled her eyes as she headed over towards the crowded tables next to the windows to take their morning orders. Luke huffed as he grabbed the coffee pot and began refilling any mugs at the counter, turning towards the other Gilmores. "Coffee? Okay, what do you want? Eggs, toast, combo?"

"What's the rush there, Zippy?" Lorelai smirked making Rory feel the corner of her mouth turn. "I'm just swamped this morning. I was supposed to have help," Luke spoke the words loudly as he turned towards his waitress who was taking the pencil from her ear. She turned towards him in annoyance. "Screw you, Danes!"

"So order right now or I'm bringing the both of you an egg white omelet with a side of steamed spinach." He spoke through his teeth as he turned back towards the two brunettes who held their hands up in defense. "Pancakes," Lorelai replied as her daughter did the same. "French toast."

"Oatmeal and sausage sandwich for table five with eggs for both," Matilda told her boss as she headed back towards the counter. Only to be greeted by the face of a familiar teenage boy. The two barely stopped themselves to be smacked in the face by one another. Their chests nearly pressed together as Matilda could smell his cologne on her, his smell erupting in her nose. Her breath was on his neck and he took a deep breath while letting his mouth turn slightly. He smirked lightly at their interference as the three relatives watched intently.

"Jess, you were supposed to be down here fifteen minutes ago." Luke told his nephew as he ripped an order from his notebook, in which he wrote down Matilda's words. Her heart was still racing from the fact that the two were too close to pressed together and Jess had no desire to move. But he decided it was best case scenario since of course, she did seem infatuated with a mullet man. He sighed as he took a step back making his chest more welcome to the naked eye promoting his Uncle's next words, "What the hell is that?"

"What?" The teenager's eyes darkened in annoyance as Lorelai fought an urge to smile at her niece. Now that she knew Noah was out of the picture, at least in Matilda's mind, maybe that meant someone else was in the picture. "That."

"That is a shirt," Jess replied as he narrowed his eyes as Matilda grabbed the coffee pot and began refilling the tables now. The grumpy diner owner stared at his nephew's black 'Metallica' shirt with a glare. "Change. Go upstairs and change." Luke spoke sternly making Jess furrow his eyebrows. "I like this shirt."

"How can you like that shirt?" Luke groaned making Matilda glance up from across the diner. "It brings out his eyes," She complimented jokingly as Jess slowly smirked at her. He looked back at his Uncle who was glaring at him. "Hey, part of the deal of you staying here is that you work here, and when you work here you will wear proper work attire, and that is not proper work attire. Now go upstairs and change into something that won't scare the hell out of my customers."

"You notice my MΓΆtley shirt? Seems like prejudice to me, Lucas." Matilda added as she stood directly beside Jess, who nodded along with her words and pressed his lips together. Rory and Lorelai fought the urge to giggle at her antics. "Maybe it's because I was too distracted by you being eleven minutes late!"

"If I'm not mistaken," Jess held back a laugh as he pressed his fingers to his chin as if to think making Luke cross his arms. "I was actually later than her so..."

"He was, I was here." They smiled together as Luke blinked blankly at the two. "Change."

"Whatever you say, Uncle Luke." The brunette boy batted his eyelashes as he turned towards his colleague with a certain look that she couldn't quite place. She was left with Luke glaring at her making her flash him one of her charming smiles. "You're the worst, Gilmore."

"You suck even more, Danes."

"Those two are gonna be the death of me." Luke grumbled.

"Wayne and Garth reincarnated," Rory giggles as Lorelai turns to her with a smile.

✧ο½₯゚: *✧ο½₯゚:

AN EVENING IN STARS HOLLOW left without much to do. Matilda Gilmore had grown to enjoy the simple life, her body pressed into the couch as she balanced a Rolling Stone magazine in her lap. Her mind was entranced with '18 and Life' which she hummed along as she read an article about Kelly Nickels. This was the only time her mind was at ease. That was until her younger cousin burst through the front door. Not only bursting in, but bursting Matilda's bubble of peace.

"Mrs. Verdinas thinks I'm a loner." The soft-sounding girl was astounded while her cousin barely glanced up from her magazine. "I mean I'm not a loner. Loners are those guys you see walking around wearing- I don't know, out-of-date clothes, like bellbottoms, and they tend to carry around a duffel bag with God knows what inside. That's a loner. You're a loner."

