02. conversations between two graves

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₊˚. God Complex
( conversations between two graves. )

"void of dreams, i lie
in mortal lethargy."

Seira always preferred silence, it was always a luxury she sought after even in her youthful days. She remembers once telling a forgotten face that humans were just dogs that infinitely barked, and she wished to be the master who muzzled them all. She did not care for company, but she especially loathed those who tried to fill the tranquility with useless squabble that had no gain or end goal.

Aki Hayakawa was one of the very few that Seira had found that appreciated the same silence as her. She had shown him around the city, giving him pointers on how to snake his way through the city and how to climb the ladder of The Special Devil Hunters, and the young boy only responded solemnly with a hum rubbed against his lips. No word had escaped his lips after their greetings in Makima's office.

Now, after the long dragging day of showing him around the disgusting filth of Tokyo, they sat across from one another in a small ramen shop. The sun was slowly setting behind the towering buildings of mans creation to escape from heavens gaze, for gods judging eyes lurked everywhere. She stared aimlessly at the sky, the billowing of smoke rolling off her tongue as she took long drags off her cigarette. Her untouched bowl of ramen most likely cold by now, making her disregard the idea of eating it.

"Miss Makima says that you have a contract with a devil," Aki had finally spoken, and it had taken Seira awhile to even acknowledge the words that had stumbled out of the boys mouth

"What about it?" She asked as she finally tore her eyes away from the now dark sky and towards the boy that made every nerve in her body crawl. She did not like his statement, and she didn't care for the fact that Makima had told him anything about her.

"She said that no one knows who the contract is with, and some even believe you don't know yourself," Aki had finally made eye contact with her, and she could tell that their locked gaze made him uncomfortable as he fidgeted with his chop sticks.

"Is she listening?" Seira asked out loud, and Aki gave her a puzzled expression.

"Yes," the rumbling of god's voice rang inside her head.

Seira pondered on her words, picking and choosing carefully what to say as not to give away information that could get herself or Aki killed. She didn't really care that Makima was listening, but it meant she had to tip toe around eggshells when she spoke about certain topics.

"Listen to me Aki Hayakawa, and listen to me very carefully. You do not work for Makima, you work for me. You follow my orders," Seira began, and Aki gave her a look that she read as disrespect, "Makima is both our supervisor, but I am your senior, and you will work closely with me. Over time you'll understand, so I don't expect you to become smart all the sudden."

Aki did not respond to her words, he only stared aggravatingly at her. His eyes filled with annoyance at his treatment and her abrasive scolding words. He didn't mean to already be on her bad side, but he also didn't expect his words to have hit such a nerve of hers. So, he opted for silence, only nodding his head in acknowledgment to her speech.

She felt bad, she wished she could tell the truth, but they lived in a world where truths were skewed. Those who spewed holiness were only hypocrites in their own way, and you wouldn't be surprised when you tear their throats open to reveal empty promises. Deceit ruled the world, and truth had simply become a biblical loophole.

"Your sword. I assume you've used it in dire circumstances. I don't like it's origin, and I don't care for the curse that binds it. I advise you never to use it unless there is no other way." She spoke bluntly, there were lines she needed to make with him, and if she didn't now, then there would be no room for argument later.

Her statement had hit a nerve with him though, and she wasn't expecting Aki to slam his fist down on the table. "I don't know what i've done to you, but if my presence is such a nuisance to your agenda then I can gladly ask Makima to switch me to a different buddy."

"My only problem is that you do not see that I am trying to keep you from dying early," Seira calmly spoke as she pulled out another cigarette from its packet, "you may have a death wish, but my only agenda is to lead mankind back to a heavenly life."

"You're religious?" Aki changed the subject, and the question came in a shocked manner.

"Yes, are you not?"

"No, there's no such thing as a god."

"If devil's walk amongst us women and men then there certainly is a god who walks amongst us."

"Then he's abandoned us," Aki commented, his tone filled with aggravation and harbored animosity.

"Or we have abandoned him," Seira quickly cut him off, placing the cigarette butt in the ash tray to her right.

"And yet you have abandoned your ideals, and made a deal with a devil," Aki seethed at her comment.

That was the straw that broke the camels back for Seira.

in one swift movement, Aki felt his face smash harshly with the wooden table under him. He could feel the blood start to boil in his nose, and seep out like a hungry animals mouth spilling saliva, ready to ravage and feast upon flesh. she was quick, too quick to be human. He hadn't even seen her move, and when he looked up in shock she was still perched in her prior position. Her silver eyes now held a fire in them.

A hell fire that he swore could burn the world for eternity.

"You require an attitude check, Aki Hayakawa, and if you don't wise up soon you will become the flesh maggots adore"

( WORD COUNT ) 1041
—— unedited
sorry about the short chapter! i had this whole chapter written awhile back, just needed time editing, and then my computer wiped it, so i lost everything and my motivation took a nose dive. you know the drill, my first world problem 🤪 anywho, happy new years, lots in store for this year, and lots in store for my books. thank you for reading, and don't forget to comment, vote, and share. as always, i love you, my lovely little souls.

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