Matilda only pursed her lips with a nod at the description. Anyone else would probably turn this into an argument but Rory was far from off. Matilda had spent hours of her day staring off into space alone just like she preferred it. To her, there was nothing wrong with being alone. And nothing better. "I'm not a loner, I'm always with you or Mom. I have a boyfriend and a best friend."

"Uh huh," Matilda muttered totally uninterested. Rory sighed as she finally looked down at her cousin who wasn't batting her an eye. "Tilda, can you please give me something because I feel like I'm talking to a brick wall." The star child spoke as she took a seat under her cousin's legs. Matilda's legs were lifted before she sighed and sat her magazine on her lap.

"My god, Rory, you kinda are a loner. I mean you're more introverted than an actual loner. But having one friend and a boyfriend doesn't just classify you as some socialite. And being a pretty girl who doesn't carry around a duffel bag doesn't mean you're not a loner. Loners aren't fuckin' freaks. I mean some are but you just prefer books over people and that's fine. I would kill all of you in an instant for my guitar," Matilda groaned as she picked back up her magazine and folded it over.

Rory huffed as she leaned back into the couch and mumbled, "You used 'socialite' wrong."

"Whatever you say, Bellbottoms." Matilda mumbled while flipping the page and stealing a glance at her cousin who was already giving her an annoyed glare. Rory messed with her hair before grabbing the magazine from her cousin's hands and sitting it on her lap. "Bellbottoms, really? Y'know I could just tell Mom what you're hiding under your bellbottoms. Or what you and Noah like to do at 2 in the morning."

"Be cool, virgin. That's just my dick." Matilda rolled her eyes while not even beginning to fight for her copy of Rolling Stone. "And your Mom already knows I got a tattoo and about me and Verona. But that's over. Like Izzy and Axl over, not Kiss over. I'm not gonna come back."

"So... it's over? Just like that? You guys went out like twice." Rory furrows her eyebrows as she stares down Matilda curiously. Noah seemed like the perfect contender for a good time. He looked like the guy in the posters on Matilda's wall and he didn't seem like an asshole. That was pretty much the whole package. "I thought you liked him."

"I'm just not really interested in him anymore," Matilda shrugs like it's nothing and reaches for her magazine. She fails as Rory holds it back, and keeps her blue eyes locked on Matilda's. "Oh come on, give me a better reason than that."

"No," Matilda scoffs as she crosses her arms and leans back in to the couch. Rory only rolls her eyes with a sigh. "Fine. Make sure you don't have any plans Wednesday night. Morticus died."

"Morticus? What the fuck is that?" Matilda furrows her eyebrows as she listens to the ridiculous name, reminding herself of the Lazytown superhero she always found weirdly attractive.

Rory sighs as she has to fight the urge to roll her eyes again. "Babette's cat. She died last night, Babette was over here sobbing. How did you miss that? Actually, don't answer that. Just... we're throwing a wake. You need to come."

"I am notΒ mourning a dead cat." Matilda looks at her like she'd just proposed they run and join the circus, except maybe crazier. Rory's idea seemed enigmatic to the girl, as she was already disinterested in cats. But to throw a wake for one?

"Yes you are, I already told Babette you would. You can't disappoint her; she's grieving." Rory tells her cousin with the softest eyes she could muster up. Matilda finds herself grumbling at her cousins' sudden assumptions before groaning. "Fucking fine. Okay, Snow White. Now can I have my magazine back?" Matilda asked without even waiting for the response while she yanked the Rolling Stone from her cousin's lap. Rory only pouted her lips while she reached over and grabbed her book from the table. Only to be interrupted from her reading when Matilda turned the magazine towards her. An article about Skid Row front and center. "Sebastian Bach looks like that guy who owns that sandwhich shop... , Gil, like a shit ton."

Rory investigated the image for another moment while she replayed the face of her best friends's band member in her head. Before shaking her head and shrugging. "No, I don't really see it."

UGH i'm sucking at updating lately. so beat me up for it. ANYWAYS this sucks, seriously. but our second possible love interest is entering next chapter <333Β  (just spoiled a bunch mfs)

please let me know what you'd like to see from me or out of this book!! i have a rory fic in the works, if you'd like that please let me know <3

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